
FirosAhoge Against the Gods Glossary

Oct 5th, 2015
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  1. FirosAhoge's Against the Gods Glossary - Use at your own risk!
  2. Dictionary Used:
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  4. Ch 185
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  6. 楚月婵 = Chu Yuechan
  7. 云澈 = Yun Che
  8. 岩龙战将 = Stone Dragon General
  9. 天玄境 = Sky Profound Realm
  10. 小姑妈 = Little Aunt
  11. 玄脉 = a profound vein
  12. 大道浮屠诀 = the Great Way of the Buddha Secret Arts
  13. 集中 = to concentrate
  14. 精神海 = the Sea of Consciousness
  15. 体内 = within the body
  16. 玄关 = profound entrances
  17. 玄力 = profound strength
  18. 境界 = Realm
  19. 二重境 = Second Realm
  20. 二重境界 = Second Realm
  21. 一重境 = First Realm
  22. 玄诀 = Profound Secret Arts
  23. 大道 = Great Way
  24. 三千九百斤 = 3900 jin
  25. 冰魂珠 = Ice Spirit Bead
  26. 焚心 = Burning Heart
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  28. Ch 186
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  30. 三个时辰 = six hours
  31. 冰魂结界 = Ice Spirit Barrier
  32. 外放 = to release outside
  33. 玄气 = profound energy
  34. 重剑 = Great Sword
  35. 暴增 = sudden increase
  36. 玄境 = profound realm
  37. 灵玄境 = Spirit Profound Realm
  38. 天玄 = Sky Profound
  39. 天狼狱神典 = Sky Wolf Prison god Tome
  40. 苍风帝国 = Blue Wind Empire
  41. 秘境 = Secret Territory
  42. 试炼之境 = Trial Grounds
  43. 天狼斩 = Sky Wolf Slash
  44. 天穹舞 = Empyrean Dance
  45. 星神碎影 = Star god's Broken Shadow
  46. 虚影 = afterimage
  47. 陨月沉星 = Falling Moon Sinking Star
  48. 凤翼天穹 = Empyrean Dance of the Phoenix Wing
  49. 哀吼 = sorrowful howl
  50. 龙阙 = Dragon Tower
  51. 八千斤 = 8000 jin
  52. -----------------
  53. Ch 187
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  55. 石门 = Stone Gate
  56. 太古苍龙 = Primordial Azure Dragon
  57. 美眸 = beautiful eyes
  58. 玄功 = Profound Arts (should be profound service, merit, but doesn't make sense)
  59. 真玄境 = True Profound Realm
  60. 夏倾月 = Xia Qingyue
  61. 经脉 = meridians
  62. 龙神试炼 = Dragon god's Trial Grounds
  63. 试炼 = trial
  64. 灵玄境界 = Spirit Profound Realm
  65. 玄兽 = Profound Beasts
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  67. Ch 188
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  69. 苍风皇城 = Blue Wind Royal Palace
  70. 苍月 = Cang Yue
  71. 苍风玄府 = Blue Wind Profound Palace
  72. 秦府主 = Qin Fu Zhu
  73. 秦无伤 = Qin Wushang
  74. 死亡荒原 = Wasteland of Death
  75. 苍风排位战 = Blue Wind Tournament
  76. 苍风皇室 = Blue Wind Royal Family
  77. 皇妹 = Imperial Younger Sister
  78. 皇兄 = Imperial Elder Brother
  79. 焚少主 = Fen Shao Zhu
  80. 三皇兄 = Third Imperial Elder Brother
  81. 苍朔 = Cang Shuo
  82. 焚天门 = Burning Heaven
  83. 焚绝城 = Fen Jue Cheng
  84. Star Scorching Demon Lotus
  85. Twin Shadows
