
Ninja Legends GUI

Dec 20th, 2019
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  1. local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
  2. local library = loadstring(game:HttpGet("",true))()
  3. library.options.underlinecolor = "rainbow"
  5. -- Farming Tab
  6. local Farming = library:CreateWindow("Farming")
  7. Farming:Section("- Karma Farms -")
  8. local GK = Farming:Toggle("☑️Auto-Good Karma☑", {flag = "GK"})
  9. local BK = Farming:Toggle("❌Auto-Bad Karma❌", {flag = "BK"})
  10. Farming:Section("- 💰Ultra Coins💰 -")
  11. local Swing = Farming:Toggle("⚔️Auto-Swing⚔️", {flag = "Swing"})
  12. local Sell = Farming:Toggle("📀Auto-Sell📀", {flag = "Sell"})
  13. local BackpackFull = Farming:Toggle("🔔Auto-Full Sell🔔", {flag = "FullSell"})
  14. Farming:Section("- Ultra Chi -")
  15. local Chi = Farming:Toggle("🏆Auto-Chi🏆", {flag = "Chi"})
  16. Farming:Section("- Boss Farms -")
  17. local Boss = Farming:Toggle("🤖Auto-Robot Boss🤖", {flag = "Boss"})
  18. local ETBoss = Farming:Toggle("🔥Auto-Eternal Boss🔥", {flag = "EBoss"})
  19. local AMBoss = Farming:Toggle("📜Auto-Ancient Boss📜", {flag = "ABoss"})
  20. local SNB = Farming:Toggle("🎅Auto-Santa Boss🎅", {flag = "SBoss"})
  21. local AllBoss = Farming:Toggle("Auto-All Bosses", {flag = "AllBosses"})
  22. Farming:Section("- 🌟Give Pet Levels🌟 -")
  23. local EAR = Farming:Toggle("⭐Auto-Pet Levels⭐", {flag = "L"})
  25. -- Auto-Buy Tab
  26. local AutoBuy = library:CreateWindow("Auto-Buy")
  27. AutoBuy:Section("- Auto-Buy Stuff -")
  28. local Rank = AutoBuy:Toggle("💵Auto-Rank💵", {flag = "Rank"})
  29. local Sword = AutoBuy:Toggle("🗡️Auto-Sword🗡️", {flag = "Sword"})
  30. local Belt = AutoBuy:Toggle("🥋Auto-Belt🥋", {flag = "Belt"})
  31. local Skill = AutoBuy:Toggle("🤹🏻Auto-Skills🤹🏻", {flag = "Skill"})
  32. local Shuriken = AutoBuy:Toggle("💳Auto-Shurikens💳", {flag = "Shurikens"})
  33. _G.Enabled = AutoBuy.flags.Purchase
  34. _G.Sword = AutoBuy.flags.Sword
  35. _G.Belt = AutoBuy.flags.Belt
  36. _G.Rank = AutoBuy.flags.Rank
  37. _G.Skill = AutoBuy.flags.Skill
  39. local Pets = library:CreateWindow("Pet Stuff")
  40. -- Open Pets
  41. Pets:Section("- Open Pets -")
  42. local Settings = {}
  43. local Crystals = {}
  44. for i,v in next, game.workspace.mapCrystalsFolder:GetChildren() do
  45. if v then
  46. table.insert(Crystals,v.Name)
  47. end
  48. end
  49. Pets:Dropdown('Crystals', {location = Settings, flag = "Crystal", list = Crystals})
  50. Pets:Toggle("Open Eggs", {location = Settings, flag = "TEgg"})
  52. -- Pet Options
  53. Pets:Section("- Pet Options -")
  54. local Evolve = Pets:Toggle("Auto-Evolve", {flag = "Evolve"})
  55. local Eternalise = Pets:Toggle("Auto-Eternalise", {flag = "Eternalise"})
  56. local Immortalize = Pets:Toggle("Auto-Immortalize", {flag = "Immortalize"})
  57. local Legend = Pets:Toggle("Auto-Legend", {flag = "Legend"})
  58. local Elemental = Pets:Toggle("Auto-Elementalize", {flag = "Elemental"})
  60. -- Sell Pets
  61. Pets:Section("- Sell Pets -")
  62. local Basic = Pets:Toggle("Sell All Basic", {flag = "SBasic"})
  63. local Advanced = Pets:Toggle("Sell All Advanced", {flag = "SAdvanced"})
  64. local Rare = Pets:Toggle("Sell All Rare", {flag = "SRare"})
  65. local Epic = Pets:Toggle("Sell All Epic", {flag = "SEpic"})
  66. local Unique = Pets:Toggle("Sell All Unique", {flag = "SUnique"})
  67. local Omega = Pets:Toggle("Sell All Omega", {flag = "SOmega"})
  68. local Elite = Pets:Toggle("Sell All Elite", {flag = "SElite"})
  69. local Infinity = Pets:Toggle("Sell All Infinity", {flag = "SInfinity"})
  71. -- Sell Seperate Pets Tab
  72. local Pets2 = library:CreateWindow("More Pet Stuff")
  73. Pets2:Section("- Sell Separate Pets -")
  74. local Pet1 = Pets2:Toggle("❄️Sell All Winter Kitty❄️", {flag = "S1"})
  75. local Pet2 = Pets2:Toggle("⛄Sell All Polar Bear⛄", {flag = "S2"})
  76. local Pet3 = Pets2:Toggle("🍫Sell All Sensei Reindeer🍫", {flag = "S3"})
  77. local Pet4 = Pets2:Toggle("🐧Sell All Dark Penguin🐧", {flag = "S4"})
  78. local Pet5 = Pets2:Toggle("🎅Sell All Sleigh Rider🎅", {flag = "S5"})
  79. -- Misc
  81. local Misc = library:CreateWindow("Misc")
  83. Misc:Section("- Other OP Scripts -")
  84. local Shuriken = Misc:Toggle("💨Fast Shuriken💨", {flag = "Fast"})
  85. local Shuriken2 = Misc:Toggle("🐌Slow Shuriken🐌", {flag = "Slow"})
  86. local Invis = Misc:Toggle("🤗Invisibility🤗", {flag = "Invis"})
  88. Misc:Section("- Legendary Scripts -")
  89. local Dupe = Misc:Button("Manual-Dupe ", function()
  90. while wait() do
  91. game.ReplicatedStorage.rEvents.tradingEvent:FireServer("acceptTrade")
  94. --Credits
  96. local Credits = library:CreateWindow("Credits")
  98. Credits:Section("- Discord -")
  99. local Discord = Credits:Button(" ", function()
  100. end)
  101. Credits:Section("- Creator -")
  102. local Creator = Credits:Button("Jakenator Games#9677 ", function()
  103. end)
  104. Credits:Section("- Version -")
  105. local Version = Credits:Button("1.0V ", function()
  106. end)
  113. -- Collect All Chest
  114. local ChestCollect = Misc:Button("Collect All Chest", function()
  115. game:GetService("Workspace").mythicalChest["circleInner"].CFrame = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame
  116. wait(3.5)
  117. game:GetService("Workspace").goldenChest["circleInner"].CFrame = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame
  118. wait(3.5)
  119. game:GetService("Workspace").enchantedChest["circleInner"].CFrame = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame
  120. wait(3.5)
  121. game:GetService("Workspace").magmaChest["circleInner"].CFrame = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame
  122. wait(3.5)
  123. game:GetService("Workspace").legendsChest["circleInner"].CFrame = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame
  124. wait(3.5)
  125. game:GetService("Workspace").eternalChest["circleInner"].CFrame = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame
  126. wait(3.5)
  127. game:GetService("Workspace").saharaChest["circleInner"].CFrame = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame
  128. wait(3.5)
  129. game:GetService("Workspace").thunderChest["circleInner"].CFrame = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame
  130. wait(3.5)
  131. game:GetService("Workspace").ancientChest["circleInner"].CFrame = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame
  132. wait(3.5)
  133. game:GetService("Workspace").midnightShadowChest["circleInner"].CFrame = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame
  134. wait(3.5)
  135. game:GetService("Workspace").groupRewardsCircle["circleInner"].CFrame = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame
  136. wait(3.5)
  137. game:GetService("Workspace")["Daily Chest"].circleInner.CFrame = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame
  138. wait(3.5)
  139. game:GetService("Workspace")["wonderChest"].circleInner.CFrame = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame
  140. wait(3.5)
  141. game:GetService("Workspace").wonderChest["circleInner"].CFrame = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame
  142. game:GetService("Workspace").midnightShadowChest["circleInner"].CFrame = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame
  143. game:GetService("Workspace").ancientChest["circleInner"].CFrame = game.Workspace.Part.CFrame
  144. game:GetService("Workspace").midnightShadowChest["circleInner"].CFrame = game.Workspace.Part.CFrame
  145. game:GetService("Workspace").thunderChest["circleInner"].CFrame = game.Workspace.Part.CFrame
  146. game:GetService("Workspace").saharaChest["circleInner"].CFrame = game.Workspace.Part.CFrame
  147. game:GetService("Workspace").eternalChest["circleInner"].CFrame = game.Workspace.Part.CFrame
  148. game:GetService("Workspace").legendsChest["circleInner"].CFrame = game.Workspace.Part.CFrame
  149. game:GetService("Workspace").magmaChest["circleInner"].CFrame = game.Workspace.Part.CFrame
  150. game:GetService("Workspace").enchantedChest["circleInner"].CFrame = game.Workspace.Part.CFrame
  151. game:GetService("Workspace").goldenChest["circleInner"].CFrame = game.Workspace.Part.CFrame
  152. game:GetService("Workspace").mythicalChest["circleInner"].CFrame = game.Workspace.Part.CFrame
  153. game:GetService("Workspace").groupRewardsCircle["circleInner"].CFrame = game.Workspace.Part.CFrame
  154. game:GetService("Workspace")["Daily Chest"].circleInner.CFrame = game.Workspace.Part.CFrame
  155. end)
  157. -- Collect Light Karma Chest
  158. local LightKarma = Misc:Button("Collect Light Chest", function()
  159. game:GetService("Workspace").lightKarmaChest["circleInner"].CFrame = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame
  160. wait(5)
  161. game:GetService("Workspace").lightKarmaChest["circleInner"].CFrame = game.Workspace.Part.CFrame
  162. end)
  164. -- Collect Dark Karma Chest
  165. local ChestCollect = Misc:Button("Collect Evil Chest", function()
  166. game:GetService("Workspace").evilKarmaChest["circleInner"].CFrame = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame
  167. wait(5)
  168. game:GetService("Workspace").evilKarmaChest["circleInner"].CFrame = game.Workspace.Part.CFrame
  169. end)
  171. -- Unlock All Islands
  172. local UnlockIsland = Misc:Button("Unlock Islands", function()
  173. for i,v in next, game.workspace.islandUnlockParts:GetChildren() do
  174. if v then
  175. game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = v.islandSignPart.CFrame;
  176. wait(.5)
  177. end
  178. end
  179. end)
  181. -- Max Jump
  182. local MaxJP = Misc:Button("Max Jumps", function()
  183. while wait(.0001) do
  184. game.Players.LocalPlayer.multiJumpCount.Value = "50"
  185. end
  186. end)
  188. -- Hide Name
  189. local HideName = Misc:Button("Hide Name", function()
  190. local plrname = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Name
  191. workspace[plrname].Head.nameGui:Destroy()
  192. end)
  194. -- ESP
  195. local ESP = Misc:Button("ESP", function()
  196. function isnil(thing)
  197. return (thing == nil)
  198. end
  199. local function round(n)
  200. return math.floor(tonumber(n) + 0.5)
  201. end
  202. function UpdatePlayerChams()
  203. for i,v in pairs(game:GetService'Players':GetChildren()) do
  204. pcall(function()
  205. if not isnil(v.Character) then
  206. for _,k in pairs(v.Character:GetChildren()) do
  207. if k:IsA'BasePart' and not k:FindFirstChild'Cham' then
  208. local cham ='BoxHandleAdornment',k)
  209. cham.ZIndex= 10
  210. cham.Adornee=k
  211. cham.AlwaysOnTop=true
  212. cham.Size=k.Size
  213. cham.Transparency=.8
