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a guest
Jul 23rd, 2018
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  1. expected boolean value but got ".top37 configure -background #d9d9d9 -highlightbac"
  2. while executing
  3. "if {!$vTcl(paste) && !$vTcl(redo)} {
  4. ::vTcl::MessageBox -message "Alias '$alias' already exists." -title "Invalid ALias" -icon error..."
  5. (procedure "vTcl:valid_alias" line 7)
  6. invoked from within
  7. "vTcl:valid_alias $target $alias"
  8. (procedure "vTcl:DefineAlias" line 19)
  9. invoked from within
  10. "vTcl:DefineAlias "$top.lab52" "Label1_5" vTcl:WidgetProc "f_sec" 1"
  11. (procedure "vTclWindow.top37" line 56)
  12. invoked from within
  13. "vTclWindow.top37 .top37 "
  14. ("eval" body line 1)
  15. invoked from within
  16. "eval "vTclWindow$name $newname $rest""
  17. (procedure "Window" line 18)
  18. invoked from within
  19. "Window show .top37 $btop"
  20. (file "C:/page/userinfo.tcl" line 332)
  21. invoked from within
  22. "source C:/page/userinfo.tcl"
  23. ("uplevel" body line 1)
  24. invoked from within
  25. "uplevel #0 [list source $file] "
  26. (procedure "vTcl:source" line 26)
  27. invoked from within
  28. "vTcl:source $file newprocs"
  29. (procedure "vTcl:open" line 41)
  30. invoked from within
  31. "vTcl:open"
  32. (menu invoke)
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