
qtcreator starting without ubuntu template category

Jan 7th, 2014
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  1. void DBusMenuExporterPrivate::addAction(QAction*, int): Already tracking action "Follow Symbol Under Cursor" under id 142
  2. loaded the dummy plugin
  3. loaded the Linux plugin
  4. ### CustomWizard: Checking '/home/gary/.config/QtProject/qtcreator/templates/wizards'
  5. CustomWizard: Scanning /usr/share/qtcreator/templates/wizards/bb-bardescriptor
  7. ### Adding: Q.QnxBlackBerryBarDescriptor / Application descriptor
  8. Q.BlackBerry / BlackBerry
  9. (Creates an application descriptor file.)
  10. Directory: /usr/share/qtcreator/templates/wizards/bb-bardescriptor Klass: ''
  11. File source: bar-descriptor.xml Target: bar-descriptor.xml [editor]
  12. CustomWizard: Scanning /usr/share/qtcreator/templates/wizards/bb-cascades-app
  14. ### Adding: Q.QnxBlackBerryCascadesApp / BlackBerry Cascades Application
  15. F.QtApplications /
  16. (Creates a Cascades application for BlackBerry 10.)
  17. Directory: /usr/share/qtcreator/templates/wizards/bb-cascades-app Klass: 'qt4project'
  18. File source: main.cpp Target: main.cpp [editor]
  19. File source: assets/main.qml Target: assets/main.qml [editor]
  20. File source: assets/SecondPage.qml Target: assets/SecondPage.qml [editor]
  21. File source: bar-descriptor.xml Target: bar-descriptor.xml [editor]
  22. File source: Target: [project]
  23. File source: project.hpp Target: %ProjectName%.hpp [project]
  24. File source: project.cpp Target: %ProjectName%.cpp [project]
  25. CustomWizard: Scanning /usr/share/qtcreator/templates/wizards/bb-guiapp
  27. ### Adding: Q.QnxBlackBerryGuiApp / BlackBerry Qt Gui Application
  28. F.QtApplications /
  29. (Creates a Qt Gui application for BlackBerry.)
  30. Directory: /usr/share/qtcreator/templates/wizards/bb-guiapp Klass: 'qt4project'
  31. File source: main.cpp Target: main.cpp [editor]
  32. File source: mainwidget.cpp Target: mainwidget.cpp [editor]
  33. File source: mainwidget.h Target: mainwidget.h [editor]
  34. File source: mainwidget.ui Target: mainwidget.ui [editor]
  35. File source: bar-descriptor.xml Target: bar-descriptor.xml [editor]
  36. File source: Target: [project]
  37. CustomWizard: Scanning /usr/share/qtcreator/templates/wizards/bb-qt5-bardescriptor
  39. ### Adding: Q.QnxBlackBerryBarDescriptor / Qt5 Application descriptor
  40. Q.BlackBerry / BlackBerry
  41. (Creates an Qt5 application descriptor file.)
  42. Directory: /usr/share/qtcreator/templates/wizards/bb-qt5-bardescriptor Klass: ''
  43. File source: bar-descriptor.xml Target: bar-descriptor.xml [editor]
  44. CustomWizard: Scanning /usr/share/qtcreator/templates/wizards/bb-qt5-guiapp
  46. ### Adding: Q.QnxBlackBerryGuiApp / BlackBerry Qt 5 GUI Application
  47. F.QtApplications /
  48. (Creates an experimental Qt 5 GUI application for BlackBerry 10. You need to provide your own build of Qt 5 for BlackBerry 10 since Qt 5 is not provided in the current BlackBerry 10 NDK and is not included in DevAlpha devices.)
  49. Directory: /usr/share/qtcreator/templates/wizards/bb-qt5-guiapp Klass: 'qt4project'
  50. File source: main.cpp Target: main.cpp [editor]
  51. File source: mainwidget.cpp Target: mainwidget.cpp [editor]
  52. File source: mainwidget.h Target: mainwidget.h [editor]
  53. File source: mainwidget.ui Target: mainwidget.ui [editor]
  54. File source: bar-descriptor.xml Target: bar-descriptor.xml [editor]
  55. File source: Target: [project]
  56. CustomWizard: Scanning /usr/share/qtcreator/templates/wizards/codesnippet
  58. ### Adding: Z.Snippet / Code Snippet
  59. H.QtProjects / Other Projects
  60. (Creates a qmake-based test project for which a code snippet can be entered.)