  215. cham.Name = 'Cham'
  216. end
  217. end
  218. if not isnil(v.Character.Head) and not v.Character.Head:FindFirstChild'NameEsp' then
  219. local bill ='BillboardGui',v.Character.Head)
  220. bill.Name = 'NameEsp'
  222. bill.Adornee=v.Character.Head
  223. bill.AlwaysOnTop=true
  224. local name ='TextLabel',bill)
  225. name.TextWrapped=true
  226. name.Text = (v.Name ..' '.. round((game:GetService('Players').LocalPlayer.Character.Head.Position - v.Character.Head.Position).Magnitude/3) ..'m')
  227. name.Size =,0,1,0)
  228. name.TextYAlignment='Top'
  230. name.BackgroundTransparency=1
  231. else
  232. v.Character.Head.NameEsp.TextLabel.Text = (v.Name ..' '.. round((game:GetService('Players').LocalPlayer.Character.Head.Position - v.Character.Head.Position).Magnitude/3) ..'m')
  233. end
  234. end
  235. end)
  236. end
  237. end
  238. while wait() do
  239. UpdatePlayerChams()
  240. end
  241. end)
  243. -- Toggle Popups (Chi/Coin thigns)
  244. Misc:Bind("Toggle Popups",
  245. {flag = "pop", owo = true},
  246. function()
  247. game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.statEffectsGui.Enabled = not game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.statEffectsGui.Enabled
  248. game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.hoopGui.Enabled = not game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.hoopGui.Enabled
  249. end)
  251. -- Toggable GUI Key
  252. Misc:Bind("Toggle GUI Key",
  253. {flag = "Toggle", owo = true},
  254. function()
  255. library.toggled = not library.toggled;
  256. for i, data in next, library.queue do
  257. local pos = (library.toggled and data.p or, 0, -0.5,0))
  258. data.w:TweenPosition(pos, (library.toggled and 'Out' or 'In'), 'Quad', 0.15, true)
  259. wait();
  260. end
  261. end)
  263. -- Destroy GUI
  264. local Kill = Misc:Button("Destroy GUI", function()
  265. game:GetService("CoreGui").ScreenGui:Destroy()
  266. end)
  268. local Teleports = library:CreateWindow("Teleports")
  270. -- World/Island Teleports
  271. Teleports:Section("- Islands -")
  272. local Islands = {}
  273. for i,v in next, game.workspace.islandUnlockParts:GetChildren() do
  274. if v then
  275. table.insert(Islands, v.Name)
  276. end
  277. end
  278. Teleports:Dropdown('Teleports', {list = Islands}, function(a)
  279. game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = game.Workspace.islandUnlockParts[a].islandSignPart.CFrame
  280. end)
  282. -- Utilitys
  283. Teleports:Section("- Utilitys -")
  284. local Shop = Teleports:Button("Shop", function()
  285. game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = game:GetService("Workspace").shopAreaCircles["shopAreaCircle11"].circleInner.CFrame
  286. end)
  287. local Skills = Teleports:Button("Skills Shop", function()
  288. game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = game:GetService("Workspace").skillAreaCircles["skillsAreaCircle11"].circleInner.CFrame
  289. end)
  290. local Skills1 = Teleports:Button("Light Skills Shop", function()
  291. game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame =, 3.24800324, 0.0838552266)
  292. end)
  293. local Skills2 = Teleports:Button("Dark Skills Shop", function()
  294. game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame =, 3.24800324, 58.087841)
  295. end)
  296. local KOTH = Teleports:Button("KOTH", function()
  297. game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = game:GetService("Workspace").kingOfTheHillPart.CFrame
  298. end)
  300. -- Training Area Teleports
  301. Teleports:Section("- Training Areas -")
  302. local a1 = Teleports:Button("Mystical Waters (Good)", function()
  303. game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame =, 8824.53809, 114.271019)
  304. end)
  305. local a2 = Teleports:Button("Sword of Legends (Good)", function()
  306. game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame =, 38.704483, -141.375641)
  307. end)
  308. local a5 = Teleports:Button("Elemental Tornado (Good)", function()
  309. game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame =, 30383.0957, -90.1542206)
  310. end)
  311. local a3 = Teleports:Button("Lava Pit (Bad)", function()
  312. game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame =, 12952.5381, 271.14624)
  313. end)
  314. local a4 = Teleports:Button("Tornado (Bad)", function()
  315. game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame =, 16872.0938, -9.9906435)
  316. end)
  317. local a6 = Teleports:Button("Swords Of Ancients (Bad)", function()
  318. game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame =, 38.704483, 2409.72266)
  319. end)
  321. if _G.PlaceLoopTP == true then
  322. local Teleports2 = library:CreateWindow("More Teleports")
  323. Teleports2:Section("- Training Areas (Looped) -")
  324. local avh = Teleports2:Button("Mystical Waters (Good)", function()
  325. while true do
  326. wait(.001)
  327. if game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character:WaitForChild("HumanoidRootPart") then
  328. game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame =, 8824.53809, 114.271019)
  329. end
  330. end
  331. end)
  332. local sdgy6 = Teleports2:Button("Sword of Legends (Good)", function()
  333. while true do
  334. wait(.001)
