
zoht game log

Sep 13th, 2018
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  1. [2018-07-22 21:06] *Raidus Aurelius is back in his cozy corner booth at the tavern, writing away in the little notebook he's got, idly nursing his drink. He was righting down the events of what'd happened last time, and that frankly, he's pretty sure it's some kinda sex magic cult, buuuuut, still lacking a lot of info. Who knows, given enough time, maybe he'll be able to learn more from Raine, or the lamia there, Sussex..?
  2. [2018-07-22 21:15] *Raine Amber could be found in her usual chair, dangling on its rear legs as though she hadn't been sent crashing down into the ground from that very position the day before. Judging by the faint mewling underneath her breath, it seemed her dreams weren't all that innocent, either.
  3. [2018-07-22 21:15] *Raidus Aurelius readies the ice cube...
  4. [2018-07-22 21:20] *Nara Cinra was relaxing in the tavern at the moment, not in her usual robes of darkness but just in a white and blue robe of arcane magic. She held a large book as she usually did but nothing more at the moment. She did however look over towards Raidus when she realized he was there, she moved over to him and placed her book onto the nearest table. "Have you written anything worth it in that book?" She asked, arching her back and how she was speaking showed she had at least a drink or two. Slower than normal.
  5. [2018-07-22 21:23] *Raidus Aurelius smiles up at her, having missed when she'd come in. "Take a look for yourself." Sliding the book over to her, the current page was still a bit of a work in progress. It was detailing the bits and pieces he'd put together from his last 'mission,' which ended in discovering (maybe joining) what he's pretty sure was some kinda sex magic cult. Further investigation required. There was a little bit of an addition to the other 2 sections, but one part had stopped mid thought.
  6. [2018-07-22 21:24] Zoht: In the middle of, but not disruptively enough to interrupt, the conversation between the two bookworms, the doors open.
  7. Into the tavern walk two figures, vaguely familiar to Raine and Raidus. A beautiful, pipe-smoking kitsune [], and a provocatively dressed wizard [] with a spellbook at her hip. The kitsune points briefly with her pipe towards Raidus Aurelius, and then Raine Amber. Sparing her a less-than-friendly smile, the fox leaves The Flickering Wisp Inn and Tavern quickly as she came in.
  8. The human, on the other hand, approaches, her presumably arcane loincloth swaying loosely as she walks, and offers a friendly smile to Raine. She extends a hand. "Miri," she says by way of introduction. "I work with Vorrin." She waits to make sure she's welcome before continuing. "May I sit?"
  9. [2018-07-22 21:27] *Raidus Aurelius scrawls a small note in the book for Nara, 'From the brothel. Possibly something about to happen?'
  10. [2018-07-22 21:27] *Raine Amber gave a bit of a yawn as she heard someone approaching her, apparently having dozed off for a bit. Nonetheless, as she spotted the female approaching her she'd slowly offer a small bow of her head in greeting, flashing a small smile as she gestured towards an empty chair close to the ocelot herself. "Feel free. Anything I can do for ya?"
  11. [2018-07-22 21:30] Zoht: The wizard sits, clasping her hands one over the other and fixing Raine with an unflinchingly investigative gaze. "I believe you to be Raine Amber, is that correct?" She waits for a response in the affirmative before continuing. "Vorrin has a request of you. A job offer, more accurately. It pertains to the party you arrived with two days ago; Antwin, Zakura, and Raidus. I see the latter over in the corner. Do you know if the other two are available to chat? Would you mind if we went to join Raidus?"
  12. [2018-07-22 21:31] *Nara Cinra laughed quietly at what Raidus asked of her, shaking her head slowly. "Not just yet. You need more time. I want something even more to listen to." Though she was further interrupted by the person who just walked in, she looked over to them and gave a small bow before just listening about what happened
  13. [2018-07-22 21:33] *Raine Amber gave a small nod in affirmative as her name was called out, casting a brief glance over at Raid as she mentioned him, and after taking a quick sweep of the interior of the tavern, she'd slowly lower her chair to all fours, stretching herself a bit before moving to stand up. "I don't see why not, let's go.", she'd mutter, waiting for the wizard to stand back up before walking over to join the couple in their booth.
  14. [2018-07-22 21:35] *Raidus Aurelius chuckles lightly, "All right, I'll let you know once I've got something better, or at least fleshed out." Closing his book and stashing it back in his bag, he gives the pair a light wave, "From the Grail, too, right? What can we do for you?"
  15. [2018-07-22 21:37] Zoht: The wizard stands and quickly takes the lead from the laconic cat. She makes a similar introduction to Raidus, and seats herself in the corner booth, careful not to block Nara in. She glances to the apparently feline scholar, and back to Raidus. "I... do hate to interrupt a conversation, but this may be urgent. It is a matter of the Grail. Is this... a librarian friend of yours, or an arcane student?" She turns to you, Nara, affecting a touch of fluster. "I'm sorry to condescend, but this matter may be best kept from prying ears." Miri turns back to Raidus. "Do you trust her?"
  16. [2018-07-22 21:41] *Raidus Aurelius can't help but chuckle a bit, "Well, arcane, yes. And more a teacher than a student. And don't worry, you can trust her as well. If anything, she might even tag along to help, depending on what's needed."
  17. [2018-07-22 21:41] *Nara Cinra has always been one of few words but she didn't need to when someone just walked in and addressed others. She was definitely a scholar and that wasn't exactly a secret. Especially with those who spoke to her. "My ears pry much more than just this conversation here. I am a friend of his but I don't need to hear the information from you directly. I will hear it from someone else." She didn't speak this disrespectfully but more so as if to try and explain it to here, offering a mild smile.
  18. [2018-07-22 21:43] *Raine Amber idly moved to seat herself, glancing over the table briefly and stealing any drinks left behind on it as she leaned back in her seat. Offering a small nod in greeting to Raid, she'd direct her attention back to the wizard, waiting for her to tell them about the job.
  19. [2018-07-22 21:45] Zoht: Miri nods slowly, taking a second evaluatory glance at Nara. Her eyes narrow when she speaks, but she doesn't object to the nekomata's confidence. "There is a temple in the city," she begins, turning back to Raidus. "It contains tomes from a religion that died out a long time ago, held over as artifacts from a second religion that died out a few decades back." She turns to Raine, continuing. "We would greatly like to retrieve those books, but our source indicated that we may not be the only ones who learned of their location, which is why it's urgent that we get to them." She turns to Nara, evidently prepared to include her, now. "We don't expect a great deal of resistance, but the books may be hidden or simply difficult to identify."
  20. Her summary complete, she addresses all three of you. "There is a modest payment to be had, and a small chance that if we find something of value the Grail does not require, it could fall to you. But I need an answer immediately; we'd depart at once."
  21. [2018-07-22 21:47] *Raidus Aurelius nods... "In that case, two quick questions before we go. One, who's this other group that's after them? From my experience, we'll end up crossing paths. Two, Where is it?" Gotta have someone asking the real questions, after all~
  22. [2018-07-22 21:48] *Raine Amber remained silent for a few moments, swirling her drink around in its glass before slowly downing the remaining liquid. Placing the tankard back down on the table, she'd give a small sigh of satisfaction. "Once he's done asking questions, I'm in."
  23. [2018-07-22 21:49] Zoht: Miri nods to you. "First, we are not the only ... discreet organization that has taken an interest in this town. There are many, at least nine, and there's no telling who will have purchased this information or..." she glances to Nara. "Overheard it."
  24. "Second, that's part of the job. We have cryptic clues, but no address. I will share it with you once you have accepted the job."
  25. [2018-07-22 21:51] *Nara Cinra had a large reason to be confident but she didn't flaunt it. Though she did however answer when she was addressed. "This definitely is something of my interest then." She said quietly, motioning at the air. "And no need to question if I've overheard it. It'll come in time if I haven't." She said with a bigger smile.
  26. [2018-07-22 21:52] *Raidus Aurelius lets out a quiet sigh, soon followed by a shrug as he looks back to Miri, "All right, count me in. Hardly the first cryptic ass mission I've joined, and I doubt it'll be the last," ending his remark with a bit of a confident grin. "You said we leave immediately?"
  27. [2018-07-22 21:53] *Raine Amber already accepted the mission.
  28. [2018-07-22 21:57] Zoht: Miri nods, a small smile on her lips. "I knew you were the right pair to come to," she says. She moves to stand (possibly nudging Raine out of the way first,) and waves her hands in the air. A bluebird appears in a puff of impossibility and flits out a nearby window. "Message," she explains, and begins to lead the way out of the tavern, pulling the book from her hip to fish out a worn slip of paper. She hands it to Raine, reading it without looking at it.
  29. "The Heart of Winter is found beneath the Fires that send us hence." The pink scrap of paper is fresh and crisp, but the words seem faded and old. "I've got ideas, but I'm eager to hear what the new talent thinks." She turns, walking backwards down the cobble streets.
  30. [2018-07-22 21:59] Zoht: Do you have ideas?
  31. [2018-07-22 21:59] Raine Amber: Uh
  32. [2018-07-22 21:59] *Raidus Aurelius looks at Nara on this one
  33. [2018-07-22 21:59] Raine Amber: I cast Telepathy on Miri!
  34. [2018-07-22 22:00] Raidus Aurelius: XD
  35. [2018-07-22 22:00] Zoht: (You may, of course, use moves to try and come up with information. Discern Realities, probe her mind, whatever. Or you can just say "no.")
  36. [2018-07-22 22:00] Zoht: Okay, Raine, if you'd like to!
  37. [2018-07-22 22:00] Raine Amber rolls 2d6+2: 9+2 = 11
  38. [2018-07-22 22:00] Zoht: Okay, choose your option.
  39. [2018-07-22 22:00] Raine Amber: 7+: The target doesn't know it was you who entered their mind. 10+: The target doesn't know anyone entered their mind.
  40. [2018-07-22 22:00] Raine Amber: She never knew :3
  41. [2018-07-22 22:00] Raidus Aurelius: Raid right now: 'people and their cryptic ass bullshit messages...'
  42. [2018-07-22 22:00] Zoht: Mhm.
  43. [2018-07-22 22:01] Nara Cinra: [I'll go for Discern.]
  44. [2018-07-22 22:01] Nara Cinra rolls 2d6+2: 8+2 = 10
  45. [2018-07-22 22:01] Raine Amber: You glimpse a memory, desire, or secret. You can specify which exactly if you have an idea of what. - "Where should we be looking?"
