

Sep 30th, 2017
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  1. Thim crept low, clinging to the ground like the grass, he slinked along the ground towards the gate. High and imposing it stood defiantly tall, strong metal rapped and crossed to form the hideous wall, the metal monster was adorned with decrarive thorns and birds. Thim knew they were there but could not see them in the darkness, the night sky was pregnant with the spring rain, hiding the moon above. The ground was wet and muddy, his journey had surely painted him to match the sky, Thim could feel it drying as he steadily added more throughout his journey.
  3. The strong wind screamed through the savage gaps in the metallic fence, Thim could hear the noises of life distant hoots and rustles of the night folk, then he heard the rain. The steady approaching clapping of rain froze him in his tracks, the distant rumble came suddenly and then surrounded him. A sharp torrent of rain blasted the land, small clumps of earth danced in his face and all around him as the rain song begun, the roar of rain drowned out all else. Reaching the old metal wall, Thim pushed against it seeking any relief from the freezing wind and rain, the cold bars gave none as rain whipped through the gaps screaming as they hit him.
  5. Undeterred he searched for hand holds eagerly sliding his hands along jagged old metal, the coarse thing cut and nipped as he began to slowly climb, feet swinging wide he managed to slowly ascend the slippery thing. Like a beast it swished and swayed trying to kick him loose as the rain hailed on his back, steadily he managed pull himself over the round ornate head of the fence, each peculiar circle held slightly indistinct shapes. His soaked clothes clung to him as he fell forward slipping off the fence only to land on his back. Stunned he could only lie there in his wet imprint in the mud as the savage rain stung and bit trying to freeze his open eyes.
  7. Shifting onto his side thim scanned the area. The house was as the townsfolk had said massive, the thing was a lord's mansion, the thing was abandoned. The garden was unkept and in disarray dead and scraggle plants lay about the ground. Knealing he crept towards the mansion, shadows clung to it in the dark hiding any window or door, steady streams of rained poured off the tiled roof. Fumbling along the brick wall Thim found a closed window hidden in the dark, slowly his eyes adjusted to the shade of the building, just glancing over his shoulder was like day. So easily he could see the metal fence and ruined garden and his imprint, when he faced the window it was as if darkness clung to his eyes.
  9. His wet muddy hands fumbled on the frame for grip, shifting his weight and pushing the window hard resulted with it shifted slightly, breathing steadily he shivered as he fumbled blindly seeing with his hands. Pivoting he put his weight behind a stronger push and heard a sharp snap before the window swung loosely towards him. Desperate to escape the rain Thim leant forward and climbed through the swinging window, the sharp wind and rain at his back. Landing in another wet muddy pile on the floor, Thim was still barraged by the rain as it explored the new opening. Standing thim pulled the window closed against the protests of the wind and rain, fumbling for a second he managed to wedge it shut, once closed the howl of the wind was a distant whimper in the silence of the house.
  11. The room was lined with packed bookshelves and wide high backed chairs, the place was meant to be abandoned but none had actually checked, stalking to an open door on the far side Thim peered out. The high hallway was empty and lead towards a sparsely furnished looking atrium through wide open doors, while the other direction led to more open doors. No light could be found, The place was surely empty. His body shivered as his wet clothes lazily clung to him, he needed to dry off or he would get sick. Swiftly thim headed for the atrium, the long corridor was lined with paintings of different men and women. Only the wet patting of his feet and the soft dripping from his hair was all that he heard while stalking along the carpeted floor.
  13. Entering the wide empty atrium Thim found it branching off towards different wings, some stairs wound up either side of him to meet on a wide landing above. Two doors sat opposite each other leading away from the wide main twin door entrance which stood tall and menacingly dark in front of him. If the libary had been in such good condition the bed rooms above might hold some dry clothes Thim thought to himself as he stood surrounded by paintings of beautiful women and stern men, the lords who once lived here hadn't gone to the effort of taking anything with them, rugs and tables holding vases full of dead plants sat gathering dust. Only the soft patter of his dripping clothes and head could be heard as he surveyed the atrium. Surely the place hadn't been haunted so much that the owners forsook all their property.
  15. He doubted even the rich would ignore the wealth left here, the townsfolk hadn't even tried to take anything, the place couldn't be cursed. Thim had never seen a Revenant or Haunt but surely even the most scary of monster couldn't keep out dumb farmers looking for a little profit. More then a little considering the condition of every thing. Stepping from his small puddle thim rounded towards the stairs driven on by the sudden coldness of his extremities . The pitter patter of his feet were muffled by the thickly carpeted stairs, the long dark wooden railings were surely some rare type of tree, but thim knew little of those things. The carpet was thick and soft as his thin shoes sunk into it's muffling embrace.
  17. His hand slid along the large ornate wooden railing as he ascended, over the banister he could see the empty atroum, his eyes finally accustom to the gloomy place, he could see his puddle. The silver slivers of moonlight that crept within the room danced across it, looking up he saw the entrance it had used. A wide glass dome arched out defiantly from the ceiling, the crescent moon was nestled between to heavy rain clouds lighting the rain to white tears. On his right the wall was lined with more paintings, mainly sweeping landscapes and an occational portrait, as he climbed the portrait's lessened as the age of the painted increased. Reaching the top of the staircase thim found three closed doors to match the ones below, walking to the nearest he tried the round studded handle.
  19. A series of quiet clicks followed as he pushed it open, thanking the gods for not allowing a creak to escape Thim slipped through. Quickly he began closing it behind him leaving it slightly ajar just in case he needed to make a quick escape. The place was empty but it never hurt to be prepared. Another long hallway swept before him ending at tall window, doors lined both sides of the gloomy hallway their wooden frames peaking out slightly from the walls. Moving towards the nearest door Thim was about half way when the door to the landing behind him creaked, a slow ragged thing drawn out like the sigh of a disappointed mother after hearing the flippant responses from her misbehaving children.
  21. Surprised by the noise Thim jumped on to the balls of his feet and bent into a crouch as he spun to face the moaning door, his hand tightly gripping his belt knife. Squinting expectantly Thim watched the slight sway of the door. It moaned again. The dark wood barrier standing defiantly as it shifted on it's aged hinges, the small gap between door and frame grew and shrunk as Thim watched. Thinking to himself It must be the wind, it had to be wind, many of the doors below were open. Maybe the wind was entering from somewhere he hasn't explored, breathing deeply again Thim hadn't noticed he had held his breath, those children's stories were getting to him. Relaxing slightly thim still watched the door, pulling his eyes away from the noise he focused on exploring the hallway, the window at the end cast in enough light to make small faint shadows.
  23. Trying the door closest Thim swung it open, inside the curtain's were closed and pale moonlight slipped past the edges, but the rest clung to darkness. He stood at the fresh hold eye's trying to make out anything within, just to his right was a shadow clad dresser but passed it was shifting and unfocused blackness. Moving to the dresser, Thim caressed the wooden craftsmanship searching with his hands. The occasional clatter of unseen trinkets rattled out as he blindly knocked them off the dresser. The wide variety of soft and hard objects littering it offered no use. As he probed the furthest corners, he felt something oddly familiar in the blinding dark. Thick, short and waxy with both hand's he gripped it gently. The almost weight less stick had a small sting poking out of the end.
  25. Grinning in the gloom thim brought the candle to his nose and sniffed, the heavy wax smell filled him swiftly he retrieved his brass tinder box from his pocket. Sitting on the cold smooth wooden floor Thim tested it unsuccessfully, the box had escaped the worst of the rain but the tinder was a little damp. placing the candle down on his lap he cupped the box and blew quietly trying to dry it. Minutes passed as Thim tried to dry his tinder box before finally managing to light it, fumbling with the small spitting flame he light the candle before the flame succumbed. Pocketing the box he stood in the candle lit room, the flame on the candle was bright yellow against the surrounding darkness.
  27. The bright little candle lit up the room, to his right was a large four poster bed, to his left was the treasure he sought. The dresser could contain some small clothes but the tall twin door dresser hopefully had something larger. Shifting to the dresser he opened it and looted his treasure, most of the clothes were fancy but a few plain riding britches and thick shirts lay in the back folded away. They had left their clothes and made their beds before leaving, Thim was on edge as he undressed. Standing on the pile of his wet and muddy clothes he used some of the fancier attire to dry his hair and body, the cold bit at his nakedness and sped him along as he quickly slipped in to thick plain woolen clothing that smelt faintly of soap.