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  88. Ch 189
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  90. 玄府 = Profound Palace
  91. 月宫 = Moon Palace
  92. 焚魂花 = Burning Soul Flower
  93. 焚天门焚绝城 = Burning Heaven Sect
  94. 极致 = ultimate
  95. 宗门内部 = inner Sect
  96. 门主 = Sect Master
  97. 苍月离 = Cang Yue leaves
  98. 苍霖 = Cang Lin
  99. 少主 = Young Master
  100. 图染指 = plans to dip a finger in the pie
  101. 双目圆 = both eyes become round
  102. 地玄之境 = Earth Profound Realm
  103. 绝城 = Jue Cheng
  104. 小溪 = brook
  105. 小溪边 = side of the brook
  106. 小仙女 = Little Fairy
  107. 鱼汤 = fish soup
  108. 二级 = Rank Two
  109. 高级的玄 = High-Level Profound
  110. 凤凰破 = Phoenix Break
  111. 凤鸣 = Phoenix cry
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  113. Ch 190
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  115. 兑现 = to honor a promise
  116. 蓝雪若 = Lan Xueruo
  117. 四级 = Rank Four
  118. 八级 = Rank Eight
  119. 真玄四级 = True Profound Realm Rank Six
  120. 远超 = far exceeds
  121. 六级的 = Rank Six
  122. 刚猛 = vitality
  123. 霸王独角兽 = Overlord Unicorn
  124. 玄技 = Profound Skill
  125. 五十丈 = 500 feet
  126. 帝皇黑线蛇 = Emperor Black Line Snake
  127. 时辰 = two hours
  128. 天毒珠 = Sky Poison Pearl
  129. 巨口大张 = mouth spreads open wide
  130. 前脚 = front legs
  131. 天毒 = sky toxin
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  133. Ch 191
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  135. 耳边风 = wind passes the ear
  136. 一下风 = sudden wind
  137. 仰起头来 = looked up
  138. 众矢之的 = target of a multitude of arrows
  139. 冰云仙宫 = Frozen Cloud Immortal Palace
  140. 玄奔行兽 = many profoud beasts hurried
  141. 焚星妖莲 = Burning Star Demon Lotus
  142. 次层 = layer after layer
  143. 百丈 = 10,000 feet
  144. 碧树 = green jade trees
  145. 南席卷 = engulfed the south
  146. 兽的龙神 = Dragon God Beast
  147. 眉心 = between the eyebrows
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  149. Ch 192
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  151. 龙神 - Dragon god
  152. 火种 = Flame Seed
  153. 邪神 = Evil god
  154. 星神 = Star god
  155. 冷哼 = cold snort
  156. 神之世界 = World of the gods
  157. 弑神之毒 = god Murdering Toxin
  158. 七级 = Rank Seven
  159. 九级 = Rank Nine
  160. 神龙 = Dragon god
  161. 凌杰 = Ling Jie
  162. 怪胎 = freak
  163. 真玄境界 = True Profound Realm
  164. 王玄境界 = Emperor Profound Realm
  165. 童子龙阳 = Dragon Virgin Seed
  166. 完全吸纳 = completely absorbs
  167. 快变 = rapidly became
  168. 宗门 = School Sect
  169. 她美 = her beautiful
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  171. Ch 193
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  173. 双耳 = two ears
  174. 沧云大陆 = Azure Cloud Continent
  175. 苏苓儿 = Su Ling Er
  176. 鸾倒凤 = had sexual intercourse
  177. 嫩荷 = delicate lotus
  178. 徒弟 = disciple
  179. 色魔 = Sex Fiend!