  46. [2018-07-22 22:01] Zoht: Sure thing, Nara, you can roll for that while Raine probes her mind.
  47. [2018-07-22 22:01] Raidus Aurelius: (I was about to aid, but nevermind XD No need)
  48. [2018-07-22 22:01] Nara Cinra: [Big brain]
  49. [2018-07-22 22:02] Raidus Aurelius: ('oh hey, I read this in so-and-so's diary once. It's over here~')
  50. [2018-07-22 22:02] Zoht: Okay, Nara: you can choose your three questions to ask.
  51. [2018-07-22 22:03] Zoht: Er, you rolled +2, but your Wits appears to be +1 on your character sheet, Nara.
  52. [2018-07-22 22:04] Nara Cinra: [Oh it isn't updated, I'll keep it +1 then]
  53. [2018-07-22 22:04] Zoht: Okay.
  54. [2018-07-22 22:04] Zoht: One more thing:
  55. [2018-07-22 22:04] Zoht: This sounds more like a Spout Lore than a Discern Realities, to me.
  56. [2018-07-22 22:04] Zoht: Same roll, slightly different effects.
  57. [2018-07-22 22:04] Raine Amber: So...
  58. [2018-07-22 22:04] Raine Amber: MIND PROBE
  59. [2018-07-22 22:04] Nara Cinra: Mhm
  60. [2018-07-22 22:04] Raidus Aurelius: I'll roll Spout on this one, since she Discerned
  61. [2018-07-22 22:04] Nara Cinra: What should I be on the lookout for?
  62. What here is useful or valuable to me?
  63. Who’s really in control here?
  64. [2018-07-22 22:05] Zoht: Er, hold on.
  65. [2018-07-22 22:05] Zoht: What I meant was, Nara: Rather than discern realities, you're spouting lore.
  66. [2018-07-22 22:05] Zoht: ....Nope, I say lies.
  67. [2018-07-22 22:05] Nara Cinra: Oh it's switched now? Alright, one sec.
  68. [2018-07-22 22:05] Zoht: Ignore me, I'm just going to roll with this.
  69. [2018-07-22 22:06] Nara Cinra: Nevermind then x3
  70. [2018-07-22 22:06] Zoht: Raine - She's not 100% certain herself, so you can't tell for certain, but she thinks Winter is about death, and fire might mean something about cremation.
  71. Nara - You should be on the lookout for anyone following you; they don't have to solve a riddle if they can get someone else to do it for them. Miri is useful; she intends to escort the three of you to safeguard the mission, and will be useful. As of right now, no one is in control of anything significant; your party at large is in control of where you're going and whether or not you find the right spot.
  72. [2018-07-22 22:07] Zoht: Your discern was relevant to the adventure, but not the riddle.
  73. [2018-07-22 22:07] Zoht: The riddle would be spout lore, though. ;)
  74. [2018-07-22 22:07] Nara Cinra: [Welp.]
  75. [2018-07-22 22:07] *Raidus Aurelius waits for the cue to spout
  76. [2018-07-22 22:07] Nara Cinra: [Someone do that then.]
  77. [2018-07-22 22:07] Zoht: Since it's not about perception, but about abstract reasoning and metaphor.
  78. [2018-07-22 22:07] Zoht: Raidus!
  79. [2018-07-22 22:08] Raidus Aurelius rolls 2d6+2: 11+2 = 13
  80. [2018-07-22 22:08] Zoht: You called it earlier. Spout lore! Wits!
  81. [2018-07-22 22:08] Zoht: DAng.
  82. [2018-07-22 22:08] *Raidus Aurelius hates cryptic bullshit, so became good at deciphering it? XD
  83. [2018-07-22 22:08] *Raine Amber appeared thoughtful for a moment, tilting her head a bit, and almost seeming completely zoned out for a moment. Stopping in her tracks, she'd ponder for a moment, nodding her head before looking up at Miri. "Is there a cemetery somewhere in this town? Or anywhere people get cremated?"
  84. [2018-07-22 22:09] *Raine Amber waited a moment before adding. "...or a morgue?"
  85. [2018-07-22 22:09] Zoht: You infer the same thing from the text as Raine reads from Miri's mind - Winter is a death thing, in most stories, fire to death is either like, burning witches or cremation. There's a crematorium in town, and you think some witches got burned a few towns out a few years back, but that's not in town, like Miri said, so you're probably looking at a crematorium.
  86. [2018-07-22 22:09] Raine Amber: (I didn't know that was a word :O)
  87. [2018-07-22 22:10] Raidus Aurelius: Yup XD
  88. [2018-07-22 22:10] Zoht: Miri nods at you, Raine. "Very clever," she says. She explains the things you already know about the clue, and explains that she thinks the forgotten temple is beneath the crematorium out on Ash Row.
  89. [2018-07-22 22:10] *Raine Amber couldn't help but snicker. "Of course it'd be on ash row..."
  90. [2018-07-22 22:10] Zoht: "I could be wrong," she says, "But it's encouraging that you came to a similar line of reasoning. An idea is more valuable when it's independently confirmed." She is entirely blind to the irony that this was not independent at all.
  91. [2018-07-22 22:11] Zoht: She turns around again and continues on her path, happy to lead the way, and in good spirits that you "confirmed" her hunch.
  92. [2018-07-22 22:11] *Raidus Aurelius ponders on the message for a few... "So, building off that, the crematorium was where my mind was going with that. There were some witches burned around the area, but not that close, so the crematorium's our best bet... especially, if there happened to be some forgotten temple there. Seems like the almost obvious option with that bit of intel."
  93. [2018-07-22 22:12] Zoht: The four of you move to Ash Row, a district full of smelters, smiths, and other noisy, distasteful industries. Including the Split Pine Crematorium.
  94. [2018-07-22 22:12] Zoht: Miri blinks, turning to you, Raid. "I mean. We're looking for the temple. I think it's there. We won't know until we get there and look."
  95. [2018-07-22 22:14] Raine Amber: (Is the crematorium still operational?)
  96. [2018-07-22 22:14] Zoht: Yes.
  97. [2018-07-22 22:14] Zoht: It is an active business.
  98. [2018-07-22 22:14] Raidus Aurelius: Which means, it's CLEARLY another front 83
  99. [2018-07-22 22:15] Zoht: Unless you guys have anything else you want to ask or do, you're arriving!
  100. [2018-07-22 22:15] Zoht: Who here has the lowest Speed.....
  101. [2018-07-22 22:16] Zoht: Raidus! I'd like you to defy danger with Speed, please.
  102. [2018-07-22 22:16] Raidus Aurelius rolls 2d6+-1: 7+-1 = 6
  103. [2018-07-22 22:17] Zoht: You guys have a slightly troubled time getting there; the streets are packed this afternoon.
  104. [2018-07-22 22:17] Nara Cinra: [Uh oh]
  105. [2018-07-22 22:17] Zoht: Raine, please give me a DD with Wits!
  106. [2018-07-22 22:17] Raidus Aurelius: (At least none of us have horrible wits XD
  107. [2018-07-22 22:18] Raine Amber rolls 2d6+2: 7+2 = 9
  108. [2018-07-22 22:18] Raine Amber: (Nein :v)
  109. [2018-07-22 22:19] Zoht: You can see a little shortcut to take through a back alleyway. Something in the back of your mind knows that dark alleyways are rarely a good place to be, but it could save you some time, and that is a factor, according to your wizard. Do you suggest it to the group?
  110. [2018-07-22 22:19] Zoht: The sun beats down as you consider it, standing behind a very smelly mule and its very smelly owner.
  111. [2018-07-22 22:19] Zoht: Forge hammers clang and the fires emanate heat.
  112. [2018-07-22 22:20] *Nara Cinra is absolutely hating this place already.
  113. [2018-07-22 22:20] *Raine Amber goes through the alley!
  114. [2018-07-22 22:20] Zoht: ....You don't.... tell anyone? You just go?
  115. [2018-07-22 22:20] *Raine Amber leads the group into the alley. Lurking in dark alleys comes naturally to her!
  116. [2018-07-22 22:20] *Raidus Aurelius grabs the wizard's and Nara's sleeves, turning to maintain the abrupt course change XD
  117. [2018-07-22 22:20] Zoht: Okay.
  118. [2018-07-22 22:21] Zoht: The party splits off into the alleyway! Miri quickly realizes it could shave a few minutes off and happily follows Raine along. Nara, you get a weird chill down your spine. Please DD with Wits.
  119. [2018-07-22 22:23] *Nara Cinra grumbled loudly but ends up being yanked towards that alley!
  120. [2018-07-22 22:23] Nara Cinra rolls 2d6+1: 7+1 = 8
  121. [2018-07-22 22:24] Zoht: You notice something kind of odd. Half a minute ago, you were sweating from the heat. But now... you shiver, and as Miri turns to make some remark to you that you don't hear, you notice two things. Her nipples are visible behind her "clothes." And her breath is misting.
  122. [2018-07-22 22:25] Zoht: Raidus, your fur starts to stand on end too. Everyone starting to get a really weird feeling.
  123. [2018-07-22 22:25] Zoht: Please defy danger for me with Wits, Raidus.
  124. [2018-07-22 22:26] Raidus Aurelius rolls 2d6+2: 10+2 = 12
  125. [2018-07-22 22:26] Raidus Aurelius: B)
  126. [2018-07-22 22:26] Nara Cinra: [Quick brb]
  127. [2018-07-22 22:27] Zoht: You catch a glint out of the corner of your eye, and turn to get a better look. On a rooftop nearby, you see a placid-looking man with skin white like snow. His features are human, but his lips are blue and ... either it's not as cold up on the rooftop, or he's not breathing. He realizes you've spotted him, and tilts his head a little. You have a heartbeat of initiative, but you can tell he's about to disappear. What do you do?
  128. [2018-07-22 22:29] Raine Amber: (Can I do stuff?)
  129. [2018-07-22 22:29] Raine Amber: (Or only Raid?)
  130. [2018-07-22 22:29] Raidus Aurelius: I'll go with 'Fly up and snatch a bitch' for $500 (Take to the Sky)
  131. [2018-07-22 22:30] Zoht: Only Raid has the initiative right now.
  132. [2018-07-22 22:30] Zoht: "Take Flight?"
  133. [2018-07-22 22:30] Zoht: Go ahead and roll it.