  61. Directory: /usr/share/qtcreator/templates/wizards/codesnippet Klass: 'qt4project'
  62. File source: main.cpp Target: main.cpp [editor]
  63. File source: Target: [project]
  64. Field name: CODE Description: 'Code:' Control: 'class' -> 'QTextEdit' 'defaulttext' -> 'int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  65. {
  66. return 0;
  67. }
  68. '
  69. Field name: TYPE Description: 'Type:' Control: 'class' -> 'QComboBox' 'comboText0' -> 'Headless (QtCore)' 'comboText1' -> 'Gui application (QtCore, QtGui, QtWidgets)' 'comboValue0' -> 'core' 'comboValue1' -> 'gui' 'defaultindex' -> '0'
  70. Field name: CONSOLE Description: 'Console application' Control: 'class' -> 'QCheckBox' 'defaultvalue' -> 'true'
  71. Field name: APP_BUNDLE Description: 'Application bundle (Mac)' Control: 'class' -> 'QCheckBox'
  72. CustomWizard: Scanning /usr/share/qtcreator/templates/wizards/helloworld
  73. CustomWizard: 'wizard.xml' not found
  74. CustomWizard: Scanning /usr/share/qtcreator/templates/wizards/listmodel
  75. CustomWizard: 'wizard.xml' not found
  76. CustomWizard: Scanning /usr/share/qtcreator/templates/wizards/plaincapp
  78. ### Adding: R.Plain C / Plain C Project
  79. I.Projects / Non-Qt Project
  80. (Creates a plain C project using qmake, not using the Qt library.)
  81. Directory: /usr/share/qtcreator/templates/wizards/plaincapp Klass: 'qt4project'
  82. File source: main.c Target: main.c [editor]
  83. File source: Target: [project]
  84. CustomWizard: Scanning /usr/share/qtcreator/templates/wizards/plaincapp-cmake
  86. ### Adding: S.Plain C (CMake) / Plain C Project (CMake Build)
  87. I.Projects / Non-Qt Project
  88. (Creates a plain C project using CMake, not using the Qt library.)
  89. Directory: /usr/share/qtcreator/templates/wizards/plaincapp-cmake Klass: ''
  90. File source: main.c Target: main.c [editor]
  91. File source: CMakeLists.txt Target: CMakeLists.txt [project]
  92. CustomWizard: Scanning /usr/share/qtcreator/templates/wizards/plaincppapp
  94. ### Adding: R.Plain C++ / Plain C++ Project
  95. I.Projects / Non-Qt Project
  96. (Creates a plain C++ project using qmake, not using the Qt library.)
  97. Directory: /usr/share/qtcreator/templates/wizards/plaincppapp Klass: 'qt4project'
  98. File source: main.cpp Target: main.cpp [editor]
  99. File source: Target: [project]
  100. CustomWizard: Scanning /usr/share/qtcreator/templates/wizards/plaincppapp-cmake
  102. ### Adding: S.Plain C++ (CMake) / Plain C++ Project (CMake Build)
  103. I.Projects / Non-Qt Project
  104. (Creates a plain C++ project using CMake, not using the Qt library.)
  105. Directory: /usr/share/qtcreator/templates/wizards/plaincppapp-cmake Klass: ''
  106. File source: main.cpp Target: main.cpp [editor]
  107. File source: CMakeLists.txt Target: CMakeLists.txt [project]
  108. CustomWizard: Scanning /usr/share/qtcreator/templates/wizards/qtcreatorplugin
  110. ### Adding: R.QtCreatorPlugin / Qt Creator Plugin
  111. G.Libraries / Libraries
  112. (Creates a custom Qt Creator plugin.)
