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a guest
Oct 24th, 2017
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text 1.99 KB | None | 0 0
  1. 1,4c1,2
  2. < # Endianess
  3. < L
  4. < # Wordsize
  5. < 64
  6. ---
  7. > # 07jan17abu
  8. > # (c) Software Lab. Alexander Burger
  9. 7,13c5,11
  10. < (equ ENOENT 2)
  11. < (equ EINTR 4)
  12. < (equ EBADF 9)
  13. < (equ EAGAIN 11)
  14. < (equ EACCES 13)
  15. < (equ EPIPE 32)
  16. < (equ ECONNRESET 104)
  17. ---
  18. > (equ ENOENT 2) # No such file or directory
  19. > (equ EINTR 4) # Interrupted system call
  20. > (equ EBADF 9) # Bad file number
  21. > (equ EAGAIN 11) # Try again
  22. > (equ EACCES 13) # Permission denied
  23. > (equ EPIPE 32) # Broken pipe
  24. > (equ ECONNRESET 104) # Connection reset by peer
  25. 28c26
  26. < (equ BUFSIZ 8192)
  27. ---
  28. > (equ BUFSIZ 1024)
  29. 29a28,33
  30. >
  31. > (push '*Globals '__sF)
  32. > (equ stdin '__sF)
  33. > (equ stdout '(& (__sF 152)))
  34. > (equ stderr '(& (__sF 304)))
  35. >
  36. 37,39c41,43
  37. < (equ FLOCK 32)
  38. < (equ L_TYPE 0)
  39. < (equ L_WHENCE 2)
  40. ---
  41. > (equ FLOCK 32) # File lock structure
  42. > (equ L_TYPE 0) # 2
  43. > (equ L_WHENCE 2) # 2
  44. 58,59c62,63
  45. < (equ STAT 128)
  46. < (equ ST_MODE 16)
  47. ---
  48. > (equ STAT 128) # File status structure
  49. > (equ ST_MODE 16) # 4
  50. 62,64c66,68
  51. < (equ S_IFMT 61440)
  52. < (equ S_IFREG 32768)
  53. < (equ S_IFDIR 16384)
  54. ---
  55. > (equ S_IFMT (oct "170000"))
  56. > (equ S_IFREG (oct "100000"))
  57. > (equ S_IFDIR (oct "40000"))
  58. 67c71
  59. < (equ TMS 32)
  60. ---
  61. > (equ TMS 32) # 'times' structure
  62. 72c76
  63. < (equ TERMIOS 60)
  64. ---
  65. > (equ TERMIOS 36) # Terminal I/O structure
  66. 86,90c90,95
  67. < (equ SIGACTION 152)
  68. < (equ SIGSET_T 128)
  69. < (equ SA_HANDLER 0)
  70. < (equ SA_MASK 8)
  71. < (equ SA_FLAGS 136)
  72. ---
  73. > (equ SIGACTION 32) # Sigaction structure
  74. > (equ SIGSET_T 8)
  75. > (equ SA_HANDLER 8)
  76. > (equ SA_MASK 16)
  77. > (equ SA_FLAGS 0)
  78. >
  79. 94c99,100
  80. < (equ SIGHUP 1)
  81. ---
  82. >
  83. > (equ SIGHUP 1) # Signals
  84. 108c114
  85. < (equ SIGNALS 30)
  86. ---
  87. > (equ SIGNALS 30) # Highest used signal number plus 1
  88. 115c121
  89. < (equ FD_SET 128)
  90. ---
  91. > (equ FD_SET 128) # 1024 bit
  92. 139a146
  93. >
  94. 141c148,149
  95. < (equ NI_NAMEREQD 8)
  96. ---
  97. > (equ NI_NAMEREQD 4)
  98. >
  99. 145a154
  100. >
  101. 150c159
  102. < (equ AI_ADDR 24)
  103. ---
  104. > (equ AI_ADDR 32)
  105. 151a161,162
  106. >
  107. > # vi:et:ts=3:sw=3
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