

May 6th, 2018
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  1. private void removeAndSave(int);
  2. Code:
  3. 0: aload_0
  4. 1: getfield #27 // Field cache:Ljava/util/List;
  5. 4: ifnonnull 11
  6. 7: aload_0
  7. 8: invokespecial #36 // Method loadCache:()V
  8. 11: aload_0
  9. 12: getfield #27 // Field cache:Ljava/util/List;
  10. 15: iload_1
  11. 16: invokestatic #58 // Method java/lang/Integer.valueOf:(I)Ljava/lang/Integer;
  12. 19: invokeinterface #80, 2 // InterfaceMethod java/util/List.contains:(Ljava/lang/Object;)Z
  13. 24: ifeq 122
  14. 27: aload_0
  15. 28: getfield #27 // Field cache:Ljava/util/List;
  16. 31: iload_1
  17. 32: invokeinterface #135, 2 // InterfaceMethod java/util/List.remove:(I)Ljava/lang/Object;
  18. 37: pop
  19. 38: new #66 // class net/minecraft/nbt/NBTTagList
  20. 41: dup
  21. 42: invokespecial #94 // Method net/minecraft/nbt/NBTTagList."<init>":()V
  22. 45: astore_2
  23. 46: aload_0
  24. 47: getfield #27 // Field cache:Ljava/util/List;
  25. 50: invokeinterface #98, 1 // InterfaceMethod java/util/List.iterator:()Ljava/util/Iterator;
  26. 55: astore_3
  27. 56: aload_3
  28. 57: invokeinterface #104, 1 // InterfaceMethod java/util/Iterator.hasNext:()Z
  29. 62: ifeq 95
  30. 65: aload_3
  31. 66: invokeinterface #108, 1 // InterfaceMethod java/util/;
  32. 71: checkcast #54 // class java/lang/Integer
  33. 74: invokevirtual #111 // Method java/lang/Integer.intValue:()I
  34. 77: istore 4
  35. 79: aload_2
  36. 80: new #113 // class net/minecraft/nbt/NBTTagInt
  37. 83: dup
  38. 84: iload 4
  39. 86: invokespecial #115 // Method net/minecraft/nbt/NBTTagInt."<init>":(I)V
  40. 89: invokevirtual #119 // Method net/minecraft/nbt/NBTTagList.func_74742_a:(Lnet/minecraft/nbt/NBTBase;)V
  41. 92: goto 56
  42. 95: new #48 // class net/minecraft/nbt/NBTTagCompound
  43. 98: dup
  44. 99: invokespecial #120 // Method net/minecraft/nbt/NBTTagCompound."<init>":()V
  45. 102: astore_3
  46. 103: aload_3
  47. 104: ldc #46 // String list
  48. 106: aload_2
  49. 107: invokevirtual #124 // Method net/minecraft/nbt/NBTTagCompound.func_74782_a:(Ljava/lang/String;Lnet/minecraft/nbt/NBTBase;)V
  50. 110: aload_3
  51. 111: aload_0
  52. 112: getfield #29 // Field gatewayCacheFile:Ljava/io/File;
  53. 115: invokestatic #128 // Method net/minecraft/nbt/CompressedStreamTools.func_74795_b:(Lnet/minecraft/nbt/NBTTagCompound;Ljava/io/File;)V
  54. 118: goto 122
  55. 121: astore_2
  56. 122: return
  57. Exception table:
  58. from to target type
  59. 38 118 121 Class java/io/IOException
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