
Talking about legs/Doge rp with some feels too.

May 9th, 2016
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  1. [20:09:23] About the leg.
  3. Right. He wanted to focus on the prosthetic, instead of his morality. Arryn's lips draw into a thin line, and she peers over her teacup at the youth, shaking her head slowly. She wasn't getting through to him, and that agitated her. Nothing to be done about it now; he rises, showing her his bad leg, and she takes in the sight of the stone and the rock providing a less-than-comfortable and mediocre replacement for once was flesh and blood. Mismatched eyes gaze over his condition, and then shift back to him. Setting her teacup down, she folds her hands on the table. If he wanted to re-shift to his limb, then that was fine. "Yes, I can't imagine stone is very comfortable."
  5. "In order to make a replacement, first I'd need to take measurements. Then, after that, I'd have to get materials and components. You're a smithy - do you have any lying around? Anything high-quality you can get your hands on might help. I've got ample access to base metals like mythril, steel, and so on - but if you have ore to give me, it would produce a more magically-inclined and sturdier replacement." She'd heistate mentioning orichalcum or anything of the sort, but it would make the construction a lot easier on her. What he has to say next, though, makes her brows furrow - shifting from the leg, then back to Judas.
  7. Hah. He was foolish if he thought his life wouldn't be forfeit. Reclining back in her chair, she reaches into her cloak, withdrawing a packet of cigarettes - one roll of tobacco is removed, and placed betwixt her lips. Snapping her fingers, a flame ignites, and she puffs on it slowly to get the tip to smoulder. "You are deluded if you think yourself lost, Hendrix." The wizened Ookami murmurs, exhaling a cloud of noxious smoke into the air. "...You can still be saved, and I will never rest until you are. Ariadne and Judas have descended into sin and madness, and so much blood stains their hands - they will not repent, and when the time comes, their deaths will be met with horrific judgement. But you?"
  9. "...You can be saved, Hendrix. You merely need to want to be saved. Why condemn yourself along with them? Why sacrifice yourself, when they would not lift a finger to do the same for you? Did any of them move to protect you from losing your leg?"
  10. (Arryn Roh'hi'tin)
  11. [20:26:27] Expecting understanding wasn't something he'd do. For what she says of Ariadne, her- he atleast knew was different than what she portrayed in the public's eye. More than the 'Prophet' as many had taken to calling her now, more than Belial, even if she wanted to pretend she wasn't.
  13. "Do you remember when the Champion of Valmasia wished to help that poor child who had been beaten by Erik Hirano, Arryn?" A question for her, a story of the past, claims made then, statements that Kyrre Silvanus had given.
  15. The face of the wielder of Almace was never forgotten, even if he had failed to do what he carried out with intent for, even confusing whom the victim was, the point of this story. "When it had become such a problem that my Cousin was torturing kids, and commiting heinous acts that ruined my city, as well as split my family apart- did you ever hear of it?" His leg shifted back, her talk of measurements could suddenly wait as he prepares for story time!
  17. Angling for the chair again, his moves slowly over, the thud of his stone appendage sounding with each tug, and lift upon it. Reclaiming his seat, he looks to her again- grasping tea cup, and despite previous aversion, takes a sip for courage.
  19. "We were kids- me, and her- I'm the oldest by a year. Yet she used to pick fights with me, that always ended in her victory, and my frustration... It was the same even on that day when I had first met Erik." Looking up at her, the cigarette there between her lips; a bad habit he had seen only once before- as a child as well- "May I have one?" A hand extends in hopes of agreement.
  21. It seemed he needed some release besides the tea for this very touchy topic of trauma, beatings, and why he claimed what he had claimed; a shared path walked by he, and Ariadne. To consider one still redeemable while the other wasn't to him was... Unacceptable.
  22. (Hendrix Este)
  23. [20:40:06] "There were many tales of abuse in my time, Hendrix. Erik was the last of my sons, with Siegfried - a stepson, as it were, and he never took to me. When I went to talk to him as an adult, he nearly killed me in a fit of pyschosis. So no, I do not recall what Kyrre did or did not want to do. I had plenty going on in my life during that time."
