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Feb 23rd, 2020
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  1. Sympathetic Vibrations on the Dichotomy of White and Black Culture: and Black Cultures Propensity to Perpetrate Hyper-Violence. (A work in progress) By Jack Griffin. r/KAG_MAGAZINE
  3. President Donald J. Trump “Sadly, the overwhelming amount of violent crime in our major cities is committed by blacks and Hispanics – a tough subject – must be discussed”.
  5. Black crime is out of proportion with any other ethnic group; it’s not even close. Yet, many refuse to confront the reality of black crime, therefore it’s never eradicated. They’re a big part of the problem. They’re weak thinkers who need to be prompted and herded by politicians and celebrities like sheep. No matter how many children are brutalized or bullied by blacks, no matter how many people are murdered (75% of mass shooters are black) they don’t care. They choose to live in a fantasy world. They aren’t MAGA at all. Their platitudes mean less than nothing. They’re phony as a three dollar bill. No matter how much anti-white racism they see in govt. T.V. Hollywood, advertising, academia and social media - they’ll never say a word. Black crime is NOT a new phenomenon; it’s not going to go away by ignoring it. That’s what has ALWAYS been done, it doesn’t work. Sure some black people will vote Trump, but the number is negligible. I don’t care how many phony reporters try to find the one or two black guys in the crowd in order to magnify their participation. Have you ever heard them even use the words white people or white community or white unemployment? There are a lot of disaffected whites that would vote Trump if they tried as hard to reach out to them; they won’t. The vast majority of blacks don’t like you white man, and NO politician will EVER fix that…EVER! Take a look at Trump rallies; those are white folks trying to save their culture. They have every right to do so. They are constantly vilified and degraded. They are violently attacked and called racist; it’s disgusting. Would you go to China and say there are too many Chinese or Africa and say there are too many blacks? Of course you wouldn’t.
  7. White culture, however, is on the chopping block. White people have a beautiful culture. White culture doesn’t worship dung. We don’t smear blood all over ourselves at festivals. We don’t drink camel urine or eat bats, dogs or rats. We don’t murder babies and drink their blood to cure us of AIDS. We don’t cave in the heads of bald men because we believe they contain gold. We don’t f**k donkeys or goats. We don’t subjugate women or mutilate their genitalia to destroy sexual gratification. We don’t commit atrocities in God’s name. We don’t honor kill our wives or daughters or throw gays from roofs. We don’t lop people’s heads off or burn them alive or drown them in cages. We don’t cut hands off for theft or force woman to cover their entire body. White culture doesn’t need affirmative action because we like to earn our grades fairly. We know academic achievement drives excellence and innovation. In white culture we believe the best person for the job is the most qualified. Our culture is mom, baseball and apple pie. It is pilgrims, pioneers and settlers. It is cowboy’s farmers and inventors - scientists and space exploration. It’s polite society and social cohesion. It’s being diminished by people who hate you. People who want to dilute its excellence and denude it of its traditions. People who are envious of America want to make it a third world toilet bowl, because they could never create anything comparable. White culture is Christmas, Thanksgiving and the 4th of July. White culture is the English language, beautiful architecture, the constitution and so much more. America is white culture; it is NOT just a set of ideas. It is an Americans holy land. Her spacious skies and purple mountain majesties are a cathedral, where god’s grace is shed. We are custodians, with a duty to preserve her fruited plains and amber waves - from sea to shining sea. For an American THIS is hallowed ground. When Pilgrim and settler William Bradford was a young boy all his immediate family died, mother, father, grandparents etc. At 12 years old he fell very ill (with what he referred to as “the long sickness”). He was bedridden for months, during which time he steeped himself in scripture. This made a profound impression upon him. He went on to write America’s first history book “Of Plymouth Plantation” that’s white culture and your root. There are those who never want you to mention that your ancestors (white men) founded America and wrote its constitution. This increases their sorrow. They demand you erase that history to make them more comfortable. They demand you sacrifice your culture for multi-culturalism. You, however, share a deep connection with these great men – they’re who you are. We don’t owe other cultures ANYTHING.
  9. But I digress; you can’t reduce these important issues to color. They’re culture all day, every day. African Americans are the most racist and violent people in America hands down, but instead of addressing the troublesome issues that plague their culture. They make excuses and play the victim. They believe they have a monopoly on adversity. Take slavery for instance. The white man has a better record on slavery than any other group on the face of the earth. Whites abolished slavery, because we found the taking of a man's liberty repugnant. And yet, contemporary slavery is alive and well all over the African, Asian, and Muslim world. Instead of getting credit where due, again, we're just a convenient scapegoat. No matter what societal concessions are made, enough is never enough. That will ALWAYS impede racial progress.
  11. African Americans have become desensitized to their own racism. The mentality is set by their preachers (Farrakhan comes to mind with his fiery, Muslim, violent “kill the white man” rhetoric), or how about Obamas preacher, Jeramiah White, who is just “overflowing with sensitivity” for Caucasians. The MSM demonizes whites, cops, Christians, and it has become acceptable to do so – it is NOT. They spin a broken record of rhetoric and predatory propaganda. This racism has even infected our government. Take AOC and her "squad" (and almost every Democrat) they are verified anti-white racists. They have nothing but disdain for white people; they spew hate from the halls of power. They'll never uphold a Constitution authored by whites for country founded by whites, because they’re rabid racists. They have weaponized our political institutions and are using them to cultivate and CREATE anti-white racism.
