

Jun 11th, 2015
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  1. Language:
  2. Kitten = child or young relative who is very close to her
  3. Fishes = Prey
  4. Mice = Prey
  5. Vermin = Those not even worth of her attention.
  6. "Curiosity Killed the Cat, but Satisfaction Brought it Back."
  7. Catpanion
  9. Enemies of the Past:
  10. Different magic type user: "My magic is better"
  11. Fire user: burn all the things including/especially books.
  12. Enlightened martial artist: I must smite the evil cat thing.
  13. Knights of Asclepius: The successor organization to the one who formed to fight the spread of the Black Death, they have been a constant thorn in Nekomata plans since the middle ages.
  14. French Paladin's: that whole trying to snag their swords thing.
  15. Tengu Nesshin: What a dick. A demon hunter from an asian (Japanese? Buddist?) religious order. Capable of draining the souls of his enemy, enabling him to truly kill a nekomata. Has killed many nekomata, including Kalamity and Kassiopiea. Is not afraid to cause harm to bystanders in his pursuits.
  16. High Lord (Deceased): We don't even kill elves(much), what is his beef?
  18. Allies of the Past:
  19. Witch of Cats (Rename?)(Deceased): A human who Katastrophe helped as a child and grew up to be a strong witch and a friend of Katastrophe.
  20. Witch of Dimensions: Smoke a long thin pipe, black hair drapping down. Her body proportions are off, lanky to an extreme. She remains forever cryptic, rarely giving a straight answer to a question. The WoD is alien, from dimensions far beyond our own. Even Katastrophe things of her as other, not belonging to any group of beings she knows of.
  23. Individual Comic: Broken up into Book's and Chapters instead of Seasons and Episodes. Katastrophe's individual comic tells the tale of the twin tailed librarian in reverse chronological order, as the the further back in time you go, the more interesting her life gets. Thematically it is meant to go from light to dark in tone as the chapters progress. In many parts of the series, the theme of history providing the answers to the presents' problems should be present.
  25. +Book 1: For Three She Stayed (1883 - Modern)
  26. Chapter 1: Every Cat Has Its Day
  27. Summary: A fairly light hearted tale of Katastrophe taking a stroll through the city. Includes Katastrophe stealing fish, stalking the back allies, checking on the living conditions of domestic cats, and beating up some thugs who were teasing an alley cat. Closes with Katastrophe giving the rescued cat part of her stolen fish and smiling as she pets the cat.
  28. Chapter 2: Shadows Cast
  29. Summary: Events that transpired during DoI:E Season 1 finale from Katastrophe's point of view. Includes defeating a group of B rated villains while protecting the school and musings over the Independents ineptitude.
  30. Chapter 3: Schools In
  31. Summary: A fresh start for Katastrophe in the Big Pear as she starts her new job as East Park High School's librarian. School is run down and rife with gang and academic problems. She has a few close calls with students discovering her true nature as she cleans the school up.
  32. Chapter 4: Cat'a'wanderin
  33. Summary: Something about Katastrophe's journey across the world/America as she looks for a place to settle down.
  34. Chapter 5: Cat'a'wanderin
  35. Summary: Something about Katastrophe's journey across the world/America as she looks for a place to settle down.
  36. Chapter 6: Sunny on a Cloudy Day
  37. Summary: Katastrophe flees from her mother and finds herself in an endless field of sunflowers. Sitting on a bench is a blonde Nekomata in a yellow-orange dress, sunning herself. While Katastrophe hides, the Nekomata casually looks at her and waves, introducing herself. Katastrophe does not recognize the name and the mysterious nekomata explains she is her aunt, a local deity of the sunflowers and invites Katastrophe to sit with her. Several days pass by as Katastrophe sits with her aunt, telling stories of her past (Told in snips and pieces to hint at future chapters.) and watching humans pass them by. The humans of the area leave offerings of food and goodwill as they stop, asking the aunt how she was and generally being good people, much to Katastrophe's surprise. Episode closes with Katastrophe thanking her aunt and musing that she should observe humans from their point of view. The chapter's feel overall should be of reflection.
