
DataSizes - MonoTouch - iPhone 3GS

Nov 14th, 2012
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  1. Primitive sizes:
  2. The size of a char is: 2
  3. The size of short is: 2
  4. The size of int is: 4
  5. The size of long is: 8
  6. The size of unsigned short is: 2
  7. The size of unsigned int is: 4
  8. The size of unsigned long is: 8
  9. The size of a Int16 is 2
  10. The size of a Int32 is 4
  11. The size of a Int64 is 8
  12. The size of a UInt16 is 2
  13. The size of a UInt32 is 4
  14. The size of a UInt64 is 8
  15. The size of a float is: 4
  16. The size of a double is 8
  18. Ranges:
  19. short.MinValue: -32768
  20. short.MaxValue: 32767
  21. int.MinValue: -2147483648
  22. int.MaxValue: 2147483647
  23. long.MinValue: -9223372036854775808
  24. long.MaxValue: 9223372036854775807
  25. ushort.MinValue: 0
  26. ushort.MaxValue: 65535
  27. uint.MinValue: 0
  28. uint.MaxValue: 4294967295
  29. ulong.MinValue: 0
  30. ulong.MaxValue: 18446744073709551615
  31. Int16.MinValue: -32768
  32. Int16.MaxValue: 32767
  33. Int32.MinValue: -2147483648
  34. Int32.MaxValue: 2147483647
  35. Int64.MinValue: -9223372036854775808
  36. Int64.MaxValue: 9223372036854775807
  37. UInt16.MinValue: 0
  38. UInt16.MaxValue: 65535
  39. UInt32.MinValue: 0
  40. UInt32.MaxValue: 4294967295
  41. UInt64.MinValue: 0
  42. UInt64.MaxValue: 18446744073709551615
  43. float.MinValue: -3.402823E+38
  44. float.MaxValue: 3.402823E+38
  45. double.MinValue: -1.79769313486232E+308
  46. double.MaxValue: 1.79769313486232E+308
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