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1st Therian Congress

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Feb 16th, 2020
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  1. [02:19] Teodor offers one final squint at Proteus as he leaves. As quickly as he'd come in, ordered his drink - he'd already begun on his way out. Ordinarily, he'd try to stop them. Get a few words in.
  3. "Thanks for the welcome," Teodor says. A hint of caution in his voice.
  5. But, he had something to do...
  7. "We'll talk soon, Melissa," he says. "I'm sorry to just leave you right away. I've lost track of time." He smiles. Takes a step forward. Pats Melissa's shoulder. "We'll talk soon. I've missed you, you know!" He giggles.
  9. "Come! Murphy! I hope we are not... late."
  10. (Teodor Hargrave)
  11. [02:19] Teodor Hargrave exclaims, "It is I! Teodor Hargrave!"
  12. [02:20] Teodor Hargrave says, "I forgot about this meeting."
  13. [02:20] Dun says, "The best kind."
  14. [02:20] Teodor Hargrave says, "Apologies for my tardiness."
  15. [02:20] Tanya Weiss says, "Please, this is a -very- powerful clown. "
  16. [02:20] Murphy says, "That is not a clown, Miss Weiss, that is a Jester."
  17. [02:20] Teodor strikes some kind of pose. He winks, somehow, at EVERYONE present.
  18. (Teodor Hargrave)
  20. [02:20] Sarasha Fenrir asks, "It's Quite alright. We're missing one no?"
  21. [02:20] Sarasha was perched over her balcony.
  22. (Sarasha Fenrir)
  24. [02:21] Teodor Hargrave asks, "The-... the, Black Knight, I believe?"
  25. [02:21] Murphy says, "Ah. Black Knight...."
  26. [02:21] Murphy says, "I believe I saw him in the cove."
  27. [02:21] Dun would also wink, but he was wearing a mask. There was no wink.
  28. (Dun)
  29. [02:22] Tanya Weiss says, "Come along, Dun."
  30. [02:23] Sarasha Fenrir says, "Sit anywhere at the long table. Don't be shy. Make yourselves at home."
  31. [02:23] Murphy whispers: it's been a long time since i last was here....
  32. [02:23] Teodor Hargrave exclaims, "Sure!"
  33. [02:23] Teodor Hargrave whispers: Yeah?
  34. [02:24] Dun would stand beside Tanya, possessing a menacing clown aura as he jingled idly.
  35. (Dun)
  37. [02:24] Teodor takes a seat quietly, folding his arms. He takes a moment to scan the room, carefully. Looking at pretty much every inch of the walls.
  38. (Teodor Hargrave)
  40. [02:25] Tanya takes her seat, crossing her hands in her lap to listen as to why they were all called here.
  41. (Tanya Weiss)
  43. [02:25] The old crook leaned against the back of the Thunderlords chair, looking around at the old place.
  44. (Murphy)
  46. [02:25] Tanya Weiss says, "Hmm. I have something to bring up, before we begin. "
  47. [02:26] Tanya Weiss says, "As I was speaking to Sarasha earlier, one of the Exarchs of Osrona spotted infiltrating the city under a false name. "
  48. [02:26] Teodor leans forward.
  49. (Teodor Hargrave)
  51. [02:26] Mahraj kicks his boots right up on the table, one leg crossing another as if he owned the place.
  52. (Mahraj ven Serpente)
  54. [02:26] Mahraj ven Serpente says, "I gave him a shakedown b'fore he came in. Paid a toll in coins. 'e didn't sneak in."
  55. [02:26] Tanya Weiss asks, "Did you know of his station?"
  56. [02:27] Mahraj ven Serpente says, "Aye."
  57. [02:27] Tanya Weiss says, "Mmh. "
  58. [02:27] Sarasha Fenrir says, "A false name sounds like espionage."
  59. [02:27] Teodor Hargrave says, "An Exarch, out here, huh? I guess it was inevitable."
  60. [02:27] Dun would nod firmly, jingling ambiently.
  61. (Dun)
  63. [02:27] Mahraj ven Serpente says, "Shouldn't matter, if ye' ask me. Had coins t' spend. Didn't try t' hide 'imself from me."
  64. [02:27] Mahraj ven Serpente says, "No idea wot 'e did IN the city, though."
