
Ch 4: Part 6: Hand of the Drow: Session 70

Sep 28th, 2013
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  1. [15:43] <@TenMihara> *****Second Darkness*****
  2. [15:44] <@TenMihara> ~~~Chapter 4: Endless Night~~~
  3. [15:44] <@TenMihara> -Session 70-
  4. [15:49] <@Kilarra> The party is currently situation in Orvignato's apparetment, holding down the fort while Kahree attempts to get the safe open in order to procure the information she wanted. Orvignato himself bailed on the scene when his guards started dropping like flies.
  5. [15:51] <Aluthyra> Kahree huffs. "I'm not sure I -can- get this open, but... if you all are willing to wait, I can get the supplies I need to open it."
  6. [15:53] <@Kilarra> Kjell looks out the door to see what the situation was.
  7. [15:55] <@Kilarra> The crowd is a big jumble on the lower floor, but Orvignato is nowhere to be seen
  8. [15:57] <@Kilarra> The three girls however, can hear a scream come from outside over the clamour downstairs
  9. [16:00] * Aluthyra frowns. "A scream." She looks to her companions. "Did you hear that?"
  10. [16:00] * Kilarra nods, "Yup." She moves to a window.
  11. [16:00] <@Kilarra> Kilarra can see that, somehow, a Large Fire Elemental has appeared in the middle of the street.
  12. [16:01] * Kilarra blinks; "That's unexpected."
  13. [16:02] * Aluthyra moves towards the window and frowns. "Should... we assist with that?"
  14. [16:03] * Kilarra sighs, "Probably, otherwise it'll tear this palce down before we can get that safe open." She thinks about it a moment, "That may have been intentional on the part of what's his face."
  15. [16:03] * Aluthyra nods, quickly moving around the room to recollect her arrows. "Then let's make haste."
  16. [16:04] <Aluthyra> Kahree groans. "Stupid drow..."
  17. [16:04] <@Kilarra> Kjell looks to Kahree, "Are you alright with staying here and making sure the room remains undisturbed? I am certain the three of us can handle a single Elemental."
  18. [16:05] <Aluthyra> Kahree shrugs. "Yeah sure.."
  19. [16:06] * Kilarra heads down to the street with Kjell and Aluthyra
  20. [16:06] <@Kilarra> Kahree is now alone in a room with four drow, three unconscious and one dead, and an out-cold drider. With no one around, she could probably amuse herself somehow.
  21. [16:11] <Aluthyra> Kahree takes the time to tie the three drow to the drider's legs, binding them so that they cannot move, and the drider is weighed down by all three, with all of its legs -also- tied together.
  22. [16:12] <Aluthyra> Kahree nods approvingly at her knot-work, then searches them for valuables!
  23. [16:15] <@Kilarra> The party bursts onto the street to find the Elemental being a general nuissance, with most of the drow in the streets fleeing, some others ducking for cover want waiting for those better equipped to deal with it.
  24. [16:17] <@Kilarra> Kahree finds on each of the four drow a Masterwork Hand Crossbow and Rapier, along with a total of 34 +1 Bolts. As well, each one has a Potion of Cure Moderate Wounds (labeled in undercommon and rendered legible by the bloodlink's magic), and two vials of sleep poison.
  25. [16:17] <Aluthyra> As soon as Aluthyra reaches the street, she readies her bow, firing a quick barrage of five arrows into the elemental.
  26. [16:17] <@Kilarra> Each drow also has a masterwork Buckler and a mithral chain shirt
  27. [16:21] <@Kilarra> Aluthyra manages to cluster her shots around the head (or whatever elementals have), and snuff the beast with a single volley.
  28. [16:21] * Kilarra stops just short of raising her hand to cast a spell. "Wow... I kinda feel inadequate now."
  29. [16:22] * Aluthyra chuckles. "Let us call it luck. I am sure either of you could do the same."
  30. [16:25] <@Kilarra> Kjell chuckles. "Good show." He then looks back inside. Some of the crowd has dispersed, but most of them are too inebriated or otherwise enthralled to even know something was happening. Orvignato and his guards seem to have completely hightailed it.