  134. [2018-07-22 22:31] Raidus Aurelius: forgot it was renamed :P
  135. [2018-07-22 22:31] Raidus Aurelius rolls 2d6+2: 5+2 = 7
  136. [2018-07-22 22:31] Raidus Aurelius: Cargo Flight
  137. Take Flight: You can take someone with you! They risk sharing your consequences.
  138. ^Aiming to kinda make use of that to snatch him. Otherwise, a flying tackle will do~
  139. [2018-07-22 22:32] Raidus Aurelius: 7-9: You're airborne, but must land if you want to use another move.
  140. [2018-07-22 22:32] Nara Cinra: [Back!]
  141. [2018-07-22 22:33] Raidus Aurelius: (wb!)
  142. [2018-07-22 22:33] Zoht: Okay! You take to the sky, and you suddenly have a great vantage point... but after a moment, you realize why this area is called Ash Way. Clouds of thick, acrid smoke cloud the sky and fog your view. Three smithies and a charcoal kiln are operating just upwind, and you're not sure you're going to be able to keep an eye on him if he's quick. You're airborne, but he's on the move by the time you blink the soot from your eyes. You can follow him if you like, but it'll be Defy Danger with Speed.
  143. [2018-07-22 22:34] Zoht: Nara, Raine - your winged wolf friend just shot off into the sky. He didn't say anything before he left. What do you do?
  144. [2018-07-22 22:35] Raidus Aurelius: Assuming I can't do a 'take flight' roll instead of DD+S? Or DD+W to keep an eye on him? Or is it S only due to it being a chase?
  145. [2018-07-22 22:36] *Nara Cinra ended up immensely confused at why Raidus just bolted into the air but didn't think too much of it. Maybe he was looking about like an eye in the sky for them. Who knows. She was fine just moving forward in this alley that she was yanked into. Though she did moved to open her book just in case there was someone shady around these parts.
  146. [2018-07-22 22:37] Zoht: I would allow Wits if you try to out-think him, but I had intended speed for a direct, don't lose sight before he hits a dead end style chase. If you use wits, I'm going to say you're at -1. Either you're staying high and in the smoke to get a sight advantage to predict where he's going, or you're flying down just above street level to avoid it and don't have perspective. Unless you've got some move about knowing the city very well, or being immune to smoke. :P
  147. [2018-07-22 22:38] *Raine Amber blinks as Raidus takes off. "So... okay.", she'd say with a shrug, moving to follow behind Miri.
  148. [2018-07-22 22:38] Raidus Aurelius: I'll go with 'above the smoke,' since it shouldn't be enough to completely obstruct vision, and I won't risk hitting shit
  149. [2018-07-22 22:38] Raidus Aurelius rolls 2d6+1: 8+1 = 9
  150. [2018-07-22 22:38] Zoht: Raidus: Hold up.
  151. [2018-07-22 22:38] Zoht: Wits or speed?
  152. [2018-07-22 22:38] Zoht: Speed is a chase, Wits is a vantage point.
  153. [2018-07-22 22:39] Raidus Aurelius: Oh, Wits
  154. [2018-07-22 22:39] Zoht: Your -1 is still going to apply. You're not choking in it, but it's still obscuring your vision.
  155. [2018-07-22 22:40] Raidus Aurelius: The +1 is accounting for that. I've got +2 base
  156. [2018-07-22 22:40] Zoht: ...That's not what your character sheet reads.
  157. [2018-07-22 22:40] *Raidus Aurelius looks back at it...... Okay, nevermind, I was wrong
  158. [2018-07-22 22:40] Raine Amber: (Sorry for being a bad player, but four people started spamming me all of a sudden >.<)
  159. [2018-07-22 22:41] Raine Amber: (I'm back now)
  160. [2018-07-22 22:41] Nara Cinra: [-Thinkiiiiing-]
  161. [2018-07-22 22:41] Nara Cinra: [Welcome back.]
  162. [2018-07-22 22:41] Zoht: Okay, please reroll with +0
  163. [2018-07-22 22:41] Raidus Aurelius: (thaaaat's why I had it at +1. the 4 stat cap)
  164. [2018-07-22 22:41] Zoht: (It's okay, we're still resolving the Mysterious Flying Wolfman.
  165. [2018-07-22 22:41] Raidus Aurelius rolls 2d6: 10
  166. [2018-07-22 22:41] Zoht: Okay!
  167. [2018-07-22 22:41] Raidus Aurelius: \o/
  168. [2018-07-22 22:44] Zoht: You soar up into the air. A little higher. A little higher. A little higher. How big is this district? Eventually you get high enough that you can see clearly. The smoke is very obscuring, and you realize a little late that from this high, it's actually /really hard/ to make out an individual person. What's less difficult, however, is noticing the billowing movement of clouds condensing over a cold spot. You connect that unusual gas movement with the chill you felt earlier, the pale appearance of your quarry, and the mention of winter earlier to infer where he is.
  169. You disgustingly clever wolf, you.
  170. You figure out he's circling around and trying to get a new angle on the group you left behind. You think you can actually pinpoint him without seeing him, if you want to go for that flying tackle, but you'd be making the last bit of it blind as you go through the smoke.
  171. [2018-07-22 22:45] Raidus Aurelius: DROPU-KICKU!
  172. [2018-07-22 22:45] Raidus Aurelius: Though, IC, hammer dunk
  173. [2018-07-22 22:46] Zoht: Okay! Most of the power is coming from gravity, so this is more about speed or wits. You can choose which you'd like to rely on, but either way, you're at -1. (Your original roll means you shouldn't be allowed to make a flying tackle since it's technically a move, but this is more interesting.)
  174. [2018-07-22 22:46] Zoht: Plus, you're really just... landing. Very quickly.
  175. [2018-07-22 22:46] Raidus Aurelius: (wits, of course~)
  176. [2018-07-22 22:46] Raidus Aurelius rolls 2d6: 3
  177. [2018-07-22 22:46] Raidus Aurelius: WOO
  178. [2018-07-22 22:46] Raidus Aurelius: THERE'S THE LOW ROLL WE WERE WAITING FOR
  179. [2018-07-22 22:47] Zoht: Okee dokee!
  180. [2018-07-22 22:47] Nara Cinra: [Get hyped.]
  181. [2018-07-22 22:47] Zoht: Nara, Raine!
  182. [2018-07-22 22:47] Zoht: The two of you have been continuing towards the crematorium, when you feel that odd chill again. Nothing came of it last time except the sudden departure of your teammate, but hey, it never hurts to look around, right?
  183. [2018-07-22 22:47] Zoht: DD with Wits, please.
  184. [2018-07-22 22:47] Raine Amber rolls 2d6+2: 7+2 = 9
  185. [2018-07-22 22:49] Zoht: Nara?
  186. [2018-07-22 22:50] Nara Cinra rolls 2d6+1: 6+1 = 7
  187. [2018-07-22 22:52] Zoht: Okay. Both of you turn, and a sound grows in the direction you're looking. The alleyway behind you is... howling?
  188. Bursting through the clouds, you see Raidus rocketing directly towards the group, on a collision course. You have a choice. You can try to catch him and soften the blow, or you can jump out of the way and let him eat cobblestone.
  189. [2018-07-22 22:52] Raidus Aurelius: I have one thing to say
  190. [2018-07-22 22:53] Raidus Aurelius: []
  191. [2018-07-22 22:54] *Raine Amber sidesteps the crashing winged wolf, letting him eat concrete.
  192. [2018-07-22 22:54] *Nara Cinra flicked her ears at the sound intensifying. A howl? Well that wasn't good in any sense. She expected a canine or something just to see Raidus divebombing down. Oh hell no... she wasn't going to catch someone careening down like that. She was much too small for that and projecting a shield to block for him wouldn't be much better. Dodge!
  193. [2018-07-22 22:56] Zoht: Ouch.
  194. [2018-07-22 22:56] Zoht: Well!
  195. [2018-07-22 22:56] Zoht: Raidus, you're taking hurt.
  196. [2018-07-22 22:56] Zoht: Like, a lot of hurt.
  197. [2018-07-22 22:56] Zoht rolls 3d6: 12
  198. [2018-07-22 22:56] *Raidus Aurelius takes 9, cause yay armor :'D
  199. [2018-07-22 22:56] Zoht: I feel like careening into the ground should be armor piercing. You're not deflecting the ground.
  200. [2018-07-22 22:57] Raidus Aurelius: It would soak some of the impact, at least
  201. [2018-07-22 22:57] Zoht: Take 10.
  202. [2018-07-22 22:57] Raine Amber: Oof
  203. [2018-07-22 22:57] Nara Cinra: [Double damage cause armor is heavy. :^)]
  204. [2018-07-22 22:57] Raidus Aurelius: It's like ramming a wall in an SUV compared to a smartcar xD
  205. [2018-07-22 22:57] *Raidus Aurelius deals double damage to Nara :^)
  206. [2018-07-22 22:58] Zoht: Raidus!
  207. [2018-07-22 22:58] Zoht: You hurt.
  208. [2018-07-22 22:58] Raidus Aurelius: (Anyway, 10/20)
  209. [2018-07-22 22:58] Zoht: Like, everywhere.
  210. [2018-07-22 22:58] Zoht: You clipped a building on your way down, even, and you... might have sprained your arm, since you thought there was going to be a pasty white dude there but instead, it was a chimney.
  211. [2018-07-22 22:58] Raidus Aurelius: Ummmm, yeah, going for a Regen, cause pain is bad, and sprained things are worse
  212. [2018-07-22 22:59] Zoht: You're sitting in a cloud of dust between your three travelling partners, and the few folks near you are definitely rubber-necking. You made quite an impact on them.
  213. [2018-07-22 22:59] Zoht: Go ahead and roll it.
  214. [2018-07-22 22:59] Raidus Aurelius rolls 2d6+2: 6+2 = 8
  215. [2018-07-22 22:59] *Raine Amber glances over at Raidus as he falls, face first, into the concrete. Squatting down beside him, she'd gently pet her hand on his head, tilting her head to the side before speaking. "So... are you... y'know... alright?"
  216. [2018-07-22 22:59] Raidus Aurelius: You are healed of a crippling injury (like a broken arm). (but I take a debility of GM choice)
  217. [2018-07-22 23:00] Raine Amber: (Can a debility be to break his leg instead?)
  218. [2018-07-22 23:00] Zoht: You're concussed. You feel a little slow. You are Dumb. -1 to wits.
  219. [2018-07-22 23:00] Zoht: No, that would be an affliction, I think.
  220. [2018-07-22 23:01] Zoht: Nara and Raine didn't roll 10+, sadly.
