

Oct 18th, 2015
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  1. 1:16 PM - Dr. Alphys: headcanon: sans voiced by danny devito
  2. 1:17 PM - CrazyMLC: lol
  3. 1:17 PM - CrazyMLC: a lot of people headcanon his voice as critikal apparently
  4. 1:18 PM - Dr. Alphys: yeah it's all lowercase
  5. 1:37 PM - CrazyMLC is now playing Dungeon Defenders II. Click here to join.
  6. 1:48 PM - Dr. Alphys: i was going to suggest you should play dota with me sometime but it's not your thing is it
  7. 1:52 PM - CrazyMLC: i don't like it
  8. 1:52 PM - CrazyMLC: no problem with mobas in general
  9. 1:52 PM - CrazyMLC: but i don't like dota very much
  10. 1:52 PM - Dr. Alphys: hm
  11. 1:52 PM - Dr. Alphys: any particular reason?
  12. 1:53 PM - CrazyMLC: extremely snowbally
  13. 1:53 PM - CrazyMLC: some items are annoyingly strong
  14. 1:53 PM - CrazyMLC: items like blink dagger being required for many to function
  15. 1:55 PM - Dr. Alphys: eh, items being core on different heroes is nothing new. and it's slightly more prevalent in dota where items are much more impactful than in league
  16. 1:56 PM - Dr. Alphys: snowbally is really dubious
  17. 1:56 PM - Dr. Alphys: it very much depends on team comp
  18. 1:56 PM - Dr. Alphys: a team can be crshing it early and lose late-game because their comp was weighted toward early
  19. 1:57 PM - CrazyMLC: games i had were not positive experiences
  20. 1:57 PM - Dr. Alphys: fair, some of them aren't
  21. 1:59 PM - CrazyMLC: i particularly remember trying to farm to be relevant and some ranged assassin sneaking up on me using some invisibility item and two shotting me
  22. 1:59 PM - CrazyMLC: when i was a tank
  23. 1:59 PM - Dr. Alphys: hm
  24. 1:59 PM - Dr. Alphys: i'm not sure who that'd be
  25. 2:00 PM - CrazyMLC: that's not really my point
  26. 2:00 PM - CrazyMLC: but it was the green flying one
  27. 2:00 PM - Dr. Alphys: viper
  28. 2:00 PM - CrazyMLC: yea
  29. 2:00 PM - Dr. Alphys: what hero were you playing?
  30. 2:00 PM - CrazyMLC: big one with tentacles popping out of the ground knocking people up
  31. 2:00 PM - Dr. Alphys: tide
  32. 2:01 PM - CrazyMLC: yea
  33. 2:02 PM - Dr. Alphys: that's bizarre and sounds almost exclusively like something that'd happen when someone's far behind in levels because of disconnecting for 10 minutes or something? like that sounds like a bizarre situation
  34. 2:03 PM - CrazyMLC: they were ludicrously fed
  35. 2:03 PM - CrazyMLC: i hate the idea of an item that can make you turn invisible
  36. 2:03 PM - CrazyMLC: and i think dota's itemization options are stupid
  37. 2:03 PM - Dr. Alphys: not that i'm saying you d/c'd, i'm just saying that viper 100-0'ing tide would be rare outside of situations where viper is level 11 and tide is 1
  38. 2:04 PM - CrazyMLC: i also remember my entire team getting demolished by the logging hero
  39. 2:04 PM - Dr. Alphys: logging hero
  40. 2:04 PM - Dr. Alphys: timbersaw?
  41. 2:04 PM - CrazyMLC: yea
  42. 2:06 PM - Dr. Alphys: kills don't get you that far ahead in the long run, farming isn't necessarily faster but a lot of the time the main benefit of a kill in dota isn't getting bonus gold off it, it's that you're stopping the opponent from farming and getting them off the map
  43. 2:06 PM - CrazyMLC: death timers are long
  44. 2:06 PM - CrazyMLC: means you lose the game
  45. 2:06 PM - Dr. Alphys: they're very short in the early game
  46. 2:06 PM - Dr. Alphys: like 5 seconds long
  47. 2:07 PM - Dr. Alphys: if you die early
  48. 2:07 PM - CrazyMLC: travel time is long
  49. 2:07 PM - Dr. Alphys: tp scrolls are meant to be used at every point in the game
  50. 2:07 PM - CrazyMLC: i also hate those
  51. 2:07 PM - CrazyMLC: and the courier
  52. 2:08 PM - Dr. Alphys: oh?
