
Feb 18th, 2019
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  1. #|----------------------------------------------------------------------|
  2. #| Skript Made By sandor_1234 - Skype: sandor.potjer |
  3. #| Hope you like it :) |
  4. #|----------------------------------------------------------------------|
  5. # Original SkyWand project, By sandor_1234 (C).
  7. # By using this software you agree with our ToS:
  8. on load:
  9. send "&8[&0Sky&5wand&8] &ahas been &a&lENABLED" to console
  10. send "&8[&0Sky&5wand&8] &aCreated by sandor_1234" to console
  11. command /skywand [<text>] [<offlineplayer>]:
  12. aliases: /sw and /ew and /empirewand
  13. trigger:
  14. if arg-1 is set:
  15. if player has permission "Skywand.get":
  16. if arg-2 is set:
  17. if arg-2 is online:
  18. set {_opc} to arg-2
  19. give {_opc} a blaze rod named "&0Sky&5Wand" with lore "&k1"
  20. send "&8[&0Sky&5wand&8] &7Je hebt nu een &0Sky&5wand&7!!" to arg-2
  21. else:
  22. send "&8[&0Sky&5wand&8] &7Je hebt nu een &0Sky&5wand&7!!" to player
  23. give player a blaze rod named "&0Sky&5Wand" with lore "&k1"
  24. else:
  25. send "&8[&0Sky&5wand&8] &7Je hebt permission voor dit commando."
  26. else:
  27. send "&7&m---------------&8[&0Sky&5wand&8]&7&m---------------"
  28. send ""
  29. send "&c/Skywand get [Speler]"
  30. send ""
  31. send "&7&m----------&8[&aMade by sandor_1234]&7&m---------"
  32. on right click holding a blaze rod:
  33. name of the player's tool is "&0Sky&5Wand":
  34. player has permission "Skywand.use"
  35. if player isn't sneaking:
  36. if player has blaze rod named "&0Sky&5Wand" with lore "&k1" in hand:
  37. set line 1 of lore of player's tool to "&k2"
  38. message "&8&l✖ &6Launch"
  39. play raw sound "" at player with pitch 1 volume 2
  40. drawDot count 5, particle "blockcrack", material portal, XYZ 0, 0, 0, center player's head, visibleRange 320, pulseDelay 0, keepFor 3 ticks
  41. stop
  42. if player has blaze rod named "&0Sky&5Wand" with lore "&k2" in hand:
  43. set line 1 of lore of player's tool to "&k3"
  44. message "&8&l✖ &6Explosive"
  45. play raw sound "" at player with pitch 1 volume 2
  46. drawDot count 5, particle "blockcrack", material portal, XYZ 0, 0, 0, center player's head, visibleRange 320, pulseDelay 0, keepFor 3 ticks
  47. stop
  48. if player has blaze rod named "&0Sky&5Wand" with lore "&k3" in hand:
  49. set line 1 of lore of player's tool to "&k4"
  50. message "&8&l✖ &6Teleport"
  51. play raw sound "" at player with pitch 1 volume 2
  52. drawDot count 5, particle "blockcrack", material portal, XYZ 0, 0, 0, center player's head, visibleRange 320, pulseDelay 0, keepFor 3 ticks
  53. stop
  54. if player has blaze rod named "&0Sky&5Wand" with lore "&k4" in hand:
  55. set line 1 of lore of player's tool to "&k5"
  56. message "&8&l✖ &6Lightning"
  57. play raw sound "" at player with pitch 1 volume 2
  58. drawDot count 5, particle "blockcrack", material portal, XYZ 0, 0, 0, center player's head, visibleRange 320, pulseDelay 0, keepFor 3 ticks
  59. stop
  60. if player has blaze rod named "&0Sky&5Wand" with lore "&k5" in hand:
  61. set line 1 of lore of player's tool to "&k6"
  62. message "&8&l✖ &6ExplosiveWave"
  63. play raw sound "" at player with pitch 1 volume 2
  64. drawDot count 5, particle "blockcrack", material portal, XYZ 0, 0, 0, center player's head, visibleRange 320, pulseDelay 0, keepFor 3 ticks
  65. stop
  66. if player has blaze rod named "&0Sky&5Wand" with lore "&k6" in hand:
  67. set line 1 of lore of player's tool to "&k7"
  68. message "&8&l✖ &6Lightning Spam"