  13. African Americans have claimed to be seeking equality, but how does hate against whites equal equality. African American leaders (Obama, Holder, Sharpton, Jackson, Lynch etc.), their comedians and their music consistently display racist overtones. The media, which is owned by large conglomerates with nefarious agendas are just mouthpieces for their globalist masters - disseminating disinformation. Not to mention getting paid an inordinate amount of cash for De facto propaganda. We all intuitively know that mass media is at the cutting edge of psychological warfare and propaganda. Psychological theory has been implemented in every facet of your life by the corporate establishment. Electronic images consistently fired into the forebrain is an effective indoctrination technique; tried and true. Blacks are taught to blatantly hate whites by racist, revisionist College Professors. These lies against whites are seductive and keep those who peddle them in five star lifestyles, but cause far more harm than good in the black community (and society). They rob people of their potential. They teach people to live desperate, dependent lives, causing them to respond timorously to opportunity, instead of taking command over their circumstances. This is sadly to their detriment, and it enables and encourages racism. Democratic policies and socio-economic conditions are a component in crime, but they are not the root of hyper-violence. They aren’t going around throwing garbage in the streets either. The fact is black people have their own sub-culture, and there is nothing wrong with that. The problem is the ultra-violence. All the warm and fuzzy videos in the world won’t change that. Politicians, celebrities and the MSM are insulated by wealth and power. They lecture about racism from ivory towers, but rarely come in contact with the street level violence of the average American. They are the very least among us, arrogant, narcissistic, degenerates with a false sense of entitlement. They make the skin crawl. Celebrities are vain, vacuous and gross. They’re nipped and tucked and hair-plugged up. Liberals worship at the altar of these nauseating creeps. Their corrosive contempt for America and whites is vomit-inducing. They embed as much anti-white hatred and liberal dogma as humanly possible into all platforms of media. They think they are better than you, that you’re stupid. These people are as intellectually challenged and hollow as human beings get. They are absolutely the last people on earth to take advice from…on ANYTHING.
  15. This collective mentality creates a tinderbox that just needs a simple spark to unleash a powder-keg of violence. This deep-seeded violence seems to have become an inherent component of black culture. Violence is celebrated as a rite of passage, the more vicious, the more street cred acquired. The "thug life" is glorified in their music and there is a lack of strong male role models, due to an absence of fathers in a majority of black homes. A vast majority of blacks (certainly not all) believe everybody owes them something. This narrative is played out and Caucasians are over it. Whites are heavily discriminated against; this does nothing for race relations. It breeds resentment and contempt, because of the blatant, corrupt, double standard. Blacks have many racist organizations that promote racism. They have their own schools, their own magazines and use race as leverage in the workplace. African Americans have the black caucus, affirmative action, the NAACP, BET, black History Month, united negro college Fund, etc. etc. Exploiting the system has become a cottage industry. They won't accept the truth of their own racism, because it’s been excused and condoned for so long. But the time is overdue to confront these issues, or American society will continue to careen out of control.
  17. Civil Rights started out with good intentions but has been poisoned with disgusting, revisionist LIES; it has been reduced to an outright SCAM. It is so lucrative that a white woman pretended to be black and ran the NAACP; that is truly a theatre of the absurd. Blacks blaming whites for their problems is just a convenient diversion, a way of taking attention off of their racist, aberrant behavior. This way they don’t have to accept culpability for it. This obliterates the possibility of constructive cultural change; it’s actually incentive to not modify the paradigm of violent behavior (their race card is their ace in the hole). Most will never assimilate to a constitution written by whites. They will always, erroneously, consider it racist. And yet it is one of the greatest accomplishments ever produced by human kind. They are indoctrinated with this mindset from birth; it has worn their sense of empathy down to a nub. This has created dysfunctional thought patterns that have become devoid of inhibitions. They believe they are entitled to be treated with superiority and that the rules don’t apply to them. This is how they rationalize and justify their anti-white, racist behavior. Blacks have created mental filters to mitigate and minimize this dogma, and their lack of self-control is reinforced by the MSM, Hollywood, and Politicians etc. This will always perpetuate a boiling, racial divide, just beneath the surface.
  19. Have "the talk" with your kids my friends. Let them know that all the empirical data, all the evidence, indicates that blacks are extremely hostile and violent towards whites; routinely. Let them know the behavior is cyclical and widespread. Tell them to always be aware of their surroundings and to avoid putting themselves in a position of vulnerability. School kids are being brutalized, traumatized and bullied. In an academic environment they should feel safe, it's meant to foster education - not be a gladiator school. It’s been transformed into a den of iniquity. Tell them there are extreme racists in government, the mainstream media, Hollywood and academia exacerbating this problem with lies at this time. Like Pavlovs dogs they want you trained; operantly conditioned. Conform to values that enrich them and destroy our culture. You must push back on the lies of white supremacy, white nationalism, and Nazi bullshit. These are racist terms meant to evoke hate and subvert the truth with emotionalism, as well as degrade and morally exclude white people. The white bogeyman is a fiction, a deviant artifice deployed by the left to demonize and attack whites with pervasive predatory propaganda. Whites are being murdered, beaten and belittled incessantly and this is being suppressed by the MSM. The MSM, Hollywood, politician’s social media etc. talk about their fantasies of Nazis and white supremacists to encourage violence against white people. These people are evil. They seem to revel in wanting white people hurt and killed and then they suppress coverage. Their instigation is a critical component in the violence against whites. White culture is being attacked and vilified 24/7. This is UNACCEPTABLE. These are my thoughtful considerations, not erroneous assumptions and obviously there are countless factors at play not mentioned here. Jack Griffin ~ r/KAG_MAGAZINE
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