  25. She listens to him when he speaks, her cigarette smoking - it was her comfort, in situations such as this. Alcohol was the next best thing, but she wanted to be sober for this. So as the miasma floods her lungs, noxious and filled with harmful chemicals, it soothes her; the warmth, the taste of nicotine - though when he asks her for one, she raises her brows. Normally, she'd refuse. He was underage, and sixteen years old, at the very least, so to indulge him would probably be immoral. However, he was mature enough to understand the risks - the addiction, less than the health concerns. Magi need not worry of cancer in their bodies, nor anything of the sort, evidently.
  27. "...I suppose." Reaching into the packet again, she withdraws another roll of tobacco; a paper roll with some leaves inside; she also offers him a light, snapping her fingers to ignite an ember at the tip of her finger, burning and crackling away with the golden light of holyfire. She could, perhaps, gather where he was going to go with this, and there was little for her to do but remain quiet and listen. "But I'm not about to indulge you and get you addicted to cigarettes, so enjoy that one, because it's the last one you'll get for awhile."
  29. "I do recall when Erik ascended to Nostvale's throne, and the issues he caused. I didn't really know what affect it had on your 'family', however - only that you and Judas took part in the coup that further plunged Nostvale into darkness and destruction. In fact, I readily more remember you and that girl in Danarium. To think I stood before such terrible evil that day and didn't..." Her voice trails off, and the fingers on her prosthetic clench the cigarette she was smoking tightly, ashes drifting down from the smouldering tip.
  31. "...Anyway, you were saying?"
  34. (Arryn Roh'hi'tin)
  36. [20:26:27] Expecting understanding wasn't something he'd do. For what she says of Ariadne, her- he atleast knew was different than what she portrayed in the public's eye. More than the 'Prophet' as many had taken to calling her now, more than Belial, even if she wanted to pretend she wasn't.
  38. "Do you remember when the Champion of Valmasia wished to help that poor child who had been beaten by Erik Hirano, Arryn?" A question for her, a story of the past, claims made then, statements that Kyrre Silvanus had given.
  40. The face of the wielder of Almace was never forgotten, even if he had failed to do what he carried out with intent for, even confusing whom the victim was, the point of this story. "When it had become such a problem that my Cousin was torturing kids, and commiting heinous acts that ruined my city, as well as split my family apart- did you ever hear of it?" His leg shifted back, her talk of measurements could suddenly wait as he prepares for story time!
  42. Angling for the chair again, his moves slowly over, the thud of his stone appendage sounding with each tug, and lift upon it. Reclaiming his seat, he looks to her again- grasping tea cup, and despite previous aversion, takes a sip for courage.
  44. "We were kids- me, and her- I'm the oldest by a year. Yet she used to pick fights with me, that always ended in her victory, and my frustration... It was the same even on that day when I had first met Erik." Looking up at her, the cigarette there between her lips; a bad habit he had seen only once before- as a child as well- "May I have one?" A hand extends in hopes of agreement.
  46. It seemed he needed some release besides the tea for this very touchy topic of trauma, beatings, and why he claimed what he had claimed; a shared path walked by he, and Ariadne. To consider one still redeemable while the other wasn't to him was... Unacceptable.
  47. (Hendrix Este)
  48. [20:40:06] "There were many tales of abuse in my time, Hendrix. Erik was the last of my sons, with Siegfried - a stepson, as it were, and he never took to me. When I went to talk to him as an adult, he nearly killed me in a fit of pyschosis. So no, I do not recall what Kyrre did or did not want to do. I had plenty going on in my life during that time."
  50. She listens to him when he speaks, her cigarette smoking - it was her comfort, in situations such as this. Alcohol was the next best thing, but she wanted to be sober for this. So as the miasma floods her lungs, noxious and filled with harmful chemicals, it soothes her; the warmth, the taste of nicotine - though when he asks her for one, she raises her brows. Normally, she'd refuse. He was underage, and sixteen years old, at the very least, so to indulge him would probably be immoral. However, he was mature enough to understand the risks - the addiction, less than the health concerns. Magi need not worry of cancer in their bodies, nor anything of the sort, evidently.