  38. Chapter Extra: Old Cats Can Learn New Tricks
  39. Summary: Synth teaches Katastrophe how to use computers, Vaquero takes her for a drive, and Spire takes her cloth shopping. BR attempts to share the joy of modern music.
  42. Book 2: Under Ashen Skies (1815 - 1883)
  43. Notes: Book is almost entirely done under an ashen sky of varying levels. While on the surface this book is about solving a world scale problem and fighting Kataclysm, the undertones of the book should be Katastrophe confronting the nekomata history (Good and Bad)
  45. Chapter 1: Family Reunion
  46. Summary: Against the backdrop of Krakatoa ready to blow, Katastrophe duels her mother. The heroes (including: elderly Witch of Cats) that she has formed a tense alliance with vent pressure and break a spell of Kataclysm's that would cause the eruption to plunge the earth into ashy darkness for decades. Our feline anti-hero is able to survive the brunt of her mothers fury thanks to her impressive array of wards as their battle continues into the heart of the volcano itself! Outside, the heroes have to fight off an array of Katastrophe's sisters as they endeavour to break the spell, during which the elderly WoC is shown struggling. Katastrophe finally succumbing to her mothers power but is able to flee as the volcano finally erupts, its effects minimized. After the credits, it is shown the the WoC was dealt a mortal blow, and she gives Katastrophe a heartfelt speech convincing her to explore human life. (Maybe just have Kata standing over her grave or something instead?)(Also all the heroes get their own things during the battle, I just know WoC at this point)
  47. Chapter 2: Under Pressure
  48. Summary: Katastrophe alerts the forces she has gathered that she has detected the spell being unleashed and for them to gather.
  49. Chapter 3: Unfriendly Faces
  50. Summary: Katastrophe attempts to rally people and organizations that she has wronged in the past, with mixed results. Sort of a more in depth look at characters thrown out in Chapter 1.
  51. Chapter 4: Friendly Faces
  52. Summary: Katastrophe goes to recruit some of the friends she has made in recent times. Sort of a more in depth look at characters thrown out in Chapter 1 and hinting at stuff in Book 3.
  53. +Chapter 5: Ghost of Pompeii
  54. Summary: Under ashen skies Katastrophe investigates Mount Vesuvius which casts its shadow over the ruins of Pompeii. After a time investigating the volcano and discovering traces of the same magic as before, she begins delving into the history of Pompeii. She finds interesting, but wildly varying accounts as to the cause. Vulcan angered, giant fiery stone creatures, even aliens from another world, but several accounts note a women with feline features (Maybe not so direct?). Katastrophe decides she needs more, she needs to see what happened. Once more delving into the library, she finds rituals to summon a city's spirit and how to contact the dead. She summons the city spirit of Pompeii, an angry spirit that accuses her of killing it and all that inhabited it. Katastrophe manages to banish the spirit after a struggle. Episode ends with Katastrophe deciding that the perpetrator must have been a nekomata and only one had enough power and motive to do something like this at the time. Kataclysm.
  55. -Chapter 6: Year Without Summer
  56. Summary: Mount Tambora erupts, the shockwaves both physical and magical being felt around the world. Katastrophe heads to investigate, stumbling into the old, powerful Witch of Dimensions who is similarly investigating. They have a long struggle, which concludes with the WoD holding Katastrophe over a cliff, the ocean crashing below. A long pause, before the WoD smiles and sets Katastrophe down on the ground. "You've grown librarian, but I fear it will not be enough." She goes on to say she has seen this before and that Katastrophe should investigate Mount Vesuvius, AKA Pompeii. (Change who it is or change the fight scene to fit Book 3.)
  57. Chapter Extra: ?
  60. Book 3: Contractual Obligation (? - 1815)
  61. Notes: Book should focus on Katastrophe trying to deal with her new responsibility as well as having to play ball with beings on her mothers level (Demi gods, gods, etc). Her learning new abilities to cope with the demands placed upon her should be the focus, as well as making a few solid allies.
