
Like a Boss [Science!]

Feb 21st, 2015
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  2. Session Start: Thu Feb 19 18:50:10 2015
  3. Session Ident: #likeaboss
  4. 03[18:50] * Now talking in #likeaboss
  5. 03[18:50] * Zappy ( has joined #likeaboss
  6. 03[18:51] * Lime (Lime@21BE016D.B4B4F0C4.7750D175.IP) has joined #likeaboss
  7. 03[18:53] * Keleviel ( has joined #likeaboss
  8. 03[18:54] * TBW is now known as emeraldEclipse
  9. [18:54] add Skaianet?#likeaboss
  10. 04[18:56] <emeraldEclipse> 03[You more so glance at Pesterchum as a habit than actually expecting something. So as a result, you do a double take when you recognize another handle on it. You make a slight grimace at the third, still meaning to talk to this 'Chana'. But you know Opal.]
  11. 04[18:57] <emeraldEclipse> 03[Even if the last time you talked to them it wasn't exactly super friendly. Sigh, curl up on the couch and start pestering them. Better sooner than latter.]
  12. 04[18:57] * emeraldEclipse 3PESTERs "Opal" : (Uhm. Hi.)
  13. 03[19:12] * Muss is now known as berylMalachite
  14. [19:12] <@berylMalachite> 3[You glance up from your work when your computer gets a ping]
  15. [19:13] <@berylMalachite> 3[Huh, well then. Crack your knuckles and get to typing]
  16. [19:13] <@berylMalachite> 3[Things just got interesting]
  17. 06[19:17] * @berylMalachite 3PESTERs "Afiqah" : (Ah, hello)
  18. 06[19:17] * @berylMalachite 3PESTERs "Afiqah" : (Long time no see)
  19. 04[19:17] * emeraldEclipse 3PESTERs "Opal" : (Uhm, I guess so.)
  20. 06[19:18] * @berylMalachite 3PESTERs "Afiqah" : (You have been enjoying this presession?)
  21. 04[19:18] * emeraldEclipse 3PESTERs "Opal" : (Yes. When did you arive?)
  22. 06[19:19] * @berylMalachite 3PESTERs "Afiqah" : (A few days ago, I was working on integrating myself into my job first)
  23. 04[19:20] * emeraldEclipse 3PESTERs "Opal" : (Ah. Where did you, uhm, end up?)
  24. 06[19:21] * @berylMalachite 3PESTERs "Afiqah" : (I'm a professor, I've been working with some of the universities supplies to better teach these students)
  25. 04[19:22] <emeraldEclipse> 03[Oh. That'd be something.]
  26. 06[19:22] * @berylMalachite 3PESTERs "Afiqah" : (Their textbooks are so useless sometimes, so many errors)
  27. 06[19:24] * @berylMalachite 3PESTERs "Afiqah" : (What about you? Where are you working?)
  28. 04[19:24] * emeraldEclipse 3PESTERs "Opal" : (Ah. Well, uhm, we weren't as advanced as you were)
  29. 04[19:25] * emeraldEclipse 3PESTERs "Opal" : (Uhm, Bash is here too, and the two of us are, uhm, working at the company thats building this universe's version of SBURB)
  30. 06[19:26] * @berylMalachite 3PESTERs "Afiqah" : (Oh, if you managed to find the doomsday code try to save it for me. I need it for my next ploy of world domination)
  31. 06[19:26] * @berylMalachite 3PESTERs "Afiqah" : ( (that was a joke) )
  32. 04[19:26] * emeraldEclipse 3PESTERs "Opal" : (You'll uhm, have to talk to Bas-oh. Okay.)
  33. 06[19:27] * @berylMalachite 3PESTERs "Afiqah" : (It sounds like an interesting job, any chance the two of you could do something like)
  34. 06[19:27] * @berylMalachite 3PESTERs "Afiqah" : (Get us in as god tiers?)
  35. 04[19:28] * emeraldEclipse 3PESTERs "Opal" : (I don't think so. From what I understand, we're more, uhm, building the access way in to SBURB not the Game itself)
  36. 06[19:29] * @berylMalachite 3PESTERs "Afiqah" : (Ah, shame)
  37. 06[19:30] * @berylMalachite 3PESTERs "Afiqah" : (It seems I'll have to continue hoping my projects can work out for us in the end)
  38. 06[19:30] * @berylMalachite 3PESTERs "Afiqah" : (Advanced or not you'd have thought someone would have come along and found it by accident if your history textbooks are to be trusted)
  39. 04[19:31] * emeraldEclipse 3PESTERs "Opal" : (Come along and, uhm, found what?)