  29. Dressed and dry Thim's spirit rose, a sturdy mountaineer reaching the peak of an arduous climb, he slipped on his worn belt and retrieved his tinder box. Pushing the soggy pile of discarded clothes into a corner Thim returned to searching the room, unfortunately the bed and the two dressers were the only things of note. A bedside table creepily held a dead flower, and as inviting as the bed was he wasn't about to sleep in such a mysterious place, instead he deciding on checking the small dresser's draws. The dresser was a rich glossy looking wood, on the floor to the side were a series of small keep sakes on the ground. One was a tiny box that had opened as it fell, the small box appeared to be made from a dark stone that ate the light that touched it.
  31. Picking the heavy box up the weight and coldness surprised him. The box was small but felt as if he was holding a heavy bag of grain in his hand, the cold was more worrying, sharp and biting he had almost dropped it. Like ice, unmelting black ice, the box was ajar the inside cushioned by a deep blue silk, nested inside was a ring. Snakes. Multiple thin snakes of metal were entwined, each greedily eating another in front, intrigued Thim examined it as the box numbed his hand. Breathing heavy the numbness grew up his arm as he watched the motionless snakes devours one another, none were spared and all were eating another as their prey did the same.
  33. Thim's eyes could not leave their barely noticeable orbs, as they slithered amongst each other. Savagely bloodying one another the greedy serpents feasted as they were feasted upon, the sharp sighs and sizzling hissing surrounded thim as they wriggled and wound around him. Their cold smooth bodies withered and writhed uninterested in the naked pale body amongst their clashing constant shifting tide. Thim began to sink within the dark slick mass of movement and blood. The harsh bloodied final hisses and shifting of battered serpentine bodies surrounded him. They flowed past searching for any respite from the onslaught. Each one was desperately trying to escape. Amongst the warping mass Thim found himself surrounded by the wounded and dying, cool motionless bodies lay against him.
  35. Thrusting his arms out against the shifting coils Thim grabbed and pulled at the tangled mess trying to free himself. Arms aching and grazed he broke the surface of the sighing waves. All around him they shimmered and waned bodies illuminated by the bold bright full moon above. White tears of light glanced up and along the slick bodies, red and white mixed within the surging mass. The hissing rose as the serpent's swallowed faster trying to escape their encroaching doom. The rolling mass swallowed him again, screaming with his eyes held open by fear, Thim futilely grabbed and pulled as he sunk deeper, the moon was eclipse by silky shifting bodies. Desperately screaming and twisting against the others around him he clawed and spasmed against the indistinct mass that wormed against him.
  37. Tumbling within the wiggling coil's thim lost track of what direction was up, the other snakes lashed against his face and body pushing him further down. His resistance did little to help, he was entwined with them. With his hope on the brink of disappearing, Thim roared furiously a high pitched whistle, matching the loud hurried hissing. Twisting his head to the side he bit hard eyes open only seeing black as he fought to free himself, he tore into the soft salty meat as the serpent he bit shook in it's death rattle. Chewing the cold meat, the small sharp bones did little to deter him as he devoured it.
  38. his head lead him as he thrashed side to side eating all who fell in his way, none would escape. Thim had eaten countless numbers of the serpents surrounding him.
  40. The high moon lit his body as he devoured the last few morsels writhing together. Soon his search dragged on, no more serpents were found as he crawled along the slick earth rocks below. The lonely moon lit the rocky plains sournding him as he perched up and scanned for the last. The moon plains glittered red and white, but no slick bodies could be seen. Turning he scanned around him, the endless stretch of rocky outcroppings reach the horizon and rose into the cloud less sky. The moon stood proudly over head as it had when he first arrived but now there were no serpents left. Thim was begin to get impatient until he noticed a thick silky tail catching the moon light as it flicked side to side. Watching the tail he saw it ended around a high outcrop, the last serpent must have hid trying to escape it's fate. What a fool it was.
  42. Sticking low to the ground he slid forwards toward the tail, the time in the rocky plains had passed strangely Thim couldn't tell if it had been five minutes or five hours. His only memories were of the snakes and devouring them to free himself. The tail impatiently flickered back and forth before falling still as thim reached it. Plunging forward he opened his mouth and bit the tail, the sharp rocks of the outcropping cut his leg as he surged on delivering another harsh bite, crushing bone and muscle. The rock's dug deeper. In response to the pain Thim rolled onto his side moving away from the rocks to continue devouring the last serpent. Swallowing hard parts of the salty tail slipped down his throat, even on his side he brushed against the sharp rocks. He opened his mouth wider eager to fit more of the snake in, pushing forward again he swallowed harder, fitting as much in his mouth as he could.
  44. The snake was trying to escape twisting to free itself, he twisted to match the flailing snake. More pain climbed thim as the slid along the sharp rocks. None of the other rocks had harmed him it must have know the rocks would cut him if he attacked it. Fueled by anger he dove on against the pain climbing up his side. Trying to escape the rock's he shifted his body up the coarse outcropping and climbed over to get a better angle on the fleeing snake. The rock's above were just as sharp as he continued his assault, until the pain was too much. It felt as if his entire waist had been torn apart, warped and mangled by the rocks. Weakness spread through his body as it flopped off the rock's rolling to a stop besides his prey, as if he had been blind he suddenly noticed the similarities between his long silky scales, so smooth and beautiful slivers of deep onyx just like his prey.
  46. Biting again pain shot up his body, stunned he could only lie there, he had been eating himself. His torn waist was inside himself, just around the outcropping his prey would meet him and he would know it to be true. Pushing forward against the pain he bit and swallowed reluctantly dragging himself towards the truth he had hidden. As he turned the jutting rock's he could see himself. Fat and swollen his body glistened in the moon light, the pain had become unbearable twisting to free his devoured body failed. Glaring at the milky white moon Thim closed his eyes as the pain overtook him. Blinking awake Thim was on his back splayed out on the dark bedroom floor, darkness surrounded him as he tried to sit it, his muscles and bones grated as he urged them to work suddenly.
  48. Grunting as pain lanced up and down his body thim scanned the room, it was dark, the candle must had gone out when he had passed out. Luckily for him he hadn't burned down the mansion with him inside. Feeling with his hand's he picked the unlit candle up and pocketed it. Resting against the bed frame he breathed steadily waiting for the pins and needles to finish torturing his body. The black box was lying on it's side ajar the ring was gone, looking to the window Thim could still see the moonlight creeping past the curtain's. He had not been out for long, the candle had still been warm when he had picked it up, he returned his gaze to the box. The little thing ate all of the faint light around it, it lay on the carpet a black spot on the world, expensive silk surrounded by indescribable blackness.
  50. Nudging the thing with his foot it shifted on to it's side, as black as ever, the silvery metal ring was gone maybe it had fallen out when he'd dropped it. Pushing the dream of snake's to the furthest part of his mind, Thim stood and peaked out the open door, along the corridor looked the same if not slightly brighter. The window now had a short but bright square of moonlight along the carpet, it should be around midnight, he could still return to the town and sleep in the stables or a barn. Stretching to loosen his limb's Thim yawned loudly before heading to the door he had come through, the mansion may have held new clothes and warm beds but it had caused him an unnatural dream, he would return in the day with dulled nerves.
  52. The door didn't creak as he opened it and walked through to the landing above the atrium. A small circle of warm orange light sat just to the right of the left staircase, instinctively he crouched low against the soft carpeted floor. Peaking between the bannister's railings Thim could get a better look without being caught. The small girl stood in the centre of the circle of light, a bright lantern in her hand cast a long shadow behind her. The girl was child-like only a few feet tall and slim, she was wearing a white cotton shift and was examining the puddle of water on the atrium floor, her hair was shoulder length and painted a bright gold by the lantern light. Breathing deeply Thim watched as she rested the lantern on the ground besides her and crouched by the puddle, silently she dipped two pale white fingers into the water, only the noise of the water being disturbed echoed through the empty hall.
  54. Thim held his breath barely letting himself blink, he knew there should not be a little girl here, especially at this time of night, the townsfolk had insisted the place was empty. Slowly her fingers raised to her shadow clad face he could not see what she was doing, but he could hear it, first it was a quiet little huffling noise but it quickly became shuddering gasps of air as she smelled the water on her fingers. Her small shift covered frame swayed from side to side as she noisily smelt her small hand, as she continued Thim was sure the lantern produced less and less light as most of her head and upper body darkened and became undistinguishable from the dark room . Suddenly she pressed forward splashing both hand's into the puddle, the lantern lit them as she shifted her fingers about in the water, leaning further she slowly pressed her head against the puddle.