  31. [16:26] <Aluthyra> Kahree smirks at the haul, placing all of the items into her haversack!
  32. [16:27] * Kilarra shrugs and slips her mace away. "So, back inside then so Kahree can go on her little shopping trip?"
  33. [16:29] * Aluthyra nods. "That seems to be the best course of action."
  34. [16:31] <@Kilarra> Kjell smiles at his companions. For once down here they had actually done something mildly praiseworthy. He heads back inside and heads up the the apartment. He glances at the bound drow and drider; "Enjoying yourself?"
  35. [16:32] <Aluthyra> Kahree nods. "Yep! Took their weapons and armor too. I'll go sell that, and come back with what I need. Then we can split however much this all sells for."
  36. [16:33] * Kilarra nods and looks to Kahree, "If I might ask, what exactly are you going to be looking for?"
  37. [16:34] <Aluthyra> Kahree nods. "A potion... It's..." she frowns, thinking. "Kjell, what is it, Fox's Cunning, I think? That should help enough."
  38. [16:37] <@Kilarra> Kjell nods, "THat spell is a transmutation that unlocks someone's latent intellect temporarily, yes. A shame I lack it in my repertoire." He thinks a moment, "Would you be willing perhaps to purchase a scroll as well? I should have thought about scribing it before anyways."
  39. [16:39] <Aluthyra> Kahree nods. "Yeah, I can do that."
  40. [16:39] <Aluthyra> She raises an eyebrow. "Anything else?"
  41. [16:40] * Kilarra shrugs, "You gonna go by yourself?"
  42. [16:42] <Aluthyra> Kahree nods. "I think I'll be fine. Shouldn't take long."
  43. [16:43] <@Kilarra> Kjell nods, "We are fairly close to the market place. Hopefully you won't have any trouble."
  44. [16:44] <Aluthyra> Kahree nods, moving to leave. "Be back soon." She waves, heading out.
  45. [16:45] * Kilarra seats herself next to Aluthyra, "One step closer I guess."
  46. [16:45] * Aluthyra nods, giving Kilarra a small hug. "Hopefully."
  47. [16:47] * Kilarra hugs her back. "I'm sick of being dressed in a corpse, I'm sick of this lousy underworld and I'm definitely sick of not being able to fully enjoy our time together."
  48. [16:49] * Aluthyra sighs. "It is for the best, that we are here... but yes. I am also growing tired of this."
  49. [16:51] * Kilarra groans a bit, "Can you imagine having to stay here for the whole three months? It's barely been one and a half and every morning I wake up feeling a little less like myself. I'm probably going to trip over my own hooves a few times once we ditch these disguises."
  50. [16:52] <Aluthyra> Kahree continues to the market, selling the drow's equipment while buying the potion and scroll.
  51. [16:53] <Aluthyra> Kahree starts back towards the Venom Kiss upon completing her shoping.
  52. [16:53] <Aluthyra> shopping*
  53. [16:54] * Aluthyra shakes her head. "No... I cannot imagine. Three months down here... it certainly seems longer. Taking a break... after all of this, if only for a while, sounds nice, I think."
  54. [16:55] <@Kilarra> Kjell continues to hold the door, while the less inebriated patrons downstairs begin to pick up on the fact that the owners hae jumped ship. The dancers continue working for what tips they can, while the servers meet amongst themselves to chat.
  55. [16:55] <@Kilarra> Kjell waves to Kahree as she returns.
  56. [16:58] <Aluthyra> Kahree waves back, presenting him with his scroll and four gems worth 250 gold each. "No trouble?"
  57. [17:01] <@Kilarra> Kjell shakes his head, "I think the employees downstairs are confused as to what happened, but not interested in crossing us. Perhaps we should see to it that someone else takes charge of this place in the absence of its former proprieter." He slips the scroll away for scribing later.
  58. [17:01] <Aluthyra> Kahree then moves past Kjell and presents the same amount of gems to both Kilarra and Aluthyra. She smirks, taking a gulp of the potion. "-Should- be able to now... but it'll take a bit of time."
  59. [17:03] * Kilarra nods and stands up, stretching. "Aluthyra an I can have a turn watching then. Kjell's better at identifying stuff anyways, if there's anything of value in there."