  53. 2:10 PM - CrazyMLC: using them doesn't come naturally to me and i don't like dealing with them
  54. 2:12 PM - Dr. Alphys: hm
  55. 2:12 PM - Dr. Alphys: shrug
  56. 2:12 PM - Dr. Alphys: well let me know if you ever want to play together sometime, ok? matches are literally always better with friends
  57. 2:12 PM - CrazyMLC: i prefer league primarily because i already have gotten past the barrier of entry
  58. 2:12 PM - Dr. Alphys: yeah
  59. 2:12 PM - Dr. Alphys: that's honestly what it sounds like to me
  60. 2:13 PM - Dr. Alphys: not being used to a lot of dota's mechanics or knowing how to deal with things like invis
  61. 2:13 PM - Dr. Alphys: the prevalence of invis in dota seems fucking OP to newer players all the time but it USED to be the case with league as well
  62. 2:14 PM - Dr. Alphys: back when evelyn and twitch had long-term invisibility that allowed them to stick on top of people
  63. 2:14 PM - Dr. Alphys: without being seen
  64. 2:14 PM - Dr. Alphys: they were naturall newbie killers
  65. 2:14 PM - CrazyMLC: i don't mind it on individuals honestly
  66. 2:14 PM - CrazyMLC: i mind them being available to everyone
  67. 2:15 PM - Dr. Alphys: why does that bug you so much more than it being available on individuals? honest question
  68. 2:15 PM - Dr. Alphys: because i can see it's different but it's hard to see why it'd change one's opinion so strongly
  69. 2:15 PM - CrazyMLC: it's easier to balance indivduals around the mechanic
  70. 2:15 PM - CrazyMLC: than entire games
  71. 2:16 PM - Dr. Alphys: i think dota does a pretty decent job of both, there are both items and heroes who are huge counters to invis
  72. 2:16 PM - Dr. Alphys: as well as playstyle changes that help deal with invis, just like in any game with stealth
  73. 2:17 PM - CrazyMLC: ehhhhh
  74. 2:18 PM - Dr. Alphys: and i think you can make an argument for either one being easier to balance than the other
  75. 2:19 PM - Dr. Alphys: with an item being accessible to everyone, it's hard to say that mechanic is 'OP' when everyone has access to it, yeah? and the solutions to invisibility affect every hero who might even build one of those items, not just the heroes who have invis
  76. 2:19 PM - Dr. Alphys: though i do agree that if a hero or a couple heroes have exclusive access to one mechanci it means that the mechanic can be dealt with with balancing factors and the hero's design
  77. 2:24 PM - CrazyMLC: if an item makes you instakill on hit
  78. 2:24 PM - CrazyMLC: is it op? i mean everyone has access
  79. 2:24 PM - CrazyMLC: :U
  80. 2:26 PM - Dr. Alphys: the item's OP when compared to other items but it doesn't disrupt game balance between heroes or players, because all heroes and players can build it
  81. 2:26 PM - CrazyMLC: what if the only way to defend against it is just as hard to get
  82. 2:26 PM - CrazyMLC: first person with enoguh money to buy either gets the instakill item
  83. 2:26 PM - CrazyMLC: kills everyone
  84. 2:26 PM - CrazyMLC: wins the game
  85. 2:27 PM - CrazyMLC: it's a race to who gets the item first
  86. 2:27 PM - Dr. Alphys: you've portrayed an interesting system of absurdist game design that doesn't seem to parallel dota well at all
  87. 2:27 PM - Dr. Alphys: but i mean
  88. 2:28 PM - CrazyMLC: i'm taking it to the extreme
  89. 2:28 PM - Dr. Alphys: if you're talking about a game in exactly all ways
  90. 2:28 PM - CrazyMLC: to make it easier to discuss
  91. 2:28 PM - Dr. Alphys: like dota
  92. 2:28 PM - Dr. Alphys: except with the existence of these two items
  93. 2:29 PM - Dr. Alphys: then the meta would balance around protecting one hero who farms/gets kills quickly enough to get the item before the enemy team has access, while the enemy team does the same thing. while getting an early advantage and making the item quickly puts the game in your favor, it's possible to rack up the money to make that poweful item (or its counter) in safer spots on the map, for instance jungling or farming safe lanes