  56. For a moment there was silence, everything stood still as her golden hair lay wet against the floor, then he heard it, strange words came from her. Choked and shuddering the noises resounded in the hall, rearing her bottom up defiantly in the air the girl shifted further forcing herself against the puddle. Her small hand's were spread wide and entwined within her long hair as she lifted her leg's further and further up. Thim's mouth was agape with horror as he watched the child commit it's grotesque feat. With one final kick off the ground she straightened her body stiff and vertical. Her shift slipped loose, slowly it slipped passed her thin legs to reveal her prepubescent body, the small bundle of shift sat around her head only letting a few stray strands of wet hair escape.
  58. The resonating noise increased until it came from everywhere. Thim couldn't look away from the ridgid veritcal naked body of the girl, the noise was harsh and grated on his ears, like the soft crack of bone or the scrape of a heel along stone. Thim grited his teeth and studied the other doors, he had to leave before whatever that little thing was stopped doing it's hand stand and found him. As he thought of escape plans the loud noise stopped abruptly, shifting to face the girl Thim could see her legs were slack and bent but she was still held up by her hands, a sweetly sick moan escaped the thing's lips as it toppled over. The girl writhed on the floor for moment before sitting up, her back was to him as she corrected her sodden shift, as she stood the lantern illuminated her.
  60. Thim could see just below her shoulders the girl's shift was now black in spots, a deep onxy that shone in the lantern light, fascinated by the sudden darkened shift Thim leaned forward trying to get a better look. The girl had picked up the lantern but was trying to smooth the creases from her spotted shift with one hand, the golden lantern light met her hair again and Thim breathed sharply when noticing her sleek black wet hair. She softly patted her way over to the large entrance doors and gave them a gentle tug, the door gave slightly before meeting stiff rattling resistance. The gentle rattle paled in comparison to Thim's racing heart, the small figure couldn't be just a girl, thoughts of unknown horrors populated his mind. His heart set a running beat tempting Thim with flight, but she was below and who knew what she could do.
  62. Thim's manic thoughts of fleeing were suddenly cut short by another bout of retched shuddering. The girl was climbing the steps. The molten gold light seeped from the lantern, oozing across the black ichor that dripped and covered the girls face and shoulders. Her breathing was hagged and deep, shuddering and rattling like an old cart's wheels moans of protest as it was drawn across rough plains. Freezing terror crept down him a swelling iciness within him grew with her approach. Surely she couldn't see him, or she would have already. The light must be blinding her. Thim's thoughts raced as the thing slowly ascended, taking each step individually she watched towards the wide landing he hid on. She was silouhetted but he could clearly make out her open mouth and small nose, twitching and quivering her head swayed from left to right, eagerly breathing in. A dog patiently hunting a rat.
  64. The low haunting sounds escaping her was enough to move him. Pressing himself against the floor as he had done while approaching the manor, Thim backed his way towards the adjacent staircase leading down, the cold floor only heightened his sense of fear as he lost sight of the thing. Tender moments passed between Thim and the long embracing carpet floor, his only comfort during the agonizingly long crawl. It had been until the lantern glow began cresting the Bannister, pushing harder against the carpet, Thim watched the figure reappear. Muscle's tensing he prepared to throw himself down the stairs at full pelt to reach the window and freedom. Dread quickly seeped into his tense body as the girl stood motionless, the awful sound had changed, the grotesque breathing was replaced by a bizarre clicking and chittering from within the thing's neck it turned to face the door he had passed through and began to approach it.
  66. Free from it's terror thim grinned and began his crawl down the stairs, then he saw it. He had been so focused on the girl he hadn't seen it. It could see him. Sickly yellow eyes burned deep into his own, it stood hunched over. Tall and lanky with grossly elongated limbs, lit by the lantern it craned over the girl. Sleek and black like her ichor it ate the light, standing darker then the room. A patch of clear night sky, gaunt and hunched as it reaching the ceiling above. Thin limb's branched out from it's course jagged body eyes dotted along it sporadically. Though all focused on his prone body, silently watching, a monstrous willow tall and bent to the world. The stories of the Willow Sons and other haunts had filled his boyhood, the truth was more horrify then his prepubescent mind could imagine. The eyes drove him as he leaped down the stairs, more falling then running thim descended, while a low pitched whined followed behind.
  68. No footsteps could be heard but he hadn't heard them before he saw it. His mind raced with thoughts of yellow eyed haunt's eating his soul and body, reaching the floor in a crumpled low crouch Thim peered to the landing above. The girl and her lantern's light were gone but the eye's of the ghastly willow were half way down the stairs. Long spindly arms stretched out towards him, the bent branches of a rotten tree. Eyes wound along it, lit by their own sour light. Sickly and yellow, the filth from a fetid wound resided in those deep eyes. A foolish disgrace to life bitter and racked by sickness. The thing must die. Thim knew it, despite the terror he knew the truth man must carry. The snake's wound and writhed in his mind a rising consortium of unison cried out sharp and long. Kill it. no words, none were spoken. It had been from within the place of the moon, savage and barren like man's nature.
  70. The willow crept another step down swaying as if a strong wind guided it forward. Panic rising thim sped off down the way he had came, the willow took no action besides its steady advance as Thim passed below it. Only his sharp breaths and fast clapping of his feet followed him down the hallway towards the library, skittish every piece of exquisite furniture warped and shifted to unnatural haunts and monsters. Charging through the door to the library thim glanced back to reaffirm his escape. Down the darkly lit corridor where the door way leading to the atrium stood was the willow, crouched and huddled the night figure was a canvas of fetid eyes. Breathing sharply Thim pushed on passed the high stacked books, towards the window and his safety. Pushing the thing open with his momentum he launched himself through the barrage of violent rain.
  72. Slipping through the frame his eyes shut reflectivity against the cold kisses from the sky. The sodden mud embraced him gently as he landed spread eagle in the garden. "Well shit, looks like we found a way in lads" a thick northern accent called out from above the prone thim, the sudden speech clawed his eyes open. Standing on either side of him where to scruffy looking men slightly older then him, clad in breast plate and chain with long dreary violet hooded cloaks. One wore a wide brimmed buffered helmet. "Lovely night yes?" The one in the helmet spoke a rich Elumide accent dragging every word out by the hair. Shocked thim could only silently stare at the men and their swords and armour. Four more crowded around him all in similar cloaks but wildly different weapons and clothes, one stood a good two heads above the rest.
  74. Looks passed between the men as the watched him unmoving sprawled out before them. "Someone pick him up!" A hearty Seamlavo accent ordered from out of sight of his rain blinded eyes. Gauntleted and gloved hand's gripped hard on his cold wet body and hauled his limp form to his shaky feet. The rain had picked up as he rose, a sudden changing of the wind brought a fiercer charge, the droning roar almost drowned them out. "What are you doing here boy?" One quized against the torrent surrounding the men. "Who cares let's get out of this bloody rain Ivovin!" the man with the helmet complained, tugging on Thim's arm sharply. "Fuck this whore's ass of a county" another added as the group moved to join a couple other cloaked men closer to the window.
  76. Numerous others had already began delicately climbing though in their sodden armour and cloaks. The harsh howling of the wind and rain almost urged thim to return to the manor, but no storm could compare to the living nightmare within. But he couldn't speak the steady conversation between the men continued the only interruptions being punctuation from the storm. "Get inside boy" The helmeted man ordered his stern brown eye's commanding. More then half of the men had made it through before he was pushed and pulled through, the approach to the window was a stumbled walk unaided by the violet men. Looking between the ragged and harsh faces, thim was sure he had crossed a band of bandits, the fear of the willow eclipsed them. Man can only do so much to one another. Thim would not like to discover the warped outsider's ways.
  78. Worn and tired the heavy pushers worked him through, little fight remained in his husk, he felt hungry and tired. The last couple days without had taken its toll, could he even escape now. The bandit's could stop him easily from leaving, the risk of him telling some watchman would fill their mind's. But they could not stop it. The sudden exhaustion weighed him down, his heavy body was pulled through by the men inside. "Hurry up Bryfeonwy fucker, my balls are freezing off out here." Another harsh bandit called from outside before clattering through in his heavy mail coat. Standing wobbly in the library Thim could see some of the Violet men standing in the corridor while others examined the room. Violet cloaks began being lit up by lantern's.