  63. +Chapter 1: Witchhunt
  64. Summary: Opens with a young girl in a small, ransacked cottage, sobbing. She makes a comment about wishing/praying she had the power to save her parents, only for Katastrophe to appear in a whirl of papers. Reasonably freaked out, the girl retreats to a corner. Katastrophe responds by asking the girl what she had called upon the contract with Grimeowre for. After some back and forth dialogue explaining who Katastrophe was, what the contract with the Grimeowre bearer was, and that the girl's parents had been accused of witchcraft and sentenced to death by the townsfolk due to strange happenings around the family, Katastrophe restates her question, what did the girl desire? "The power to save my parents from those big meanies!" Katastrophe smiles, "You wish for knowledge of magic?" The girl nods. After some deliberation, Katastrophe gives the girl a crash course in magic, noting to herself that the girl had the innate talent already within her and the strange happen stances were likely her unconscious doing. *One Montage Later* The girl blasts her way through the guards of the prison, causing enough chaos with other prisoners freed that she and her parents are able to escape. Skipping ahead a month later, the view focuses in on a basket set inside the family's new home. Inside there is a kitten, a grimoire, and a handwritten note from Katastrophe.
  65. Chapter 2: The Devil's Due
  66. Summary: A contract with the Grimeowre comes due, and the holder is a powerful demon lord. Involves tea drinking, souls, and other terrible things.
  67. Chapter 3: Cat'Adventures
  68. Summary: Non-meta plot stuff happens, showing off Kata's rad new wards.
  69. +Chapter 4: Warning of Warding
  70. Summary: Kataclysm boldly breaks through Katastrophe's meager wardings defending the library, casually strolling down the stacks of books and pulling out one to read (Subtly titled to indicate it is about volcanoes or Pompeii) before disappearing. Katastrophe realizes just how easily her mother could take the library back if she wanted, and begins studying how to improve her wards. She stumbles upon a tome that notes that the Witch of Dimensions is one of the most talented individuals in inter-dimensional ward magic since time unmemorable. She is also someone Katastrophe has past transgression against. Rest of the episode is Katastrophe trying to convince WoD to teach her ward magic in general, specifically inter-dimensional ward magic. Eventually the WoD consents, though the training itself is not shown.
  71. Chapter 5: Contract Calls
  72. Summary: Katastrophe must respond to a contract made with the holder of the Grimeowre. Fairy Queen maybe?
  73. +Chapter 6: A Library in Disarray
  74. Summary: Katastrophe finds that running the library is a far greater task than she thought and she struggles to manage it. Not helping are her injuries and being unused to the Bell of Katastrophe restricting her powers. Has light moments like her trying to manually organize new books that appear, before trying to use magic which attracts unwanted attention from creatures lurking within the Library! Chapter ends on her finally looking up the answers in Grimeowre, which has a useful quick guide penned by Bast (For Sekhmet). Katastrophe smiles and says "Thanks Grandmother."
  75. Chapter Extra: ?
  78. Book 4: Collared (1666 - ?)
  79. Notes: I definitely want Katastrophe be able to pull off a major part of the heist on her own, but require assistance from an outside force to win a fight with her mother, really underscore the fact she is, under no circumstances, a match for her mother.
  81. +Chapter 1: Cat on the Run
  82. Summary: Katastrophe and Kataclysm begin their fight one on one inside the AEternal Library. Katastrophe throws everything she has at her mother and she seems to be winning. Laying on a crushed bookcase, Kataclysm begins to cackle, commenting she is proud her kitten has become this powerful, but that it is a long ways off from eclipsing her. She then stands up and begins to pummel Katastrophe. When it looks as though all is lost and Kataclysm is making promises of punishment in a motherly way, the Avatar's of Ra and Bast appear, beating the evil nekomata back. A quick healing touch from Bast and Katastrophe is back in the fight, all three banishing Kataclysm from the library. Katastrophe thanks the two Avatars and finishes her spell to take control of the library, hiding it from all who wish to find it. Chapter ends with her mother alive and grinning like a Cheshire cat in an egyptian temple, claiming her little kitten would come back to her in due time.