  60. [17:04] <Aluthyra> Kahree nods, then gets to work!
  61. [17:05] <@Kilarra> It takes Kahree a few minutes, but the boost from the potion is just enough to get the safe a bit more cooperative.
  62. [17:06] <@Kilarra> The safe opens with a firm clack.
  63. [17:07] <Aluthyra> Kahree let's out a small cheer, "Open! Finally!" She smiles, nudging it open the rest of the way, and looks inside.
  64. [17:07] * Aluthyra looks over from her post, curious...
  65. [17:10] <@Kilarra> The safe contains a number of files and ledgers detailing the dealings of the 'Razor Crown Mercenaries', an open lockbox containing 38pp, 1700gp, and eight rubies. Within are also a particularly large and valuable looking Emerald, a signet ring for House Moivas (although the party probably wouldn't recognize it as such), and 15 doses of Vayav
  66. [17:13] <Aluthyra> Kahree examines the emerald and rubies, estimating a price...
  67. [17:16] <Aluthyra> Kahree smirks. "Really nice gems in here, some gold and platinum too!" She motions for the others to look. "Ledgers, files... boring."
  68. [17:19] <@Kilarra> Kjell nods, "The ledgers likely contain what Alicavniss wants. She doesn't need to know Orvignato isn't dead. Even if him being alive gets in the way of her real intentions, I doubt she'd really have that much trouble fro ma one-armed retired mercenary captain."
  69. [17:22] * Aluthyra nods. "Then we should be done with her mission. Shall we deliver them to her?"
  70. [17:28] * Kjell nods, "If we have no further business here?" He glances at the coffers. "Perhaps we should leave some of that for the employees. We still never really did find anything out, and I'd hate to cause problems for those with, at least comparatively, honest work down here."
  71. [17:30] <Aluthyra> Kahree rolls her eyes. "Right... I guess, but let's take the gems at least."
  72. [17:32] <@Kilarra> Kjell nods, "Considering the circumstances, I have no qualms about a bit of extra recumpence."
  73. [17:34] <Aluthyra> Kahree distributes the rubies between them and places the emerald in her haversack. "Guess we can use that later, since we can't split it."
  74. [17:35] <@Kilarra> Kjell nods, "But for now, it is certainly easier to carry on its own." He begins to head out. He motions for Kahree to hand the lockbox and its remaining funds to the staff as they head out.
  75. [17:36] * Kilarra takes posession of the ledgers and files. She seemed to be the only one with any real appreciation for information, so she flips through them a bit.
  76. [17:36] <Aluthyra> Kahree does so, handing it over as she leaves.
  77. [17:37] <@Kilarra> The staff seem surprised at this, then take the box behind the counter to check its contents.
  78. [17:37] * Aluthyra keeps close to Kilarra, occasionally glancing at the ledgers... though doesn't hold interest in them.
  79. [17:39] * Kilarra smirks, "Depending on how we make our way out of here, we might want to consider holding a few of these and selling them to other drow. There's a lot of stuff in here." She looks to Aluthyra, "Not unlike the kind of stuff we found in Zincher's ledger back on Devil's Elbow." She whistles, "That seems so long ago."
  80. [17:40] <@Kilarra> Kjell takes the opportunity to pull out the scroll of Fox's Cunning and attempts tp make use of their travel time to add it to his own collection of spells.
  81. [17:40] * Aluthyra chuckles lightly. "Not too long ago... Certainly easier, than here..."
  82. [17:41] <@Kilarra> Kjell is successful in learning the new spell, huzzah!
  83. [17:42] * Kilarra walks and talks with the party back to tower Solacas.
  84. [17:43] <@Kilarra> The party is met once again my a lesser apprentice of the drow Archmage, who offers to escort them up the tower.
  85. [17:44] * Aluthyra nods appreciatively, following the apprentice.
  86. [17:44] * Kilarra folds the papers back together neatly so as to not seem as though they had been rifled through.
  87. [17:45] <@Kilarra> Kjell keeps quiet after finishing his spell scribing, discarding the empty scroll before heading into the tower. He pops the cap off a scroll tube containing a 'Wall of Fire' scroll, which was to be his intended barrier for their escape if they needed one.