  113. Directory: /usr/share/qtcreator/templates/wizards/qtcreatorplugin Klass: 'qt4project'
  114. File source: Target: [project]
  115. File source: myplugin_dependencies.pri Target: %PluginName:l%_dependencies.pri [editor]
  116. File source: Target: [editor]
  117. File source: myplugin_global.h Target: %PluginName:l%_global.%CppHeaderSuffix% [editor]
  118. File source: mypluginconstants.h Target: %PluginName:l%constants.%CppHeaderSuffix% [editor]
  119. File source: myplugin.h Target: %PluginName:l%plugin.%CppHeaderSuffix% [editor]
  120. File source: myplugin.cpp Target: %PluginName:l%plugin.%CppSourceSuffix% [editor]
  121. Field name: PluginName* Description: 'Plugin name:' Control: 'class' -> 'QLineEdit' 'defaulttext' -> 'MyPlugin' 'validator' -> '^[a-zA-Z0-9_]+$'
  122. Field name: VendorName* Description: 'Vendor name:' Control: 'class' -> 'QLineEdit' 'defaulttext' -> 'MyCompany' 'validator' -> '^[a-zA-Z0-9_]+$'
  123. Field name: Copyright Description: 'Copyright:' Control: 'class' -> 'QLineEdit' 'defaulttext' -> '(C) MyCompany'
  124. Field name: License Description: 'License:' Control: 'class' -> 'QTextEdit' 'defaulttext' -> 'Put your license text here'
  125. Field name: Description Description: 'Description:' Control: 'class' -> 'QTextEdit' 'defaulttext' -> 'Put a short description of your plugin here'
  126. Field name: URL Description: 'URL:' Control: 'class' -> 'QLineEdit' 'defaulttext' -> ''
  127. Field name: QtCreatorSources* Description: 'Qt Creator sources:' Control: 'class' -> 'Utils::PathChooser' 'defaulttext' -> ''
  128. Field name: QtCreatorBuild* Description: 'Qt Creator build:' Control: 'class' -> 'Utils::PathChooser' 'defaulttext' -> ''
  129. Field name: DestDir Description: 'Deploy into:' Control: 'class' -> 'QComboBox' 'comboText0' -> 'Qt Creator build' 'comboText1' -> 'Local user settings' 'comboValue0' -> '# ' 'comboValue1' -> '' 'defaultindex' -> '0'
  130. CustomWizard: Scanning /usr/share/qtcreator/templates/wizards/qtquick1-extension
  132. ### Adding: QtQuick1ExtensionPlugin / Qt Quick 1 Extension Plugin
  133. G.Libraries / Libraries
  134. (Creates a C++ plugin to load extensions dynamically into applications using the QDeclarativeEngine class. Requires Qt 4.7.0 or newer.)
  135. Directory: /usr/share/qtcreator/templates/wizards/qtquick1-extension Klass: 'qt4project'
  136. File source: qmldir Target: qmldir
  137. File source: plugin.h Target: %ProjectName:l%_plugin.%CppHeaderSuffix%
  138. File source: plugin.cpp Target: %ProjectName:l%_plugin.%CppSourceSuffix%
  139. File source: object.h Target: %ObjectName:l%.%CppHeaderSuffix%
  140. File source: object.cpp Target: %ObjectName:l%.%CppSourceSuffix% [editor]
  141. File source: Target: [project]
  142. Field name: ObjectName* Description: 'Object class-name:' Control: 'class' -> 'QLineEdit' 'defaulttext' -> 'MyItem' 'validator' -> '^[A-Za-z0-9_]+$'
  143. Field name: Uri* Description: 'URI:' Control: 'class' -> 'QLineEdit' 'defaulttext' -> 'com.mycompany.qmlcomponents' 'validator' -> '^[A-Za-z0-9]+([A-Za-z0-9-]*[A-Za-z0-9]+)?(\.[A-Za-z0-9]+([-A-Za-z0-9]*[A-Za-z0-9]+)?)*$'
  144. Rule: '"%ObjectName%" != "%ProjectName%_plugin"'->'The project name and the object class-name cannot be the same.
  145. CustomWizard: Scanning /usr/share/qtcreator/templates/wizards/qtquick2-extension
  147. ### Adding: QtQuick2ExtensionPlugin / Qt Quick 2 Extension Plugin
  148. G.Libraries / Libraries
  149. (Creates a C++ plugin to load extensions dynamically into applications using the QQmlEngine class. Requires Qt 5.0 or newer.)