  83. Chapter 2: Theft of Knowledge
  84. Summary: A long, drawn out plan finally comes to fruition as Katastrophe enacts her plan. She succeeds in nabbing the Grimeowre and banishing all of her sister from the library, but she miscalculated her mother's power. Chapter ends with the two staring each other down, ready for a fight.
  85. Chapter 3: Divine Ties
  86. Summary: Katastrophe seeks out the two people she knows she can trust, the Avatar of Ra and the Avatar of Bast. She ends up aiding both in their duty to divine justice, in trade for promises of help. (Maybe combine with or pair with Chapter 4.)
  87. Chapter 4: Traitorous Intent
  88. Summary: The feline witch plans and prepares for her master heist. Includes the construction of the first Catseye Bell, which requires some rare ingredients and the beating up of beasts for them.
  89. Chapter 5:
  90. Summary: Katastrophe begins to question Kataclysm's teachings on humanity, seeking answers from the tomes within the library. She finds writings from ancient egypt, among others, describing humans praying and celebrating cat kind not out of fear but respect and admiration for their abilities. Scenes play of ancient times as Katastrophe narrates (Her tone should change over the course of the chapter from disbelief to confusion to partial acceptance). Katastrophe also discovers stories of the Great Library of Alexander connecting to a much larger library that was staffed by cat like beings, correctly concluding that the AEternal used to service mankind. Chapter ends with her declaring "This is how once was and how it will be again."
  91. +Chapter 6: Change of Heart
  92. Summary: After the battle with Tengu Nesshin (DoI:E S03E12, London Calling), the weak and injured Katastrophe finds herself taken in by a kind human family who mistake her for a ordinary cat. For the first part of the chapter she hisses at them and hides, but slowly, begins to accept them. She keeps expecting the worse of them, yet finds them to hold nothing but kindness in their hearts for her. Katastrophe revives enough to assume her humanoid form, poised over the sleeping kid's bed ready to slay her, but being unable to bring herself to kill them. Chapter ends with their door closing, Katastrophe somehow warning other Nekomata to spare the family harm or leaving thanks.
  93. Chapter Extra: Synthetic Bell
  94. Summary: Taking place between DoI:E S2 and S3, shows the time Katastrophe spent studying Synth's strange magic and the development of the second Catseye Bell. Includes general chit chat between the heroes.
  97. Book 4: (? - 1666)
  98. Notes: Should involve more Sisters and other family, as the prior chapters have been sparse with them. More a collection of events than any overarching plot.
  100. Chapter 1: The Last Day of Black
  101. Summary: The events of 1664-1666 told, including the last spreading of the plague and a recap of the Great Fire of London story.
  102. Chapter ?: The Cat Massacres
  103. Summary: Katastrophe and Kataclysm wage war against the burning of cats in France. Culminates with forcing the royalty of France to officially ban the act. Maybe split into two chapters, one showing their first attempt using sheer force, which comes to no avail as they are pushed back by the paladins. Second chapter would show them using more subtle tactics (causing bad harvests, causing ill luck in things, maybe related to the Fronde Civil War?) and backroom dealing to get the king/nobility to submit.
  106. Book 5: The Plague of Nekomata (1330 - ?)
  107. Notes: Katastrophe heads up the European front for spreading the Black Death, her mother appears from time to time to check in. This is the crowning achievement of the Nekomata in their war on humanity, something only stopped by the precursor to the Knights of Asclepius. Plague naturally occurred, but the Nekomata helped spread it across the world.