  88. [17:46] <Aluthyra> Kahree continues to follow.
  89. [17:46] <@Kilarra> Passing through the mage's redoubt is uneventful, and the apprentice takes his leave after depositing the party at the portal to ALicavniss' refuge once more.
  90. [17:48] <Aluthyra> Kahree groans, not looking forward to talking to Alicavniss again.
  91. [17:49] * Aluthyra sighs/. "Ready then?"
  92. [17:49] * Kilarra looks around the party, "Before we go in, let's make sure we know the escape plan." She looks to Kjell first, "WHat have you got?"
  93. [17:50] <@Kilarra> Kjell nods and presents the scroll, "A flaming barricade that should serve as sufficient deturrent for passage. Undoubtedly, Alicavniss could dispel it, but doing so would be time spent not casting spells at us, nor would her undead guardians be able to advance."
  94. [17:51] * Kilarra nods, "And you have that feather fall prepared in case we have to jump off that balcony?"
  95. [17:52] <@Kilarra> Kjell nods, "Indeed. I suspect though, that Alicavniss would not pursue us beyond her refuge, lest she risk others knowing her association with us 'suspicious characters'. She would have no trouble ordering others in the tower to do so I wager however."
  96. [17:53] <Aluthyra> Kahree nods. "I've got an eversmoking bottle, but I doubt it'd help again -her-, just anyone we run into afterward. Don't have much else..."
  97. [17:53] * Aluthyra nods as well. "I do not have many options in methods of escape either."
  98. [17:54] * Kilarra nods, "Guess we'll just have to give it our best then. Coutning on you meat shield," she thumps Kjell on the shoulder. "Let's go." She steps across the portal
  99. [17:55] <@Kilarra> Kjell follows, his hand hovering near the scroll tube
  100. [17:57] * Aluthyra and Kahree follow.
  101. [17:57] <@Kilarra> As the party enters, Alicavniss is seated at her desk, holding a piece of parchment out in front of her and reading from it. She glances at the party but does not yet address them
  102. [17:58] * Aluthyra remains silent, as does Kahree.
  103. [17:58] <@Kilarra> Alicavniss continues to read for a whole minute before setting the scroll down and addressing the party. She cuts to the chase, coldly demanding; "Orvignato's ledgers?"
  104. [17:59] * Kilarra steps forward and presents the compiled files and notes into ALicavniss' outstretched hand.
  105. [17:59] <@Kilarra> The drow archmage pages through them briefly before shoving the lot into a desk drawer for later perusal. She motions for the party to seat themselves
  106. [18:00] <Aluthyra> Kahree takes a seat, small scowl on her lips.
  107. [18:00] * Kilarra seats herself as well. So far so good.
  108. [18:01] * Aluthyra sits next to Kilarra.
  109. [18:01] <@Kilarra> Kjell relaxes slightly. No immediate claims of them having outlived their usefulness seemed to be forthcoming
  110. [18:01] * Kilarra wishes she had her tail in this form so she could fidget with something.
  111. [18:02] <@Kilarra> A look of disinterest settles over Alicavniss Vonnarc’s nighted features, her gaze elsewhere and unconcerned. “The Azrinaes departed our fair home for a realm far to the east, even deeper below your surface home in the deepest reaches underground known as Orv. There, they conspire in a somewhat legendary cavern known as the Land of Black Blood. The Azrinaes were led there by their new matron, that mad snake Allevrah.
  112. [18:02] <@Kilarra> led there by their new matron, that mad snake Allevrah.
  113. [18:03] * Aluthyra raises an eyebrow. Land of the Black Blood...? She frowns, waiting, unsure if it is appropriate to yet speak.
  114. [18:03] <@Kilarra> "It is she," the First Daughter continues, "who seeks to call down the very heavens, to scour the lands of light of our frail kindred with the ancient aboleth glyph magic. Our legends of that time, of Earthfall, are quite vivid, and judging from what you have experienced this is a very real threat. Yet you do not know Allevrah’s target. I do, and it is that target I share with you now.
  115. [18:04] * Kilarra waits patiently. This was it.