  335. if game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character:WaitForChild("HumanoidRootPart") then
  336. game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame =, 38.704483, -141.375641)
  337. end
  338. end
  339. end)
  340. local asdy = Teleports2:Button("Elemental Tornado (Good)", function()
  341. while true do
  342. wait(.001)
  343. if game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character:WaitForChild("HumanoidRootPart") then
  344. game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame =, 30383.0957, -90.1542206)
  345. end
  346. end
  347. end)
  348. local yassf = Teleports2:Button("Lava Pit (Bad)", function()
  349. while true do
  350. wait(.001)
  351. if game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character:WaitForChild("HumanoidRootPart") then
  352. game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame =, 12952.5381, 271.14624)
  353. end
  354. end
  355. end)
  356. local sdfj = Teleports2:Button("Tornado (Bad)", function()
  357. while true do
  358. wait(.001)
  359. if game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character:WaitForChild("HumanoidRootPart") then
  360. game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame =, 16872.0938, -9.9906435)
  361. end
  362. end
  363. end)
  364. local jhas = Teleports2:Button("Swords Of Ancients (Bad)", function()
  365. while true do
  366. wait(.001)
  367. if game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character:WaitForChild("HumanoidRootPart") then
  368. game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame =, 38.704483, 2409.72266)
  369. end
  370. end
  371. end)
  372. end
  376. -- Open Crystals
  377. spawn(function()
  378. while wait(.01) do
  379. if Settings.TEgg then
  380. local oh1 = "openCrystal"
  381. local oh2 = Settings.Crystal
  382. game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").rEvents.openCrystalRemote:InvokeServer(oh1, oh2)
  383. end
  384. end
  385. end)
  387. -- Auto-Swing
  388. spawn(function()
  389. while wait() do
  390. if Farming.flags.Swing then
  391. if game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character:WaitForChild("HumanoidRootPart") then
  392. if game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character:FindFirstChildOfClass("Tool") then
  393. game.Players.LocalPlayer.ninjaEvent:FireServer("swingKatana")
  394. else
  395. for i,v in pairs(game.Players.LocalPlayer.Backpack:GetChildren()) do
  396. if v.ClassName == "Tool" and v:FindFirstChild("attackShurikenScript") then
  397. game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Humanoid:EquipTool(v)
  398. wait()
  399. if v.ClassName == "Tool" and v:FindFirstChild("attackKatanaScript") then
  400. game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Humanoid:EquipTool(v)
  401. end
  402. end
  403. end
  404. end
  405. end
  406. end
  407. end
  408. end)
  410. -- Auto-Sell
  411. spawn(function()
  412. while wait(0.01) do
  413. if Farming.flags.Sell then
  414. if game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character:WaitForChild("HumanoidRootPart") then
  415. game.workspace.sellAreaCircles["sellAreaCircle7"].circleInner.CFrame = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character:WaitForChild("HumanoidRootPart").CFrame
  416. wait(.1)
  417. game.workspace.sellAreaCircles["sellAreaCircle7"].circleInner.CFrame = game.Workspace.Part.CFrame
  418. end
  419. end
  420. end
  421. end)
  423. -- Auto-Full Sell
  424. spawn(function()
  425. while wait(0.01) do
  426. if Farming.flags.FullSell then
  427. if game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character:WaitForChild("HumanoidRootPart") then
  428. if player.PlayerGui.gameGui.maxNinjitsuMenu.Visible == true then
  429. game.workspace.sellAreaCircles["sellAreaCircle7"].circleInner.CFrame = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character:WaitForChild("HumanoidRootPart").CFrame
  430. wait(.05)
  431. game.workspace.sellAreaCircles["sellAreaCircle7"].circleInner.CFrame = game.Workspace.Part.CFrame
  432. end
  433. end
  434. end
  435. end
  436. end)
  438. -- Invisibility
  439. spawn(function()
  440. while wait(0.001) do
  441. if Misc.flags.Invis then
  442. local A_1 = "goInvisible"
  443. local Event = game.Players.LocalPlayer.ninjaEvent
  444. Event:FireServer(A_1)
  445. end
  446. end
  447. end)
  449. -- Auto-Pet Levels
  450. spawn(function()
  451. while wait(0.00011) do
  452. if Farming.flags.L then
  453. local plr = game.Players.LocalPlayer
  454. for _,v in pairs(workspace.Hoops:GetDescendants()) do
  455. if v.ClassName == "MeshPart" then
  456. v.touchPart.CFrame = plr.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame
  457. end
  458. end
  459. end
  460. end
  461. end)
  463. -- Good Karma Farm
  464. spawn(function()
  465. while wait(0.4) do
  466. if Farming.flags.GK then
  467. loadstring(game:HttpGet((''),true))()
  468. end
  469. end
  470. end)
  472. -- Bad Karma Farm
  473. spawn(function()
  474. while wait(0.4) do
  475. if Farming.flags.BK then
  476. loadstring(game:HttpGet((''),true))()
  477. end
  478. end
  479. end)
  481. -- Auto-Normal Boss
  482. spawn(function()
  483. while wait(.001) do
  484. if Farming.flags.Boss then