  80. A another man crouched amongst the bookshelves, wearing a grey plain cloak and no armour. Thim watched as he lit more lantern's and handed them to passing violet cloak's, catching a better glimpse of the man he saw it was actually a boy a few years younger then him. Lanky, curly haired and freckles he seemed soft in comparison. A few of the men watched him expectantly as the last noisily climbed through. Thim watched past their staring face's out into the lantern lit hallway, the men out there showed no sign of spotting the Willow. Or the girl. Frozen he stared, expecting to see the grotesque body peer around the door frame rotten eye's hungrily searching for him. He hadn't heard the man, hadn't even noticed him, he could only stare until his sight was blocked by a tall man. Grey old eyes examined him from a creased muddy face, scars danced down his jaw and neck, savage cuts badly healed.
  82. His scruffy grey bearded mouth moved, but the sound was distant and faint, as if the large beard was smothering the words. Again his lips moved wordlessly followed by an annoyed frown creasing his old already lined forehead. The man stared into him like a hawk examining a wood pigeon before breaking it. Thim swallowed before the gaze of such a predator. Thim could feel his lips move, not forming words but an trembling attempt at communication, his breathing was shallow and heavy a rich pant trying to escape as words. The old man's face didn't change, understanding and patient almost like he was reading him. Staring back similarly thim saw years of work and battle upon the face before him, tales of wars and women clung to his figure.
  84. Fatherly and commanding, Thim couldn't help feeling the urge to impress the watchful man, like a child searching for approval he tried to talk. Catching his breath and closing his eyes he tried. "Yellow eyes" two sharp words quiet enough for the other's not to hear but clear enough for the man. His face didn't react to the words, uncertainty filled him as the man gaze hardened, surely he had heard him. Clenching his eyes shut he tensed his throat and forced the words across his resilient tongue. "It has yellow eyes" deep low breaths followed as he opened his eyes again. The old man nodded thoughtfully, the men in the room were attending to the books and cabinets and writing desks. The grey cloaked boy collected all handed too him and packed them in a number of leather canvas bags.
  86. "What else can you tell me son?" The man's accent was hearty and warming to the drifting boy, Thim nodded his appreciation while returning his eye the man. Calm crept out against the steady existence of terror and fear rolling around within him. "It was tall, a Willow I think" the words came at a sneaking crawl towards the man, a disbelieving whisper. The old man nodded while his leather gloved hand twisted the tip of his large beard. "Calviai! A willow is about, be on watch" Calling over his shoulder towards the men in the corridor, the old man earned Thim a few looks from some of the violet cloaked men. Returning his gaze to Thim the old man was about to continue when thim remembered, so eager had his mind been to forget the events of the night. The memory had only been from a moment before but it was hidden to him by his terror, the calm within had hidden nothing.
  88. "There is a girl too!" Thim stumbled out as the old man opened his mouth to talk, surprised the man was agape for a moment before responding. "Came up here for a little private ankle?" The old man mused grinning to himself slightly, discouraged and upset by the old man's joviality Thim whined out his reply. "She was with it" he stammered raising his hands and gesturing oddly "She is with it" he insisted waving his hands at the man. The old man frowned again at Thim's insistence. "Did she try to trick you into some ankle? but had the willow waiting?" The old man asked sceptically tilting his head. Despair flowered within him a bold petalled pool of black dread, a flower for the ichor girl. Exasperated by the Man's look he stumbled over his words. "Storm, shelter? clothes! Her!" pointing to the window to his own muddy and wet clothes before finally pointing above to where she had been.
  90. The men within we seemingly finishing up with their looting as the old man twisted his beard. "She was here when you got here? With it?" He asked intently and slowly his beard stretching in protest to his hand. Nodding insistently Thim simled with the understanding. "Slime like a river eel but black" he stammered motioning to his face and shoulders frantically. "All over!" He squealed it out nodding at the man. The man returned the nod silently as the men finished within the room, the grey cloaked young man had finished his packing and stood watching, a mask dissatisfaction and bitter annoyance. The boy's looks brought clarity to the dazed Thim, like the tide carrying away loose unneeded things. Everything felt real instead of hazed by the thick fog of fear. The men began filing out of the room except for the younger man, one final nod and the old man spoke.
  92. "Stay close boy, we will find what we look for and leave together!" The man ordered gesturing towards the men in the hallway. Shocked by the man's suggestions thim shook his head gently. "Alone it will take you easier boy, it was made for the wild!" The old man firmly spoke gesturing again to the hallway. "Within here it is at a disadvantage, the storm will house others, such a night isn't for man" the words were like steal cold and true, Thim knew he would never make it back to that pisswater town before the willow or another got him. Nodding in agreement he headed towards the hallway, exchanging a questioning look towards the grey cloaked boy's glare, he alone hadn't seen it. "Enough glaring Tolnii, he hasn't fucked your sisters yet!" The old man chimed while clapping a hand on Thim's wet shoulder. "Ignore him" the old man said grinning broadly.
  94. "Move boy! before I kick that ass out in the rain" swinging his open palm at Tolnii as he passed the old man laughed. "I am Volniceah, what is your name boy?" Volniceah asked as they passed through into the brightly lit hallway with another gentle pat in the back, men stood around watching while others explored the other lit rooms along the hallway, looking down towards the atrium Thim could see no sign of the willow, Calviai and his men were checking further towards the atrium. Steadily moving from room to room, lanterns sat along the majestic hallway floor illuminating the once dark place. Turning to face Volniceah Thim spoke. "I'm Thimolnel, but everyone just calls me Thim" grinning broadly Volniceah shook Thim's hand eagerly "Everyone calls me Volni or oldman" breaking off the shake Volniceah looked the hallway up and down.
  96. Through the door behind them came Tolnii, large canvas bags carried in his thin arms, noticing Thim watching Tolnii sneered. His sharp thin nose and hallow cheeks were lightly freckled but he had a soft brow and softer grey eye's. The sneer was all game, Thim had seen knife fighter's his age with the eyes of a killer. Thim's best guess was Tolnii resented his place and the place of others surrounding him, typical amongst young peasant's and the lowly. A worm dreaming of being a dragon. Thim only stared back not wanting to appear weak before the arrogant boy, he did look like Volni slightly, most probably a nephew born into banditry. Volni had moved towards another cloaked man and was talking, while Tolnii stalked passed. "You've got the eyes of a Voll, stop watching me with them pig fucker!" Thim glared back at the skinny boy, up close he could see him better, he was thin and tall tolnii wasn't particularly muscular and most probably couldn't hold up in a fight.
  98. It would explain him carrying the dead weight. "Don't hurt yourself with those butterfly" Thim replied grinning at the book bearer. Sneering Tolnii walked to another lit room further down before entering. Shaking his head as he watched him go Thim knew the type, no friends but bold. Quick to get themselves stabbed. Surely it's why he's under his uncle's wing, Thim walked towards Volni, thoughts of the willow had been forgotten slightly obscured by the more pressing bandits. But it lingered the seeping dread hidden away but leaking. "A Willow and a Cequlos!" Volni told the other violet cloaked man. "Together Arnen! Together! Such a Hunt!" Volni insisted sounding pleased with the discovery, Arnen stood thoughtful nodding along. The man was younger then Volni maybe in his later twenties, he didn't look like a bandit, thin wire glasses held light lenses to his round jawed face.
  100. Despite the cold the robust man sweating profusely. "A Hunt?" Thim inquired interrupting before the man could reply to Volni. The man called Arnen eyed Thim thoughtfully through his glasses, Volni glanced towards thim as he stepped up besides them. "What else can hunt mean?" The old man asked mockingly while shaking his head from side to side gently, a faint grin lit his lips, a secret yet revealed. Thim eyed the pair thoughtful, quickly glancing to the armed men foraging through the hallway and connecting rooms. "You're hunting the Willow?" Thim slipped out the question surprised by the thought of anyone purposely looking for such a nightmare. The old man's grin broadened. "See Arnen! The youth always surprise" Volni merrily answered. "We're hunting for something else, but we had expected other hunters to arrive" Volni spoke inquisitively watching Thim for reaction.