  221. [2018-07-22 23:01] Zoht: Which means no one sees the next bit coming.
  222. [2018-07-22 23:01] *Raidus Aurelius slooooowly manages to extract himself from the manmade crater... "Everything... Hurts..."
  223. [2018-07-22 23:02] Zoht: A pale figure leaps down from the roof you clipped, Raidus. You weren't /that/ far off, somehow. He's holding a sword, and the pointy end is coming right for your concussed butt.
  224. [2018-07-22 23:02] Zoht: Nara and Raine, you didn't see this coming, so you can't intervene.
  225. [2018-07-22 23:03] Zoht: Raidus, you get one quick, concussed reaction. What do you do?
  226. [2018-07-22 23:03] Raidus Aurelius: Going for Channel Divinity on myself
  227. [2018-07-22 23:03] Raine Amber: (Present that ass for insertion! <-<)
  228. [2018-07-22 23:03] Zoht: Channel Divinity is a little bit intense; that feels like a thing that would take an entire turn. If you'd like, you can do it, but you're getting /stabbed/ first.
  229. [2018-07-22 23:03] Nara Cinra: [Rip.]
  230. [2018-07-22 23:04] Zoht: I'm more asking how you'd like to defy danger. ;)
  231. [2018-07-22 23:04] Raidus Aurelius: (Part of why I was going for it was due to the Divine Protection perk ><)
  232. [2018-07-22 23:04] Zoht: Oh?
  233. [2018-07-22 23:04] Raidus Aurelius: Divine Protection
  234. Channel Divinity: 7+: If attacked while using Divine Protection, take half damage. 10+: Take no damage.
  235. Divine Retribution
  236. [2018-07-22 23:04] Raidus Aurelius: (oops, copied too far)
  237. [2018-07-22 23:04] Raidus Aurelius: Anyway, using it like a defensive response for that part
  238. [2018-07-22 23:05] Zoht: Do you not have a channel divinity section header? You need to tidy up this sheet, my friend. xD
  239. [2018-07-22 23:05] Raidus Aurelius: ......looks like it got clipped off. Sorry, just under Unbreakable >>;
  240. [2018-07-22 23:05] Zoht: Yup, I see it now.
  241. [2018-07-22 23:06] Zoht: Okay. Go ahead and roll it.
  242. [2018-07-22 23:06] Raidus Aurelius rolls 2d6+2: 2+2 = 4
  243. [2018-07-22 23:06] Raidus Aurelius: Oh, ffs
  244. [2018-07-22 23:06] *Raine Amber snrk
  245. [2018-07-22 23:06] Raidus Aurelius: The move hasn't hit 7+ ONCE
  246. [2018-07-22 23:07] Zoht: The man is very much too fast for that. You don't even see him until he's already falling. The thought enters your mind that some divine grace might be nice as the blade enters your shoulder.
  247. [2018-07-22 23:07] Zoht rolls 1d6+1: 1+1 = 2
  248. [2018-07-22 23:08] Zoht: Take 1 damage!
  249. [2018-07-22 23:08] Zoht: ping.
  250. [2018-07-22 23:08] Zoht: Armor is /handy/.
  251. [2018-07-22 23:09] Raidus Aurelius: Yay, 0 damage? (3 armor)
  252. [2018-07-22 23:09] Zoht: No, 1. Minimum 1 damage incoming.
  253. [2018-07-22 23:10] Zoht: There's a snow-white man in snow-white vestments kneeling above the wolf. His facial expression belies no aggression or frustration. His eyes are entirely blue, and they flicker up to Miri. It looks like he's heading for her next, but now, there's time to stop him.
  254. [2018-07-22 23:10] Zoht: Raine, you have a moment, what do you do?
  255. [2018-07-22 23:11] Raine Amber: I cast Possession.
  256. [2018-07-22 23:11] Zoht: I see. One moment.
  257. [2018-07-22 23:12] *Raidus Aurelius groans as the pale asshole tries to shank him, and basically just smacks his head back into the ground from jumping onto him, while the blade plinks off his armor. "...Kick... his... ASS..."
  258. [2018-07-22 23:12] Zoht: This isn't working the way you want it to. You reach out into his mind, and something cold reaches back. This is not a man. You don't know /what/ this is.
  259. [2018-07-22 23:12] Zoht: Defy Danger with your Wits please.
  260. [2018-07-22 23:12] Raine Amber rolls 2d6+2: 10+2 = 12
  261. [2018-07-22 23:12] *Raine Amber snrk
  262. [2018-07-22 23:12] Zoht: Great success!
  263. [2018-07-22 23:13] Raidus Aurelius: (Also, do I get in on the 'chance to stop him' or no, from getting cratered? XD)
  264. [2018-07-22 23:15] Zoht: You understand what's happening fairly quickly, although it still shakes you a little bit. Whatever this thing is, it's not mortal. Some kind of outsider, maybe. Something deathly cold.
  265. [2018-07-22 23:15] Zoht: Miri sees him coming and puts up a shield of light, deflecting his first attack. Nara, what do you do?
  266. [2018-07-22 23:15] Zoht: (afk briefly, sory)
  267. [2018-07-22 23:16] Nara Cinra: [No prob!]
  268. [2018-07-22 23:17] *Raine Amber hissed loudly as she felt the cold sensation threatening to enter her mind, quickly pulling back both mentally and physically from the being. Tossing a quick glance at her companions, she'd hiss once more before darting back, trying to stay out of reach, retreating behind Mira. "Careful! That... thing, isn't human!"
  269. [2018-07-22 23:21] Zoht: Nara's still got the initiative. What do you do, catlady?
  270. [2018-07-22 23:25] Nara Cinra: [Casting Cure if I can on Raidus!]
  271. [2018-07-22 23:26] Zoht: Go ahead!
  272. [2018-07-22 23:27] Nara Cinra rolls 2d6: 10
  273. [2018-07-22 23:28] Zoht: Describe what it looks like. :3
  274. [2018-07-22 23:29] *Nara Cinra 's book immediately began to glow a bright white, a few small diagrams of arcane energy willing themselves into the air. They all turned like gears all spinning towards the same end until a beam of blue energy directly connected Raidus to her book. A blue that grew deeper and deeper until it was pitch black and dispersed into glittering dust, leaving Raidus much more refreshed than before!
  275. [2018-07-22 23:29] Nara Cinra rolls 3d4: 8
  276. [2018-07-22 23:29] Raidus Aurelius: (17/20, -1 wits)
  277. [2018-07-22 23:31] Zoht: Okay! Nara, you heal Raidus, but the white man is still bearing down on Miri. He reaches out, and you each feel a fell chill wash over you. Her shield disappears, and he raises his sword. Raidus, you're coughing on the floor. Nara, you're healing him. Miri is reeling from arcane backlash. Raine, what do you do?
  278. [2018-07-22 23:32] Raine Amber: Uh...
  279. [2018-07-22 23:32] Raine Amber: Is this just a DD?
  280. [2018-07-22 23:32] Raidus Aurelius: It's a 'what do you wanna do'
  281. [2018-07-22 23:32] Raine Amber: I stab him in the neck with a knife!
  282. [2018-07-22 23:33] Zoht: Ha! Yeah, take that, Knifeneck!
  283. [2018-07-22 23:33] *Raine Amber roll 2d6+0
  284. [2018-07-22 23:33] Zoht: Go ahead and make your attack.
  285. [2018-07-22 23:33] Zoht: Dagger, right?
  286. [2018-07-22 23:33] Zoht: That's +Speed
  287. [2018-07-22 23:33] Raine Amber rolls 2d6+0: 4+0 = 4
  288. [2018-07-22 23:34] Raine Amber: Whoo!
  289. [2018-07-22 23:34] Raidus Aurelius: (assuming I don't have a spot in the initiative of this turn? xD)
  290. [2018-07-22 23:34] Zoht: I'll let you know when it's your turn again, Divebomber. ;) You dominated the play for a bit.
  291. [2018-07-22 23:35] Raidus Aurelius: Don't worry, just asking for this part xD
  292. [2018-07-22 23:35] Zoht: Raine, you stab him right in the neck! Stupid ... stupid neck. Why isn't he bleeding? Or wincing? Or giving /any/ indication that he's wounded?
  293. [2018-07-22 23:35] Zoht: Roll your damage.
  294. [2018-07-22 23:36] Raine Amber: Wait what?
  295. [2018-07-22 23:36] Raine Amber: But I rolled 4?
  296. [2018-07-22 23:36] Zoht: Yup
  297. [2018-07-22 23:36] Raidus Aurelius: ("Raine, you think he's an elf, and remember something about elves being called 'knife-ears.' Maybe it's a weakness? So, you stabbed him in the ear instead? Wait, he's not an elf?")
  298. [2018-07-22 23:36] Raine Amber rolls 1d4: 2
  299. [2018-07-22 23:36] Zoht: Failure is not always failure. You did exactly what you wanted to do, and it appears to have done /nothing./ This is a far worse outcome than successfully damaging him. He doesn't bleed.
  300. [2018-07-22 23:37] Zoht: He steps forward and lowers his sword, slashing across Miri's body. It lodges in her shoulder with an unpleasant sound, buried in her anguished cry of pain. She falls to the ground, in shock.
  301. [2018-07-22 23:37] Zoht: He turns to you, Raine.
  302. [2018-07-22 23:38] Zoht: Raidus - you're feeling empowered by Nara's healing. What do you do?
  303. [2018-07-22 23:39] *Raine Amber cheers victoriously as her knife slides straight into his jugular, grinning as she twists it for good measure! Of course, that's quickly followed by a whimper as it seemed to have accomplished absolutely nothing. Stepping back as the sword came bearing down, forcibly pulling her dagger free in the process, she'd stare wide-eyed as the sword came down to bury in Miri's shoulder. Reeling backwards, whimpering loudly at this stage, she'd give a small gulp as she tried to think of something to do.
  304. [2018-07-22 23:42] *Raidus Aurelius finally extracts himself from the crater, giving Nara a thankful nod, but hearing Miri's pained cry, rushes over to her. Muttering a few things seemingly to himself with an expression somewhere between annoyed and panicked, he places a hand just over Miri's wound (not touching, just kinda hovering), while watching their target to make sure he doesn't come in for a second swing while Miri's down. "I know you get scared, but come on, I need your help here..." (Going for Channel Divinity on Miri)
  305. [2018-07-22 23:43] Zoht: Go ahead and roll it.
