
Leiko's Zako Fest

Jun 2nd, 2014
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  1. [22:41] <Leiko|Hisako> Hmp!
  2. [22:41] * Leiko|Hisako walks to the watcher
  3. [22:41] <Leiko|Hisako> "Oi, Oi Oi"
  4. [22:42] * Leiko|Hisako pushes the watcher
  5. [22:42] <Leiko|Hisako> "You wanna pick a fight or something?"
  6. [22:44] * unknownwatcher reels back and smirks
  7. [22:44] <Raden> shit's going down
  8. [22:44] <unknownwatcher> "ladies, deal with this trash
  9. [22:44] <Leiko|Hisako> "eeehhh?"
  10. [22:44] * unknownwatcher snaps his fingers and a huge group of latex wearing women surround Leiko
  11. [22:45] <unknownwatcher> "have fun....."
  12. [22:45] * unknownwatcher walks away into the elevator leading to his office
  13. [22:46] <unknownwatcher> one of the girls tries to swipe Leiko with her knife
  14. [22:46] * Leiko|Hisako grunts. In chase no one knows. Leiko is a Banchou girl, A japanese school delicuent. She has green eyes and red hair so long that reaches to her lower back. She wears a suit similar to Jotaro from JoJo's bizarre adventure
  15. [22:47] <unknownwatcher> (ah)
  16. [22:47] * Leiko|Hisako side steps a little and grabs the girl by the hand she is weilding the knife "OUT OF MY WAY!" she screamed as she pushed the girl aside and chased after the watcher
  17. [22:48] <unknownwatcher> the woman was easy dispatched as well as the women who she landed on
  18. [22:49] * unknownwatcher pushes the button as the elevator doors close....
  19. [22:50] * Leiko|Hisako punches the Elevador door as it close in front of her "Dammit!"
  20. [22:50] <unknownwatcher> a few of the women pull out tranq darts and try to shoot leiko
  21. [22:50] <unknownwatcher> tranq dart guns*
  22. [22:51] * Leiko|Hisako reacst fast enough to jump to the side and hide for cover
  23. [22:51] <Leiko|Hisako> "You better give up, I am on a bad mood!"
  24. [22:52] <unknownwatcher> "get her" shouted one lady who seemed to signel the rest to rush leiko's hiding spot
  25. [22:53] * Leiko|Hisako jumps out from her hidding spot ( A garbage can) with the top as a shield to cover herself from the dart. She managues to land in front of one of the girls that rush towards her.
  26. [22:53] <Leiko|Hisako> "Hmp!"
  27. [22:53] * Leiko|Hisako tackles the girl capitan america style
  28. [22:55] <unknownwatcher> the girl, being the well trained zako that she is, is knocked out
  29. [22:55] <unknownwatcher> "oh, I trained them well" the watcher smirked as he watches them from his office monitors
  30. [22:56] * Leiko|Hisako grabs the girl and throws her with a judo technique using her hips and her hands to throw the girl to the Zako leader. Take the head and the snake dies.
  31. [22:57] <unknownwatcher> the girl who is seemingly leading this group jumps up to avoid her comrade and tries to counter with a high kick
  32. [22:59] * Leiko|Hisako puts on the tradh can shield so the leader's ankle land on top of it. She hopes that it hurts a lot
  33. [22:59] <unknownwatcher> the leader hits the lid but she just bounces off of it and smirks
  34. [23:00] <unknownwatcher> the leader then motions for leiko to come after her
  35. [23:00] <unknownwatcher> meanwhile.....
  36. [23:01] <unknownwatcher> "is it filled yet? excellent. the pool party will begin soon....."
  37. [23:01] * Leiko|Hisako throws keeps the lid close to her in chase anyother Zako's shoot at her. She runs towards the rushing Zakos and Tackles them "Move! Move! Move! Real techniques are not required for you losers!" She runs into the zakos and hits them in the head with the lid
  38. [23:03] <unknownwatcher> many of the zakos were knocked out but one was hit so hard that the lid was bent in half
  39. [23:03] <unknownwatcher> "oh....we'll need a replacement for special agent 58"
  40. [23:04] * Leiko|Hisako grunts and throws the lid like a projectile to the next zako in line
  41. [23:06] <unknownwatcher> the zako is knocked out by the lid but in reflex she pulls the trigger to her tranq gun!
  42. [23:09] * Leiko|Hisako barely evades the shoot, However beacuse she did that she is opened up for an attack "Hhg!"
  43. [23:10] <unknownwatcher> and open se was as the leader of the group tries to elbow leiko in the stomache
  44. [23:10] <unknownwatcher> she*
  45. [23:10] * Leiko|Hisako grunts as she is hitted on the stomach "Uuff!" She reels backwards
  46. [23:12] <unknownwatcher> capitalizing, te leader jumps up and wraps her legs around leiko in attempt to slam her head on the floor
  47. [23:12] <unknownwatcher> the*
  48. [23:12] <unknownwatcher> around leiko's neck*
  49. [23:14] * Leiko|Hisako plants her feet firmly on the floor and grabs the leader's legs she grunts and her face becomes red as she tries to hold on her air as long as she can, Leiko jumps backwards to the floor in order to slam the Zako Leader. She hold the leaders legs tighly to make sure she doesn't escape
  50. [23:15] <unknownwatcher> what!? the leader exclaimed as she fell face down on he ground
  51. [23:15] <unknownwatcher> she, and the rest of her group, were knocked ot cold
  52. [23:15] <unknownwatcher> out*
  53. [23:15] * Leiko|Hisako get's up and grunts "W-What?"
  54. [23:16] <Leiko|Hisako> "I tough they were going to scape or something, I never tough that to kill a snake you cut off his head was this literal"
  55. [23:17] <unknownwatcher> the*
  56. [23:17] <unknownwatcher> sheild*
  57. [23:18] <unknownwatcher> "sir, there was a leak. We have to delay your "pool party"...."
  58. [23:19] <unknownwatcher> "dammit! oh well, could you call an ambulance for my guards?"
  59. [23:19] * Leiko|Hisako gasp and drags the zako leader's body to the elevator. She drags her from her right leg like if it was a ragdoll and slams her agaist the elevator
  60. [23:19] <Leiko|Hisako> "Access!"
  61. [23:19] <unknownwatcher> unfortunately, the elevator did not respond
  62. [23:19] * Leiko|Hisako slams the zako leader agaise the elevator again "Open!"
  63. [23:20] <unknownwatcher> suddenly, a screen right above the controls activate and on the screen was the watcher
  64. [23:20] <unknownwatcher> "hehe, sorry. i revoke her and everyone else's access while you were fighting"
  65. [23:21] <unknownwatcher> "thanks for trying out my group for me. come back again tomorrow and we'll have a pool party"
  66. [23:21] * unknownwatcher laughs as the screen went dark
  67. [23:21] <Leiko|Hisako> "Eeeeeh???"
  68. [23:22] * Leiko|Hisako kicks the door in frustation she growls like a mad dog. She stomps the zako leader in anger
  69. [23:25] <unknownwatcher> and ambulance arrives as well a squad car
  70. [23:25] <unknownwatcher> "ma'am, freeze!"
  71. [23:26] * Leiko|Hisako is a delincuent of course she is not going to give up, She grabs the already bloody body and throws it to the police
  72. [23:27] <Leiko|Hisako> "F**** PIG!"
  73. [23:27] * Leiko|Hisako runs
  74. [23:27] <unknownwatcher> the police dodge the body and give chase
  75. [23:27] <unknownwatcher> all the while, the watcher watches through the window laughing
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