  180. 红梅 = red plum flower
  181. 痕迹 = mark
  182. 阴阳结合 = Yin and Yang Union
  183. 真龙初阳 = True Dragon's First Yang
  184. 王玄之境 = Emperor Profound Realm
  185. 的初阴 = True First Yin
  186. 昏厥 = to faint
  187. 冰系 = Ice Class
  188. 冰云诀 = Frozen Cloud Secret Arts
  189. 引动天雪 = Guiding Heaven's Snow
  190. 的第六 = Sixth Critical Layer
  191. 阴阳 = Yin and Yang
  192. 修 = to cultivate
  193. 处子元阴 = Virgin's First Yin
  194. 双方 = both sides
  195. 在于 = to depend on
  196. 外传 = to divulge to an outsider
  197. 下水 = to go into the water
  198. 荒神 = Desolate god
  199. 天狼 = Sky Wolf
  200. 水属性种子 = Water Seed
  201. 失落 = to feel a sense of loss
  202. 众神之界 = Myriad of gods Realm
  203. 诸神 = various gods
  204. 小世界 = small world
  205. 天始祖剑 = Primogenitor's Heavenly Sword
  206. 诛天始祖剑 = Primogenitor's Heavens Punisher Sword
  207. 玄天 = Profound Heavens
  208. 至宝 = Sacred Treasure
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  210. Ch 194
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  212. 灭天 = slaughters the heavens
  213. 毁灭 = to destroy
  214. 地玄境 = Earth Profound Realm
  215. 地玄境界 = Earth Profound Realm
  216. 大宗门 = large amount of sects
  217. 原本 = originally
  218. 颜面 = Face
  219. 前十 = top ten
  220. 大圣 = Great Sage
  221. 天威 = Heaven's Might
  222. 战前 = top fighters
  223. 天池 = Celestial Pool
  224. 天剑山庄 = Heavenly Sword Villa
  225. 方飞龙 = Fang Feilong
  226. 三级 = Rank Three
  227. 焚绝尘 = Fen Juechen
  228. 五级 = Rank Five
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  230. Ch 195
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  232. 焚绝壁 = Fen Juebi
  233. 平静的道 = said tranquilly
  234. 秦府主 = Qin Fuzhu
  235. 东方府主 = Eastern Palace Master
  236. 威凌天下 = all the powers under heaven rise
  237. 苍风皇帝 = Blue Wind Emperor
  238. 苍万壑 = Cang Wan He
  239. 闭目道 = said with closed eyes
  240. 飞行玄兽 = Flying Profound Beasts
  241. 内府 = Inner Palace
  242. 尚早 = still morning
  243. 聚玄塔 = Profound Gathering Tower
  244. 太玄殿前方 = in front of the Profound Palace Hall
  245. 巨雪雕 = Great Snow Hawks
  246. 隶属 = to belong to
  247. 三皇子 = Third Prince
  248. 太子 = Crown Prince
  249. 往天剑山庄 = Heavenly Sword Villa
  250. 牛奶小生 = young naive student
  251. 威凌之气 = arrogant air
  252. 秦无忧 = Qin Wuyou
  253. 玄殿 = Profound Palace Hall
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  255. Ch 196
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  257. 真玄 = True Profound
  258. 金鳞化龙丹 = Dragon Scale Pellet
  259. 早早服下 = prematurely took a dose
  260. 两人冷喝一声 = they both shouted coldly
  261. 眼前 = before one's eyes
  262. 残影 = afterimage
  263. 两人同时闷哼一声 = they both stifled a high-pitched groan
  264. 就如两捆被丢出去的稻草般一东一 = and like two bundles of hay they flew out
  265. 秒败 = one second defeat
  266. 老眼 = old eyes
  267. 牛眼 = cow eyes
  268. 威勇 = courageous might
  269. 威勇之态 = powerful and courageous appearance
  270. 排位战吧 = Tournament
  271. 师兄 = seniors
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  273. Ch 197
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  275. 秦无伤 = Qin Wushang
  276. 排位战 = Ranking Tournament
  277. 顶峰 = Peak
  278. 赛场 = Competition Field
  279. 够了 = to be enough
  280. 元霸 = Yuanba
  281. 夏元霸 = Xia Yuanba
  282. 高壮 = taller and stronger
  283. 聚玄塔 = Profound Gathering Tower
  284. 闻其名 = to hear his name
  285. 汪死水 = pool of stagnant water
  286. 走 = to leave
  287. 三个耳光 = three slaps on the face
  288. 初玄境 = Elementary Profound Realm
  289. -----------------
  290. Ch 198
  291. -----------------
  292. 双拳 = two fists
  293. 原地 = original place
  294. 榜第一 = List of Names Number One
  295. 焚天刀 = Burning Sky Blade
  296. 杀意 = killing intent
  297. 生平 = one's entire life
  298. 焚天门 = Burning Heavens Sect
  299. 焚天门门 = Burning Heavens Sect
  300. 赤炎刀 = Red Burning Blade
  301. 燃烧的焚天之炎 = Igniting the Burning Sky Flame
  302. 快闪开 = quickly get out of the way
  303. 目露 = eyes showed
  304. 闷哼 = to stifle a groan
  305. 双眼圆 = both eyes become circles
  306. 上元霸 = above Yuanba's
  307. 傲可 = to permit arrogance
  308. 淡淡的道 = said lightly
  309. 分明比 = to compare to
  310. -----------------
  311. Ch 199
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  313. 参赛 = to compete
  314. 参赛弟子 = competing disciple's
  315. 废 = to abandon
  316. 选拔 = to select the best
  317. 赛事 = competition
  318. 多花 = to spend a lot
  319. 年轻玄者 = Young Profound Practitioner
  320. 小鸡啄米般的点头 = nods like a small chicken pecking rice
  321. 我拒绝,我才懒的和你讲 = I refuse, and I'm too lazy to negotiate with you.