  306. [2018-07-22 23:43] Raidus Aurelius rolls 2d6+2: 5+2 = 7
  307. [2018-07-22 23:43] Raidus Aurelius: WOO
  308. [2018-07-22 23:43] Raidus Aurelius: I will TAKE IT
  309. [2018-07-22 23:44] Zoht: And what's your choice?
  310. [2018-07-22 23:44] Raidus Aurelius: Heal them for 1d6 HP
  311. [2018-07-22 23:44] Raidus Aurelius rolls 1d6: 1
  312. [2018-07-22 23:44] Raidus Aurelius: ..........
  313. [2018-07-22 23:44] Raidus Aurelius: I knew there'd be a failed roll in there
  314. [2018-07-22 23:44] Zoht: You stabilize her slightly.
  315. [2018-07-22 23:44] *Raidus Aurelius basically used 'spare the dying'
  316. [2018-07-22 23:44] Zoht: Her eyes are still panicked - the wound is closing, but the shock is not gone.
  317. [2018-07-22 23:45] Nara Cinra: [xD]
  318. [2018-07-22 23:45] Zoht: Nara, your charge leaps to his feet and heals another - talk about paying it forward.
  319. [2018-07-22 23:45] *Raidus Aurelius (*poke* 'okay, you're not dying now.' *stabbed* 'I said-' *poke* 'you're NOT dying!')
  320. [2018-07-22 23:45] Zoht: Raine is coming to her senses, and coming to terms with oh god it doesn't bleed.
  321. [2018-07-22 23:46] Nara Cinra: [Aiming to use Abjuation: Protect]
  322. [2018-07-22 23:46] Zoht: Nara, you have a moment. What do you do? The snowman is bearing down on Raine.
  323. [2018-07-22 23:46] Zoht: Sure thing, roll it. :3
  324. [2018-07-22 23:46] Nara Cinra: [Will be using it on Miri cause she's looking bad.]
  325. [2018-07-22 23:47] Nara Cinra rolls 2d6+2: 9+2 = 11
  326. [2018-07-22 23:47] Nara Cinra: [We in there.]
  327. [2018-07-22 23:47] *Raidus Aurelius has a dull, light aura surrounding him now, with a very, VERY faint sillhouette of an angelic figure (with a scared expression) next to Miri as well. Sadly, the connection seems weak at the moment, so the pair's healing they do is extremely minimal for what they need.
  328. [2018-07-22 23:47] *Nara Cinra blinked in a confused manner once the sword sliced along Miri's form. She took in a deep breath. "Corsa-vo. Ilanori visasin." She spoked calmly, throwing her book up into the air in which it just decided gravity didn't matter anymore to it. Though she was moving her hands around rapidly, dragging large lines of arcane energy about in the air before she forced a very large 12 pointed star. That then glowed a bright gold and sent a large amount of energy towards Miri. It took the form of a golden shield around her, aiming to shield her from following incoming strike for now. "Raidus. Do something now! I'll be focusing on this for a while!"
  329. [2018-07-22 23:48] Zoht: I just want to be entirely clear here: I did say he was moving to attack Raine before you clarified you're using it on Miri.
  330. [2018-07-22 23:49] Nara Cinra: [Yep.]
  331. [2018-07-22 23:49] Raine Amber: (;~;)
  332. [2018-07-22 23:49] Zoht: Raine - the sword is coming at you. Where did it come from? You catch the glint of it from below his shoulders, rising up towards you, and you begin to understand why he's so cold. He's death. Death has come for you.
  333. [2018-07-22 23:49] Raidus Aurelius: (Assuming the line of thought is: Miri's borderline dead, and the escort quest NPC, and Raine can take a hit <3)
  334. [2018-07-22 23:49] Zoht: What do you do?
  335. [2018-07-22 23:49] Nara Cinra: [She's the injured one and Raine is not. You don't know if there are more people.]
  336. [2018-07-22 23:49] Nara Cinra: [That's why Nara did say RAIDUS DO SOMETHING.]
  337. [2018-07-22 23:50] Raine Amber: Can I defy danger?
  338. [2018-07-22 23:50] Zoht: That's fair, but he also knew that Raine was a target when he made the same decision to support Miri.
  339. [2018-07-22 23:50] Zoht: Tell me what you want to do in character, Raine, and I'll tell you what to roll. :)
  340. [2018-07-22 23:50] *Raidus Aurelius (has to wait his turn due to an invisible low initiative roll or something. Speed penalties mean init penalties, Nara! xD)
  341. [2018-07-22 23:51] Zoht: All three of you are given an opportunity to interrupt him. Two of you chose to tend to Miri. Raine is making her choice now.
  342. [2018-07-22 23:51] Nara Cinra: [I'm just explaining why Nara threw up a shield then poked Raidus to do something. When it is asked clarification, you've got to do it~]
  343. [2018-07-22 23:51] Nara Cinra: [-Wasn't scolding you Raidus~ <3-]
  344. [2018-07-22 23:52] Raidus Aurelius: (I know, I was just giving a teasing response <3)
  345. [2018-07-22 23:52] *Raine Amber watched as the sword came barreling down towards her, taking a deep breath as she literally threw herself out of the way, scampering away to hide behind Mira. She was not built for combat!
  346. [2018-07-22 23:52] Zoht: Miri? ;) Sure! You're defying danger with speed here, I think!
  347. [2018-07-22 23:52] Raine Amber rolls 2d6: 8
  348. [2018-07-22 23:53] Raine Amber: (I wanted to make it into Wits... but... [])
  349. [2018-07-22 23:53] Zoht: Alright. You have a choice to make here. You can throw yourself behind Miri, but in so doing, you're going to draw his attention immediately and instantly to her again, and she will take the brunt of the blow for you. Or, you can take it like a champ.
  350. [2018-07-22 23:54] Raine Amber: Wat? I was jumping out of the way, then hiding behind... fuck, I said Miri, didn't I? xD
  351. [2018-07-22 23:54] Raine Amber: I meant Nara
  352. [2018-07-22 23:54] Raidus Aurelius: (Or, you dodge to Miri, which by proxy, means dodging to me, who can force redirect a hit! >:3)
  353. [2018-07-22 23:54] Zoht: You said Mira, which is actually not a character in the scene. :P
  354. [2018-07-22 23:54] Zoht: I assumed you meant Miri.
  355. [2018-07-22 23:54] Zoht: Closer to what you wrote by one character than Nara. :P
  356. [2018-07-22 23:54] Nara Cinra: [xD]
  357. [2018-07-22 23:55] Zoht: Regardless, you're locked in to this dilemma now.
  358. [2018-07-22 23:55] Zoht: You're bleeding or Miri is.
  359. [2018-07-22 23:55] Raine Amber: I hide behind Nara
  360. [2018-07-22 23:55] Raine Amber: <-<
  361. [2018-07-22 23:55] Raine Amber: Fine, I take it
  362. [2018-07-22 23:55] Nara Cinra: [HOPE HER REDUCING 2 DAMAGE IS STRONG ENO- oh]
  363. [2018-07-22 23:55] Zoht: Okay.
  364. [2018-07-22 23:56] *Raidus Aurelius (can tank for Miri :P)
  365. [2018-07-22 23:56] Zoht rolls 1d6+1: 2+1 = 3
  366. [2018-07-22 23:56] Zoht: Take three damage, Raine.
  367. [2018-07-22 23:56] Raine Amber: Woe is me! The pain!
  368. [2018-07-22 23:56] Raine Amber: But I have one armour
  369. [2018-07-22 23:56] Zoht: Okay. That's 2 then.
  370. [2018-07-22 23:58] Zoht: He lifts his arm, and the sword cuts at your underarm, slicing up and out. Blood arcs in a thin line from the tip of the sword, and drips down your arm. Your right arm is cut, but it's not too bad. Just bleeding a bunch.
  371. [2018-07-22 23:58] Zoht: It does, however, kickstart the adrenaline. Thanks to braving it out, you're raring to go: The initiative is yours. What do you do?
  372. [2018-07-22 23:59] Raine Amber: I grab Miri and run!
  373. [2018-07-23 00:00] Zoht: Okay! He turns to follow you with his eyes, but he doesn't move. You grab her and she limps along beside you. You're not making amazing time, but you're gaining distance, for sure!
  374. [2018-07-23 00:00] Zoht: Raidus, Raine makes off with your battle wizard stripper. What are you doing as the ghostly fellow takes his first step towards them?
  375. [2018-07-23 00:01] Nara Cinra: [HIT EM HARD]
  376. [2018-07-23 00:03] *Raidus Aurelius nods lightly to the angelic figure before she fades from sight, the weak aura around him leaving as well. "We'll hold him here, Raine, stay safe!" Staring down mister Edgelord here, he draws his hammer and goes in SWINGING for a headshot!
  377. [2018-07-23 00:03] Zoht: (Oh, goodness, that name is more appropriate than you can imagine.)
  378. [2018-07-23 00:03] Zoht: Roll to attack!
  379. [2018-07-23 00:04] Raidus Aurelius: (Is it the Dark Knight I gamed with before, 'Edgelord Meme-sama'? XD I'm not joking about that name, either.)
  380. [2018-07-23 00:04] Raidus Aurelius rolls 2d6+2: 9+2 = 11
  381. [2018-07-23 00:04] Raidus Aurelius: +50% (rounded up), open to be countered
  382. [2018-07-23 00:04] Raidus Aurelius rolls 1d5+4: 4+4 = 8
  383. [2018-07-23 00:05] Raidus Aurelius: 12 electric damage :3
  384. [2018-07-23 00:05] Nara Cinra: [Yeeesh.]
  385. [2018-07-23 00:05] Raidus Aurelius: 83
  386. [2018-07-23 00:05] Raidus Aurelius: >83
  387. [2018-07-23 00:06] Zoht: You cream him in the face /super/ hard. His head caves in, although as before, there's no blood. He staggers backwards, taking a knee.
  388. And then he stands back up, turning the caved in pancake that used to be his face towards his newest threat.
  389. [2018-07-23 00:07] Zoht: Nara: The terminator is looking at Raidus. Well, I mean.... you're not really sure that's true, since you can't see any eyes in there anymore. He isn't lifting his sword. You're not sure what's about to happen, but you don't have a good feeling about it.
  390. [2018-07-23 00:07] Zoht: What do you do?
  391. [2018-07-23 00:07] *Raidus Aurelius glances at Nara, "Animated Undead, we'll have to completely disable it to stop it."