  94. 2:30 PM - CrazyMLC: just because the meta can adapt doesn't mean it's healthy for the game or fun
  95. 2:30 PM - CrazyMLC: it crowds out other item options
  96. 2:31 PM - Dr. Alphys: this is true, but again, your taking it to the extreme isn't helping the discussion in any way that's relevant to dota because it's not even remotely relevant to shadow blade
  97. 2:31 PM - CrazyMLC: and if you have an item to counteract the power of the instakill item and it's expected that you buy it to counter it
  98. 2:31 PM - Dr. Alphys: for instance, shadow blade is 2800 gold. sentry wards are... 200 gold. for two of them
  99. 2:31 PM - CrazyMLC: what's the point in having the instakill item so strong
  100. 2:31 PM - CrazyMLC: so that you need to counter it every game
  101. 2:32 PM - Dr. Alphys: shadow blade isn't even remotely as powerful as that analogy would make it seem regardless, since it's only core on a handful of heroes
  102. 2:33 PM - CrazyMLC: still, i think dota's items are pretty absurd
  103. 2:33 PM - Dr. Alphys: they're different from league's and it's hard to get used to for a lot of people who played league first
  104. 2:33 PM - Dr. Alphys: almost every item in the game changes the game in some way -- at least finished items. and almost all of them have some form of counterplay
  105. 2:34 PM - CrazyMLC: i may not play it ever again
  106. 2:34 PM - CrazyMLC: and it'd take some kind of grand realization to be able to stand playing it
  107. 2:35 PM - CrazyMLC: it annoys me that the items have counterplay that you have to purchase ahead of time, instead of having it inherent in their mechanics
  108. 2:35 PM - CrazyMLC: like you have to buy their coutnerplay
  109. 2:35 PM - Dr. Alphys: counterplay is usually responsive, i don't see people buying dust or sentries before the enemy has a glimmer cape or shadow blade
  110. 2:35 PM - Dr. Alphys: though i do see people buying sentries if they know they're going to lane against brood, but that's standard
  111. 2:35 PM - CrazyMLC: why doesn't shadow blade instead have a passive where it drains 200 gold from every enemy periodically
  112. 2:36 PM - CrazyMLC: it's have the same effect
  113. 2:36 PM - CrazyMLC: except noobies wouldn't get fucked
  114. 2:36 PM - CrazyMLC: :U
  115. 2:36 PM - Dr. Alphys: because on top of sentries and dust there is also gem and heroes that counter invis
  116. 2:37 PM - Dr. Alphys: gem being a permanent item that lets you see invis but drops on death, encouraging you to put it on a resilient hero and protect them
  117. 2:37 PM - CrazyMLC: that's a lot of game knowledge to need just to be able to not die to someone who can turn invisible
  118. 2:38 PM - Dr. Alphys: the same counters to invisibility that exist in league exist though, too. towers are still a thing, safe places to farm are usually a thing
  119. 2:38 PM - CrazyMLC: it just pisses me off
  120. 2:38 PM - CrazyMLC: i'm not saying the game is broken i'm saying they're overpowered in the scoep that i'm used to
  121. 2:39 PM - Dr. Alphys: yeah
  122. 2:39 PM - CrazyMLC: and that it doesn't make sense to me
  123. 2:39 PM - CrazyMLC: and that i can't make peace with it
  124. 2:39 PM - Dr. Alphys: i mean, when i played hots nova and zeratul were fucking obnoxious
  125. 2:39 PM - Dr. Alphys: but that's because i was playing at a lower level where people weren't good at dealing with them
  126. 2:39 PM - CrazyMLC: nova is weak imo
  127. 2:39 PM - CrazyMLC: but yeah zeratul is annoying
  128. 2:40 PM - Dr. Alphys: zeratul was hella annoying to play against and fun to play with
