
Forbidden Feelings Ch. 7

Jan 13th, 2013
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  1. Scootaloo didn't really know what to do to comfort Rainbow Dash, who had slumped down on the pavement next to a wall and been crying disconsolately for the past ten minutes. They made a striking sight, a cyan mare with prismatic mane lying on her back haunches, with her front hooves extended to the ground and her head hanging low, letting out pitiful sobs, and an orange filly with purple mane awkwardly standing by. A couple of times, pegasi would fly or trot past, giving the couple odd looks but swiftly moving on. Eventually, Scootaloo laid a hoof on Dash's shoulder, which seemed to calm her slightly.
  2. It took her another few minutes, during which her sobs slowly became quieter and less frequent, until finally she raised her head to look at her young companion. What greeted the filly was a horrifying sight: Rainbow's eyes were glistening and red-rimmed, with blotchy cheeks. She was still taking deep breaths to calm herself. Scootaloo couldn't fathom what was happening – Dash was the awesomest, fastest, all around best mare in Equestria! What calamity could bring her so low?
  3. “Kid... you have no idea how fucking shit I feel right now.”
  4. The filly was no stranger to swears, having heard them countless times over the course of her tumultuous upbringing, but she did know that you weren't supposed to say them to others. If Rainbow Dash was using them, then she must be in a really bad way.
  5. “It's OK, Rainbow... you tried at least. C'mon. Let's go home.”
  6. “Nah, Scoots. I'm not really in any condition to fly right now,” came the reply in a dispirited voice.
  7. “Well... we can't stay here the whole night.”
  8. Finally a wry smile appeared on Rainbow's face. “Says you. Remember, I'm the captain of the Ponyville weather team: I'm sure they'd give me a room at the weather factory halls.”
  9. Slowly and shakily, Dash rose to all four hooves, and started trudging towards the factory which was situated on the outskirts of Cloudsdale. It was impossible to get lost, seeing as it was the tallest building in the city and continually spouted rainbow material from its highest point. Scootaloo tailed the older mare as they walked through the cloud streets, past homes ranging from simple and minimalist two-storey affairs to much grander, sprawling multi-storey mansions, decorated with ionic columns and rainbow waterfalls.
  10. As they passed into the outer districts of the city, they began to see a decline in the architecture: imposing buildings gradually gave way to misshaped clumps of cloud, forming ramshackle one-floor homes. Scootaloo decided to ask about the change, thinking that maybe she could distract Rainbow from her musing. “Hey Dash, you know when we started walking, all the houses were really big and cool? Why are they so ugly over here?”
  11. Rainbow was glad for the interruption, and for the chance to show off her home city. “It's kinda complicated, Scoots. You see, in the centre, where we were earlier, that's the main residential district. It's why we saw hardly any shops. All the middle-class pegasi, and the more stuck up richer ones tend to live in that area. It's seen as a sign of prestige if you own a house there. Obviously, the richer you are, the better house you can afford: most pegasi would pay a professional company to make their house for them, ponies with years and years of experience.”
  12. She paused for a moment, gathering her thoughts together. “The most well-off have all that fancy stuff like columns you saw on the outside, beautifully sculpted cloud rooms and furniture and all that jazz on the inside. But these kind of areas, they're a bit seedy. Clouds aren't dangerous, like bricks are, so there's no rules against building your own house – something poorer pegasi tend to do. It takes time, but anyone can bunch clouds together to make a couple of rooms and some basic furniture... the lack of skills shows, though, heh.”
  13. Scootaloo thought for a while about Rainbow Dash had said. “But... What about your house?”
  14. Dash launched her an odd look out the corner of their eye as they kept walking. “What about it?” The filly realised she'd been running her mouth a little ahead of her brain, and promptly clammed up. “Well, spit it out, kid, c'mon. We're almost there.”
  15. “Your house is pretty nice though isn't it? From what you told me...”
  16. “Ah, I see. You think that because I had a shit upbringing, I shouldn't be able to afford such a nice house for myself,” Rainbow said, with a hint of a smile gracing her lips. She turned to look at Scootaloo's reaction, and was rewarded with the filly blushing a deep red.
  17. “Ah, well... erm, that is, I guess so,” she floundered, before looking down at the floor in shame.
  18. Dash burst into laughter, and Scootaloo looked up in surprise. “Oh, hoho, kid! Don't worry about it! I thought I told you that the house wasn't mine originally. It belonged to the previous captain of the weather team, who was quite well off. Besides, space in Cloudsdale is expensive – space over Ponyville isn't, haha.”
  19. The laughter trailed off as they turned a corner and finally came in full sight of the gigantic factory. Scootaloo stopped dead with her mouth open, and Dash chuckled at the sight. “Heh, I know kid, it's awesome, just like me. But come on, we need a room.” Pulling on Scootaloo's hoof, she entered the majestic building, and went over to the reception desk, a huge slab of cloud.
  20. A bright pink pegasus mare wearing a lab coat greeted them cheerfully. “Hello ladies, what can I do for you this fine day?”
  21. Rainbow leant over, and said “Hi, I'm Rainbow Dash, captain of the weather team over in Ponyville. We flew quite a way to get here: I don't suppose you could put us up for the night?”
  22. The reception pony slowly fixed them with a stony stare. “Ponyville, huh? Never heard of it. Next you know, the mayor of Maretown will be rocking up and asking for a room too. Why don't you mosey on over to one of the less reputable hotels in this fine city to stay the night?”
  23. Rainbow's face had gradually been falling while the pony went on, and as she finished, she burst out, “Now you look here, you little -”
  24. “Rainbow, calm down,” Scootaloo interrupted quietly. Dash looked down at her, and nodded. Taking a deep breath, she went on. “Sorry for getting angry, Miss...”
  25. “Pink Cloud.”
  26. “Yeah, Miss Cloud, sorry 'bout that. But you really should know who I am.”
  27. “Oh?”
  28. “Rainbow Dash, one of the Elements of Harmony. I'll have you know I graduated top of my class at flight school, met Celestia herself numerous times and have saved over 300 ponies from various dangers including dragons, changelings and even Nightmare Moon, so either give me a room or go and get your manager. Who will then give me a room.”
  29. Rainbow kept staring coolly at the reception pony, who was obviously flustered by Dash's outburst. Dash knew that Pink Cloud would capitulate: they always did. Receptionists could never know all the minor dignitaries that might pass by, and for fear of being reprimanded by their boss they'd end up meeting the demands. At the end of the day, she reasoned, she wasn't really taking advantage of the weather factory – she was a weather captain after all.
  30. Making up her mind, the receptionist composed herself, pursed her lips and said, “Please accept my apologies, Miss Dash. I hadn't recognised you. Come this way if you please, the weather factory would be pleased to put up such an honoured guest for the night.”
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