  150. Directory: /usr/share/qtcreator/templates/wizards/qtquick2-extension Klass: 'qt4project'
  151. File source: qmldir Target: qmldir
  152. File source: plugin.h Target: %ProjectName:l%_plugin.%CppHeaderSuffix%
  153. File source: plugin.cpp Target: %ProjectName:l%_plugin.%CppSourceSuffix%
  154. File source: object.h Target: %ObjectName:l%.%CppHeaderSuffix%
  155. File source: object.cpp Target: %ObjectName:l%.%CppSourceSuffix% [editor]
  156. File source: Target: [project]
  157. Field name: ObjectName* Description: 'Object class-name:' Control: 'class' -> 'QLineEdit' 'defaulttext' -> 'MyItem' 'validator' -> '^[A-Za-z0-9_]+$'
  158. Field name: Uri* Description: 'URI:' Control: 'class' -> 'QLineEdit' 'defaulttext' -> 'com.mycompany.qmlcomponents' 'validator' -> '^[A-Za-z0-9]+([A-Za-z0-9-]*[A-Za-z0-9]+)?(\.[A-Za-z0-9]+([-A-Za-z0-9]*[A-Za-z0-9]+)?)*$'
  159. Rule: '"%ObjectName%" != "%ProjectName%_plugin"'->'The project name and the object class-name cannot be the same.
  160. CustomWizard: Scanning /usr/share/qtcreator/templates/wizards/scriptgeneratedproject
  161. CustomWizard: 'wizard.xml' not found
  162. CustomWizard: Scanning /usr/share/qtcreator/templates/wizards/ubuntu
  163. CustomWizard: 'wizard.xml' not found
  164. ### Registered wizards (47)
  166. Category: 'A.UbuntuProjects' / 'Ubuntu'
  167. Id: 'UbuntuUnityScope' / 'Unity Scope' Kind: 4
  168. Class: Ubuntu::Internal::UbuntuProjectApplicationWizard Description: 'A Unity Scope template'
  169. Id: 'UbuntuAppWBackendPlusTabs' / 'QML Extension Library + Tabbed Touch UI' Kind: 4
  170. Class: Ubuntu::Internal::UbuntuProjectApplicationWizard Description: 'A simple C++ based QtQuick2 Extension Library with
  171. Tabbed UI written in QML.
  173. Includes also
  174. - a unit test for C++
  175. - unit and functional tests for QML
  176. '
  177. Id: 'UbuntuAppWBackend' / 'QtQuick2 Extension Library' Kind: 4
  178. Class: Ubuntu::Internal::UbuntuProjectApplicationWizard Description: 'A simple C++ based QtQuick2 Extension Library.
  180. Includes also a unit test.'
  181. Id: 'UbuntuAppHTML5Tabs' / 'HTML5 Tabbed Touch UI' Kind: 4
  182. Class: Ubuntu::Internal::UbuntuProjectApplicationWizard Description: 'A multipage HTML5 UI using the Tabs component'
  183. Id: 'UbuntuAppTabs' / 'Tabbed UI' Kind: 4
  184. Class: Ubuntu::Internal::UbuntuProjectApplicationWizard Description: 'Creates a Qt Quick 2 application project using Tabs component. This project contains QML code only.
  186. Includes also unit and functional tests.'
  187. Id: 'UbuntuWebApp' / 'Webapp' Kind: 4
  188. Class: Ubuntu::Internal::UbuntuProjectApplicationWizard Description: 'A simple webapp template'
  189. Id: 'UbuntuAppSimple' / 'Simple UI' Kind: 4
  190. Class: Ubuntu::Internal::UbuntuProjectApplicationWizard Description: 'Creates a Qt Quick 2 application project with a sample UI containing a Label and a Button. This project contains QML code only.
  192. Includes also unit and functional tests.'
  194. Category: 'F.QtApplications' / 'Applications'
  195. Id: 'QB.QML Application for Qt Quick 2.0' / 'Qt Quick 2 UI with Controls' Kind: 4
  196. Class: QmlProjectManager::Internal::QmlApplicationWizard Description: 'Creates a Qt Quick 2 UI project with a single QML file that contains the main view and uses Qt Quick Controls. You can review Qt Quick 2 UI projects in the QML Scene and you need not build them. This project requires that you have installed Qt Quick Controls for your Qt version. Requires Qt 5.1 or newer.'