  102. "Why? Why would anyone?" Thim stammered, shocked by the old man's sincerity and Arnen's nods of affirmation. Volni nodded understanding painting his face grimly, his harsh aged eyes locked with his disbelieving wide ones. Bandits would have been a better bet then fool monster hunters. "So other's don't have to, and well the money is good too" Volni interrupted Thim's thoughts speaking honorably and sternly only the mischievous grin at the mention of money suggested a less then noble cause. "You're young boy, the world is full of things more maddening then men hunting monsters" Arnen had joined in Volni's examination and stared at thim watchfully. "Try loving a woman" the leathery old man wheezed out laughing at his own attempt at humour, he even earned a smile from the spectacled man.
  104. "A new recruit, eh Volni?" Arnen finally spoke in a similar hearty accent softer in pitch then the old man's. With the question Thim eyed the pair sceptically, almost failing to keep his mouth shut. "If he lasts the night" Volni shrugged seemingly uninterested in an idea so far away from mattering. Failing to keep his mouth shut Thim stared at the pair agape, Arnen had returned to grinning while Volni watch his men begin to file out of the searched rooms. "Try not to die with that look on your face" Tolnii snidely remarked as he reached them, he had found two long pikes in one of the rooms, both jutted out from his arm pit, judging by the fancy engraved wide bladed hooked tips they had belong to someone wealthy. Or to the people who had guarded them. Motioning with his other hand Tolnii gestured open handedly towards the pikes.
  106. "Which pike would you like milord" Tolnii spat mocking attempt at an old high Lhaakso accent only came out twisted by his own husky accent. "Whith hike 'ould 'uo hike milord" Thim repeated the same mockingly dumbing his own imitation of Tolnii's accent. Both pikes looked almost identical, one sported a slight sharper bend on the armor hook from obvious use. Grabbing the thing by the wooden pole, thim not so delicately slipped it free from Tolnii's grip. Arnen had chuckled at the pair's short back and forth. Meanwhile Volni had began leading groups of men towards to atrium, following behind him Thim noticed a few of the violet cloaks stayed behind to mind the bags of loot. And the exit. The many lantern's of the men lit the once dark place, quietly the groups crept forward into the atrium. Only a few whispers passed between the furthest ahead.
  108. Holding his tall weapon forward Thim stepped in time with the men around him as they advanced, the fear that once gripped him so tightly was almost forgotten with the presence of others. Volni strode ahead through the doors hand resting on a worn handle poking through his cloak, Tolnii was just to Thim's right. His face grimmer then it had been while arguing. Even before reaching the doors Thim could see his puddle, slick with black. Walking up beside Tolnii, the pair passed through into the atrium, lit Thim could see the home to his nightmare. It stood empty and abandoned. The men within had began to investigate the ground floor's doors, a bunch crowded the black pool, only soft whispers competed with the rattle of rain on the domed ceiling. Gripping his pike tightly Thim hustled quietly to reach Volni by the puddle, without word Tolnii matched him.
  110. "It was here, it followed me above" Thim whispered pointing to the lantern lit trail of black child-like footprints snaking up the steps. Without word Volni nodded and gestured flat handled above. The men surrounding the puddle split into two groups and began the slow climb. Tracing his own steps Thim advanced. Watching across the wide atrium he could see a few had managed to open the connecting doors and continued their own search. The group on the other staircase matched their progress, the silence had began to get to Thim, until a hollow click echoed down to them. Quickly the click was followed by the clapping of running feet. "It's fleeing" Volni croaked loudly as he broke into a sprint, the old man was followed by the loud bustle of armour and weapons clanking as the groups charged. Thim couldn't see the landing above fully but the loud slam of a door cut between the noise of men.
  112. Being surrounded by the rattles and bangs of the armored men around him thim hadn't noticed the first scream, he noticed the second. Sharp and high it chased them up the stairs. Looking back he could see a few other men doing the same, the twin main doors had been opened. The howling wind lashed against the once calm room screaming to match the dying. "Tolnii hold it here!" Volni roared to the young man from the landing before speeding off through a door followed by other violet cloaks. Another cry of pain wormed past the wind, shouts joined in the chorus. Hurrying to catch Volni, Thim sped up, quick to escape the noise. Before taking two steps a hand gripped his arm tightly. "We hold it here!" Tolnii roared above the howling rain and screams. Whirling around Thim scowled at the grim faced boy, five violet cloaks stood behind him staring at the thing below, Tolnii's soft eyes had hardened as he locked gazes with him.
  114. The look could matched the old Man's. "We kill it here" Tolnii roared not only for Thim but the men with sword in hand behind. Despite the tempting voice ordering hin to flee, Thim turned his grim look on the Willow. It's dark body appeared to be harsh lump black rock but slick yellow oozing splits suggested it was softer then appeared. The men below had danced around the thing, glancing blows etched more yellow slits on the knobbly hunched body, it's wide swings did little too the fleet footed. Two hadn't been so lucky. One was half crushes by the Willows tree trunk feet, the other had been caught and twisted apart. Ropey strands of man dangled from one of it's long grabbing hands. The creature's creep forward unnerved him, slow but deceivingly slow, one violet cloak though he had slipped away. Until it wretched him off the ground by his cloak and threw him across the room, the soft splat from out of sight suggest he could have reached the hallway below.
  116. Thim's stomach rolled as he watched, Tolnii and the others seemed unaffected by the thing's bloody work. Thim had seen various fights and spats, even been in a few, but the mess the Willow made was like nothing he had seen before. The willow fought in a pool of mirid yellow pus as it pushed the men below further back. "They have it!" Tolnii declared eagerly. The willow was between the bottom of both staircases and a few of the other violet cloaks had returned, surrounding it from both sides. An expeccialy harsh wind blew through carrying the sour stink of it. The violet cloaks would distract it from one angle and attack from the opersite, punishing the Abomination's lack of intelligence. It was going well. Until the Willow buckled and fell onto it's thick yellow slick knee, the thing writhed as the men hacked quicker. The knobbly bulbs coating it shook and split revealing bright yellow pulsating shards.
  118. "No no no!" Tolnii stuttered "Get away Buldave!" Tolnii ran to the railing and repeated his shout. The men below took no notice of Him or the shifting yellow things. "Get down!" Tolnii shouted diving away from the bannister. Reflectively Thim dropped losing sight of the willow. As his hands sunk into the carpet below a deafening crash went off, like lighting striking a tree, the noise was chased by a cloud of debris. Splinters of wood and stone rained down. Light danced through plumes of dust that clouded the room. Lifting his head Thim could see Tolnii doing the same, they had seemed to escape most of the harm. What remained of the bannister had been shredded, course sickly yellow stone embedded in what little remained. Writhing and pumping yellow pus leaked out. The stones peppered the walls and ceiling. More wind spilled in from outside a shifted the dust. Tolnii stood along with two of the other men behind him, Thim couldn't see them clearly the shifting dust kept moving and stung his eyes.
  120. The dusty haze gave way slightly as Tolnii staggered out of it, splinters and dust clung to his clothes and curly hair. "Did you get hit?!" Thim saw Tolnii mouth the familiar words, but no noise could be heard besides an awful strained pitch in his eyes. "I can't hear!" Thim shouted only hearing a low rumble from his throat. Tolnii nodded sagely "Me too!" The ringing suffocated his the words but Thim was sure that was what he had said. The other two violet cloaks appeared behind Tolnii, violet cloaks painted a dusty grey, the pair helped each other along. Turning Tolnii spoke to the pair, Thim couldn't hear but Tolnii seemed to be repeating the same word. A few more silhouettes had appeared in the cloud, coughing as a stray breeze carried some dust into his mouth Thim checked himself of injuries. He had managed too escape seemingly unharmed, the worst he had suffered was a small bruise from landing on his pike shaft. Crouching down he picked the long weapon off the ground, it's heavy weight reassured him slightly. Standing up Tolnii was facing him again shouting. "-Them here!" his face was hard and grim, twisted into a mix of worry and anger. Them here? What did he mean.