  392. [2018-07-23 00:08] Raidus Aurelius: (remote controlled, I mean. heat of the moment doesn't translate to the most accurate/descriptive phrasing :P)
  393. [2018-07-23 00:09] Nara Cinra: [Abjuration wall: Me and Raidus!]
  394. [2018-07-23 00:09] Zoht: Okay!
  395. [2018-07-23 00:09] Nara Cinra rolls 2d6+2: 6+2 = 8
  396. [2018-07-23 00:09] Zoht: Go ahead and roll it.
  397. [2018-07-23 00:10] Raidus Aurelius: (I think this feels accurate for that hit xD) []
  398. [2018-07-23 00:10] Nara Cinra: [Only affects one: Raidus.]
  399. [2018-07-23 00:11] Zoht: Okay. Raidus is protected by your Abjurative Barrier. That seems like a good thing.
  400. [2018-07-23 00:11] *Nara Cinra grumbled towards Raidus, "I didn't bring a book dedicated to killing undead. You do it." She said sharply, cutting her attention from Miri sense she figured they were safe. Instead she used that same spell before but manipulated it to try and blanket a defensive effect onto herself and Raidus at the same time. This time the defensive energy took the form of a shielding directly onto both of their bodies. Though with how she focused the ability, it shattered her own shield in favor of adding it to Raidus instead. "Go!"
  401. [2018-07-23 00:12] Zoht: You hope it works against less than natural damage. Frost begins to spread from the creature's feet, spreading out slowly as you first notice it, and then very, very suddenly. It rises from the ground towards Raidus in the form of sharp, projecting ice crystals, sharp as spears and cold as death.
  402. [2018-07-23 00:12] Zoht: Raidus, there's incoming hurt.
  403. [2018-07-23 00:12] Zoht: What do you do?
  404. [2018-07-23 00:14] Raidus Aurelius: (Let's see... Unbreakable is non-magical physical damage only, sooo... Screw it, KEEP SWINGING!)
  405. [2018-07-23 00:14] Zoht: Sadly, this is the counterattack you opted to leave yourself vulnerable to. Your attack will go through, but his is coming first.
  406. [2018-07-23 00:14] Zoht: You swing your hammer again, but the ice shards blast against your body.
  407. [2018-07-23 00:14] Raidus Aurelius: Ohhhh, in that case, if you're looking for a defensive option, then Channel Divinity again
  408. [2018-07-23 00:15] Zoht: You made your decision. >;)
  409. [2018-07-23 00:15] Raine Amber: oof
  410. [2018-07-23 00:15] Zoht rolls 2d6+4: 2+4 = 6
  411. [2018-07-23 00:15] Zoht: You lucky bastard.
  412. [2018-07-23 00:15] Raidus Aurelius: Pffy
  413. [2018-07-23 00:15] Raine Amber: XD
  414. [2018-07-23 00:15] Raine Amber: Snake eyes XD
  415. [2018-07-23 00:15] Zoht: You should be dead. :P
  416. [2018-07-23 00:15] Raidus Aurelius: So, 3 armor, and -2 from Abjuratiojn....
  417. [2018-07-23 00:15] Zoht: The ice cuts deep. It penetrates one armor.
  418. [2018-07-23 00:15] *Raidus Aurelius takes 1 <3
  419. [2018-07-23 00:15] Raidus Aurelius: ok, 2
  420. [2018-07-23 00:15] Zoht: You take 2.
  421. [2018-07-23 00:16] Raidus Aurelius: (15/20, -1 wits)
  422. [2018-07-23 00:16] Zoht: And now, you have a hammer.
  423. [2018-07-23 00:16] Zoht: Swing, batter, swing.
  424. [2018-07-23 00:16] Raidus Aurelius rolls 2d6+2: 12+2 = 14
  425. [2018-07-23 00:16] Raidus Aurelius: Same option~!
  426. [2018-07-23 00:16] Zoht: Choose your options.
  427. [2018-07-23 00:16] Zoht: Roll your damage.
  428. [2018-07-23 00:16] Raidus Aurelius rolls 1d5+4: 3+4 = 7
  429. [2018-07-23 00:16] Raidus Aurelius: 11
  430. [2018-07-23 00:18] Zoht: You swing your hammer at his chest, and it caves in just like before. You're not sure whether his body is susceptible to blunt attacks or whether you're really fucking strong, but you've hammered him /to pieces./ Rather literally. A moment after your swing, he slumps forward slightly, and dissolves into snow. The frost touches the ground and rests there for a moment, and you feel a roiling wave of heat wash over you from the industrial district.
  431. [2018-07-23 00:18] Zoht: He melts away in moments.
  432. [2018-07-23 00:18] Nara Cinra: [Save us all.]
  433. [2018-07-23 00:18] Raidus Aurelius: (Summary of the fight x3 [])
  434. [2018-07-23 00:19] Zoht: Raine, you've got some distance with Miri, but she gasps out "I ... I can't run...." she's having trouble breathing, and she moves to lean towards the wall. "If this is it," she stumbles over words. "It... is."
  435. [2018-07-23 00:19] Nara Cinra: [That soudn of the bat.]
  436. [2018-07-23 00:20] Zoht: You turn back, and you can't quite see anything in the alleyway you ran out of, but Raidus and Nara emerge shortly thereafter.
  437. [2018-07-23 00:20] Raine Amber: Uh. I service Miri?
  438. [2018-07-23 00:20] Raine Amber: x3
  439. [2018-07-23 00:21] Raidus Aurelius: (I mean, it TECHNICALLY heals. Gives new meaning to 'licking your wounds'?)
  440. [2018-07-23 00:21] Nara Cinra: [;3]
  441. [2018-07-23 00:21] Raidus Aurelius: (I'd GM nope the shit outta that, personally, buuuut... XD)
  442. [2018-07-23 00:21] Raine Amber: (X3)
  443. [2018-07-23 00:21] Raidus Aurelius: (Unless you had REAL good flavor reasoning)
  444. [2018-07-23 00:22] Raine Amber: I... lick her wounds? >.<'
  445. [2018-07-23 00:22] Zoht: (Are you being serious, Raine, or joking in the IC room again? :P)
  446. [2018-07-23 00:22] Raine Amber: (I mean... can I do it?)
  447. [2018-07-23 00:22] Raidus Aurelius: This is Raine right now, haha []
  448. [2018-07-23 00:22] Raidus Aurelius: (spoilers: guy dies from the wound not healing properly)
  449. [2018-07-23 00:23] Zoht: (Describe how you're going to try, and don't go too in-depth.)
  450. [2018-07-23 00:23] Raine Amber: (Are all her wounds healed up?)
  451. [2018-07-23 00:23] Raine Amber: (Like, externally?)
  452. [2018-07-23 00:24] Zoht: Goodness, no. She's bleeding from the shoulder, and coughing some up.
  453. [2018-07-23 00:24] Zoht: She's... well, honestly, she's still a pretty sight, but also kind of a disturbing one.
  454. [2018-07-23 00:24] Raidus Aurelius: (Pretty, if you ignore the shoulder wound)
  455. [2018-07-23 00:25] Nara Cinra: [I can heal her up if needed.]
  456. [2018-07-23 00:25] Nara Cinra: [And of course I will if she is in too much pain!]
  457. [2018-07-23 00:25] Zoht: (Robert is a handsome bull, if you ignore his face, body, arms, and personality.)
  458. [2018-07-23 00:25] Zoht: Raine is the one present at the moment.
  459. [2018-07-23 00:26] *Raine Amber quickly leaned in, giving Miri a brief kiss on the lips to try and wake her up. Meanwhile, reaching out her hands to apply pressure on the wound. Leaning down to inspect it, she'd take a deep breath before licking it clean, trying to assess the damage before once more placing her hands over the wound, holding Miri down while maintaining eye contact. "Just so you know: if you die I'll kill you."
  460. [2018-07-23 00:27] Raidus Aurelius: The link I posted, all too accurate right now
  461. [2018-07-23 00:27] Raine Amber: Shut up
  462. [2018-07-23 00:27] Zoht: She looks really uncomfortable with your unusual healing technique.
  463. [2018-07-23 00:27] Zoht: Can I ask: Do you have healing spit? Or a healing move?
  464. [2018-07-23 00:27] Raine Amber: No
  465. [2018-07-23 00:27] Raine Amber: Why do you think I'm licking the wound?
  466. [2018-07-23 00:28] Raidus Aurelius: She just licks EVERYTHING
  467. [2018-07-23 00:28] Raine Amber: It's service don't worry about it
  468. [2018-07-23 00:28] Zoht: "before licking it clean"
  469. [2018-07-23 00:28] Raine Amber: I blame Raidus
  470. [2018-07-23 00:28] Zoht: In any case, she doesn't move to stop you.
  471. [2018-07-23 00:29] Zoht: She grunts something resembling a laugh at your comment, though.
  472. [2018-07-23 00:29] Zoht: Raidus and Nara, you see Raine leaning over Miri about a half block away - they didn't get far.
  473. [2018-07-23 00:30] Zoht: But the group can rendezvous freely.
  474. [2018-07-23 00:30] *Raidus Aurelius just... looks at what Raine's doing, then to Nara.. "Think, we should take over making sure she doesn't die?"
  475. [2018-07-23 00:31] *Raine Amber glances over her shoulder, a bit of blood stuck in the fur around her muzzle as she glances back at the sound of approaching footsteps. Gesturing with a nod for them to hurry, she'd look back down to Miri. "Shut up, this is the best I can do!"
  476. [2018-07-23 00:31] *Raidus Aurelius will just Aid Nara's impending Cure
  477. [2018-07-23 00:32] Zoht: I'm not going to make you roll for it.
  478. [2018-07-23 00:32] Zoht: You heal her up.
  479. [2018-07-23 00:32] Raidus Aurelius: works here XD
  480. [2018-07-23 00:32] Zoht: She's still shaken, clearly, but she's a lot better now.
  481. [2018-07-23 00:32] Nara Cinra: Perfect!
  482. [2018-07-23 00:33] Raidus Aurelius: \o/
  483. [2018-07-23 00:33] Zoht: (We're coming up on longer than I'd like to be playing, so I may rush through this next bit with the players' permission.)
  484. [2018-07-23 00:33] Raidus Aurelius: (Fine here)
  485. [2018-07-23 00:33] *Nara Cinra shook her head slowly, "Well of course. I will do the best I can." She said as she healed her up.