  197. Id: 'QB.QML Application for Qt Quick 2.0' / 'Qt Quick 2 UI' Kind: 4
  198. Class: QmlProjectManager::Internal::QmlApplicationWizard Description: 'Creates a Qt Quick 2 UI project with a single QML file that contains the main view. You can review Qt Quick 2 UI projects in the QML Scene and you need not build them. You do not need to have the development environment installed on your computer to create and run this type of projects. Requires Qt 5.0 or newer.'
  199. Id: 'QB.QML Application for Qt Quick 1.1' / 'Qt Quick 1 UI' Kind: 4
  200. Class: QmlProjectManager::Internal::QmlApplicationWizard Description: 'Creates a Qt Quick 1 UI project with a single QML file that contains the main view. You can review Qt Quick 1 UI projects in the QML Viewer and you need not build them. You do not need to have the development environment installed on your computer to create and run this type of projects. Requires Qt 4.8 or newer.'
  201. Id: 'QA.HTML5A Application' / 'HTML5 Application' Kind: 4
  202. Class: Qt4ProjectManager::Internal::Html5AppWizard Description: 'Creates an HTML5 application project that can contain both HTML5 and C++ code and includes a WebKit view.
  204. You can build the application and deploy it on desktop and mobile target platforms.'
  205. Id: 'D.QMLA Application' / 'Qt Quick 2 Application (from Existing QML File)' Kind: 4
  206. Class: Qt4ProjectManager::Internal::QtQuickAppWizard Description: 'Creates a Qt Quick 2 application project that can contain both QML and C++ code and includes a QQuickView.
  208. Creates a deployable Qt Quick application from existing QML files. All files and directories that reside in the same directory as the main .qml file are deployed. You can modify the contents of the directory any time before deploying.
  210. Requires <b>Qt 5.0</b> or newer.'
  211. Id: 'D.QMLA Application' / 'Qt Quick 1 Application (from Existing QML File)' Kind: 4
  212. Class: Qt4ProjectManager::Internal::QtQuickAppWizard Description: 'Creates a Qt Quick 1 application project that can contain both QML and C++ code and includes a QDeclarativeView.
  214. Creates a deployable Qt Quick application from existing QML files. All files and directories that reside in the same directory as the main .qml file are deployed. You can modify the contents of the directory any time before deploying.
  216. Requires <b>Qt 4.7.0</b> or newer.'
  217. Id: 'D.QMLA Application' / 'Qt Quick 1 Application for MeeGo Harmattan' Kind: 4
  218. Class: Qt4ProjectManager::Internal::QtQuickAppWizard Description: 'Creates a Qt Quick 1 application project that can contain both QML and C++ code and includes a QDeclarativeView.
  220. The Qt Quick Components for MeeGo Harmattan are a set of ready-made components that are designed with specific native appearance for the MeeGo Harmattan platform.
  222. Requires <b>Qt 4.7.4</b> or newer, and the component set installed for your Qt version.'
  223. Id: 'D.QMLA Application' / 'Qt Quick 2 Application (Built-in Types)' Kind: 4
  224. Class: Qt4ProjectManager::Internal::QtQuickAppWizard Description: 'Creates a Qt Quick 2 application project that can contain both QML and C++ code and includes a QQuickView.
  226. The built-in QML types in the QtQuick 2 namespace allow you to write cross-platform applications with a custom look and feel.
  228. Requires <b>Qt 5.0</b> or newer.'
  229. Id: 'D.QMLA Application' / 'Qt Quick 1 Application (Built-in Types)' Kind: 4
  230. Class: Qt4ProjectManager::Internal::QtQuickAppWizard Description: 'Creates a Qt Quick 1 application project that can contain both QML and C++ code and includes a QDeclarativeView.
  232. The built-in QML types in the QtQuick 1 namespace allow you to write cross-platform applications with a custom look and feel.
  234. Requires <b>Qt 4.7.0</b> or newer.'
  235. Id: 'E.Qt4Core' / 'Qt Console Application' Kind: 4
  236. Class: Qt4ProjectManager::Internal::ConsoleAppWizard Description: 'Creates a project containing a single main.cpp file with a stub implementation.