  485. if game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character:WaitForChild("HumanoidRootPart") then
  486. if game:GetService("Workspace").bossFolder:WaitForChild("RobotBoss"):WaitForChild("HumanoidRootPart") then
  487. game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = game.Workspace.bossFolder.RobotBoss.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame
  488. if player.Character:FindFirstChildOfClass("Tool") then
  489. player.Character:FindFirstChildOfClass("Tool"):Activate()
  490. else
  491. for i,v in pairs(player.Backpack:GetChildren()) do
  492. if v.ClassName == "Tool" and v:FindFirstChild("attackKatanaScript") then
  493. v.attackTime.Value = 0.2
  494. player.Character.Humanoid:EquipTool(v)
  495. if attackfar then
  496. for i,v in pairs(player.Backpack:GetChildren()) do
  497. if v.ClassName == "Tool" and v:FindFirstChild("attackShurikenScript") then
  498. player.Character.Humanoid:EquipTool(v)
  499. end
  500. end
  501. end
  502. end
  503. end
  504. end
  505. end
  506. end
  507. end
  508. end
  509. end)
  511. -- Auto-Eternal Boss
  512. spawn(function()
  513. while wait(.001) do
  514. if Farming.flags.EBoss then
  515. if game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character:WaitForChild("HumanoidRootPart") then
  516. if game:GetService("Workspace").bossFolder:WaitForChild("EternalBoss"):WaitForChild("HumanoidRootPart") then
  517. game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = game.Workspace.bossFolder.EternalBoss.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame
  518. if player.Character:FindFirstChildOfClass("Tool") then
  519. player.Character:FindFirstChildOfClass("Tool"):Activate()
  520. else
  521. for i,v in pairs(player.Backpack:GetChildren()) do
  522. if v.ClassName == "Tool" and v:FindFirstChild("attackKatanaScript") then
  523. v.attackTime.Value = 0.2
  524. player.Character.Humanoid:EquipTool(v)
  525. if attackfar then
  526. for i,v in pairs(player.Backpack:GetChildren()) do
  527. if v.ClassName == "Tool" and v:FindFirstChild("attackShurikenScript") then
  528. player.Character.Humanoid:EquipTool(v)
  529. end
  530. end
  531. end
  532. end
  533. end
  534. end
  535. end
  536. end
  537. end
  538. end
  539. end)
  541. -- Auto-Anchient Boss
  542. spawn(function()
  543. while wait(.001) do
  544. if Farming.flags.ABoss then
  545. if game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character:WaitForChild("HumanoidRootPart") then
  546. if game:GetService("Workspace").bossFolder:WaitForChild("AncientMagmaBoss"):WaitForChild("HumanoidRootPart") then
  547. game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = game.Workspace.bossFolder.AncientMagmaBoss.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame
  548. if player.Character:FindFirstChildOfClass("Tool") then
  549. player.Character:FindFirstChildOfClass("Tool"):Activate()
  550. else
  551. for i,v in pairs(player.Backpack:GetChildren()) do
  552. if v.ClassName == "Tool" and v:FindFirstChild("attackKatanaScript") then
  553. v.attackTime.Value = 0.2
  554. player.Character.Humanoid:EquipTool(v)
  555. if attackfar then
  556. for i,v in pairs(player.Backpack:GetChildren()) do
  557. if v.ClassName == "Tool" and v:FindFirstChild("attackShurikenScript") then
  558. player.Character.Humanoid:EquipTool(v)
  559. end
  560. end
  561. end
  562. end
  563. end
  564. end
  565. end
  566. end
  567. end
  568. end
  569. end)
  571. spawn(function()
  572. while wait(.001) do
  573. if Farming.flags.SBoss then
  574. if game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character:WaitForChild("HumanoidRootPart") then
  575. if game:GetService("Workspace").bossFolder:WaitForChild("Samurai Santa"):WaitForChild("HumanoidRootPart") then
  576. game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = game.Workspace.bossFolder["Samurai Santa"].HumanoidRootPart.CFrame
  577. if player.Character:FindFirstChildOfClass("Tool") then
  578. player.Character:FindFirstChildOfClass("Tool"):Activate()
  579. else
  580. for i,v in pairs(player.Backpack:GetChildren()) do
  581. if v.ClassName == "Tool" and v:FindFirstChild("attackKatanaScript") then
  582. v.attackTime.Value = 0.2
  583. player.Character.Humanoid:EquipTool(v)
  584. if attackfar then
  585. for i,v in pairs(player.Backpack:GetChildren()) do
  586. if v.ClassName == "Tool" and v:FindFirstChild("attackShurikenScript") then
  587. player.Character.Humanoid:EquipTool(v)
  588. end
  589. end
  590. end
  591. end
  592. end
  593. end
  594. end
  595. end
  596. end
  597. end
  598. end)
  600. -- Auto-All Bosses
  601. spawn(function()
  602. while wait(.001) do
  603. if Farming.flags.AllBosses then
  604. if game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character:WaitForChild("HumanoidRootPart") then
  605. if game.Workspace.bossFolder:FindFirstChild("Samurai Santa") then
  606. game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = game.Workspace.bossFolder["Samurai Santa"].HumanoidRootPart.CFrame
  607. else
  608. if not game.Workspace.bossFolder:FindFirstChild("Samurai Santa") then
  609. if game.Workspace.bossFolder:FindFirstChild("AncientMagmaBoss") then
  610. game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = game.Workspace.bossFolder.AncientMagmaBoss.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame
  611. else
  612. if not game.Workspace.bossFolder:FindFirstChild("AncientMagmaBoss") then
  613. if game.Workspace.bossFolder:FindFirstChild("EternalBoss") then
  614. game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = game.Workspace.bossFolder.EternalBoss.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame
  615. else
  616. if not game.Workspace.bossFolder:FindFirstChild("EternalBoss") then
  617. if game.Workspace.bossFolder:FindFirstChild("RobotBoss") then
  618. game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = game.Workspace.bossFolder.RobotBoss.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame
  619. end
  620. end
  621. end
  622. end
  623. end
  624. end
  625. end
  626. if player.Character:FindFirstChildOfClass("Tool") then
  627. player.Character:FindFirstChildOfClass("Tool"):Activate()
  628. else
  629. for i,v in pairs(player.Backpack:GetChildren()) do
  630. if v.ClassName == "Tool" and v:FindFirstChild("attackKatanaScript") then
  631. v.attackTime.Value = 0.2
  632. player.Character.Humanoid:EquipTool(v)
  633. if attackfar then
  634. for i,v in pairs(player.Backpack:GetChildren()) do
  635. if v.ClassName == "Tool" and v:FindFirstChild("attackShurikenScript") then
  636. player.Character.Humanoid:EquipTool(v)
  637. end
  638. end
  639. end
  640. end
  641. end
  642. end
  643. end
  644. end
  645. end
  646. end)
  648. -- Auto-Buy Swords
  649. spawn(function()
  650. while wait(0.5) do
  651. if AutoBuy.flags.Sword then
  652. if game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character:WaitForChild("HumanoidRootPart") then
  653. local oh1 = "buyAllSwords"
  654. local oh2 = {"Ground", "Astral Island", "Space Island","Tundra Island", "Eternal Island", "Sandstorm", "Thunderstorm", "Ancient Inferno Island", "Midnight Shadow Island", "Mythical Souls Island", "Winter Wonder Island"}
  655. for i = 1,#oh2 do
  656. game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.ninjaEvent:FireServer(oh1, oh2[i])
  657. end
  658. end
  659. end
  660. end
  661. end)
  663. -- Auto-Buy Belts
  664. spawn(function()
  665. while wait(0.5) do
  666. if AutoBuy.flags.Belt then
  667. if game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character:WaitForChild("HumanoidRootPart") then
  668. local oh1 = "buyAllBelts"
  669. local oh2 = {"Ground", "Astral Island", "Space Island","Tundra Island", "Eternal Island", "Sandstorm", "Thunderstorm", "Ancient Inferno Island", "Midnight Shadow Island", "Mythical Souls Island", "Winter Wonder Island"}
  670. for i = 1,#oh2 do
  671. game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.ninjaEvent:FireServer(oh1, oh2[i])
  672. end
  673. end
  674. end
  675. end
  676. end)
  678. -- Auto-Buy Skills
  679. spawn(function()
  680. while wait(0.5) do
  681. if AutoBuy.flags.Skill then
  682. if game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character:WaitForChild("HumanoidRootPart") then
  683. local oh1 = "buyAllSkills"
  684. local oh2 = {"Ground", "Astral Island", "Space Island","Tundra Island", "Eternal Island", "Sandstorm", "Thunderstorm", "Ancient Inferno Island", "Midnight Shadow Island", "Mythical Souls Island", "Winter Wonder Island"}
  685. for i = 1,#oh2 do
  686. game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.ninjaEvent:FireServer(oh1, oh2[i])
  687. end
  688. end
  689. end
  690. end
  691. end)
  693. -- Auto-Buy Ranks
  694. spawn(function()
  695. while wait(0.5) do
  696. if AutoBuy.flags.Rank then
  697. if game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character:WaitForChild("HumanoidRootPart") then
  698. local oh1 = "buyRank"
  699. local oh2 = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Ranks.Ground:GetChildren()
  700. for i = 1,#oh2 do
  701. game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.ninjaEvent:FireServer(oh1, oh2[i].Name)
  702. end
  703. end
  704. end
  705. end
  706. end)
  708. -- Auto-Buy Shurikens
  709. spawn(function()
  710. while wait(0.5) do
  711. if AutoBuy.flags.Shurikens then
  712. if game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character:WaitForChild("HumanoidRootPart") then
  713. local oh1 = "buyAllShurikens"
  714. local oh2 = {"Ground", "Astral Island", "Space Island","Tundra Island", "Eternal Island", "Sandstorm", "Thunderstorm", "Ancient Inferno Island", "Midnight Shadow Island", "Mythical Souls Island", "Winter Wonder Island"}
  715. for i = 1,#oh2 do
  716. game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.ninjaEvent:FireServer(oh1, oh2[i])
  717. end
  718. end
  719. end
  720. end
  721. end)
  723. -- Auto-Chi
  724. spawn(function()
  725. while wait(0.033) do
  726. if game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character:WaitForChild("HumanoidRootPart") then
  727. if Farming.flags.Chi then
  728. for i,v in pairs(game.Workspace.spawnedCoins.Valley:GetChildren()) do
  729. if v.Name == "Blue Chi Crate" then
  730. game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame =
  731. wait(.16)
  732. end
  733. end
  734. end
  735. end
  736. end
  737. end)
  739. -- Auto Evolve Pet
  740. spawn(function()
  741. while wait(3) do
  742. if Pets.flags.Evolve then
  743. if game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character:WaitForChild("HumanoidRootPart") then