  65. [02:27] Murphy says, "I saw one of those Exarches myself. I believe it was one of the Knights, not a magi. Fucker was carrying a big sword."
  66. [02:27] Tanya Weiss says, "That is a problem. "
  67. [02:28] Mahraj ven Serpente says, "Aye. That's tha' one."
  68. [02:28] Tanya Weiss says, "I propose that, from now on, entries such as that should be monitered heavily. "
  69. [02:28] Sarasha Fenrir says, "Can't say I knew about this. I've been attending to mentoring those in my care today."
  70. [02:28] Tanya Weiss says, "We need the names and identities of every knight of Osrona entering the city. "
  71. [02:28] Teodor flickers his eyes between all those present, as they talk. He begins to feel the weight of being the 'odd one out'. The stranger.
  72. (Teodor Hargrave)
  74. [02:29] Dun says, "The order brings order, no fun, no fun! "
  75. [02:29] Tanya Weiss says, "Quite, Dun."
  76. [02:29] Murphy says, "Aye."
  77. [02:29] Mahraj ven Serpente says, "Ain't like he wasn't bein' watched. Th' moment 'e walked in, 'e had thirty people stalkin' 'im."
  78. [02:30] Murphy says, "Any nobles or order to be wandering around should be documented. I'd hoped ya'll been doing that."
  79. [02:30] Sarasha leaned back in her seat. A leg raised and crossing over the other. An elbow resting on the arm of the chair holding her face up. Her eyes went to and from those speaking.
  80. (Sarasha Fenrir)
  82. [02:30] Teodor Hargrave says, "Priscilla and Adrielle cos Solenne have been visiting, regularly"
  83. [02:30] Teodor Hargrave says, "Nobles."
  84. [02:30] Teodor Hargrave says, "Harmless ones, though..."
  85. [02:30] Tanya Weiss says, "There is no such thing as a harmless noble."
  86. [02:30] Murphy says, "Aye."
  87. [02:30] Sarasha Fenrir says, "Tanya, It is in your care to manage security. I think you should see to it and certainly manage the identities of military forces coming to and leaving."
  88. [02:30] Teodor Hargrave says, "Among the nobility, they are considered the... 'peasant nobles'. First-generation."
  89. [02:30] Tanya Weiss says, "Very well. I'll station some of the Ardent Shield at the gate."
  90. [02:31] Tanya Weiss says, "They're to record the "names" and faces of each person entering. "
  91. [02:31] Dun says, "Profile the rich, ignore the poor. Good business."
  92. [02:31] Sarasha Fenrir asks, "Mahraj, you had said he was actually speaking to you. The Exarch that is. What did you find out?"
  93. [02:32] Murphy says, "Aye, just as your parents did. We should consider rallying an offensive force as well though, Miss Fenrir."
  94. [02:32] Mahraj ven Serpente says, "Said 'e was 'ere ta' find a "drinking buddy". Didn't follow up after I shook 'im down."
  95. [02:33] Sarasha Fenrir says, "...That sounds like a farce if I've ever had one. He'd been better off claiming he was looking for a retirement home."
  96. [02:33] Tanya Weiss says, "They were looking for a woman named Tyr, with affiliation to Moonfall."
  97. [02:33] Teodor taps a finger on his cheek.
  98. (Teodor Hargrave)
  100. [02:33] Teodor Hargrave says, "Tyr... I'm sure I've heard the name. Doesn't ring any bells, right away."
  101. [02:34] Mahraj ven Serpente says, "Right, well. If ye' want ta' enforce the whole "checklist tha' nobles" thing, y'er gonna need people at our gates."
  102. [02:34] Tanya Weiss says, "That can be arranged. "
  103. [02:34] Sarasha rubbed her forhead. An obvious thought recurring in her mind.
  104. (Sarasha Fenrir)
  106. [02:35] Sarasha Fenrir says, "We'd not have these problems if we didn't decide to open the gates once more."
  107. [02:35] Teodor beams like a child, to hide the tinge of nervousness.
  108. (Teodor Hargrave)
  110. [02:35] Murphy says, "Aye. True. Perhaps we should allow the Shield to do what they've done for decades, defend the city, and the rest of us can discuss offensive plans. This place, Moonfall, I know not of it. Can someone explain."