  122. Thim saw the two other violet cloaks unsheathe their long blades, propped up against each other. "What?" Thim asked hearing the word escape his throat as the whining bells slightly faded in his ears. Tolnii never replied. He was facing the settling dust, pike held towards it, the two men backed towards them slowly from the figures meandering in the haze. A gentle gust blew through the atrium, not strong enough to be a discomfort but enough to clear the haze. The three from before stood there surprised, leaking yellow eyes wide like a trapped rabbit. They hadn't been fast enough, yellow stones protruded across their bodies, pumping pus. Another pair of eyes had opened just above their original set, yellow like a dandelion, their shattered breast plates had done little to stop the seeking rocks. "We hold them here!" Tolnii shouted faintly, the words crept in, chasing the sounds of wind and the moans of the dandelion men. Forward they shambled in the same jittery motion of the Willow, their ruined bodies oozing yellow. The fear once so forgotten had returned, words of retreat and escape whispered seductively too him. "Don't let them get a hold of you!" One of the violet men shouted as he stepped forward into the first, swift like the wind he hefted his sword slicing the first dandelion man's arms.
  124. It didn't care. The thing barely flinched as another down strike caught it on the shoulder, biting deeply pus leaked out the gaping wounds. Charging Tolnii reached it as it grabbed for the sword wielding man. Pike clenched in both hand's Tolnii punched through the stone adorned breast plate and toppled the dandelion man. Pinning it to the ground the second dandelion reached Tolnii swinging balled fists clumsily. Thim could just leave, they didn't need him. He wasn't a fighter. Busy trying to rationalise his decision he hadn't noticed the second swordsman arrive to fend off the thing attacking Tolnii. The first violet cloak crouched by the first dandelion man hacking it's trapped body apart. They hadn't noticed the stairs, fear filling Thim he had glanced below to assess an escape route. The willow lay motionless, body spread open like a blooming flower, dandelion men stood all around it. They peered up towards the noise of battle, a few had begun the slow assent. Unblinking yellow eyes stared into his. The dandelions were a field of yellow, pus coated them and the atrium. "Help damn it" the second swordsman cried, echoed by Tolnii. The third dandelion had reached them, it wrestled with Tolnii pushing him to the ground. With him off of the first it shakily stood. Head less and missing an arm the dandelion swayed from side to side confused by it's blindness. The pike jutted out, scraping the floor with each turn.
  126. The first swordsman worked on it's legs hacking and slashing. He couldn't just run. They needed him, but they were strangers, why should he risk his life for them. Thim glanced to the slowly approaching horde. "Fucking help me!" Tolnii screamed punching the dandelion in the head as both of it's hand worked their way around his neck. The soft chokes came next, low against the shouts of the violet cloak's and moans of the dandelion's. Thim couldn't bear the thought of carrying the burden of their deaths on his shoulders. Screaming he charged. He caught the dandelion on top of Tolnii in the side, the force knocking it off and onto its side. Jumping Tolnii he pinned the resisting dandelion with his foot pushing the pike in harder. The dandelion frashed about like a freshly caught river eel, arms and legs failing to assist. "About time eh? Voll" Tolnii wheezed angrily stamping the pinned Dandelion's head. It didn't care. "I had to make sure i wouldn't hit you" Thim mumbled looking away embarrassed by his own cowardice. Slipping out a short wide knife from his grey cloak Tolnio hacked at the thing's head.
  128. "More are coming" Thim said Kicking a groping hand away from the pike. Peaking over his shoulder he saw the two swordsmen had finished, yellow limbs lay spread across the landing, breast plated bodies wiggled limbless in their stained cloaks. "They are slow, we are fast" Tolnii said between breaths as he chopped the dandelion's arms. His accent had come on more husky carrying a singsong rhythm, Thim couldn't help smiling hearing it. He didn't know why. "We'll burn them once we've stripped them" Tolnii said as he started on the legs. Thim eyed the top of the stair case excepting the arrival. "Bloody Dolvers almost got us killed" one of the violet men cursed as he reached them. His face was dusty and specked with yellow pus, he toted a large black eye, Thim was sure he had gotten it before the fight. He was stocky with a oar like jaw, pale blue eyes scowling at the dandelion. "Their mistake cost them their lives" Tolnii somberly replied standing and wiping the sweat and pus from his face. "Their mistake almost cost us our lives! Eh Pasha?" The scowling Swordman asked the second as he limped up beside them
  130. "We've still got to clean up their mess" Pasha mumbled his small round face a scowl to match the first's. Pasha spat on the ground. They stood looking between each other without word as the dandelions writhed. Thoughts of what was to come plastered the wall of Thim's mind, he could not see them surviving. One by one he watched them fall until the Dandelion's got him. His thoughts were cut short by grotesque bubbling moans, looking up he saw the he wasn't the only one surprised. "Mirolat time to clean eh?" Pasha grunted as a pair of dandelion's stepped onto the landing. Mirolat didn't move, the black eyed man had both eyes firmly clamped shut a gauntleted hand to his chest. A spiraled piece of dark metal was clutched between the man's steel fingers. It had six long strips of dark metal spiraling down along a similarly thin chiseled piece of white stone. The metal encircled the loose stone. His mouth moved silently in prayer. Gesturing to Thim Tolnii began trotting towards the stumbling pair. Quickly Thim freed his pike and joined him, hollow yellow eyes stared blankly as Tolnii and Thim descended on them.
  132. Tolnii tripped the first and began hacking it while Thim held the other at bay. After a moment Pasha and Mirolat joined and dealt with the second set. The slow tentative annihilation dragged on for what felt like hours, Thim's entire body ached as pasha and Tolnii finished disabling their companions. The landing was painted a miserable yellow, countless arms or heads lay strewn about. Sixteen men. Sixteen had been cultivated by the Willow to serve it's desires. The hollow face's of the others haunted him, he hadn't known the men who died and then had to be killed again. He was mistaken they weren't dead yet. Even the first three would twitch and thrash their stubs to any movement. How they knew he was close confused him, they were headless, surely they couldn't hear or see him. The idea of a sense he was not aware of worried him deeply. The rain and wind had settled but was constant still, it had managed to wash some of the pus from the atrium, but the stair's were a waterfall of putrid pus. Thim hadn't noticed the rotten smell of the dandelions until they had finished pulling weeds. Deep and heavy the smell had rolled his empty stomach, it could have been the fighting, but he tried not to think about it.
  134. He had been sick on a dandelion, he doubted it would mind. The four of them stood in a small circle surrounded by a garden of death. "Anyone up there?" Came a shout in a thick Seamlavo accent. The voice was followed by the splashing of boots. The noise of talking filled the atrium below, The group gave each other passing glances before Tolnii called down. "Up here, Four of us left" his thick accent sung out huskily, to weary to speak clearly, Tolnii stood by the ruined bannister and waved to the batch of men below. The men spread out checking the atrium, the pool of rotten soil splashed. They watched as the group cleared the floor and began to explore the rainy outside. A tall violet cloaked man climbed the slick steps tightly gripping what remained of the arm railing. A small man followed behind. "Couldn't hav' waited for me eh? Tol?" The tall man called as he wobbly ascended the stairs. The man's face was long and slim, high cheek bones jutted out emphasizing his hollow cheeks. The man behind was almost eclipsed by the tall man.
  136. The tall man sounded Sandili, his slim frame and accent sung of foreignness, his well trimmed beard and mustache stood out amongst the harsh gruff face's of the typical Northerner. Tolni grunted in response wincing at the man's casual approach, the Sandili smiled as he topped the stairs. Arms spread wide he grinned, too white teeth for a farmer shone through. Thim didn't like him. The man's air came off as arrogant and smarmy as any Sandili could be. "Buldave may have just misjudged his own ability" the tall man spoke smoothly gesturing his wide arm's to the pitiful painting around. "I'm glade to see you made it Tolnii, you've become quite the prodigy" the tall man's words were thick and slippery, not to similar to the pus surrounding him. The tall man nodded understandingly to Pasha and Mirolat "do'va' de'lova comi'tu suel' cha" in his Sandili accent the vowels were dragged out harshly instead of quietly, an odd bastardization of different tongues. His cloudy brown eyes fell on Thim eyeing his pus adorned clothes, he would need to find another set to wear.