  52. "...I suppose." Reaching into the packet again, she withdraws another roll of tobacco; a paper roll with some leaves inside; she also offers him a light, snapping her fingers to ignite an ember at the tip of her finger, burning and crackling away with the golden light of holyfire. She could, perhaps, gather where he was going to go with this, and there was little for her to do but remain quiet and listen. "But I'm not about to indulge you and get you addicted to cigarettes, so enjoy that one, because it's the last one you'll get for awhile."
  54. "I do recall when Erik ascended to Nostvale's throne, and the issues he caused. I didn't really know what affect it had on your 'family', however - only that you and Judas took part in the coup that further plunged Nostvale into darkness and destruction. In fact, I readily more remember you and that girl in Danarium. To think I stood before such terrible evil that day and didn't..." Her voice trails off, and the fingers on her prosthetic clench the cigarette she was smoking tightly, ashes drifting down from the smouldering tip.
  56. "...Anyway, you were saying?"
  59. (Arryn Roh'hi'tin)
  60. [20:46:04] (Cult of Belial) Ein Eltrice {Associate}: what's a guy gotta do to get a belial cloak 'round here?
  61. [20:55:28] Taking it, considering her offer of a light as well - the rolled piece of paper, and leaves is placed between his lips, and he leans forward for a moment to let her fire take to it. A few test inhales, some trouble- coughing ensues.
  63. "Ack!" Came the sound, a hand beats at his chest, as eye bulges, the cigarette kept in his hand as this happens. Not use to it, and so caught off guard, after such an embarssing display, he can't really look at her for a second there as he takes it real slooow this time.
  65. "This one is my tale then, Arryn. Of what Erik had done to me, and what Silvanus believed to be done to Ariadne instead. Neglecting to give comfort to the one who actually went through it all. . ." Looking back, he was bitter- incredibly so, the Este had never received any of the promised help, or closure that he was offered by mother, or Marshals, or whoever heard of his story, and attempted to force him to protest.
  67. "I was five, and she was four- There was a fight in the street that she broke up, she beat me, and the person I fought with- our other sister ran away soon afterwards.." A pause for inhale, it coming out smoothly this time- too much for mouth, and so some might escape through nostrils; flared, the sudden smokey scent causing a crinkle.
  69. "When it was done- he congradulated her. Praised her for what she did to me, and the other boy- Mike was his name. He lives here still I think. That was the first time I met him, and he had teased, and belittled me; even if I acted rudely, I didn't understand it, and so I snapped at him." What came next would never be forgotten. Erik's strength that day, his hair pulled, and tugged against as he had been raised to meet him- the man much taller at the time than the Este was now.
  71. "He wanted to teach me not to talk that way to those stronger than me. To show Ariadne what she might be able to do one day with her strength as well. She was forced to watch as I was beaten up, and down the street that day- like some dog, Arryn." It had been over a decade now since this happened. Since it all went down, and he still had trouble speaking of it -- this the first time he had ever admitted it as such, not even his mother ever getting to hear him say Erik had indeed hit him.
  73. "I lied to everyone. I hid it from the world what he had did that day. He had left me there in the street, and when I had the chance to say anything- I didn't." Fear had kept him quiet, and complacement. Mixed with pride, he didn't dare throw his problems to another, unable to request; to see someone else do what he desired to do in retaliation for how he had been mistreated then.
  75. "But Ariadne did. She 'saved' me from that. My sister- that 'terrible evil' protected me, Arryn. Even when I tried to swallow it, and it happened again- she supported me, and my outbursts, my rage, and all of the bad that I wanted to do. Ariadne did that.." How he viewed her, why he held to his devotion. As Arryn said only he was redeemable, he couldn't believe it. Refused to even.