  111. [02:36] Teodor Hargrave says, "Moonfall? Just a backwater village known for witchcraft, dark magic, and other things. Currently, the target of Osrona's ire."
  112. [02:36] Dun says, "Open gates, flowing coin. On the tide of coin slithers snakes, but riches are worth the bite."
  113. [02:36] Sarasha Fenrir says, "And a target with a lead that they think is here? Well, they would be persistant to keep coming. I remain in favor of a checkpoint."
  114. [02:37] Mahraj ven Serpente says, "War's brewin' in Osrona, wot with the shitty li'l nowhere village kickin' their arses. Keep a checkpoint, sure. But there's a lot'a coin ta' be made from their sufferin'."
  115. [02:37] Sarasha Fenrir asks, "We could seek to profit of this. Maybe a toll for the city dwellers?"
  116. [02:38] Teodor remains quiet. Looks to the others.
  117. (Teodor Hargrave)
  119. [02:38] Tanya Weiss says, "The Knights are possibly looking for an excuse to break in and take over."
  120. [02:41] Murphy scratched at his stubble before turning and walking to the table. The sickly looking man coughed into his hand to clear his throat and then began to lay out policy. He had not planned to be in these meetings this soon, but he was glad to be, the common folk needed a voice among these leaders.
  122. "Both the Village and the City isn't to be trusted I say. Dark magic isn't to be trifled with and will only agitate the City, and the City is likely to bring Nobles and the attention of witches. A checkpoint is needed, but we must stay neutral, targeting one group will cause us unneeded attention. If any of the companies wish to participate in the conflict that is their choice, as it always has been, but I don't think a coalition effort is wise."
  123. (Murphy)
  124. [02:42] Mahraj ven Serpente says, "Yeah, sounds about right. No argument from tha' Serpent's ta' any of that."
  125. [02:42] Tanya Weiss says, "Cooperation with one would lock the other, the Shields have no issue with forming a checkpoint."
  126. [02:42] Dun says, "Dark magic, light magic, what a snore. If the coin is good and swords are at their belts, that is what matters. "
  127. [02:42] Tanya Weiss says, "However, assistance from any other company would be benefital. "
  128. [02:42] Dun says, "They start trouble, throw them off the mountain into the ocean and let them swim in their fancy plate."
  129. [02:42] Teodor Hargrave says, "The Thunderbirds can offer our assistance securing the checkpoint."
  130. [02:43] Sarasha Fenrir says, "I can lend a few men of the family to assist at the gate."
  131. [02:43] Tanya Weiss says, "I hold no ill to either brand of magic, but I am not about starting a war with a potential buisiness partner."
  132. [02:43] Teodor Hargrave says, "But the Thunderbirds acknowledge, of course, that we will not opine on the establishment of a checkpoint yet. For... well, reasons spoken about before."
  133. [02:43] Mahraj ven Serpente says, "Preferable f'er me and tha' rest'a the Serpent's ta' stay watch in the city while y'er efforts focus on the Gate, if I'm bein' honest. Someone's gotta hound tha' merchants, lest they get clobbered."
  134. [02:45] Sarasha Fenrir asks, "Mr. Hargrave, if I'm not mistaken. To have your guild root itself here with it's known connection to Osrona would be seen as ties to the city. Have you thought about re-branding?"
  135. [02:46] Teodor Hargrave says, "Re-branding? The name and image, you mean? Personally, I don't see that as too necessary, but I'm not entirely opposed to it."
  136. [02:46] Teodor Hargrave says, "We've already mass produced these super cute badges."
  137. [02:46] Mahraj mumbles something under his breath about 'cool badges' and 'gotta get me one of those'...
  138. (Mahraj ven Serpente)
  140. [02:47] Teodor Hargrave exclaims, "... So re-branding would be kind of a shame!"
  141. [02:47] Sarasha looked at the badge and smiled. Then she looked away, chuckled and shook her head.
  142. (Sarasha Fenrir)
  144. [02:47] Tanya looked at those badges, and pouted only for a short moment.
  146. She needed those. She needed those for the Shields badly.
  147. (Tanya Weiss)
  149. [02:48] Murphy nodded to the Thunderlord and the others and then stepped to motion. A hand landing on the table to get attention.
