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a guest
Jun 20th, 2019
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text 4.25 KB | None | 0 0
  1. documentclass[
  2. a4paper, % Papierformat A4
  3. 12pt, % Schrift 12-Punkt
  4. headsepline, % mit Linie unter der Kopfzeile
  5. numbers=noenddot, % Nummern ohne Punkt am Ende
  6. bibliography=totoc, % Literaturverzeichnis mit Nummer im
  7. Inhaltsverzeichnis (``TO Table Of Contents'')
  8. index=totoc, % Index mit Nummer im Inhaltsverzeichnis
  9. fleqn, % Formeln werden linksbündig statt zentriert
  10. angeordnet
  11. headings=normal % Etwas kleinere Überschriften
  12. ]{scrreprt}
  13. usepackage{tikz}
  14. usepackage{subfigure}
  15. usepackage{adjustbox}
  16. usepackage{graphics}
  17. usepackage[first=1, last=4]{lcg}
  18. usetikzlibrary{matrix, positioning}
  22. begin{document}
  24. begin{figure}[!htb]
  26. begin{tikzpicture}[font=sffamily]
  27. matrix[matrix of nodes, nodes in empty cells, column sep=-pgflinewidth, row sep=-pgflinewidth,
  28. nodes = {minimum height=7mm, minimum width=1cm, anchor=center, draw, fill=white, inner sep=0, outer sep = 0},
  29. %column 1/.style={nodes={fill=orange}},
  30. %row 1/.style={nodes={fill=green}},
  31. %row 1 column 1/.style={nodes={draw=none, fill=none}},
  32. w/.style={fill=white},
  33. label=above:Digi Input] (Clusters) {
  34. &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&\[10cm]
  35. };
  37. node[draw, shape=rectangle, minimum height=4cm,minimum width=3cm] at (-6.5,-4) {Modul 1};
  38. node[draw, shape=rectangle, minimum height=4cm,minimum width=3cm] at (-2.5,-4) {Modul 2};
  39. node[ minimum height=4cm,minimum width=3cm] at (0,-4) {$cdots$};
  40. node[draw, shape=rectangle, minimum height=4cm,minimum width=3cm] at (2.5,-4) {Modul 875};
  41. node[draw, shape=rectangle, minimum height=4cm,minimum width=3cm] at (6.5,-4) {Modul 876};
  42. %foreach x in {1,2,...,5}
  43. newcounter{myrandom}{rand}
  44. foreach x in {-7.5, -6.5,..., 7.5}
  45. { %rand;
  46. draw [->, line width=0.5mm] (x,-0.35) -- (-6.5,-2);}
  47. %draw [fill=gray] (-8,-4) rectangle (-6,-1);
  48. %draw [->, line width=0.5mm] (-7.5,-0.35) -- (-7,-0.95);
  49. %node[font=Hugesffamily, draw] {Skippd};
  50. %node[font=Hugesffamily, below left=0pt of Clusters-3-14.north east] {Skipped};
  54. matrix[matrix of nodes, nodes in empty cells, column sep=-pgflinewidth, row sep=-pgflinewidth,
  55. nodes = {minimum height=7mm, minimum width=1cm, anchor=center, draw, fill=white},
  56. %column 1/.style={nodes={fill=orange}},
  57. %row 1/.style={nodes={fill=green}},
  58. %row 1 column 1/.style={nodes={draw=none, fill=none}},
  59. w/.style={fill=white},
  60. label=below:Cluster Output] at (0,-8)(Cluster Output) {
  61. &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&\
  62. };
  63. end{tikzpicture}
  64. begin{tikzpicture}[font=sffamily]
  65. matrix[matrix of nodes, nodes in empty cells, column sep=-pgflinewidth, row sep=-pgflinewidth,
  66. nodes = {minimum height=7mm, minimum width=1cm, anchor=center, draw, fill=white, inner sep=0, outer sep = 0},
  67. %column 1/.style={nodes={fill=orange}},
  68. %row 1/.style={nodes={fill=green}},
  69. %row 1 column 1/.style={nodes={draw=none, fill=none}},
  70. w/.style={fill=white},
  71. label=above:Digi Input] (Clusters) {
  72. &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&\[10cm]
  73. };
  75. node[draw, shape=rectangle, minimum height=4cm,minimum width=3cm] at (-6.5,-4) {Modul 1};
  76. node[draw, shape=rectangle, minimum height=4cm,minimum width=3cm] at (-2.5,-4) {Modul 2};
  77. node[ minimum height=4cm,minimum width=3cm] at (0,-4) {$cdots$};
  78. node[draw, shape=rectangle, minimum height=4cm,minimum width=3cm] at (2.5,-4) {Modul 875};
  79. node[draw, shape=rectangle, minimum height=4cm,minimum width=3cm] at (6.5,-4) {Modul 876};
  81. %draw [->, line width=0.5mm] (-7.5,-0.35) -- (-6.5,-2);
  82. %draw [fill=gray] (-8,-4) rectangle (-6,-1);
  83. %draw [->, line width=0.5mm] (-7.5,-0.35) -- (-7,-0.95);
  84. %node[font=Hugesffamily, draw] {Skippd};
  85. %node[font=Hugesffamily, below left=0pt of Clusters-3-14.north east] {Skipped};
  89. matrix[matrix of nodes, nodes in empty cells, column sep=-pgflinewidth, row sep=-pgflinewidth,
  90. nodes = {minimum height=7mm, minimum width=1cm, anchor=center, draw, fill=white},
  91. %column 1/.style={nodes={fill=orange}},
  92. %row 1/.style={nodes={fill=green}},
  93. %row 1 column 1/.style={nodes={draw=none, fill=none}},
  94. w/.style={fill=white},
  95. label=below:Cluster Output] at (0,-8)(Cluster Output) {
  96. &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&\
  97. };
  98. end{tikzpicture}
  99. caption{Lokale Rekonstruktion}
  100. end{figure}
  101. end{document}
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