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Aug 1st, 2017
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  3. Hello i bims the Deobfuscator, So ladies and gentlemen today we show how "safe" Maverick apps is, we have the tool 2Std + - 30min with Food break intervened between then had to realize that we were already through. Now times fun by side we almost cried because it was so simple, I personally had yes pee in the eyes when I saw how easy it was but no matter. So I remember talking to the makers of this "glorious" and "safe" tool them Said it was quite impossible to get the files or the key but well So enough meme's further in the text
  5. Page 2
  6. So how does this encryption function so first and now it all comes to KEY the KEY !!! Stored in the mission, Ie we open the mission with a text editor of our choice: Notepad ++ in this case simply times then there everything looks Bit confusing but the key finds when you know what you are looking for. Randnotiz: Obfuscation = DUMM Why do you ask? You have to save the key even if it's random, but it is Still in the mission = DUMM So then times we have made it so, first "preprocessFile" blocked then with the Config Viewer the MAV_Sub_ / mav_tag_fnc_ * read out. The function with the name can deviate from the example If you run the FNC comes something like that out: [] Call compile ('i' + 'f (! IsS' + 'erver) exi' + 'tWit' + 'h {}; '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' ' "AoGADbTEoVY5U7a9RfznojcsyVExOWUEyv9Aj1LTCpdZiYjfh9p09BHwSMdEJRr3 & quot = '+' = -1) th '+' en {pre '+' proc '+' essFi '+' le "CPIPT \ KOILM \ K0NV5 \ 5ETTM \ PTN0I.sqf"; ['+'] ex '+' ec '+' VM "CPIPT \ KOILM \ K0NV5 \ 5ETTM \ PTN0I.sqf"; [ '+'] spa '+' {w wn '+' hile {tr '+'} d ue '+' o '+' { "Ev '+ 'Ery' + 'one' + 'lot' + 't "ca' + 'll BI '+' S '+' _ f '+' nc '+' _ s '+' d '+' Mis '+' SiO '+' nSe '+' rver;} '+'} '+'}; & apos; As you can see, the strings are separated so it looks "safer". Again for people with bad eyes: image ¯ \ _ (ツ) _ / ¯ tutorial on the next page! ¯ \ _ (ツ) _ / ¯
  8. Page 3
  9. What do I have to do now: 1. Grab the mission from% appdata% and import it into a local test server 2. Edit Server.cfg: AllowedPreprocessFileExtensions [] = {""}; This does not stop the server, but no functions from the Functions.hpp are read. This must be changed again after you have completed the following steps and create the servermod Has. 3. Create a server mod with the name: @ObfuSQF 4. In the modification, a directory with the subdirectories is displayed The path should look as follows: \ ObfuSQF \ pjjboc0shh \ arrdyhq2m3 \ wgdbfm113f \ lcmixm5bwv \ slgpvk8qzo \ ec1utgmpks \ swhieoq8fz \ pslnmmw1wr .rsa.sqf " Note: Why so many folders, Maverick thinks that makes it "safer". 5. The rsa.sqf should have the following content: "XP7CZIIMRl39P9fsyJbhMpYFG0Odff7V4m + essA09hir" Is always different. 6. Pack as a mod and start a server with the ObfuSQF.pbo and you can easily join the mission And the individual functions. You can also use a script, which over DLLS like KK_makefile.dll writes all scripts to A3 root directory. Note: If someone says: I can not open the debug console, there are enough mods that solve this problem. #NSS Admin menu More there is also basic not to say. Here are some keys: SAMPLE mission: + gc25l47UWKtTwDXDvBMVlIIP4q9rXGxSXJWUZ / IoWGJe + + QDYu cMtyVUlyPhMyF Ironforge: XP7CZIIMRl39P9fsyJbhMpYFG0Odff7V4m + essA09hir Live Your Life: Age Key: AoGADbTEoVY5U7a9RfznojcsyVExOWUEyv9Aj1LTCpdZiYjfh9p09BHwSMdEJRr3 Extra for Crackihead the new Key: D HF The new folder structure: 8kcksptdvq \ wzcottozge \ rwinhljmlk \ eqcf1ipasm \ swpyrge9vp \ The file is called: 5wjmp5pddw.rsa.sqf With the following key: "QR37d2qc2ToYIhU1LpUTBWNGa5wzfylE + + 4yhgpCr3u1L5X2 iXr87Wloxmoqyyk /" The change does not bring anything so leave it :) SQF content is for all of that so leave it to! So let the credits inside of the people who make the scripts and everything is good, so should it all make! GrandTheftArma: BlSz3LQo69 / 68ThbhS + ZokCxySydj4rXgHB78QTjeNOCDRyAteY / hGiAJWTF2ufT
  11. Page 4
  12. Thanks for the attention and please do not flamen, Here is the anti-rude Unicorn Sincerely, ImSorry
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