  151. "Then it is the Thunderbirds first resolution in the Warlord's consul being put forward. We, the Thunderbirds suggest a neutral checkpoint at the gate manned by a defense coalition of Argent Shield, Fenrir Magi, and Thunderbirds. There will be a travel tax on foreigners and documentation of any notable. The Serpents will handle in city guard for now as the other guilds are occupied. Resolution forward, any objections?"
  153. He looked back at Teodor for his official approval and vote.
  154. (Murphy)
  156. [02:50] Teodor smiles eagerly at Murphy. But something in that smile was disarming. He raises a hand to the air defensively.
  158. "The Thunderbirds, currently, do not have a 'vote' per say, in this council. We have only a seat. Limited speaking authority. Those are the terms I've agreed with Warlords Fenrir and Weiss, here." He motions with his hand toward the both, as he speaks.
  160. "Maybe we should reiterate what was discussed, with-..." He nods at Mahraj. Didn't know his name off the top of his head, just yet.
  161. (Teodor Hargrave)
  162. [02:51] Mahraj ven Serpente says, "Mahraj. Ven Serpente, if you wanna piss off tha' Osronans. Head'a tha' Serpent's Gaze Covenant. No issue with what was brought up, neither."
  163. [02:51] Murphy raised an eyebrow, but accepted the situation. It was wise for the council to do this, but inconvenient for him.
  164. (Murphy)
  166. [02:51] Tanya Weiss says, "The Shields have no issue with your proposal. "
  167. [02:54] The matriarchs legs swapped places. Though now she was leaning more towards Teodor. The proposal was sound justly so. As they were all concurred as well. She had high hopes for a few of her members and relatives. Now a small task to see them perform in slight adversity was brought to light.
  169. "Sarasha, Head of House Fenrir will accept this proposal." She simply stated.
  170. (Sarasha Fenrir)
  172. [02:59] The issue of the Thunderbird's lack of full voice in the council seemed to be sidestepped. In some way, it was annoying. This wasn't his own proposal. They just agreed with it, blindly.
  174. But, he was wise enough to understand that letting Murphy speak for him was wise in the given environment. Teodor was the outsider. The alleged 'Osronan loyalist'. But Murphy, on the other hand, was the opposite. A true Therian. He'd only just now begun to realize how valuable someone like him would be, in these meetings.
  176. He smiles and nods at Murphy, once all the other Warlords have given their approval. "So it will be," he says.
  178. "Mahraj. I agreed with Miss Fenrir, and Weiss to limit my voice in this council until the Thunderbirds have proven themselves. We are, after all, outsiders from Osrona. Understandable that we must earn your trust." He leans back. "Just to fill you in on that."
  179. (Teodor Hargrave)
  181. [03:00] From his rather obnoxious seated position, Teodor might manage to catch just a glimpse of Mahraj's smile, a wide, bright-toothed grin that reveals a singular gilded canine. His eyes look over Teodor from behind his elevated boots, himself leaned back as if this were the most casual meeting he'd ever attended.
  183. Laid back, without a care in the world. He idly tips his pirate hat, and nods.
  185. "No skin off my bones. Person'ly, wouldn't 'ave cared. But that sounds like it's two ta' one, so that's 'ow it goes on the Council. Ye' should get a hat, by the by. Y'er 'ead will get cold."
  187. Then, he moves to glance to the rest of them, that grin carrying as he just shrugs, rather lax.
  189. "Anythin' else, friends?"
  190. (Mahraj ven Serpente)
  192. [03:01] Teodor Hargrave says, "... Hat, huh? Never been one for hats..."
  193. [03:01] Teodor rubs his chin. A goofy smile running across his face.
  194. (Teodor Hargrave)
  196. [03:04] Sarasha had just a few thoughts while the warlords were gathered. It couldn't have happened at a better time really.
  198. "Teodor. Now would be the best time for you to speak your mind and lay down the foundation of the Thunderbirds purpose going forward in Theria."
  200. Her posture straightened and their gaze slowing going to Mahraj with a nod, then Tanya with the same.
  202. "You already know that the Ardent's purpose is similar to the thunderbirds. We don't need a struggle in competition. We all play a different part."
  203. (Sarasha Fenrir)
  205. [03:07] Dun would nod politely without comment, Tanya was in charge. He was merely a stoic, jingling tower.
