
Aqua Impact: Red and Blue

Nov 15th, 2014
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  1. --[Aqua Impact: Red and Blue | Water | Power: 70 (Red on main target) 40 (Red on adjacent foes) 100 (Blue) | Accuracy: 100% (Red) 90% (Blue) | Physical | PP: 10/16 (Red) 5/8 (Blue) | Red: Hits one target for full power, and adjacent foes for listed power. Has a 30% chance of flinching the main target, and a 10% chance of flinching adjacent ones. Also, it has a 5% chance of raising the user's Attack. Blue: Hits one target for a higher base power with a 30% chance of raising the user's attack, 10% of raising speed, and 5% of flinching. The user must recharge. | This move gives both Basculin forms a solid Adaptability move, and the Red form dealing collateral damage can come in handy later. The blue one, having a whopping 200 base power with adaptability, for just the recharge cost, you have a 3/10 chance of making it stronger next time you use it, a 1/10 chance of being able to outspeed next time, and a 5/100 chance to flinch the opponent on your recharge turn. For the red one, it has a 140/80 spread with Adaptability, being able to hurt all foes. It can flinch them so they cannot hurt you, and it can make you stronger.]--
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