  77. "There's more to her than you know. Than anyone else knows. It's why I remain there too- to keep her aware. To let her know she is not just this 'Prophet' to be praised for mass-slaughter, and is some great force bringing about a God. I remind her that she is my sister, and that she supports me, as I support her."
  78. (Hendrix Este)
  79. [20:56:19] Hendrix Este: [ oh fuck. ]
  80. [21:16:48] "You are naive."
  82. His hacking display in the face of tasting a cigarette for the first time doesn't faze her - she judges him not over that, evidenced by how little she seemed to care about it. Instead, she merely smoothly blows more miasma into the air, smoke circulating around in a noxious cloud of nicotine and poisons. "Kyrre, first of all, is a good person. At the time this was all happening, serious things were going down, and the Champion had to play mitigator. I even called him away several times, because of the rebels, and other things - a long time ago, yes, but nevertheless, he has placed his life on the line for innocent people. He and I struggled to ensure the Byson population escaped Lumina's slaughter."
  84. Her legs cross - the steel one hissing steam, the other jackbooted foot supported on its thigh. Steepling her fingers, she abandons her cigarette to the tray it smoulders away in, and she eyes him up. "I'm going to confide something in you, Hendrix. My Sidriel, the man I married, and the man that I love, is very sick. He's mutated, half-Yokai. Beneath his flesh lies talons and feathers, and between you and me, he has very little life left in his body. We are machines, you know? Organic machines. Our organs are like the components of a gun. If you use a pump too often, it breaks, and his half-yokai ailment has pushed his heart into overdrive. It will tire out, eventually, and it will stop. He will die before the end of my natural life."
  86. There's a weight to her words - grim, and sorrowful. Coming to terms with the knowledge her husband was to die eats away at her. "He is an occultist, and it will slowly drive him to mania if not negated. A half-yokai occultist, and he has given up his faith as a Krausite when Dawnbringer rejected him. Refused him, Melym or not. You think I don't understand staying at the side of someone who is defiled and depraved - I know it better than you, and perhaps more than you ever will. The difference, Hendrix, is that when Sidriel wanted to descend into sin and chaos... I refused. He wanted us to go to Nostvale. To live in relative peace, to retire, to give in to the cult - he'd pledge his sword to you all, to commit atrocities in your name..."
  88. "...and I refused. I told him I'd rather end my own life than do that."
  90. She lets it hang at that, before she reaches back out and takes her cigarette, pausing to inhale deep of that delicious taste. "...Loyalty is not blind support. To be a yes-man is not the way to serve the people you love. When they make bad choices, you tell them, you make sure they understand; you do not go along with it because they want to do it. I may have condemned the both of us to death by you and your army, but he understood why. I understand why. The harsh truth that you might refuse to believe is that, perhaps. at one point there was more to Ariadne Hirano than what she is now..."
  92. "But there isn't, anymore."
  94. It is said with authority, and fact. "Her occultism will drive her mad, and her God already has her in a zealous fervor. If you think she can be saved - then you do not help her by refusing to see to it her wrong choices are impeded. 'Support' is not meant to be blind. You know what she does is evil, but are blind to it in some misguided attempt at loyalty. In doing so, you destroy all that she used to be, for the bloodlust, zealotry, and mania will make sure the Ariadne Hirano you once knew is long gone."
  96. "No matter how you seek to pretend otherwise."
  97. (Arryn Roh'hi'tin)
  98. {NARRATION} Cue the Violins.
  99. [21:49:13] Triggered
  101. Arryn's words had a way of sinking into him. Beneath the flesh, rooted right down to his soul as he felt each blow- the weight of her choices; a glimpse into what he might have to do. "I understand Arryn, but I need you to understand me as well- why this is hard for me. Why I can not just do as you, or everyone else on your side would want me to."
  103. He hated them. Somewhere deep inside -- it lingered, festering as it awaited release; negative feelings that did infact have a 'body' in him. That he neglected, and supressed consciously; "Your husband, Sidriel- what he has.. I don't know what to say to it. I don't see how considering that you fight as you do, or you remain with those that might kill him, as they would me if they knew I were here with you now."