  322. 白空 = clear and unoccupied
  323. 乱七八糟 = in a hideous mess
  324. 雪前耻 = to wipe away former shame
  325. 雪雕 = Snow Hawk
  326. 轻轻的道 = gently said
  327. 冰云七仙’之首 = the Head of the Frozen Cloud Sect's Seven Immortals
  328. 嘴巴微张 = mouth opens slightly
  329. 一脸呆滞 = entire frace became lifeless
  330. -----------------
  331. Ch 200
  332. -----------------
  333. 冰云七仙 = Frozen Cloud's Immortal Seven
  334. 王玄 = Emperor Profound
  335. 萧宗 = Xiao Sect
  336. 现任宗主 = Current Sect Master
  337. 现任庄主 = Current Villa Master
  338. 苍风帝皇 = Blue Wind Emperor
  339. 冰婵 = Ice Beauty
  340. 仙子被自己给上了 = gave her first time to him
  341. 岂不是要 = how will they blame
  342. 差点冒 = almost broke out
  343. 你怎么了 = are you okay
  344. 含含糊糊道 = replied ambiguously
  345. 楚月璃 = Chu Yueli
  346. 苍风 = Blue Wind
  347. 天剑山脉 = Heavenly Sword Mountain Range
  348. 名天云山脉 = Famous Sky Cloud Mountain Range
  349. 一剑穿云峰 = Cloud Piercing Sword Mountain Peak
  350. 任庄主名 = Appointed Villa Master
  351. 凌月枫 = Ling Yuefeng
  352. 霸玄境 = Tyrant Profound Realm
  353. 旷藏 = vast storehouse
  354. 勾起唇瓣 = curls the lips
  355. 庄主 = Villa Master
  356. 曾经沧海难为水 = having experienced the vicissitudes of life
  357. 见过美到那种程度的女子 = having seen that kind of beautiful woman
  358. 除却巫山不是云 = refused to leave the Cloud mountain
  359. 任庄主之位 = Villa Sect Master
  360. 任庄主 = Villa Sect Master
  361. 秦府主和 = Palace Master Qin
  362. 天剑弟子 = Heavenly Sword Disciple
  363. 子陌 = Zi Mo
  364. 禀报 = to report
  365. 长老 = Elder
  366. 剑宗的首席长老 = Sword School's Chief Elder
  367. 药宗首席长老 = Medicine School's Chief Elder
  368. 萧无机 = Xiao Wuji
  369. 萧狂雨 = Xiao Kuangyu
  370. 萧狂雷 = Xiao Kuanglei
  371. 萧震 = Xiao Zhen
  372. 萧楠 = Xiao Nan
  373. -----------------
  374. Ch 201
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  376. 宗主 = Sect Master
  377. 风雨雷云 = Storm Cloud
  378. 萧狂风 = Xiao Kuangfeng
  379. 萧狂云 = Xiao Kuangyun
  380. 凌云 = Lingyun
  381. 千年老三 = Thousand Years Old Three
  382. 十六强赛 = Top Sixteen Matches
  383. 惊尘剑 = Frightful Earth Sword
  384. 秘密底牌 = secret trump card
  385. 震儿 = Zhen Er
  386. 雨儿 = Yu Er
  387. 宗门弟子 = Sect Disciples
  388. 楠儿 = Nan Er
  389. 月蕊 = Yue Rui
  390. 凤尾 = Phoenix Tail
  391. 鸡头 = Chicken head
  392. 新月分宗 = New Moon Sect
  393. 神凰帝国 = Phoenix God Empire
  394. 圣手 = Medical Saint
  395. 龙丹 = Dragon Core
  396. 皇甫鹤 = Huangfu He
  397. 黑月商会 = Black Moon Market
  398. 光华 = splendor
  399. 冷傲 = cold and proud
  400. 水无双 = Shui Wushang
  401. 舞雪心 = Wu Xuexin
  402. 凌海崖 = Ling Haiya
  403. 玄刀宗 = Profound Blade Sect
  404. -----------------
  405. Ch 202
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  407. 凌然 = rightfully mistreat
  408. 玄丹 = Profound Core
  409. 冰心玉液 = Ice Soul Jade Liquid
  410. 六重境 = Sixth Critical Realm
  411. 冰心诀 = Frozen Soul Secret Arts
  412. 倾月 = Qing Yue
  413. 白玉 = white jade
  414. 轩辕玉凤 = Xuanyuan Yufeng
  415. 怯意 = timid intention
  416. 个美 = that beautiful
  417. 贵宫 = Noble Palace
  418. 宫主 = Imperial Empress
  419. 谢凌 = Xie Ling
  420. 偏斜 = improper
  421. 傻事 = foolish