  238. Preselects a desktop Qt for building the application if available.'
  239. Id: 'C.Qt4Gui' / 'Qt Gui Application' Kind: 4
  240. Class: Qt4ProjectManager::Internal::GuiAppWizard Description: 'Creates a Qt application for the desktop. Includes a Qt Designer-based main window.
  242. Preselects a desktop Qt for building the application if available.'
  244. Category: 'G.Libraries' / 'Libraries'
  245. Id: 'H.Qt4Library' / 'C++ Library' Kind: 4
  246. Class: Qt4ProjectManager::Internal::LibraryWizard Description: 'Creates a C++ library based on qmake. This can be used to create:<ul><li>a shared C++ library for use with <tt>QPluginLoader</tt> and runtime (Plugins)</li><li>a shared or static C++ library for use with another project at linktime</li></ul>'
  248. Category: 'H.QtProjects' / 'Other Project'
  249. Id: 'P.Qt4CustomWidget' / 'Qt Custom Designer Widget' Kind: 4
  250. Class: Qt4ProjectManager::Internal::CustomWidgetWizard Description: 'Creates a Qt Custom Designer Widget or a Custom Widget Collection.'
  251. Id: 'L.Qt4Test' / 'Qt Unit Test' Kind: 4
  252. Class: Qt4ProjectManager::Internal::TestWizard Description: 'Creates a QTestLib-based unit test for a feature or a class. Unit tests allow you to verify that the code is fit for use and that there are no regressions.'
  253. Id: 'U.Qt4Subdirs' / 'Subdirs Project' Kind: 4
  254. Class: Qt4ProjectManager::Internal::SubdirsProjectWizard Description: 'Creates a qmake-based subdirs project. This allows you to group your projects in a tree structure.'
  255. Id: 'U.Qt4Empty' / 'Empty Qt Project' Kind: 4
  256. Class: Qt4ProjectManager::Internal::EmptyProjectWizard Description: 'Creates a qmake-based project without any files. This allows you to create an application without any default classes.'
  258. Category: 'O.C++' / 'C++'
  259. Id: 'C.Header' / 'C++ Header File' Kind: 1
  260. Class: CppEditor::Internal::CppFileWizard Description: 'Creates a C++ header file that you can add to a C++ project.'
  261. Id: 'B.Source' / 'C++ Source File' Kind: 1
  262. Class: CppEditor::Internal::CppFileWizard Description: 'Creates a C++ source file that you can add to a C++ project.'
  263. Id: 'A.Class' / 'C++ Class' Kind: 2
  264. Class: CppEditor::Internal::CppClassWizard Description: 'Creates a C++ header and a source file for a new class that you can add to a C++ project.'
  266. Category: 'R.Qt' / 'Qt'
  267. Id: 'F.Resource' / 'Qt Resource file' Kind: 1
  268. Class: ResourceEditor::Internal::ResourceWizard Description: 'Creates a Qt Resource file (.qrc) that you can add to a Qt Widget Project.'
  269. Id: 'Z.Js' / 'JS File' Kind: 1
  270. Class: QmlJSEditor::JsFileWizard Description: 'Creates a JavaScript file.'
  271. Id: 'Q.Qml.2' / 'QML File (Qt Quick 2)' Kind: 1
  272. Class: QmlJSEditor::QmlFileWizard Description: 'Creates a QML file with boilerplate code, starting with "import QtQuick 2.0".'
  273. Id: 'Q.Qml.1' / 'QML File (Qt Quick 1)' Kind: 1
  274. Class: QmlJSEditor::QmlFileWizard Description: 'Creates a QML file with boilerplate code, starting with "import QtQuick 1.1".'
  275. Id: 'C.FormClass' / 'Qt Designer Form Class' Kind: 2
  276. Class: Designer::Internal::FormClassWizard Description: 'Creates a Qt Designer form along with a matching class (C++ header and source file) for implementation purposes. You can add the form and class to an existing Qt Widget Project.'
  277. Id: 'D.Form' / 'Qt Designer Form' Kind: 1
  278. Class: Designer::Internal::FormWizard Description: 'Creates a Qt Designer form that you can add to a Qt Widget Project. This is useful if you already have an existing class for the UI business logic.'