  105. The cigarette still there, a inhale, release, continuing then. "He wanted to protect you, and you...- Why?" For while he was stubborn, he could not see the depths of the Silver-blessed determination still. In choosing this place, this life instead of 'peace', if only temporary; "I don't get it, Arryn. I tell you this, I let you know that I believe in Ariadne, and that I give myself to her, and you still try- you agree to help me, a-and.. Why?"
  107. It was unsettling. Disconcerting to have this aid, to have her words, and advice. While he had wanted them, risking his life in hopes of repentance before, and now having a semblance of a relationship he had sought. He found himself feeling regretful -- unable to do what she wanted, constantly taking from her without giving in return... Selfish, as he always was.
  109. "You say loyalty is not blind. I know that. I am moving with my eyes open, Arryn- I know what I am doing is not smart, nor the 'right' thing to do. It is what I want to do, and you're right when you say, or believe it to be killing me. Every step. Every move that I make frightens me... I do not know, and yet I keep going because it's what I believe I have to do."
  111. Holding to Ariadne's as she was- what no one else would attempt, or do for her. "My support is not blind. I do not condemn her to power, Arryn. I bring her from it- I tease her still. I still play jokes on her, I even start little fights because I want her to smile, and laugh like we use to!" Protesting. While it was true that they have all-grown, Hendrix had not stopped trying. To keep her normal, a casual existence while also a symbol of everything she wanted for Belial.
  113. "In the face of Occultism I would have her stripped of it- I know of the device created by Sebastian Silvertongue. In the face of Belial, our God- I would have him confined yet again if it means her sanity, Arryn. I will not lose her. Do you understand that? I can't bear that..." If even force were required in thend. If he had to break that line, and tarnish his claims of 'doing all for family' so that he could keep family -- he was prepared to do so. A hypocrite, ontop of selfishness, the Este truly unwilling to part with those things he had come to favor.
  115. "It's not me that wipes Ariadne Eldor away, but everyone that can only see her as the Tyrant that she has become, Arryn."
  116. (Hendrix Este)
  117. [22:03:44] "As I said before, Hendrix Este, you are naive."
  119. She is unrestrained with her honesty, and her advice - she snorts derisively even when he goes onto blame her for Ariadne's image. "The one who is to blame for no one seeing your beloved sister as anything but a tyrant is she herself. She has done that and has no one else to blame but herself. Do you want to know why I do what I do, why I would not allow myself to be wrapped in the safety of the cult to live a meager, pitiful existence? Because it is the wrong thing to do. I could never live knowing I abandoned so many to die to save myself and my lover. We are content with the choices we have made, and I might very well kill your friend s and soldiers if it comes down to it. There is something you need to learn."
  121. Suddenly, she rises from her seat - the woman strides over to a bookshelf, and opens a dusty photo album. Blowing the dust away from the cover, she carries it over and sets it on the table. Opening it up, several sepia photograps are contained. A young Arryn, mid-twenties, beside William Hastings and with their three children. Another, the Ookami at the Nostvalian Ball, where Reynard Fox bedded her - Arryn and Dionysus Rosengard in another photo, and Arryn and Siegfried in yet a fourth. Eredis, Hamen, Mattias, Hilde, Friedrich - their family. Arryn, Giselle, Aedan, and their siblings... And finally, Sidriel and Alloces. The chronicles of her life, from her early years to where she was now. "Do you want my honest opinion - of you?"
  123. "Grow up."
  125. "I give you advice because I know you are a good person, somewhere deep inside. I know you have the capacity to redeem yourself and make up for the lives you have taken. I help you because I know that you can break the shackles you've set on yourself, and that you're strong. But you have to grow up. Do you think she'll let you implant you?"