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  423. Ch 203
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  425. 冰月仙宫 = Frozen Moon Immortal Palace
  426. 天剑女弟子 = Heavenly Sword Female Disciple
  427. 礼貌的道 = politely said
  428. 山庄里 = Villa House
  429. 御剑台 = Imperial Sword Terrace
  430. 剑台 = Sword Terrace
  431. 赤龙山脉 = Red Dragon Mountain Range
  432. 炎龙的居所 = Flame Dragon's Dwelling Place
  433. 焚莫离 = Fen Mo Li
  434. 双唇 = pair of lips
  435. 丁香 = lilac
  436. 贝齿 = sea-shell teeth
  437. 莲香 = fragrant lotus
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  439. Ch 204
  440. -----------------
  441. 上衣 = upper outer garment
  442. 撩开 = to push aside
  443. 雪肌 = snow-like flesh
  444. 屏住 = to control and stop
  445. 平稳的语气道 = spoke in a steady manner
  446. 传来 = to be heard
  447. 美腿 = beautiful leg
  448. 皇女 = Imperial Daughter
  449. 美 = beautiful
  450. 翻腾 = to turn over
  451. 剥下 = to strip
  452. 水眸 = watery eyes
  453. 可怜楚楚的道 = pitifully yet lovingly said
  454. 色迷迷的道 = lewdly said
  455. 看他 = to see him
  456. 二十丈 = 200 feet
  457. 排位战历 = Rankoing Tournament
  458. 论战 = competition
  459. 朗声道 = said in a clear voice
  460. 洗剑阁 = to wash sword chamber
  461. 凌无垢 = Ling Wugou
  462. 无痕剑 = Unmarked Sword
  463. 凌坤 = Ling Kun
  464. 圣地 = the Sacred Land
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  466. Ch 205
  467. -----------------
  468. 紫纹龙心丹 = Amethyst Lined Dragon Core Pellet
  469. 第二 = Second Place
  470. 紫脉淬髓液 = Amethyst Veins and Marrow Elixir
  471. 淬炼 = to refine
  472. 天威剑域 = Heaven's Might Sword Domain
  473. 龙鳞宝甲 = Dragon Scale Gem Armor
  474. 于多 = to take many
  475. 拼尽 = risk everything
  476. 十二分 = hundred percent
  477. 护甲 = protective armor
  478. 比 = to compare
  479. 件比 = item comparable
  480. 妖人 = Sorcerer
  481. 战后 = post-tournament
  482. 吉时 = opportune time
  483. 玄石 = Profound Stone
  484. 天刀门 = Sky Blade Sect
  485. 李霸道 = Li Badao
  486. 纪鸿 = Ji Hong
  487. 叶长青 = Ye Changqing
  488. 霹雳山 = Thunderbolt Mountain
  489. 武牧 = Wu Mu
  490. 武斐然 = Wu Feiran
  491. 武青云 = Wu Qingyun
  492. 天江云阁 = Sky River Cloud Sect
  493. 拜月宗 = Moon Reverence Sect
  494. 神云岛 = Cloud god Sect
  495. 新月 = New Moon
  496. 流云 = Drifting Cloud
  497. 四大宗门 = Four Great Sects
  498. 焚烬 = Fen Jin
  499. 焚元戈 = Fen Yuange
  500. 冰华 = ice flowers
  501. 梦幻 = dream
  502. 小声道 = spoke in a low voice
  503. 天地可证 = permitted by heaven and Earth
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  505. Ch 206
  506. -----------------
  507. 然后才幽幽的道 = then spoke serenely
  508. 气雅 = elegant fragrance
  509. 背信弃义 = breaking faith and abandoning right (idiom)
  510. 唏嘘着道 = said with a sigh
  511. 萧门 = Xiao Sect
  512. 舒 = to stretch
  513. 蒙 = to cover
  514. 凌飞宇 = Ling Feiyu
  515. 层面 = level
  516. 玄者的百分之一都不到 = doesn't reach one percent
  517. 玄者数量 = profound amount
  518. 玄者不计其数 = countless profound
  519. 然卡 = to stop rightfully
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  521. Ch 207
  522. -----------------
  523. 走向 = to move toward
  524. 呢喃 = whispering