  206. (Dun)
  208. [03:09] Teodor lets out a contemplative sigh. He takes some time to think, quietly, before responding. At times, Teodor was like an old man. It took a lot to get him to move. To get him to commit to his next action.
  210. "I've hinted at this," he says, at last. "But. The Thunderbirds principally have been involved in excursions 'beyond the walls.' In Osrona, we served mostly under House Grimmore. They were focused on foreign missions. Intelligence. Covert operations. Things of that nature. Heck, one time, one of my teams travelled to the edge of another kingdom. Secured a-... what do you call it? Agartha... Shard? For Osrona." His smile becomes a little sad, and he shakes his head.
  212. "More lode for the noble hoards, right? Back to the point; we can assist with the defense of the gates. And we can focus on operations outside the city. We don't need to struggle; I agree with that, at least."
  213. (Teodor Hargrave)
  215. [03:10] Sarasha Fenrir says, "Ah, Siegfried. Please, do have a seat and listen in. It will be a good experience for you."
  216. [03:11] Siegfried Fenrir says, "Of course. Don't mind if I do."
  217. [03:14] "Mutual cooperation for the benefit of Theria is always in the front of our minds at Ardent Shield, but I do hold some concern with the Thunderbirds taking away prospective employees from our ranks. I care just the same as the rest of us, but in the end I also care for my own people."
  219. A huff, hair brushed from her eyes as she looked between Sarasha and Teodor.
  221. "Teodor is an outsider, someone who has aided Osrona in the past. Our terms for his inclusion here is a limit of his power until he's been shown to be a hundred percent dedicated to this city. I will be honest; we are all in it, at least somewhat, for the coin."
  223. "The Ardent Shield will continue their defense contracts for the city, along with our own developments in the fields of alchemy and artificery. So, I propose that the Thunderbirds work under the Shields until they have obtained an official seat. We share similar goals and similar methods to how we work; working alongside the Thunderbirds will acclimate them to Theria quicker than simply following general orders."
  224. (Tanya Weiss)
  226. [03:17] That, it would appear, got Mahraj's gears turning. Finally, for the first time since he had arrived, he pulls his feet down and instead places his elbows and arms forwards, actually attentive for a moment. His grin is still there, wide and true, but no longer does he showcase off his teeth, and instead, he looks directly before him upon Tanya.
  228. "Far be it from me ta' want ta' be wary'a foul play, but I hesitate ta' say that lettin' the Shields overview tha' Birds alone is a good thing. Tha' Council 'ere is dictated by numbers and relevance, aye? Not a hard step ta' take from watchin' over 'em ta' suddenly havin' an influx of members when it comes time ta' vote."
  230. He leans back in his seat once more, his arms moving to cross his chest. His tricorn hangs low, consideration taking his features as the trademark smile forms into something contemplative and serious. He inhales, slowly, letting his eyes close.
  232. "Nay, I agree that the power'a tha' Birds shouldn't be immediately at a highpoint while they're newly marked, 'ere. But I think they should be allowed ta' operate as they 'ave been, make their own decisions. Once 'e proves 'e ain't just grabbing information ta' sell ta' the Knights, then we instate his Guild wot proper ta' the Council'a Warlords."
  233. (Mahraj ven Serpente)
  235. [03:19] Dun would nod lightly, there was wisdom in the words of the Serpente.
  236. (Dun)
  238. [03:23] Time to do something stupid.
  240. Murphy scoffed at the comments of the girl. Waving a hand dismissively. Instead he looked to the others at the table, not just the others with voting power either, it's clear this was about something more than that for him, what she said really lit his fire. The old crooked frowned and furrowed his eyes.
  242. "First you dishonor them by taking their vote, that is fair and rational, but to act as if they are to watched over goes against the principles of this town and dishonors them further. The Thunderbirds have a number of members already, should your guild be anything it's claimed to be, it'll have no problem recruiting in competition to the Thunderbirds. Unless...-" He chuckled a bit. "You just can't handle said competition yourself? You know where we are surely, this isn't a place of dues or nobility, you earn your place here or you will lose it, simple as that. As have all guilds in Theria."