  108. Chapter ?: The Great Famine
  110. Book 6: (? - 1330)
  111. Notes: Focus on China/Japan, or maybe this will be more minor strikes around the world.
  115. Book F: Childhood
  116. Chapter ?:
  118. (Chapters planned but not slotted into any Book yet)
  119. Chapter ?: Hunter or Hunted
  120. Summary: Whilst investigating the murder of a sister, Katastrophe is ambushed by Van Helsing. A long, drawn out battle ensues, testing their physical and mental prowess. While on the cusp of victory, Katastrophe falls for a cunning trap Van Helsing laid out and is vanquished until she resurrects.
  122. Chapter ?: Cat Out of Hell.
  124. Chapter Extra: Tale of Two Tails
  125. Summary: The story of how nekomata received their twin tails. Told in a fairy tale like fashion, juxtaposed to the normal, darker style of Katastrophe comics.
  129. ====Various IRC Notes====
  131. Synth Prophecy: *It tells of a woman, of grand design, finding her destiny between the pages of a book. Her conflict will be one of good will, and at the time of the coming of the metallic sovereign, beckoned by the prospect of the end, her good will shall be tested by that of another.*
  133. Tiger of Tyre: Kataclysm sealed away the soul of Tengu Nesshin, bad things could happen if someone got their mitts on it.
  136. Phase I don't wanna spill /all/ the beans, but some salient factors to consider when playing Kata:
  137. Phase - Katastrophe, Kataclysm, and some of their family and friends were there for (responsible for?) the fire of london in 1666
  138. Phase -The whole family had an enemy at the time named Tengu Nesshin. He slew several of Katastrophe's sisters before they stopped him (hopefully for good)
  139. Phase -If Tengu Nesshin taught Kata anything, it's to be careful in whom you put your trust.
  143. ==== Vague Timeline of Events ====
  144. Not updated at all.
  146. Timeline: *Event not directly related to Katastrophe.
  147. 2014: Joined the Independents of Spireport
  148. 1883: Krakatoa erupts
  149. 1815: Year without a Summer, Mount Tambora erupts
  150. 1809: Mysterious Eruption:
  151. 1700's*: French cat burnings cease.
  152. 1666: Great Fire of London: Was at or cause of.
  153. 1300's: Helped develop and set up the conditions needed to spread Black Death
  154. 1100's: Katastrophe and Kataclysm start their war against human kind?
  155. 1000's: Katastrophe born in Egypt, City of Per-Bast
  156. 782*: Carolingian Renaissance
  157. 273*: Alexandrian Library burns down.
  159. 3500BC?: Bast raised to godhood by Ra, Sekhmet gains ownership of Grimeowre
  162. ===== True Form Description =====
  163. -Shadows turn towards Katastrophe, disregarding light sources.
  164. -Shadows are ethereally cold, chilling people to their soul.
  165. -Lights flicker as though the power was going out.
  166. -People feel their souls being tugged at, like Katastrophe wants to consume them.
  167. -Eyes begin to glow with yellowish light, like they are reflecting non-existent light. (Of the souls within)
  168. -Tail splits into two.
  169. -Personality returns to her older self, free, unhindered, thrilled with the power she has kept locked away for so long. Murderous smiles and toothy grins replace the dour looks and grumpy faces.
  171. Katastrophe closes her eyes, concentrating. The lights around her begin to flicker as though the power was going out. Shadows twist around towards Katastrophe, regardless of the light casting them, as they become preternaturally cold. Her white cat tail forks into two, both twitching back and forth with excitement.
  173. She flashes a toothy, murderous smile of pointed teeth, eyes snapping opening to reveal cat slit irises that seem to reflect light of their own accord. Those around her can feel their souls being lightly, but inexorably pulled towards her, like the nekomata wanted to consume them all.
  175. -----
  176. The lights begin to flicker just before Katastrophe flashes into the room. The shadows twist around towards Katastrophe, disregarding the lights casting them and become preternaturally cold. Those around her can feel their souls being lightly, but inexorably pulled towards her, like the nekomata wanted to consume them all.
  178. On her face there is a toothy, murderous smile of pointed teeth and yellow cat slit eyes that seem to reflect light of their own accord. Behind her, two white tails twitch in anticipation of the expected battle.
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