  525. 呢喃 = to whisper
  526. 口中发出一声低低的呢喃 = her mouth let out a high-pitched sound and she said in a low whisper
  527. 萧澈 = Xiao Che
  528. 轻摇 = to shake gently
  529. 螓首 = lovely forehead
  530. 牵连 = to be involved with
  531. 声音清冷的道 = she said in a cold voice
  532. 华中 = flowery center
  533. 嘘声 = hissing sound
  534. 肆无忌惮 = absolutely unrestrained
  535. 明笑 = to smile brightly
  536. 脸皮 = Face
  537. 玄力强度 = Profound Strength Intensity
  538. 面带惊奇的道 = said with a surprised face
  539. 嘴巴大 = big mouth
  540. 小杰 = Little Jie
  541. 平淡的道 = said in an ordinary manner
  542. 白瞎 = snowy foolishly
  543. 倒 = to fail
  544. 深吸一口气,低低的道 = took a deep breath and said in a low voice
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  546. Ch 208
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  548. 毫无公主风范的愤怒道 = shouted indignantly, not at all like a princess.
  549. 平和的道 = said gently
  550. 抽到了多少号 = which number did you draw
  551. 玄渡虚空 = Profound Void Crossers
  552. 让不少坐井观天的青年弟子直接惊掉下巴 = makes many ignorant young disciples immediately fall down in adoration
  553. 主剑 = sword master
  554. 主刀 = blade master
  555. 主枪 = spear master
  556. 主鞭 = whip master
  557. 第四场 = fourth stage
  558. 面带 = to wear
  559. 轻纱 = a veil
  560. 夏倾月 = Xia Qingyue
  561. 九号 = nine people
  562. 幻剑门 = Mirage Sword Sect
  563. 韩云之 = Han Yunzhi
  564. 三生剑 = Three Living Swords
  565. 眸光 = bright eyes
  566. 气 = vital energy (qi)
  567. 凝结 = to form
  568. 剑势 = sword power
  569. 五大宗门 = Five Great Sects
  570. 云泥 = clouds and mud
  571. 底蕴 = inside information
  572. 功法 = a practice method
  573. 培养 = to cultivate
  574. 天之骄女 = daughter heaven is proud of
  575. 琼云派 = Jade Cloud School
  576. 付岩杰 = Fu Yanjie
  577. 交代 = to make clear
  578. 一刻钟 = 15 minutes
  579. -----------------
  580. Ch 209
  581. -----------------
  582. 付殷杰 = Fu Yinjie
  583. -----------------
  584. Ch 210
  585. -----------------
  586. -----------------
  587. Ch 211
  588. -----------------
  589. 加油 = you can do it
  590. 云师弟,加油 = Brother Yun, you can do it
  591. -----------------
  592. Ch 212
  593. -----------------
  594. 雷震天 = Lei Zhentian
  595. 八百斤 = 800 jin
  596. 一千六百 = 1600 jin
  597. 盘菜 = dish
  598. 六七级的玄者 = 6 or 7 Profound ranks
  599. -----------------
  600. Ch 213
  601. -----------------
  602. 宝晶 = jewel crystal
  603. 紫脉天晶 = Amythyst Veins Sky Crystal
  604. 玄玲珑草 = Profound Clinking Jewel Grass
  605. 地玄兽 = Earth Profound Beast
  606. 窒息感 = choking sensation
  607. 师傅 = master
  608. 入玄之境 = Nascent Profound Realm
  609. 入玄 = Nascent Profound
  610. -----------------
  611. Ch 214
  612. -----------------
  613. 新月城 = New Moon City
  614. 的道 = to say
  615. -----------------
  616. Ch 215
  617. -----------------
  618. 玄 = Profound
  619. 地玄 = Earth Profound
  620. 风极剑 = Extreme Wind Sword
  621. 躲开 = to avoid
  622. 铺面 = pavement
  623. 战 = to battle
  624. -----------------
  625. Ch 216
  626. -----------------
  627. 开云澈 = open Yun Che
  628. 凝固 = to freeze
  629. 巨石 = a boulder
  630. 萧狂雷道 = Xiao Kuanglei