  138. "Who might this be? Eh Tolnii?" The tall man inquired as the short mam finally stepped up beside him. "There is no time for this, uncle should have returned by now" Tolnii spoke roughly and quickly, urgency clear in his voice. "Stay here and keep an eye on everything, we'll go find him" Tolnii said as he to hoisted his pike over his shoulder and gestured for Thim and the others to follow. "Eh? Just the four of you Tolnii?" The tall man asked mockery thick in his throat. "Me and Delinam will come along to aid you little Tolnii" the small man wore his violet cloak's hood high a smooth featureless masked covered all except his scarred twisted lips and chin. He was intrigued by how the man had climbed the stair's so steadily without any holes to see out of. "If you must Johsem, try to keep up" Tolnii muttered while jogging towards the door the old man and other's had went through. Hustling Thim and the others managed to reach Tolnii as he slipped through the door. The hallway was a mess. Expensive furniture and priceless antiques lay smashed on the ground. All the doors lining the walls lay closed but at the far end of the corridor the large window was gone, wind and rain slowly slipping in.
  140. "Do you think they went out into the storm?" Johsem asked as Tolnii lead on towards the window. "Of course a Cequlos would be worth the risk!" Tolnii snapped at the Sandili man looking back at him as if he had just suggested eating dirt. "Are you sure it was a Cequlos? Maybe it was a Aquloe or Viltume? They're usually found with Willows" the tall man pressed unaffected by Tolnii's look. Thim marched listen to their back an forth about giants and spooks. Only as a boy did he ever expect to encounter such a thing. But now here he was following a band of monster hunters. His quick adaption had worried him more then the sudden existence of boyhood spooks. "Do Mangistato exist?" He questioned, absent-mindedly interrupting the bickering, He couldn't help imagining what other monstrosities lived under his nose. "What?" The tall man asked incredulously almost shocked by the suggestion despite the argument about Aquloe and Viltume moments before. Tolnii looked back at his face clouded with thought. "I'm sure my uncle would know" Tolnii spoke before returning to a grimace "If we're lucky we might just get to ask him, the night isn't over yet eh?" His accent slid into huskiness as his eyes darkened, the sudden change in accent brought a grin to Thim's face as he watch Tolnii's sour expression. He was adapting strangely fast, no normal man would follow this madness so willingly. Would they? His shifting thoughts unsettled him.
  142. "We killed one at Bosque Forest, it was as tall as the Great Larch. "A small delicate voice came from behind Johsem. An obviously feminine voice. Thim couldn't help peaking over his shoulder at her, her mask and cloak hid any suggestions of her sex. "We had dug great pits for weeks hoping to topple one as it cut through the endless blackness of the tall canopy." Her voice was soft and soothing, the missing vowels of words sung the stories of a Holen accent. It was so distinct he had to blink away his shock. A willow, dandelion men, monster hunters and now a great easterner. His life had fallen from the dirt existence to a pathetic struggle against spooks. The featureless mask tilted slightly at him, as if she could see him staring. A trace of a smile graced her torn lips for a moment before she continued. "Two thousand of us did away with it, in such a place ten thousand men could pass mere feet from another and not know." She spoke to the silent party as they advanced "When it fell all knew; the forest fell too many were caught below and crushed. they died barely seeing the majestic beast." She sighed quietly as unwanted memories resurfacing. "It had tried to stand again, but we slashed and burned it. The Mangistato had lived for a eternity unhunted, it died not understanding what preyed upon it" her lips slipped tightly together "it died silently, nobly discovering death for it's kind" her story had quelled the groups discussion. The wind slipping in through the window was steady but not very rough, the cold rain climbed into Thim's stained clothes. Out in the catastrophe of the storm a few spare lights blinked in the distance.
  144. "It's them, I can see them!" Tolnii shouted against the wind. "They won't make it, why do you think we took so long? Its swarming with Rosperro's" Tolnii stood staring out into the night towards the flickering lights. "I'm going" without another word he jumped through the window. "De'va pu'la de'vora" Pasha sighed loudly as Mirolat followed next. The old man was out there. In the storm. Surrounded by Rosperro's, whatever they were, he didn't have to waste his life. He only just survived the dandelion men. Pasha jumped through the window after another sigh. "No way they'll make it, fool's condemned themselves the moment they went out into the storm!" The tall man spoke observantly to the woman in the mask. Thim jumped through the window. The painfully loud rain and wind were drowned out by his panicked thoughts. Why did you jump? Do you want to die? He had found safety but chased after the fool's who almost died to the same threat as him. He was conflicted Pasha, Mirolat and Tolnii had each saved him from bite or jagged slash from a dandelion man. But he had done the same, they had fought together against so many. He couldn't leave them now could he? They needed him to watch their backs as they had watched his. Thim had begun to think of finding a way back into the manor when he hit the ground. Luckily the soft mud had shifted and spread his weight leaving him flopped on top of a dead bush in the muddy garden. Sprawled out in shock a shadow figure towered over him reaching with long limb fingers. Fear welling Thim tried to shift away from the thing but only slipped in the mud.
  146. How had he not heard them fight the thing, surely they would have made a noise. "Sit still little one, eh? Pasha I think he broke his ass!" Mirolat laughed as he hauled Thim on to his feet. Pasha laughed from his crouched position, hunched over a heavy lantern desperately trying to light it against the storm. Tolnii was only a few feet away pike in hand bashing a small gate's lock with the pommel. Holding him up Mirolat waited for Thim's feet to sink Into the deep mud and his knees to settle before letting him stand by his own weight. "You should have seen it boy, Pasha hit the ground rolling eh?" Mirolat laughed loudly as he huddled by Pasha and gestured towards Thim. Crouching besides the cloaked men the wind fought desperately to drag them away. Huddling around the lantern pasha desperately stuck his flint and steel, sending sparks scattering around inside the lantern. "Pasha it's wet! Blow Pu'la eh?" Mirolat probe shuffling closer, mimicking Mirolat and desperate to escape the freezing wind Thim circled the lantern. "Eh? Your head is wet Lat! Pu'la" pasha chuckled as he tilted the lantern slightly and repeated using the flint and steel. "Ahhh! Thimonel blow eh?" Mirolat urged, leaning closer and blowing against the small opening the sparks danced into. Leaning into the lantern he joined in, blowing into the lantern. "Stop blowing you Pu'la eh?" Pasha chuckled as the lantern caught and a spitting flame began to dance inside.
  148. Flipping the small door closed Mirolat clapped them both on the shoulder excessively. "Eh? Pasha? If you blew as good as your mother the lantern would light sooner! eh?" Mirolat laughed turning and crouch jogging towards Tolnii fumbling with the door. Lantern in hand Pasha and Thim followed. Together they managed to leaver the loose gate open, the rattle and creak were barely audible over lashing rain. It had begun to harden as they set out towards the closer lights. Already Thim had noticed less then before. The rain came down like a shadow curtain around them, occasionally catching the light only to let it slip free. The four pressed through the storm, packed together they moved through the marshy ground, the lanterns were heading straight for them. Out of the angry haze broke the old man, soaked through his wispy hair and beard clung to his scalp and neck, he carried another wide and long engraved lantern in one hand and a long sword in the other. His face went from determination to happy surprise as the quartet appeared. "Eh? the tree give you problems!?" The old man shouted at them seeming relieved. As he finished the very tall violet cloak appeared from before the man carrying a black sack on his shoulder, wet silver etched chains danced in the lantern light, like the moon on a clear night.
  150. "No time to catch up lads! Company is on the way" the violet cloak shouted in his Northern accent as he passed, his wide headed axe over his shoulder dripped thick grey ichor. A few more pairs appeared each had one lantern between them. Their dripping worm faces spoke of battle, considering the blood on them, they seemed as relieved as the old man to see them. "Bloody Rosperro's hounding us boys, watch the storm" as if by some sick joke the storm hardened cutting sight to only a few feet. Thim knew it was unnatural. It was early spring, they never got storms this south of Holdenil . "This isn't possible!" Thim stammered as he walked among the crowded men. "Eh? Is it now?" The old man chuckled from in front, lifting his hand and pointing at the sky as he spoke. "Tell that to him boy!" following the old man's finger and upturned head he saw it. Thunder less lightning arced above the sky illuminating strange pale bodies, Segmented like an ant the similarities ended there, each segment disappeared until the silent lighting passed through it lighting up the gaps between. Squinting he couldn't understand what the strange limbs sprouting along it were. Eyes focused on the thing above he had bumped into someone ahead. "Watch it" tolnii snapped quietly. They had stopped. "Circle formation!" The old man shouted and stepped back into line besides Tolnii and the tall man. "Circle Formation!" Tolnii and the men echoed as they hustled to form a tight two wall circle. Coerced by Tolnii and the men he was positioned on the left of Tolnii in the front row, pike jutting out towards the storm's curtain.