  40. 03[19:31] * Equinox ( has joined #likeaboss
  41. 06[19:31] * @berylMalachite 3PESTERs "Afiqah" : (The answers, seriously half of your biggest discoveries seemed to have been by accident)
  42. 06[19:32] * @berylMalachite 3PESTERs "Afiqah" : (Someone dropped the wrong thing in the lab and suddenly you have penicillin)
  43. 04[19:33] * emeraldEclipse 3PESTERs "Opal" : (None of your society's discoveries happened like that?)
  44. 06[19:34] * @berylMalachite 3PESTERs "Afiqah" : (Well, some did, we were much higher up in the 'killed or disposed of the person who actually found it out and then steal their discoveries' line of work. Humans are becoming much better at stopping that apparently)
  45. 06[19:35] * @berylMalachite 3PESTERs "Afiqah" : (It's hard to tell which are accidents when the answers given are "because I'm awesome, now go away")
  46. 04[19:36] * emeraldEclipse 3PESTERs "Opal" : (Ah)
  47. 06[19:38] * @berylMalachite 3PESTERs "Afiqah" : (Anyways, are we going to be having problems this session?)
  48. 04[19:38] * emeraldEclipse 3PESTERs "Opal" : (I don't know. Are we?)
  49. 06[19:39] * @berylMalachite 3PESTERs "Afiqah" : (...I don't know, are we?)
  50. 04[19:42] * emeraldEclipse 3PESTERs "Opal" : (I'm not planning on having any, but, uhm)
  51. 04[19:43] * emeraldEclipse 3PESTERs "Opal" : (it remains to be seen?)
  52. 06[19:44] * @berylMalachite 3PESTERs "Afiqah" : (Shall I practice the awkward stares and the passive aggressive remarks then?)
  53. 04[19:46] * emeraldEclipse 3PESTERs "Opal" : (I, uh, don't think it will be necessary?)
  54. 06[19:47] * @berylMalachite 3PESTERs "Afiqah" : (I suppose we will likely be good as long as you don't try to use my toothbrush)
  55. 04[19:49] * emeraldEclipse 3PESTERs "Opal" : (I'm, uhm, not planning to)
  56. 06[19:50] * @berylMalachite 3PESTERs "Afiqah" : (Perfect, this will be an interesting session)
  57. 06[19:51] * @berylMalachite 3PESTERs "Afiqah" : (I have a few plans for it)
  58. 06[19:51] * @berylMalachite 3PESTERs "Afiqah" : (I can't wait to see Qui)
  59. 04[19:52] * emeraldEclipse 3PESTERs "Opal" : (Quiui is, uhm, offline at the moment. Their power supply didn't come through, but everything else seems fine.)
  60. 06[19:53] * @berylMalachite 3PESTERs "Afiqah" : (Ah, well I can't exactly meet them in the pre-session after all)
  61. 04[19:53] * emeraldEclipse 3PESTERs "Opal" : (Thats, uhm, true)
  62. 04[19:54] * emeraldEclipse 3PESTERs "Opal" : (We're going to be in the pre-session for a while. Probably another nine or ten months or so)
  63. 06[19:54] * @berylMalachite 3PESTERs "Afiqah" : (Huh, that's a lot longer than I thought)
  64. 06[19:54] * @berylMalachite 3PESTERs "Afiqah" : (Oh well, it happens. I'll see if I can make the news until then, maybe find something interesting to entertain myself with)
  65. 04[19:55] * emeraldEclipse 3PESTERs "Opal" : (Alright)
  66. 06[19:56] * @berylMalachite 3PESTERs "Afiqah" : (Would there be anything that you'd need in the mean time? I've got a lot of free time)
  67. 04[19:56] * emeraldEclipse 3PESTERs "Opal" : (Uhm, not really at the moment? I'll, uh, ask Bash. And, uhm, pass on that you're here.)
  68. 06[19:59] * @berylMalachite 3PESTERs "Afiqah" : (Sounds good, anything else?)
  69. 04[19:59] * emeraldEclipse 3PESTERs "Opal" : (Uhm, not really.)
  70. 06[20:00] * @berylMalachite 3PESTERs "Afiqah" : (Sounds good then, I'll get back to work it seems)
  71. 04[20:00] * emeraldEclipse 3PESTERs "Opal" : (Alright)
  72. 04[20:00] <emeraldEclipse> 03[More than slightly awkward. Socialization is weird.]
  73. 06[20:01] * @berylMalachite 3PESTERs "Afiqah" : (Have fun with Bash now)
  74. 06[20:01] * @berylMalachite 3has ceased pestering emeraldEclipse
  75. 04[20:03] <emeraldEclipse> 03[Er. Okay?]
  76. 03[20:04] * berylMalachite is now known as Muss
  77. 03[20:16] * @Muss ( has left #likeaboss
  78. 02[20:32] * Keleviel ( Quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
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