  486. [2018-07-23 00:33] Raine Amber: (I was just about to comment that it's been half an hour longer than you wanted to go for and we've not even gotten to the objective yet)
  487. [2018-07-23 00:34] Zoht: With your pursuer left in the literal dust, Miri leads the way to the crematorium. The workers there acknowledge that there was a temple there a while ago, but as far as they know, it was entirely destroyed after a decade or so of disuse.
  488. [2018-07-23 00:34] Zoht: Miri frowns, and turns to the group. "I think there might be something left underground, but it doesn't seem like these guys know how to get there. Any ideas?"
  489. [2018-07-23 00:35] Raidus Aurelius: HAMMER!
  490. [2018-07-23 00:35] *Raine Amber glances over at Raidus at Miri's words. "Don't you have a hammer?"
  491. [2018-07-23 00:35] Raine Amber: (You beat me to it)
  492. [2018-07-23 00:35] Zoht: She purses her lips. "I mean.... sure, but where?"
  493. [2018-07-23 00:36] *Raine Amber merely tilts her head to the side. "Down?"
  494. [2018-07-23 00:36] Raidus Aurelius: I'd try to discern, but I still have a concussion :D
  495. [2018-07-23 00:38] Zoht: Miri looks a little shaken, still. "I mean... Just ... in the yard?
  496. [2018-07-23 00:39] *Raine Amber shrugs. "Why not? Temples are big, right? If it's underground, and we dig down, we'll find it eventually."
  497. [2018-07-23 00:40] Raidus Aurelius: "Because just digging, if we knew where it was, would take forever."
  498. [2018-07-23 00:40] Zoht: "Dig... with a hammer?" She shakes her head a little. "That doesn't sound too, uh... good. Productive. But I'm struggling to come up with better." She shrugs and gestures to you, Raidus.
  499. [2018-07-23 00:41] Raidus Aurelius: "My vote is checking deep inside the crematorium itself. If there was an entrance, it'd have to be in there."
  500. [2018-07-23 00:42] Zoht: Miri nods quietly, and goes in to explain to the workers that you intend to look for a secret temple entrance in their building. They are more amused than anything. A couple of them decide to spectate.
  501. [2018-07-23 00:43] Zoht: Someone please roll a Discern Realities!
  502. [2018-07-23 00:43] *Raidus Aurelius will aid that
  503. [2018-07-23 00:44] Zoht: How are you helping the effort? :)
  504. [2018-07-23 00:44] Raine Amber rolls 2d6+2+1: 6+2+1 = 9
  505. [2018-07-23 00:44] Zoht: What was that roll for, Raine?
  506. [2018-07-23 00:45] Zoht: For Discern Realities.
  507. [2018-07-23 00:45] Zoht: xD
  508. [2018-07-23 00:45] Zoht: Right, sorry.
  509. [2018-07-23 00:45] *Raidus Aurelius taps along the walls, listening for hollow sounding sections...
  510. [2018-07-23 00:45] Zoht: If you're taking aid, Raidus actually needed to make a roll first.
  511. [2018-07-23 00:45] Zoht: But that's alright.
  512. [2018-07-23 00:46] Zoht: You find a section of the floor that seems hollow, but when you suggest to Raidus that maybe he should /hammer through the floor/, the local manager clears his throat and steps forward. "I'm, uh, not inclined to ruin a good time, but if you break through my floor, you're going to have to pay for it."
  513. [2018-07-23 00:46] Raidus Aurelius: Actually, Aid doesn't require a roll
  514. [2018-07-23 00:47] Zoht: You can either try to find another way in, or risk the ire of some crematoridude.
  515. [2018-07-23 00:47] Raine Amber: I cast Telepathy on the manager!
  516. [2018-07-23 00:47] Zoht: Ah - you're correct, Raidus, but you still needed to rationalize how you were helping. We're glossing over lots right now, though. :P
  517. [2018-07-23 00:47] Zoht: Roll it, Raine!
  518. [2018-07-23 00:47] Raine Amber rolls 2d6+2: 5+2 = 7
  519. [2018-07-23 00:48] Zoht: Choose your one!
  520. [2018-07-23 00:48] Raine Amber: You implant a simple idea, belief, or “fact” in their mind. Until proven otherwise, they will believe it with every fibre of their being. - "You really, really want us to hammer through this specific section of floor, consequences be damned!"
  521. [2018-07-23 00:48] Raine Amber: (Oh, also
  522. [2018-07-23 00:49] Raine Amber: 7+: The target doesn't know it was you who entered their mind.
  523. [2018-07-23 00:49] Zoht: (I'm going to go out on a limb and say that you need to genie-proof your commands. He really, really wants you to owe him for breaking through the floor.)
  524. [2018-07-23 00:49] Raine Amber: (Fuck xD)
  525. [2018-07-23 00:49] Raidus Aurelius: I'm with Zoht there
  526. [2018-07-23 00:49] Raine Amber: (So... do I think I succeeded?)
  527. [2018-07-23 00:49] Raine Amber: (Or do I rewrite the command?)
  528. [2018-07-23 00:50] Zoht: He shrugs a little. "It's your call. I recognize you, Miri, and you look like you're having a rough day, but if you break my floor, I'm going to come looking for you at the Grail."
  529. [2018-07-23 00:50] Zoht: "Go to town." He leans against the wall with a smile.
  530. [2018-07-23 00:50] Zoht: He's set the consequence, but the choice is still yours.
  531. [2018-07-23 00:50] Raine Amber: I cast Possession on him!
  532. [2018-07-23 00:50] *Raidus Aurelius is just going to see if the floor tiles can be pulled up without being smashed...
  533. [2018-07-23 00:50] Zoht: Okay, go ahead.
  534. [2018-07-23 00:51] Raine Amber rolls 2d6+2: 7+2 = 9
  535. [2018-07-23 00:51] Zoht: Raidus: No tiles. Just concrete.
  536. [2018-07-23 00:51] Raidus Aurelius: fffffff
  537. [2018-07-23 00:51] Nara Cinra: [Eeeek.]
  538. [2018-07-23 00:51] Raine Amber: You may use Basic Moves as them, using their base Might/Speed/Wits/Charm.
  539. Your target will know they were possessed, but will not know it was you that did it.
  540. [2018-07-23 00:51] Zoht: Okay.
  541. [2018-07-23 00:52] Zoht: You're in control.
  542. [2018-07-23 00:52] Zoht: Raidus, Nara: The ocelot collapses.
  543. [2018-07-23 00:52] Zoht: What do you do?
  544. [2018-07-23 00:53] Raine Amber: (So, not my post?)
  545. [2018-07-23 00:54] Zoht: Raine: You open your eyes as a middle-aged human dude. You watch yourself slump to the floor. I want to see Raid and Nara's reactions before you do your thing.
  546. [2018-07-23 00:54] *Raidus Aurelius sighs, looking between Nara and Miri, "Well, my only method is breaking it through force, but I don't know if you wanna foot the bil-..." He shakes his head, kneels down in front of Raine, and kinda slaps her face a bit, "Hey, come on, need you to wake up, Raine... Not the time for this..."
  547. [2018-07-23 00:56] Zoht: Raine: Whatchu do?
  548. [2018-07-23 00:57] Raine Amber: (No Nara post?)
  549. [2018-07-23 00:57] *Nara Cinra watched that with a small shake of her head, "What is she trying to do?" She asked, not so much asking what she did but why. Though... The feline moved towards Rain slowly, reaching over to lightly tap at her forehead. "Such an odd choice."
  550. [2018-07-23 00:57] Zoht: ^
  551. [2018-07-23 00:57] Nara Cinra: [Give me a moment, Damn.]
  552. [2018-07-23 00:58] Zoht: Sorry. :P
  553. [2018-07-23 00:58] Nara Cinra: [I was trying to take in all the details so the post made sense xD]
  554. [2018-07-23 00:58] Raidus Aurelius: xD
  555. [2018-07-23 00:58] Nara Cinra: [Like goodness, I'm not autopiloting.]
  556. [2018-07-23 00:58] Raine Amber: (I know, but Zoht told me to make my post, so I got confused cause I thought I was supposed to wait for you! <3)
  557. [2018-07-23 00:58] *Raine Amber slumped to the ground without warning. Meanwhile, the manager slowly took a step forward. He walked rigidly - unnaturally, even - and, after getting over the initial horror of suddenly having a penis, stepping up to Raidus he'd slowly reach out with both hands. Speaking with a broken voice, he'd tilt his head to the side in that oh so characteristically Raine manner. "Could I borrow your hammer for a moment?"
  558. [2018-07-23 00:59] Zoht: (Sorry, I'm starting to hit the fatigue level where I'm making slightly inconsistent demands of you. Sorry sorry. <3)
  559. [2018-07-23 01:00] *Raidus Aurelius only gets a couple of moments to take in what Nara said before the 'manager' asks for his hammer. ".....ohhh, gotcha. Have fun smashing up your own floor~" And with that, let the manager's failed insurance claim, commence
  560. [2018-07-23 01:01] Raidus Aurelius: ( Nara a moment ago xD [] )
  561. [2018-07-23 01:02] *Raine Amber gave an almost wicked grin as she took the hammer, struggling for a moment to wield it properly as he made his way over to the hollow section of the floor. Raising the hammer high behind him, she'd let out a small grunt before lunging with the hammer into the concrete floor, smashing wildly to try and break through.
  562. [2018-07-23 01:02] Raine Amber: he attacc
  563. [2018-07-23 01:02] Zoht: You break through!
  564. [2018-07-23 01:02] Zoht: Crucnk.
  565. [2018-07-23 01:02] Raine Amber: The moment the hammer passes through the floor I release my hold on him.
  566. [2018-07-23 01:02] Zoht: Underneath, there is an open space!
  567. [2018-07-23 01:03] Zoht rolls 1d2: 1
  568. [2018-07-23 01:03] *Nara Cinra didn't share that same focus until... well there was a wild slamming at the floor. What the... Well Nara immediately jumped to her feet as she shook her head to clear it. "Yeesh. Couldn't there have been a bett- Never mind."
  569. [2018-07-23 01:03] Zoht: He tumbles into the hole.
  570. [2018-07-23 01:03] Raidus Aurelius: "....Damn it, this is why we can't have nice things..."
  571. [2018-07-23 01:04] Zoht: No loose ends, it seems. He fell into the hole, and it looks like he's not moving. There's about ten feet down to a cobwebbed library. Looks like he hit a shelf on the way down, spun, and landed poorly.
  572. [2018-07-23 01:04] *Raine Amber merely groaned on the floor, her hands quickly shooting down between her legs, while the feline winced and whimpered. "Ewewewewewewewewewew...