  744. for i,v in pairs(game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.petsFolder:GetChildren()) do
  745. for i,x in pairs(v:GetChildren()) do
  746. local oh1 = "evolvePet"
  747. local oh2 = x.Name
  748. game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").rEvents.petEvolveEvent:FireServer(oh1, oh2)
  749. end
  750. end
  751. end
  752. end
  753. end
  754. end)
  756. -- Auto-Eternalize Pet
  757. spawn(function()
  758. while wait(3) do
  759. if Pets.flags.Eternalise then
  760. if game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character:WaitForChild("HumanoidRootPart") then
  761. for i,v in pairs(game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.petsFolder:GetChildren()) do
  762. for i,x in pairs(v:GetChildren()) do
  763. local oh1 = "eternalizePet"
  764. local oh2 = x.Name
  765. game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").rEvents.petEternalizeEvent:FireServer(oh1, oh2)
  766. end
  767. end
  768. end
  769. end
  770. end
  771. end)
  773. -- Auto-Immortalize Pet
  774. spawn(function()
  775. while wait(3) do
  776. if Pets.flags.Immortalize then
  777. if game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character:WaitForChild("HumanoidRootPart") then
  778. for i,v in pairs(game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.petsFolder:GetChildren()) do
  779. for i,x in pairs(v:GetChildren()) do
  780. local oh1 = "immortalizePet"
  781. local oh2 = x.Name
  782. game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").rEvents.petImmortalizeEvent:FireServer(oh1, oh2)
  783. end
  784. end
  785. end
  786. end
  787. end
  788. end)
  790. -- Auto-Legend Pet
  791. spawn(function()
  792. while wait(3) do
  793. if Pets.flags.Legend then
  794. if game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character:WaitForChild("HumanoidRootPart") then
  795. for i,v in pairs(game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.petsFolder:GetChildren()) do
  796. for i,x in pairs(v:GetChildren()) do
  797. local oh1 = "legendizePet"
  798. local oh2 = x.Name
  799. game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").rEvents.petLegendEvent:FireServer(oh1, oh2)
  800. end
  801. end
  802. end
  803. end
  804. end
  805. end)
  807. spawn(function()
  808. while wait(3) do
  809. if Pets.flags.Elemental then
  810. if game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character:WaitForChild("HumanoidRootPart") then
  811. for i,v in pairs(game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.petsFolder:GetChildren()) do
  812. for i,x in pairs(v:GetChildren()) do
  813. local oh1 = "elementalizePet"
  814. local oh2 = x.Name
  815. game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").rEvents.petLegendEvent:FireServer(oh1, oh2)
  816. end
  817. end
  818. end
  819. end
  820. end
  821. end)
  823. -- Sell All Basics
  824. spawn(function()
  825. while wait(1) do
  826. if Pets.flags.SBasic then
  827. if game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character:WaitForChild("HumanoidRootPart") then
  828. for i,v in pairs(game.Players.LocalPlayer.petsFolder.Basic:GetChildren()) do
  829. game.ReplicatedStorage.rEvents.sellPetEvent:FireServer("sellPet", v)
  830. end
  831. end
  832. end
  833. end
  834. end)
  836. -- Sell All Advanced
  837. spawn(function()
  838. while wait(1) do
  839. if Pets.flags.SAdvanced then
  840. if game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character:WaitForChild("HumanoidRootPart") then
  841. for i,v in pairs(game.Players.LocalPlayer.petsFolder.Advanced:GetChildren()) do
  842. game.ReplicatedStorage.rEvents.sellPetEvent:FireServer("sellPet", v)
  843. end
  844. end
  845. end
  846. end
  847. end)
  849. -- Sell All Rares
  850. spawn(function()
  851. while wait(1) do
  852. if Pets.flags.SRare then
  853. if game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character:WaitForChild("HumanoidRootPart") then
  854. for i,v in pairs(game.Players.LocalPlayer.petsFolder.Rare:GetChildren()) do
  855. game.ReplicatedStorage.rEvents.sellPetEvent:FireServer("sellPet", v)
  856. end
  857. end
  858. end
  859. end
  860. end)
  863. -- Sell All Epics
  864. spawn(function()
  865. while wait(1) do
  866. if Pets.flags.SEpic then
  867. if game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character:WaitForChild("HumanoidRootPart") then
  868. for i,v in pairs(game.Players.LocalPlayer.petsFolder.Epic:GetChildren()) do
  869. game.ReplicatedStorage.rEvents.sellPetEvent:FireServer("sellPet", v)
  870. end
  871. end
  872. end
  873. end
  874. end)
  876. -- Sell All Uniques
  877. spawn(function()
  878. while wait(1) do
  879. if Pets.flags.SUnique then
  880. if game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character:WaitForChild("HumanoidRootPart") then
  881. for i,v in pairs(game.Players.LocalPlayer.petsFolder.Unique:GetChildren()) do
  882. game.ReplicatedStorage.rEvents.sellPetEvent:FireServer("sellPet", v)
  883. end
  884. end
  885. end
  886. end
  887. end)
  891. -- Sell All Omegas
  892. spawn(function()
  893. while wait(1) do
  894. if Pets.flags.SOmega then
  895. if game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character:WaitForChild("HumanoidRootPart") then
  896. for i,v in pairs(game.Players.LocalPlayer.petsFolder.Omega:GetChildren()) do