  631. 穿云澈 = pierce Yun Che
  632. 语气道 = said in a tone
  633. 恐怖 = terrible
  634. 暴风之鹰 = Storm Hawk
  635. 吸一口气 = to breathe one breath
  636. 诀 = secret arts
  637. 周旋 = to contend
  638. 无力感 = to feel powerless
  639. 你切开我这一剑试试 = let's see if you can cut open this sword
  640. 你比我想象的,要厉害的多 = I imagine that compared to me... you're truly much more powerful
  641. 颓然道 = said dejectedly
  642. 你也一样,比我想象的要厉害一些 = The same goes for you, I think that you are quite powerful as well.
  643. 楠弟 = Younger Brother Nan
  644. 露 = to reveal
  645. 七七八八 = nearing completion
  646. 分分钟 = a fraction of a minute
  647. 天枪雷火 = Heavenly Flaming Thunder Spear
  648. 火堡 = Huo Bao
  649. 木雄义 = Mu Xiong Yi
  650. 堡 = Stronghold
  651. 天枪雷火堡 = Heavenly Flaming Thunder Spear Stronghold
  652. -----------------
  653. Ch 217
  654. -----------------
  655. 震塞北 = Northern Thunder Pass
  656. 雷火 = Flaming Thunder
  657. 天枪 = Heavenly Spear
  658. 枪把 = spear handle
  659. 凌长老 = Elder Ling
  660. 长枪 = long spear
  661. 放水 = to hold back
  662. 剑意 = Sword Intent
  663. 枪 = spear
  664. 天擎之枪 = Heaven's Spear
  665. 天擎之枪 = Heaven's Spear
  666. 意 = intent
  668. Exception of type 'System.OutOfMemoryException' was thrown.
  670. An unexpected error occurred while running a SYSTRAN application. Click 'Continue' and the application will ignore this error and attempt to continue. When requesting technical support, find available information by clicking 'Show Details'.
  672. ======== Exception Information ========
  673. System.OutOfMemoryException: Exception of type 'System.OutOfMemoryException' was thrown.
  674. at System.Threading.Thread.StartInternal(IPrincipal principal, StackCrawlMark& stackMark)
  675. at System.Threading.Thread.Start()
  676. at SYSTRAN.GUI.Platform.Operations.GenericOperation.BeginExecute(Boolean STA)
  677. at SYSTRAN.GUI.Platform.Operations.GenericOperation.BeginExecute()
  678. at SYSTRAN.Server.Desktop.DesktopServer.Translate(IOperation operation)
  679. at SYSTRAN.Server.Desktop.DesktopServer.TranslateBuffer(Byte[] buffer, Boolean full_translate)
  680. at SYSTRAN.Server.Desktop.ToolbarForm.toolbar_TranslationAsked()
  681. at SYSTRAN.Server.Desktop.ToolbarTools.OnTranslationAsked()
  682. at SYSTRAN.Server.Desktop.ToolbarTools.mTranslateButton_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e)
  683. at System.Windows.Forms.Control.OnClick(EventArgs e)
  684. at Infragistics.Win.UltraControlBase.OnClick(EventArgs e)
  686. -----------------
  687. Ch 218
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  689. -----------------
  690. Ch 219
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  693. Ch 220
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  696. Ch 221
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  699. Ch 222
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  702. Ch 223
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  705. Ch 224
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  708. Ch 225
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