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- #!/usr/bin/env python
- # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- # Redacción Divertida Simple
- ADJECTIVE1 = input('Enter an ADJECTIVE1 (Ex: pleasing, sunny, country): ')
- ADJECTIVE2 = input('Enter an ADJECTIVE2 (EX: happy, numerous, felicitous): ')
- ADJECTIVE3 = input('Enter an ADJECTIVE3(EX: hardest, ): ')
- NOUN1 = input('Enter a NOUN1 (Ex; coast, mountain, lake): ')
- NOUN2 = input('Enter a NOUN2 (Ex: coast, mountain, lake, desert): ')
- NOUN3 = input('Enter a NOUN3 (Ex; coast, mountain, lake): ')
- PLURAL_NOUN1 = input('Enter a PLURAL_NOUN1 (Ex: horses): ')
- PLURAL_NOUN2 = input('Enter a PLURAL_NOUN2 (Ex: rabbits, partridges): ')
- PLURAL_NOUN3 = input('Enter a PLURAL_NOUN3 (Ex: rabbits, partridges): ')
- PLURAL_NOUN4 = input('Enter a PLURAL_NOUN4 (Ex: times, savings, dollars, euros): ')
- GAME = input('Enter a GAME (Ex: football, tennis, tic-tac-toe, basketball): ')
- VERB1_ENDING_IN_ing = input('Enter a VERB1_ENDING_IN_ing (Ex: reading, eating, jumping): ')
- VERB2_ENDING_IN_ing = input('Enter a VERB2_ENDING_IN_ing (Ex: reading, eating, jumping): ')
- VERB3_ENDING_IN_ing = input('Enter a VERB3_ENDING_IN_ing (Ex: reading, eating, jumping): ')
- PART_OF_THE_BODY = input('Enter a PART_OF_THE_BODY (Ex: arms, head, shoulders, legs, nose): ')
- PLANT = input('Enter a PLANT (Ex: nettles, poison ivy, poison oak): ')
- A_PLACE = input('Enter a A_PLACE (Ex: hospital, infirmary, drugstore): ')
- NUMBER = input('Enter a NUMBER (Ex: two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight): ')
- print('\n')
- print('A vacation is when you take a trip to some ' + ADJECTIVE1 + ' place')
- print('with your ' + ADJECTIVE2 + ' family. ' + 'Usually you go to some place')
- print('that is near a/an ' + NOUN1 + ' or up on a/an ' + NOUN2 + '.')
- print('A good vacation place is one where you can ride ' + PLURAL_NOUN1)
- print('or play ' + GAME + ' or go hunting for ' + PLURAL_NOUN2 + '. I like')
- print('to spend my time ' + VERB1_ENDING_IN_ing + ' or ' + VERB2_ENDING_IN_ing + '.')
- print('When parents go on a vacation, they spend their time eating')
- print('three ' + PLURAL_NOUN3 + ' a day, and fathers play golf, and mothers')
- print('sit around ' + VERB2_ENDING_IN_ing + '. Last summer, my little brother')
- print('fell in a/an ' + NOUN3 + ' and got poison ' + PLANT + ' all')
- print('over his ' + PART_OF_THE_BODY + '. My family is going to go to (the)')
- print(A_PLACE + ', and I will practice ' + VERB3_ENDING_IN_ing + '. Parents')
- print('need vacations more than kids because parents are always very ')
- print(ADJECTIVE3 + ' and because they have to work ' + NUMBER)
- print('hours every day all year making enough ' + PLURAL_NOUN3 + ' to pay')
- print('for the vacation.')
- '''
- Ejercicio basado en:
- -->
- From VACATION FUN MAD LIBS ® • Copyright © 1988 by Price Stern Sloan,
- a division of Penguin Putnam Books for Young Readers, New York.
- ¿Qué es Mad-Lib?
- -->
- '''
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