  280. Category: 'T.Import' / 'Import Project'
  281. Id: 'J.Subversion' / 'Subversion Checkout' Kind: 4
  282. Class: Subversion::Internal::CheckoutWizard Description: 'Checks out a Subversion repository and tries to load the contained project.'
  283. Id: 'H.Mercurial' / 'Mercurial Clone' Kind: 4
  284. Class: Mercurial::Internal::CloneWizard Description: 'Clones a Mercurial repository and tries to load the contained project.'
  285. Id: 'G.Git' / 'Gitorious Repository Clone' Kind: 4
  286. Class: Gitorious::Internal::GitoriousCloneWizard Description: 'Clones a Gitorious repository and tries to load the contained project.'
  287. Id: 'G.Git' / 'Git Repository Clone' Kind: 4
  288. Class: Git::Internal::CloneWizard Description: 'Clones a Git repository and tries to load the contained project.'
  289. Id: 'Z.Makefile' / 'Import Existing Project' Kind: 4
  290. Class: GenericProjectManager::Internal::GenericProjectWizard Description: 'Imports existing projects that do not use qmake, CMake or Autotools. This allows you to use Qt Creator as a code editor.'
  291. Id: 'Z.CVS' / 'CVS Checkout' Kind: 4
  292. Class: Cvs::Internal::CheckoutWizard Description: 'Checks out a CVS repository and tries to load the contained project.'
  293. Id: 'B.Bazaar' / 'Bazaar Clone (Or Branch)' Kind: 4
  294. Class: Bazaar::Internal::CloneWizard Description: 'Clones a Bazaar branch and tries to load the contained project.'
  296. Category: 'U.GLSL' / 'GLSL'
  297. Id: 'K.GLSL' / 'Vertex Shader (Desktop OpenGL)' Kind: 1
  298. Class: GLSLEditor::GLSLFileWizard Description: 'Creates a vertex shader in the Desktop OpenGL Shading Language (GLSL). Vertex shaders transform the positions, normals and texture co-ordinates of triangles, points and lines rendered with OpenGL.'
  299. Id: 'J.GLSL' / 'Fragment Shader (Desktop OpenGL)' Kind: 1
  300. Class: GLSLEditor::GLSLFileWizard Description: 'Creates a fragment shader in the Desktop OpenGL Shading Language (GLSL). Fragment shaders generate the final pixel colors for triangles, points and lines rendered with OpenGL.'
  301. Id: 'G.GLSL' / 'Vertex Shader (OpenGL/ES 2.0)' Kind: 1
  302. Class: GLSLEditor::GLSLFileWizard Description: 'Creates a vertex shader in the OpenGL/ES 2.0 Shading Language (GLSL/ES). Vertex shaders transform the positions, normals and texture co-ordinates of triangles, points and lines rendered with OpenGL.'
  303. Id: 'F.GLSL' / 'Fragment Shader (OpenGL/ES 2.0)' Kind: 1
  304. Class: GLSLEditor::GLSLFileWizard Description: 'Creates a fragment shader in the OpenGL/ES 2.0 Shading Language (GLSL/ES). Fragment shaders generate the final pixel colors for triangles, points and lines rendered with OpenGL.'
  306. Category: 'U.General' / 'General'
  307. Id: 'Z.ScratchFile' / 'Scratch Buffer' Kind: 1
  308. Class: ScratchFileWizard Description: 'Creates a scratch buffer using a temporary file.'
  309. Id: '' / 'Text File' Kind: 1
  310. Class: TextEditor::TextFileWizard Description: 'Creates a text file. The default file extension is <tt>.txt</tt>. You can specify a different extension as part of the filename.'
  312. Category: 'U.Python' / 'Python'
  313. Id: 'P.PyClass' / 'Python class' Kind: 1
  314. Class: PythonEditor::ClassWizard Description: 'Creates new Python class'
  315. Id: 'P.PySource' / 'Python source file' Kind: 1
  316. Class: PythonEditor::FileWizard Description: 'Creates an empty Python script with UTF-8 charset'
  318. project added "untitled"
  319. "application/vnd.qt.qmakeprofile"
  320. QFSFileEngine::open: No file name specified
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