  244. He looks to Fenrir. "I think you know the right decision here, Miss Fenrir."
  245. (Murphy)
  247. [03:23] Siegfried simply listened to what those at the table had to say for now. He did not feel much need to speak when his warchief was before him. He figured she had it under control. Though he found everyone's ideals quite peculiar.
  248. (Siegfried Fenrir)
  250. [03:23] This is just what Sarasha wanted to hear. The Thunderbirds being put to work first and rewarded much later, though the concept of such that; An entire organization being siphoned into Tanya's clutches.
  252. The power shift would be just too great. It was true, she knew just the decision that could be made.
  254. "I believe they would be best to work under each of us. Having the Thunderbirds finally coming in and participating in each of our duties."
  256. "The experiences of his members would diversify and teach each other in no time. It would truly be the best solution to finally offering-" She pointed to the seat Teodor was already sitting in. "that seat to them in earnest."
  258. Her gaze was held on the Hargrave. Fingers curled around her cheek and now biting on a nail with a wry grin.
  259. (Sarasha Fenrir)
  261. [03:26] "I'm not opposed to working under the collective eyes of the council on 'probationary period' of sorts. But I am opposed to working under one specific person. That does seem..." Teodor's voice drifts off.
  263. "In poor judgement."
  265. He laughs eagerly and raises both arms up to the air.
  267. "Needn't worry so much, Murphy. They do not dishonor myself, or my Guild. Their apprehension is understandable. Nonetheless, I'll agree to working under each of you. In fact, I can even assign some, or all, of my members to each of you. For a time, anyway."
  268. (Teodor Hargrave)
  270. [03:29] There was a pressure building around Tanya; an invisible force that coalesced around her very form in invisible energy. Her eyes were closed, her breath even. The only thing that was changed was a single ring-finger extended from her hands.
  272. "Truly, my idea was to simply allow them to work alongside a similar organization while they got their feet wet; nothing more, and nothing less. When the Council recognizes them as ready, they may take the seat they have earned it."
  274. Sienna hues found their target on the one who spoke out of turn in her direction. It would only take a moment; the drop of her finger to multiply the gravity around him to bone-crushing levels. A malice that was as quick to show as it was to go away.
  276. "I believe the Thunderbirds can prosper in Theria with the proper branding. But, I agree with Sarasha. They should be under the original members of the Council until we have found them deserving of their seat. That, I can agree on."
  278. "However, I do find the crushing weight of this man's insults to be unbearable. That his assumptions are simply uncalled for. He should watch his tone."
  280. All of this directed at Murphy.
  281. (Tanya Weiss)
  283. [03:34] Mahraj's smile instantly reforms as Tanya rebuts, a hand moving to clasp against the side of the table with a bit of a show, a noise that carries throughout the room. His crystalline eyes practically shine bright as he looks between the two, the grin on his face becoming wide enough to once more showcase teeth.
  285. "Ye' know, tha' easiest way ta' settle disputes in Theria is ta' play an old classic. Throw blows until the first'a ya' ta' walk away with a bloody nose."
  287. Was that actually a Therian classic, or something that he had just made up on the spot? Both answers were likely entirely possible, and it's hard to read his face to tell just which answer it truly was. He hums, quietly, before waving a hand rather nonchalantly, as if passing the thought off.
  289. "..But, aye, I think that's fair. Have 'em be a presence around. Stack 'em where ye' want 'em. The Serpent's job is fairly easy if they're newbloods. Move 'em ta' the Shields or somethin' if they want potential risk. Easy said, easy done."
  290. (Mahraj ven Serpente)
  292. [03:36] Nothing more nothing less my ass. The man was steamed. He didn't even care about the Thunderbirds to be frank. It was the sheer noble like audacity the girl had. It reminded him of many he'd killed or manipulated to their demise before. Another high horse to tumble, nothing to be concerned of really. The weight of gravity magic pulled at the supposedly sickly man's frame, the same lanky and bend out of shape crook standing just as fucked as before. Whatever was being used didn't bother him anymore than his preexisting conditions, the main indicator of the magics being his pocket watch pulling tight to his neck.
  294. "If my assumptions were assumptions there would be no need for outrage, girl."
  295. (Murphy)
  297. [03:38] Mahraj spoke of the old classic solution to disputing differences. While they all tried to be civil like this, the warlords all had a place in their hearts for such a violent resolution.