  573. [2018-07-23 01:04] Raine Amber: (Wait what? I killed him? D:)
  574. [2018-07-23 01:05] Raidus Aurelius: (yup :v)
  575. [2018-07-23 01:05] Raine Amber: (B-but...)
  576. [2018-07-23 01:05] Zoht: (I mean. Gravity killed him. But you did bring him back to control of his body holding a heavy hammer over an immediately opening pit.)
  577. [2018-07-23 01:05] Raine Amber: (I let go of the hammer and took a step back first! :V)
  578. [2018-07-23 01:06] Raine Amber: (Raine's no murderer! :V)
  579. [2018-07-23 01:06] Zoht: (Silver lining: No one is going to come up with confusing stories about losing control of their bodies.)
  580. [2018-07-23 01:06] Zoht: (The moment the hammer passes through the floor.)
  581. [2018-07-23 01:06] Raidus Aurelius: [01:02] Raine Amber: The moment the hammer passes through the floor I release my hold on him.
  582. [2018-07-23 01:06] Raine Amber: Passes through the floor, as in disappearing down the hole :V
  583. [2018-07-23 01:07] Zoht: So you ... discarded Raidus' hammer entirely? xD You're /sure/ you're not just trying to change what you meant so the outcome changes?
  584. [2018-07-23 01:07] Raine Amber: Yes
  585. [2018-07-23 01:07] Raine Amber: It's not my hammer
  586. [2018-07-23 01:08] Zoht: He's in there. It's done. You didn't murder him, it was a tragic accident.
  587. [2018-07-23 01:08] Raidus Aurelius: Calls Mjolnir back to him :P
  588. [2018-07-23 01:09] Raine Amber: This is gonna be so many castings of Telepathy...
  589. [2018-07-23 01:09] Zoht: Miri looks down with some discomfort, but waves her staff, conjuring a shimmering ladder of light leading into the library.
  590. [2018-07-23 01:09] *Raidus Aurelius leads the way down the hole
  591. [2018-07-23 01:09] Zoht: You can retrieve your hammer at the bottom.
  592. [2018-07-23 01:10] Raidus Aurelius: Will do
  593. [2018-07-23 01:10] *Raine Amber follows behind, freezing in her steps as she spots the corpse. "Is... d-did he... b-b-but..."
  594. [2018-07-23 01:10] Zoht: What follows is a heavy metal montage of people flipping through books, waving cobwebs off their hands, and trying to keep their eyes open as they read the spines of books.
  595. [2018-07-23 01:10] Raidus Aurelius: (We've found Raine's combat method: cliffs :D)
  596. [2018-07-23 01:11] Zoht: The workers carry the foreman away, muttering about odd behaviour.
  597. [2018-07-23 01:11] Nara Cinra: [XD]
  598. [2018-07-23 01:12] Raine Amber rolls 2d6+2: 7+2 = 9
  599. [2018-07-23 01:12] Raidus Aurelius: (Fast forward, Raine has a new side business of helping 'resolve' bad marraiges, etc)
  600. [2018-07-23 01:12] Raine Amber: You force them to forget something important, but not life-threatening or mission-critical to them. - "You forget everything about the foreman who just died."
  601. [2018-07-23 01:13] *Raine Amber casts Telepathy on Raine!
  602. [2018-07-23 01:13] Raidus Aurelius: XD
  603. [2018-07-23 01:13] Raidus Aurelius: You forget, but retain the emotional baggage. Only now, you don't know WHY
  604. [2018-07-23 01:13] Raine Amber: (The emotional baggage is included in the "everything"
  605. [2018-07-23 01:15] Zoht: After an hour or so of looking through the books, you find three tomes that are relevant to your needs. Miri runs her fingers over the spines. She reads the titles aloud: "On Matthias and the Amethyst Imago: Transformation, The Sun In The Stone, The..." She raises her voice to reflect the capital letters on the print. "MAGUS VON BRANDT'S AUTHENTIC AND UNIQUE ACCOUNT OF THE TRUE TONGUE OF THE TRUE HOLYLAND OF THE HIGHMOST.... Is this whole book just the title?"
  606. She glances at the two of them, and hands the last one to Nara, presuming she'll be the most interested in books. "Do you speak Aramaic, adept? If you don't, you may find this book gives you some insights. Looks as if it's got some traveler's anecdotes from the time when it was prominent." She tucks the other two into her loincloth, where they disappear in what is certainly a trick of magic. "The other two are what I'm here for."
  607. [2018-07-23 01:18] *Nara Cinra reached out to the book, holding it within her hands and looking it over. After a few moments she just hugs it to her chest like life blood. New knowledge is life to her at the moment. "I can understand that. I do appreciate what you've given though." She said, making a small flourish in the air then bowing towards her. Though Nara did note the other titles in her head for later!
  608. [2018-07-23 01:18] *Raidus Aurelius gives her a 'WTF' look when those two books disappear under her dress. Now, he MAY have a concussion, but he's pretty sure there's only ONE pocket down there, and it's hopefully not big enough to hide a pair of tomes in...
  609. [2018-07-23 01:19] *Raine Amber thinks there's actually two pockets down there.
  610. [2018-07-23 01:20] Raidus Aurelius: ( This [] )
  611. [2018-07-23 01:20] Zoht: She nods, glad to see you've accepted your reward. She reaches into the pocket of cloth under her right breast and produces a bag of gold, tossing it to the group. She climbs the ladder, leaving it behind for you and waiting at the top. "Do you, er... mind walking me back to the Grail?"
  612. [2018-07-23 01:21] *Raidus Aurelius catches the bag so it doesn't drop, "Of course. No reason to risk another one of those bloodless assassins, or whoever that was, jumping you again."
  613. [2018-07-23 01:22] *Raine Amber reaches out to grab the bag, only to have Raidus steal it from her mid-air. Huffing and glancing in his direction, she'd give him a nudge in his side.
  614. [2018-07-23 01:23] Zoht: (I'm sorry, this last part has felt super rushed. I should have planned for a little longer.)
  615. [2018-07-23 01:24] Raidus Aurelius: (no problem :3)
  616. [2018-07-23 01:24] Raidus Aurelius: (sleep, work, etc is a thing
  617. [2018-07-23 01:24] Raine Amber: (*hugs!*)
  618. [2018-07-23 01:25] Nara Cinra: [Rest well. IT is okay!]
  619. [2018-07-23 01:25] Raine Amber: (So... end of session? Or sleep? :3)
  620. [2018-07-23 01:25] Zoht: EOS imminent.
  621. [2018-07-23 01:26] Zoht: The three of you escort her back to the Grail. She's shaken, but grateful for your help. She gives each of you a kiss on the cheek before she goes inside. The three of you find that the gold in the bag splits three ways nice and evenly - eight gold each.
  622. [2018-07-23 01:27] Zoht: The adventure concluded, you are free to drink your memories away or go home to sleep as you prefer.
  623. [2018-07-23 01:27] Zoht: The sun slowly sets as you do.
  624. [2018-07-23 01:28] Zoht: EOS!\
  625. [2018-07-23 01:28] Zoht: Please consider the following!
  626. Did we..
  627. Overcome a significant challenge from an enemy or the environment?
  628. Gain something significant from this adventure (knowledge or items)?
  629. Work together as a group (even if taking separate actions)?
  630. Make our decisions as a group quickly?
  631. Were we successful in our overall objective, or working towards it?
  632. [2018-07-23 01:28] Zoht: Did the GM…
  633. Portray a fantastic world and breathe life into NPCs?
  634. Consider our wants as players and apply those to the session?
  635. Give our characters room to express themselves?
  636. Challenge us as we expected?
  637. Provide an enjoyable session, overall?
  638. [2018-07-23 01:29] Raine Amber: y n y y y | y y y y y
  639. [2018-07-23 01:30] Raidus Aurelius: I'll say yx10 (the items are at least plot-important? :P)
  640. [2018-07-23 01:31] Raine Amber: (Oh! Yeah!)
  641. [2018-07-23 01:31] Zoht: Item singular, really, with a VERY long title. And it's important if you want to learn Aramaic! :D
  642. [2018-07-23 01:31] Zoht: I'm glad there's someone in the party who appreciates knowledge for knowledge's sake. :)
  643. [2018-07-23 01:33] Nara Cinra: all yes but y #2 depends on the item
  644. [2018-07-23 01:34] Zoht: I do in fact expect that you will end up with a book in Aramaic before too long in this story. ;)
  645. [2018-07-23 01:34] Zoht: But that feels like something you shouldn't really factor in enormously, since there's no great reason to think it's amazing.
  646. [2018-07-23 01:35] Zoht: I'm ambivalent. Up to you guys.
  647. [2018-07-23 01:36] Zoht: I'm going with ynyyy
  648. [2018-07-23 01:36] Zoht: Nara, you can be the tie breaker. :P
  649. [2018-07-23 01:36] Zoht: Or tie maker, rather.
  650. [2018-07-23 01:36] Raine Amber: TIE Fighter? []
  651. [2018-07-23 01:37] Nara Cinra: I don't know what is give out so so far N unless more info is given! Though Nara definitely will come back for more
  652. [2018-07-23 01:38] Raidus Aurelius: The only other thing given out thus far was a sex magic buff spell for Raine
  653. [2018-07-23 01:38] Raidus Aurelius: but that was last session
  654. [2018-07-23 01:40] Raidus Aurelius: So, 4xp and 8g each?
  655. [2018-07-23 01:41] Zoht: Okay, 4 xp and 8 gp each.
  656. [2018-07-23 01:42] Zoht: That was not this session, Raidus. ;) Doesn't apply for today.
  657. [2018-07-23 01:42] Zoht: Today's only treasure was a book that teaches basic Aramaic.
  658. [2018-07-23 01:42] Raidus Aurelius: I know, I was just answering for the 'given out so far' as a whole, but clarified that it was last session :P
  659. [2018-07-23 01:42] Zoht: Ah, okay, sorry.
  660. [2018-07-23 01:43] Zoht: And are you guys sure it's 5y for all the GM questions? :s
  661. [2018-07-23 01:43] Raine Amber: I don't see why not x3
  662. [2018-07-23 01:43] Zoht: I didn't feel like a 5 star GM, but I won't argue too hard. xD
  663. [2018-07-23 01:43] Raidus Aurelius: Time constraints happen xD
  664. [2018-07-23 01:48] Raidus Aurelius: Anyway, good night, guys
  665. [2018-07-23 01:48] Zoht: Niiiiight.
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