  116. [18:05] <@Kilarra> “She’s ambitiously chosen to stab at our foe’s very heart. The Land of Black Blood lies beneath the hateful surface elf realm Kyonin, you see. Unlike in the days before Earthfall, millennia ago, this time there will be no sages spouting prophecies, no mages offering warnings. There will be no time for cowardice, abandonment, and retreat. The elves will not escape this second darkness when it comes down upon them. That is, unless
  117. [18:05] <@Kilarra> That is, unless someone were to warn them.
  118. [18:07] <Aluthyra> Kahree frowns. And... is she going to let them be that warning? She eyes her mace at her side.
  119. [18:07] <@Kilarra> Kjell chances asking a question; "Why help us? Thereby potentially helping the elves on the surface you view as traitors."
  120. [18:08] <@Kilarra> “I bear no love for House Azrinae and their fanatic mistress. Where dear Allevrah sees vengeance and glory, I see calamity and the impulses of the lowborn. A strike powerful enough to destroy Kyonin would certainly cause upheavel down below as well, and I am too comfortable with my current situation to let a lowborn trollop like Allevrah ruin that. And so I’ve told you what I know, and where these vipers nest."
  121. [18:09] * Aluthyra blinks. Somewhat... "logical", at least seeing it from the drow's point of view.
  122. [18:10] <@Kilarra> A smirk crosses Alicavniss' face; "Even further, I know of a gap back to the world of light; a still functioning elf gate two days journey from here, that provides a connection to Kyonin—a connection, I might add, that my kin have known about for some time but are hesitant to use for various reasons all amounting, I suspect, to cowardice.”
  123. [18:10] <@Kilarra> She produces a pale scroll from her desk. “This map follows a plain route, which will lead you swiftly from our realm.”
  124. [18:11] * Kilarra frowns a bit. That sounded too good to be true. Thankfully, they had another way out, but she didn't need to know about that. She takes the map and slips it into her haversack.
  125. [18:12] <@Kilarra> Kjell glances as Kilarra takes the map. Certainly their elven allies would want to know about that gate, whether or not they ended up using it.
  126. [18:13] <@Kilarra> Knitting her long, thin fingers- both of flesh and of iron- the dark elf’s voice takes on a dread seriousness. “Our bargain is completed, yes, and I have granted you the further boon of your return path home. Should you manage to ever see your noxious sun again, in your short remaining years when you speak of your time here in the soothing dark, let your people
  127. [18:13] <@Kilarra> know the might and splendor of the drow, and that first among them, Alicavniss Vonnarc, is generous.”
  128. [18:13] * Kilarra takes a quick look at the map.
  129. [18:13] <@Kilarra> The map depicts a path of about 28 miles to the southeast of the city
  130. [18:14] <Aluthyra> Kahree stops herself from rolling her eyes, and instead looks to the map.
  131. [18:14] <@Kilarra> The scroll itself is quite heavily detailed.
  132. [18:15] <@Kilarra> Alicavniss stands up, pausing for a moment. "Allow me to offer one more thing to hasten you along your way." She raises her hand, making what Kjell would recognize as an arcane somatic gesture.
  133. [18:16] <@Kilarra> Kjell immediately reaches for his scroll, cursing that he didn't already have it in his hand and ready to use.
  134. [18:18] * Kilarra flinches, getting ready to run. She wasn't close enough to interrupt, and getting closer would mean getting a trio of Devourers on them.
  135. [18:18] <@Kilarra> The room is filled with a bright flash of arcane energy, and when it fades, the party are back to themselves. Every trace of the Recorporeal incarnation spell completely removed without a remnant or trace.
  136. [18:18] <Aluthyra> Kahree raises an eyebrow. Hasten... something to help?
  137. [18:19] <Aluthyra> Kahree blinks. "You... bitch," she mutters.
  138. [18:19] <@Kilarra> Alicavniss nods to the portal back to tower Solacas, icily stating; "To speed you along, my puppets."
  139. [18:19] <@Kilarra> -End Session-
  140. [18:20] <@Kilarra> Rewards: 1 EL 12, 1 EL 5, 5200 Experience Each.
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