  897. game.ReplicatedStorage.rEvents.sellPetEvent:FireServer("sellPet", v)
  898. end
  899. end
  900. end
  901. end
  902. end)
  904. -- Sell All Elites
  905. spawn(function()
  906. while wait(1) do
  907. if Pets.flags.SElite then
  908. if game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character:WaitForChild("HumanoidRootPart") then
  909. for i,v in pairs(game.Players.LocalPlayer.petsFolder.Elite:GetChildren()) do
  910. game.ReplicatedStorage.rEvents.sellPetEvent:FireServer("sellPet", v)
  911. end
  912. end
  913. end
  914. end
  915. end)
  917. -- Sell All Infinites
  918. spawn(function()
  919. while wait(1) do
  920. if Pets.flags.SInfinity then
  921. if game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character:WaitForChild("HumanoidRootPart") then
  922. for i,v in pairs(game.Players.LocalPlayer.petsFolder.Infinity:GetChildren()) do
  923. game.ReplicatedStorage.rEvents.sellPetEvent:FireServer("sellPet", v)
  924. end
  925. end
  926. end
  927. end
  928. end)
  932. -- Second Pet Stuff Tab
  933. spawn(function()
  934. while wait(1) do
  935. if Pets2.flags.S1 then
  936. if game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character:WaitForChild("HumanoidRootPart") then
  937. for i,v in pairs(game.Players.LocalPlayer.petsFolder.Infinity:GetChildren()) do
  938. if v.Name == "❄️Winter Wonder Kitty❄️" then
  939. game.ReplicatedStorage.rEvents.sellPetEvent:FireServer("sellPet", v)
  940. end
  941. end
  942. end
  943. end
  944. end
  945. end)
  947. spawn(function()
  948. while wait(1) do
  949. if Pets2.flags.S2 then
  950. if game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character:WaitForChild("HumanoidRootPart") then
  951. for i,v in pairs(game.Players.LocalPlayer.petsFolder.Infinity:GetChildren()) do
  952. if v.Name == "⛄Winter Legends Polar Bear⛄" then
  953. game.ReplicatedStorage.rEvents.sellPetEvent:FireServer("sellPet", v)
  954. end
  955. end
  956. end
  957. end
  958. end
  959. end)
  961. spawn(function()
  962. while wait(1) do
  963. if Pets2.flags.S3 then
  964. if game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character:WaitForChild("HumanoidRootPart") then
  965. for i,v in pairs(game.Players.LocalPlayer.petsFolder.Infinity:GetChildren()) do
  966. if v.Name == "🍫Christmas Sensei Reindeer🍫" then
  967. game.ReplicatedStorage.rEvents.sellPetEvent:FireServer("sellPet", v)
  968. end
  969. end
  970. end
  971. end
  972. end
  973. end)
  975. spawn(function()
  976. while wait(1) do
  977. if Pets2.flags.S4 then
  978. if game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character:WaitForChild("HumanoidRootPart") then
  979. for i,v in pairs(game.Players.LocalPlayer.petsFolder.Infinity:GetChildren()) do
  980. if v.Name == "🐧Dark Blizzard Master Penguin🐧" then
  981. game.ReplicatedStorage.rEvents.sellPetEvent:FireServer("sellPet", v)
  982. end
  983. end
  984. end
  985. end
  986. end
  987. end)
  989. spawn(function()
  990. while wait(1) do
  991. if Pets2.flags.S5 then
  992. if game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character:WaitForChild("HumanoidRootPart") then
  993. for i,v in pairs(game.Players.LocalPlayer.petsFolder.Infinity:GetChildren()) do
  994. if v.Name == "🎅Cybernetic Sleigh Rider🎅" then
  995. game.ReplicatedStorage.rEvents.sellPetEvent:FireServer("sellPet", v)
  996. end
  997. end
  998. end
  999. end
  1000. end
  1001. end)
  1003. -- Fast Shuriken
  1004. spawn(function()
  1005. while wait(.001) do
  1006. if Misc.flags.Fast then
  1007. if game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character:WaitForChild("HumanoidRootPart") then
  1008. local plr = game.Players.LocalPlayer
  1009. local Mouse = plr:GetMouse()
  1010. local velocity = 1000
  1011. for _,p in pairs(game.Workspace.shurikensFolder:GetChildren()) do
  1012. if p.Name == "Handle" then
  1013. if p:FindFirstChild("BodyVelocity") then
  1014. local bv = p:FindFirstChildOfClass("BodyVelocity")
  1015. bv.MaxForce =,math.huge,math.huge)
  1016. bv.Velocity = Mouse.Hit.lookVector * velocity
  1017. end
  1018. end
  1019. end
  1020. end
  1021. end
  1022. end
  1023. end)
  1025. -- Slow Shuriken
  1026. spawn(function()
  1027. while wait(.001) do
  1028. if Misc.flags.Slow then
  1029. if game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character:WaitForChild("HumanoidRootPart") then
  1030. local plr = game.Players.LocalPlayer
  1031. local Mouse = plr:GetMouse()
  1032. local velocity = 35
  1033. for _,p in pairs(game.Workspace.shurikensFolder:GetChildren()) do
  1034. if p.Name == "Handle" then
  1035. if p:FindFirstChild("BodyVelocity") then
  1036. local bv = p:FindFirstChildOfClass("BodyVelocity")
  1037. bv.MaxForce =,math.huge,math.huge)
  1038. bv.Velocity = Mouse.Hit.lookVector * velocity
  1039. end
  1040. end
  1041. end
  1042. end
  1043. end
  1044. end
  1045. end)
  1047. -- Anti-AFK
  1048. local vu = game:GetService("VirtualUser")
  1049. game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.Idled:connect(
  1050. function()
  1051. vu:Button2Down(, 0), workspace.CurrentCamera.CFrame)
  1052. wait(1)
  1053. vu:Button2Up(, 0), workspace.CurrentCamera.CFrame)
  1054. end)
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