  152. "Don't get me killed Voll" Tolnii spat all sign of relief gone the all too familiar grim glare stared at the rain. Thim could not see or hear anything worrying, besides the odd flash of silent lightning and the drumming of rain, Tolnii was watching expectantly wet curly hair clung to his slightly tilted head as his ear's desperately tried to catch any sound. Mimicking the grim faced boy thim leaned in trying to hear the whisper's of the storm. Time passed as the group stood weathering the storm. Thim had become accustom to the typical roar of rain and wind and was beginning to feel the urge to give up when he heard the hoots. Well hoot was a stretch but that was the closest noise he could associate it with. But unlike the plentiful night flyers it was not comforting, long and whooping the hoot stretched out osculating in pitch. First the lone cry had caused Tolnii to stir and raise his pike from the muddy ground, sharp head glinting in the scare light. "Here they come" Tolnii mumbled to himself just loud enough from Thim to hear. Brandishing his own pike in a similar fashion the lines shifted silently resting lanterns on the ground in favor of swords. Ready the lines stood, violet rock's defiantly facing the wind and rain. Then more hoots joined in. Echoey and osculating like the first they came from everywhere. The strange humming pulse drowned out all else. Then they came hopping along the mud. The length of three dogs they had six pairs of elbowed legs that held them low to the ground expect for when the would bizarrely hop every few steps. At the end of their grayish legs were ten fingered hands, the strange feet looked like two human hands held together at the wrist.
  154. Short thumb like fingers at the front with identical human digits along the rest. The grey bodies bent and folded as they danced around the circle, lantern light illuminating more of them arriving from behind the first set. The violet cloaks took positions to attack but made no move. The grey dog things snapped and hooted at them though wide Many teethed face's, long and pointy snouted their smooth faces had no eyes, only four small holes that sat on the side of their head's and snout's. Hooting toward the violet cloak's the dog things opened large mouths, spreading wide the mouths shook and stretched. Like a toad's. More and more Toad-dogs arrived and ran circles around them. "Little fuckers don't like the odds eh?" Tolnii spoke in his husky accent grinning. "Eh? Thimonel?" Tolnii probed for agreement. "I think they're waiting" Thim replied watching the odd hopping Toad-dogs. Face shifting to confusion Tolnii eyed the odd sight "waiting for what?" As if by Fortchio the god of luck was spitting the storm upon them a new cry broke through the strange hooting. Sharp and steady it blared clearly exiting the shifting horde. "That?" Thim asked the air as a huge Toad-dog appeared through the steady curtain. It was the height of a man and could have been as long as three lying down if the small were scaled to it. The large toad dog watched them eyelessly staring.
  156. It slipped back behind the curtain and out of sight. "Eh? What did-" Tolnii could have finished his sentence but Thim couldn't hear him over the blaring shriek and osculating hoots of the Toad-dog's charge. Jolted by the sudden assault thim thrust at a hopper heading straight for him, the grey thing pounced, jumping over his low strike jaws wide and waiting. Gripping his pike he slammed it up into the thing's belly, luckily the armour spike reaching off from the pike's head burrowed deep and slit along the Hopper's belly guided by the thing's own propulsion. Intestine and blood spilled out, like coils of old hemp the inner organs got caught on the pike and interrupted it's journey through the air. The Toad-dog only managed a few whining hoots and weak snaps before succumbing, the weight pulled the pike down out of Thim's grip. Without any respite another one hopped onto it's dead companion and sprung at him. Raising both arms defensively the toad dog's wide jaws climbed around both of his forearms. The teeth grinding sensation of deeply split flesh was chased off by the fierce pain, the force knocked him backwards past the second line into the center. The shout's and hoot's of battle that had surrounded him were drowned out once again but not by the blaring shriek. The Toad-dog pinning him on the ground had stopped grinding it's sharp small teeth into his struggling arms to rear up. Positioned just above his chest the mouth stretched wide and began to vibrate before unleashing the deafening noise at such a close range.
  158. Ungodly pain lanced through his head, numbing the world around him as he writhed. His silent world was only pain. Raising his hands around his head he tried his hardest to stop the pain, pushing his palms into his ears he found them wet and warm. Another wide bite found his elbow's sharp stabs joined his pool of pain. He was sure he was screaming, he just couldn't tell if it was heard. The Toad-dog thrashed and twisted trying harder to bite past his arms. Twisting and kicking Thim tried desperately to free himself from the wide jaw's crushing grip, the soft mud only shifted around the thrashing pair, slowly accepting him deeper. In a moment it was off the heavy weight gone, only the cold creeping hands of the rain and mud remained. Until two gauntleted hands grasped him by his shoulders and dragged him backwards. Forcing his eyes open he was met by the sight of chaos, only a patchwork line stood. The circle was gone men stood back to back slashing and hacking at the packs of hopper's surrounding them. Deeply etched paths snaking through the mud had confused his ringing mind until an unfortunate violet cloak was dragged silently kicking and screaming into storm. The world was dulled to him the constant ringing drowning all else out, men killed and died to his echoing tune. His journey along the swollen earth was interrupted by a pair of Hoppers appearing from out of sight, strange long bodies bounded towards him an eyeless face locked on him when a feather blossomed between it's non existent eye's.
  160. Fletching met a white shaft buried deep into the hoppers skull, the second continued almost urged on by the disappearance of it's companion. Another white arrow appeared and missed knocked off course by the heavy wind, who would use a bow in the middle of a storm? Thim couldn't help imagining telling them off. They were more likely to hit one of the retreating violet cloak's. Another wide miss passed the advancing hopper, the idiot's insistence to keep loosing arrows annoyed him more then the fast approaching hopper. Looking over his shoulder at his bearer's he only saw the back of two muddy violet cloaks. What gentlemen, he shouldn't let them be surprised by the hopper. Working his mouth popped his ear's painfully but he was sure the words escaped. If they were heard was something else entirely. Looking back at the hopper he could see the trail of arrows, the violet cloaks were dragging him along at a surprisingly fast pace, the shifting dark mud was helping greatly. But the hopper was almost upon them. Sliding his hand along his worn familiar belt thim found the comfortable grip of his fighting knife. Slipping her free of the tight leather sheath she felt as light as a feather in his cold hands. A moment of fumbling was quickly replaced by a swift familiar flourish. He had practiced dancing with her often. Ale-headed shit picker's were always caught off by her size and effectiveness.
  162. Slightly longer then a normal belt knife her blade was two inches where it met the dainty round cross guard but sloped gradually in to a fierce point. Her spiral grooved oak wood grip warmly embraced his hand. He had named her Whisper, it may have been a childish thing to do, but his father had insisted. Time for thought had passed as the hopper reared up and pounced. Another white arrow whistled past, missing again. Fighting the grip's on his shoulder he got his legs underneath him and managed a crouch as the violet cloak's let go, the rustle of cloak suggested they'd turned to face the interruption. The hopper was mid flight on a course to meet them until Thim launched himself into his own pounce catching the hopper by surprise. The slick thing flew past his gripping left arm and pushed off his back towards the violet cloak's. Gripping frantically Thim hit the ground left arm around the hoppers belly it's second pair of legs were slapping weakly trying to pry him off, the last pair thrashed on the mud trying to find footing. The head and upper body thrashed about behind him angrily trying to reach the other men. Old habits die hard and Whisper found herself exploring the Hopper's insides. Getting a vacant eyed cow milker in a headlock in an normal knife fight was basically asking to be gutted, but he doubted the little guy was packing a knife. A normal knife fight would end quickly or take forever. Usually there were a few types of fighters but the two of the most common were those who aim to kill and those who were too drunk to realise who they were fighting.
  164. Thim was the former. Lighting fast stabs flowed across the creature's body, in the briefest of moments the hopper had died. The things blue blood had coated his arms, chest and legs. Letting the dead weight fall, Thim stood wobbly to his feet. Pasha and Mirolat appeared beside him, he hadn't even thought it was them pulling him. The two men wear both painted in blue and red. A soft echo of rain had returned while the trio stood watching the last remaining violet cloak's trudge towards them. He hadn't noticed that they had reached the garden gate, the hopper had been pretty eager to get them. Peaking over his shoulder a new mess of people were helping the violet cloak's. Just to the side of the gate stood a tall woman, a large pale bow pointing towards the sky, five shorter women surrounded her. Each carrying a smaller version of the woman's, they were firing towards the way he had been pulled.
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