  127. "Do you think for an instant they wouldn't kill you if you wanted to re-seal Belial, or that you even have the power to? Soon, they will try, and you will help them - either you lie to me, or you won't do what you have to. But I digress. I told you you have to learn - and do you know what you have to learn, Hendrix? What you, in your youth, could never understand - and what I know better than you ever could? Do you know how well I understand your fear to lose her?"
  129. A finger taps each photo in turn. "You don't get to choose who you lose and who you don't lose."
  131. He should know. She told him, how William left her, and their children vanished - how Reynard used and abused her, tossed her to the side; how Dionysus abandoned her after she risked her life to cure him of his vampirism, to marry Seraphine Eldor... how Siegfried killed himself, Eredis murdered, and Mattias lost to Nostvale. Aedan killed, Giselle murdered - how the Mystic had stopped Arryn from putting a gun to her head... and now, how Sidriel was fated to die in the next twenty years, if they were lucky. He should know the strength of her losses.
  133. "I have lost more than you ever possibly could, and still, I persevered. You might lose her, or you will throw yourself to damnation just to be with her. And if that is what to become of you, then I will lose yet another thing."
  135. "Not everyone can be saved. Not everyone will stay, Hendrix."
  137. "The days of your merrymaking and laughter are dead. You needs must come to terms with what Ariadne has become, and what Judas has become. She is no longer a child who laughs and giggles. She is a tyrant, and a murderer. Judas is no longer your friend, loyal and true - he is psychotic, twisted, and evil. And no matter how hard you try to pretend that's still inside, somehwere, it iwll never come back. They'll never go back."
  139. "You have, in fact, already lost them. You just choose to ignore it."
  140. (Arryn Roh'hi'tin)
  141. [22:32:44] Grow up
  143. It was said more, and more frequently lately. "I know..." He wouldn't deny it, the growing he needed to d, the maturing that awaited him as he slowly came to terms with all of those truths displayed publicly infront of him so often. He knew it, all of it, and hearing it didn't help- frustrating; those relationships he built changed so drastically after the introduction of Belial.
  145. He himself changed so much since the return of the Lunar God, and his accursed light. "I won't know until I try, and if I don't- I'll- I don't know..." Choking on words, the cigarette is put out on his stone leg, the flesh part above the knee singed by it.
  147. Whatever pain that it might have cost, it didn't amount to the truth that Arryn spoke now. Following up with a display of her life -- a young Arryn with husband, and children, to detective, then Dionyus, and so forth- Siegfried the end of the chain before Sidriel; a face recognized in the man. A moment of shock, taken aback by this individual he had seen, he had fought with in the depth sof the pit.
  149. "...It's time I leave, Arryn. Perhaps this was a bad idea, or maybe- we can do the measurements next time. If you would still help me." He wanted to leave. With things as they were, and that sudden realization that brought upon negative memories, coupling with the bitter truth that he still wished to refused.
  151. Rising, or attempting to- a hand pushing at his leg as he comes into his full height. Looking to Arryn, and letting loose with a sigh. "I've ruined your hospitality, and I still refuse to side with you. We're family, but in a way- we're also enemies. My being is is too selfish, and while I'm grateful you've let me stay this long. . . I'm sorry." Head lowered, he bows momentarily.
  153. Unsure of what else to do, what else to say. "I'll grow up. I don't think saying that I will means anything, but I'll strive to understand what you mean, and to..." To what? To create distance as he remained was something he knew would end bad. As Arryn had said- he would not be allowed to go so willingly. The Marshal of the Viridian, the brother of Prophet, and Harbinger of Apostle was too important a thing to lose, and Judas, and Ariadne might rather see him die before walk over to the side of the enemy.
  155. "I wish that you were atleast- when Erik had beat me. I think were it you- Ariadne, and myself might have been different, better than we are now." A smile touches countenance; for the curve of lips despite the idea behind a smile- did not bode for happiness. A deep sorrow finding him, and taking the Este -- shakey gaze, and a trembling heart. Arryn had managed to do it again.
  157. "Thanks for the tea."