  299. Sarasha could only roll her eyes, yet her toothy grin widened. She wanted nothing of the man to see his resolve show and sway the argument to or away from their resolve. Though it was warranted. There were only three seated warlords, with the exception to a probationary voice. Yet this one spoke more than Teodor.
  300. (Sarasha Fenrir)
  302. [03:42] Teodor lays a hand on Murphy's shoulder. His hand gets caught in the gravitational effect field, and causes it to press down, hard, on his shoulder. Probably might hurt a bit.
  304. But Teodor doesn't seem to care. He has his same goofy, cheerful smile.
  306. "Murphy," he says carefully. "You're here as a guest, not as a voice of your own right. And, as a guest, you should avoid... starting things, with the other Warlords."
  308. But, in his head, Teodor found Murphy's boldness to be refreshing. Interesting. A little entertaining, too. He'll not do anything else to try to stop the argument. Instead, he continues on to the next topic.
  310. "I'll assign some of my people to you each. I figure it'll be a good learning experience for everyone involved. That's my final suggestion."
  311. (Teodor Hargrave)
  313. [03:43] Murphy walks away from the table and leans on the back of the chair of the Thunderlord, rubbing his shoulder and rolling his neck.
  314. (Murphy)
  316. [03:48] The finger slowly falls to her lap, the gravitational effects ceasing back to normal. She was pleasant on the outside, but not pleased by this man's actions on the inside.
  318. "You have a lovely carpet, Sarasha. Causing it to stain would wound me. It is, however, growing a bit late, so I'll leave with a small monologue."
  320. She stands from her table next to the absolute unit of a clown, Dun. It's almost comical how fucking ripped this man is.
  322. "With Osrona's direct or indirect involvement in our business, we now stand at changing and dangerous times. Caution should be given towards our choices from now own; allowing Osrona any leverage into our city will result in dangerous and possibly grave consequences."
  324. "My father was one who held the freedom and sovereignty of Theria in the highest regards, and I plan on doing the same."
  326. With that, she'd push her chair in, wrap her scarf around her neck, and walk out of the door politely, the hulking jester taking strides close behind.
  327. (Tanya Weiss)
  329. [03:49] Mahraj ven Serpente says, "Ah- Before you leave. It's important ta' make things official.."
  330. [03:49] Tanya Weiss asks, "Mmh?"
  331. [03:50] Mahraj ven Serpente asks, "So.. Tha' talk'a tha' table was such; That tha' Thunderbirds are offered an honorary chair f'er as long as we see fit, until they prove 'emselves. Until then, they follow tha' other Mercs in their duties. Anyone opposed ta' that?"
  332. [03:50] Murphy held his tongue.
  333. (Murphy)
  335. [03:50] Tanya Weiss says, "I am not. "
  336. [03:50] Teodor Hargrave says, "That's fine with me! As long as this period does not last too long."
  337. [03:51] Tanya Weiss says, "Substantial contribution will make the judging process easier."
  338. [03:51] Tanya Weiss says, "I propose evaluations at every meeting."
  339. [03:52] Mahraj ven Serpente says, "Aye."
  340. [03:52] Teodor Hargrave asks, "Evaluations... of what?"
  341. [03:52] Teodor Hargrave says, "But, that's probably fine."
  342. [03:52] Tanya Weiss says, "Achievements, contribution, ecetera. "
  343. [03:52] Tanya Weiss says, "Anything that can be brought forth of note."
  344. [03:53] A silent chuckle was given to the consideration. Oh how badly red stained over blue. That's why the table was red! Though...she kept that joke in poor taste to herself.
  346. The notion was acquired. As per the details? Sarasha understood quite well.
  348. "I am unopposed in letting the Thunderbirds in assisting each organizations duties. I will note however; Those of the thunderbirds that assist at search and identification practices at the gate will have a greater chance at recognizing city-folk."
  350. She takes a deep breath and speaks a bit louder.
  352. "It is also a double edged sword. Those of Osrona would be able to quickly recognize Mr. Hargrave's men."
  353. (Sarasha Fenrir)
  355. [03:53] Tanya Weiss says, "That is true. However, I must depart."
  356. [03:53] Teodor nods.
  357. (Teodor Hargrave)
  359. [03:53] Mahraj ven Serpente says, "Be safe. The nights 'er cold and harsh."
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