  129. 2:40 PM - CrazyMLC: i'm not complaining about invisibility as a mechanic
  130. 2:40 PM - CrazyMLC: there were lots of things about dota that bothered me
  131. 2:40 PM - CrazyMLC: that was just one example
  132. 2:40 PM - CrazyMLC: i'd have to play again to remember them all and i don't know if i really want to
  133. 2:40 PM - Dr. Alphys: what bothered me about hots is that their invisibility was so... pointless against high-level players? like it was basically a matter of being /used/ to seeing the invisibility and then the heroes were actually way, WAY worse
  134. 2:41 PM - Dr. Alphys: because invis heroes were always actually /visibile/, just not targetable and blended in with the background a bit
  135. 2:41 PM - CrazyMLC: it's like shaco it's easy to tell which is real if you pay attention
  136. 2:41 PM - CrazyMLC: i believe that while sometimes interesting those kinds of things are just
  137. 2:41 PM - Dr. Alphys: yeah, but at least shaco's has a point outside of fooling people -- the duplicate does damage and explodes for more damage
  138. 2:42 PM - CrazyMLC: hard to play against if you don't know what's going on
  139. 2:42 PM - CrazyMLC: and make the game less fun
  140. 2:42 PM - CrazyMLC: you might say i'm a filthy casual
  141. 2:42 PM - Dr. Alphys: yes, with hots what really frustrated me was that invis seemed like a noob killer because there was no counter outside of straight up picking tassadar (and since most people are playing unranked, good luck making that matchup work out)
  142. 2:42 PM - Dr. Alphys: like no 'item' you can build
  143. 2:42 PM - Dr. Alphys: and only one hero off the top of my head
  144. 2:43 PM - Dr. Alphys: and the invis mechanics were permanent
  145. 2:43 PM - CrazyMLC: the good thing is that the invisibility isn't actually that strong
  146. 2:43 PM - Dr. Alphys: yeah, but that's what get me -- the balancing factor is that the invis is near useless against higher level players
  147. 2:43 PM - Dr. Alphys: who will just see your shimmers
  148. 2:43 PM - Dr. Alphys: and know to back off
  149. 2:43 PM - CrazyMLC: well that's kind of how it is if you just have invis spotting wards everywhere right
  150. 2:43 PM - CrazyMLC: except noobs can maybe tell what's going on too if they pay attention
  151. 2:44 PM - CrazyMLC: it makes it more accessible
  152. 2:44 PM - CrazyMLC: like invisibility didn't mess with me much in hots
  153. 2:44 PM - Dr. Alphys: invis is always hard on newbies, the difference in dota is that it's still useful against higher-level players
  154. 2:44 PM - Dr. Alphys: at least imho
  155. 2:45 PM - CrazyMLC: but yeah the whole purpose of invisibility is sneaking up and surprising people without giving them a chance to react
  156. 2:45 PM - CrazyMLC: that's the inherent problem
  157. 2:45 PM - CrazyMLC: because if you don't have a chance to react or defend yourself
  158. 2:45 PM - CrazyMLC: then the game stops being fun
  159. 2:46 PM - CrazyMLC: and if you don't know what you're supposed to do against it then that's what happens
  160. 2:46 PM - Dr. Alphys: in dota it at least feels like counterplay to me, with hots it feels like bullshit "oh, well if i had squinted a bit harder i wouldn't have died"
  161. 2:46 PM - Dr. Alphys: i'm going to work, sorry to cut this short
  162. 2:46 PM - Dr. Alphys: talk to you later
  163. 2:46 PM - CrazyMLC: alright
  164. 2:46 PM - Dr. Alphys: and let me know if you ever want to give dota a shot, it's much more fun if you're playing with friends or someone who knows about its weird quirks
  165. 2:46 PM - CrazyMLC: i was
  166. 2:46 PM - CrazyMLC: it didn't make it mroe fun
  167. 2:46 PM - Dr. Alphys: fair, i guess. still, let me know
  168. 2:46 PM - CrazyMLC: it mostly felt bad
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