  158. (Hendrix Este)
  159. [22:42:59] It was a lot to pile onto a teenager, but he'd have to understand. If there was anything that she could pass onto him, he'd need to lose the naiveity that he so graciously held onto. He wanted to leave, and she couldn't blame him. She wasn't going to force him to stay. After all, she had hammered a lot down his throat, and maybe she was getting through to him. Or maybe she was further driving him into the arms of the darkness that threatened to grip him. The elder Ookami reclines back into her chair, and regards him with a softer expression than when she first did. "I understand." She says, her voice quiet and gentle.
  161. "I will still help you, of course. I don't quite think you are deserving of it, giving how desperately you cling to a path that will bring you to ruination, but I will do it anyway, with the hope that one day in the future you will to what is right, when you have to. What you want to do, and what is right to do, do not always align, but one cannot always be so selfish as to sacrifice the rest for themselves. You are not a bad person, despite what you might think, Hendrix. At one point, neither was Ariadne nor Judas. But they allowed themselves to descsend into Sin. You... grasp at the edge of your redemption, and your willingness to listen shows me you still do not wish to let go."
  163. "For that, I am proud of you. I have faith in you, Hendrix. Don't let yourself let go. Fight."
  165. She herself rises - and, perhaps surprisingly, she sets her hands on his shoulders. Akin to a mother staring down at her son, in some ways, her mismatched eyes meet his, and she smiles as he does - not one of mirth, but of sorrow, for she knows where he is, and how difficult it would be to break out of that. "You may not be 'better' as you are now, but the only one preventing you from growing is yourself, Hendrix. You don't need me to reach your full potential. You don't need Ariadne, or Judas - or anyone, but you. You hold the power to rightheousness within you, as we all do. Do not forsake it, out of misguided loyalty. You are a strong young man, and enemies though we may be... I asked you once what made you deserving of my mercy."
  167. "That question has been answered. Go in peace, young Este. May you be unharmed. I will await for your return."
  168. (Arryn Roh'hi'tin)
  169. [23:02:36] "...Thank you." For all that might be said, and any feelings of negativity that he would claim to have had, or have otherwise- Hendrix was grateful. For Arryn, her words, and her actions. In this case, her comforting touch as she gives to him something he might have always been seeking from Elena. A mother for him where his biological lacked appearance - "I.. I don't think I'm deserving, but know that I am happy, Arryn. To have spoken with you like this, and before as well- I've been terrible, and nothing I say might ever repair what I have done, or said to bring you pain."
  171. She believed in him, and there was some part of him that was scared because of that. The idea of letting her down, a very real one -- obligations, so many of them elsewhere, and how they all were opposed to Arryn's own in some way. Ashura... Viola... Ariadne, and Arwen; they were all people he worried, and cared for- letting them go, or leaving any of them behind. It scared him.
  173. For her hand on his shoulder, one of his own to meet it- a grip on it as he pauses to allow it. "I'll send you a list of what I have- materials; ores, metals, whatever. I'll attempt to do as you want me to, and I'll try, and cast aside what is that I want, and grow." To shed himsel of the selfish childish wants- for the sake of change, and perhaps some personal fulfillment that he denied himself; he claims to try.
  175. But for her statements of righteuousness -- he didn't believe that. He couldn't. Letting the contact slip, a step back, away from the silver-blessed as he seems somewhat reluctant now when thinking of a very particular thing that did infact exist inside of him as power. "...Your mercy is something I don't think I deserve, Arryn. I don't think I can live up to it, but I'll try. . ."
  177. With that, he readies to leave. For the door again if unimpeded- a brief jaunt over before reaching handle. Once there, there was something- hesistance, his hand on the handle he turns. "There is a ritual. It's happening soon, and it's a dangerous one I believe -- I will not be attending it. Do with that what you will, Arryn. Know that my sister is leading it, and while I wish no harm to her- I do not want you to be ruined either."
  178. (Hendrix Este)
  179. [23:06:01] Arryn Roh'hi'tin: I cannot allow it to go unimpeded. If I am to die... then it is fated. If not... may we meet again, in better spirits.
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