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Oct 6th, 2015
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  3. Vignette of a Family. The Jones family is an African-American family consisting of Harold (42), Shirley (36), and their two children, Ben (13) and Tracy (9). Shirley has been deployed overseas for the past 18 months. During this time Harold’s mother Barbara has been living with the family. Ben has become very withdrawn during his mother’s absence; he is often truant from school and Harold suspects he is using drugs. Tracy is doing well in her school work, but has temper tantrums at home when things do not go her way. Harold was recently laid off from a job he held for over 10 years and is feeling very discouraged. His mother has loaned him money until he can find another job, but he worries about his ability to take care of his family.Shirley returned home from duty three weeks ago. She was initially very happy to see her family, but is having trouble adjusting to being back home. She does not get along with Harold’s mother and the two women argue constantly. She has been having difficulty sleeping, feels like she is “in a daze” much of the time, refuses to go into town saying it is “too noisy and too crowded,” and doesn’t seem interested in connecting with her old friends. When the children want to spend time with her, Shirley becomes irritable and says she is too tired.Tracy has been crying frequently since her mother has returned, and Ben disappeared for two days without telling anyone where he was. Harold feels overwhelmed and does not know what to do. When he discovered some marijuana in Ben’s room, he decided the family needed to see a therapist.
  4. Select one of the two ca-add the case vignette I chose to the bottom case studies—one couple vignette and one family vignette—to use for this assignment.Identify and evaluate specific methods you would use during the assessment and diagnosis phase with this couple or family.
  5. Apply family systems models used for understanding patterns of dysfunction in relationships to describe how you would incorporate assessment and diagnostic processes into your work with this couple or family.
  6. Explain how you would apply the DSM-5 diagnostic system to this couple or family. Review the materials in the DSM-5 about relational problems (pages 715–722, “Relational Problems” under “Other Conditions That May Be a Focus of Clinical Attention”). If you decide to give a diagnosis to any of the individuals, what would it be, and how might this diagnosis impact the couple’s or family’s therapy process?
  7. Explain how you would include sociocultural factors in the assessment and diagnosis of this couple or family.
  8. Evaluate the influence of the clients’ sociocultural background, personal history, environment, and family or relationship systems on their current experiences and the presentation of their symptoms. You will need to support your ideas with evidence from the professional literature.Discuss how your own sociocultural background, personal history, values, biases, and assumptions would impact the diagnostic process with this couple or family. For example, might you have difficulty understanding the meaning of some the symptoms these clients present; or, might you overlook, or over-emphasize, certain symptoms, given your own background and history?
  9. Discuss the ethical issues that may arise when assessing and diagnosing a couple or family. Apply specific ethical standards (such as those from the American Counseling Association (ACA), American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy (AAMFT), and Association for Addiction Professionals (NAADAC) to the issues you may encounter when assessing and diagnosing this couple or family.
  10. Design an effective treatment plan for this couple or family based on the assessment information you have observed and collected during the diagnostic process. Use the following outline for your treatment plan:
  11. What is the focus of the therapy (key issues and concerns that will be addressed)?
  12. What are some of the main goals for this couple or family? What specific changes in the couple or family would be evidence of positive movement or would demonstrate that the therapy is being effective? For each goal noted, list examples of specific interventions or counseling techniques that will be used during the sessions.
  13. What interventions will be used during sessions to help the couple or family reach their goals?Your paper should be 5–7 pages in length and include a minimum of four articles from current peer-reviewed journals. Use APA sixth edition style and formatting.
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