  69. play raw sound "" at player with pitch 1 volume 2
  70. drawDot count 5, particle "blockcrack", material portal, XYZ 0, 0, 0, center player's head, visibleRange 320, pulseDelay 0, keepFor 3 ticks
  71. stop
  72. if player has blaze rod named "&0Sky&5Wand" with lore "&k7" in hand:
  73. set line 1 of lore of player's tool to "&k8"
  74. message "&8&l✖ &6DiscoSheep"
  75. play raw sound "" at player with pitch 1 volume 2
  76. drawDot count 5, particle "blockcrack", material portal, XYZ 0, 0, 0, center player's head, visibleRange 320, pulseDelay 0, keepFor 3 ticks
  77. stop
  78. if player has blaze rod named "&0Sky&5Wand" with lore "&k8" in hand:
  79. set line 1 of lore of player's tool to "&k9"
  80. message "&8&l✖ &6CrazyWolfs"
  81. play raw sound "" at player with pitch 1 volume 2
  82. drawDot count 5, particle "blockcrack", material portal, XYZ 0, 0, 0, center player's head, visibleRange 320, pulseDelay 0, keepFor 3 ticks
  83. stop
  84. if player has blaze rod named "&0Sky&5Wand" with lore "&k9" in hand:
  85. set line 1 of lore of player's tool to "&k10"
  86. message "&8&l✖ &6Spark"
  87. play raw sound "" at player with pitch 1 volume 2
  88. drawDot count 5, particle "blockcrack", material portal, XYZ 0, 0, 0, center player's head, visibleRange 320, pulseDelay 0, keepFor 3 ticks
  89. stop
  90. if player has blaze rod named "&0Sky&5Wand" with lore "&k10" in hand:
  91. set line 1 of lore of player's tool to "&k11"
  92. message "&8&l✖ &6RainBowBall"
  93. play raw sound "" at player with pitch 1 volume 2
  94. drawDot count 5, particle "blockcrack", material portal, XYZ 0, 0, 0, center player's head, visibleRange 320, pulseDelay 0, keepFor 3 ticks
  95. stop
  96. if player has blaze rod named "&0Sky&5Wand" with lore "&k11" in hand:
  97. set line 1 of lore of player's tool to "&k12"
  98. message "&8&l✖ &6Meteor"
  99. play raw sound "" at player with pitch 1 volume 2
  100. drawDot count 5, particle "blockcrack", material portal, XYZ 0, 0, 0, center player's head, visibleRange 320, pulseDelay 0, keepFor 3 ticks
  101. stop
  102. if player has blaze rod named "&0Sky&5Wand" with lore "&k12" in hand:
  103. set line 1 of lore of player's tool to "&k13"
  104. message "&8&l✖ &6KnockBackBall"
  105. play raw sound "" at player with pitch 1 volume 2
  106. drawDot count 5, particle "blockcrack", material portal, XYZ 0, 0, 0, center player's head, visibleRange 320, pulseDelay 0, keepFor 3 ticks
  107. stop
  108. if player has blaze rod named "&0Sky&5Wand" with lore "&k13" in hand:
  109. set line 1 of lore of player's tool to "&k14"
  110. message "&8&l✖ &6Confuse"
  111. play raw sound "" at player with pitch 1 volume 2
  112. drawDot count 5, particle "blockcrack", material portal, XYZ 0, 0, 0, center player's head, visibleRange 320, pulseDelay 0, keepFor 3 ticks
  113. stop
  114. if player has blaze rod named "&0Sky&5Wand" with lore "&k14" in hand:
  115. set line 1 of lore of player's tool to "&k15"
  116. message "&8&l✖ &6Leap"
  117. play raw sound "" at player with pitch 1 volume 2
  118. drawDot count 5, particle "blockcrack", material portal, XYZ 0, 0, 0, center player's head, visibleRange 320, pulseDelay 0, keepFor 3 ticks
  119. stop
  120. if player has blaze rod named "&0Sky&5Wand" with lore "&k15" in hand:
  121. set line 1 of lore of player's tool to "&k16"
  122. message "&8&l✖ &6Capture"
  123. play raw sound "" at player with pitch 1 volume 2
  124. drawDot count 5, particle "blockcrack", material portal, XYZ 0, 0, 0, center player's head, visibleRange 320, pulseDelay 0, keepFor 3 ticks
  125. stop
  126. if player has blaze rod named "&0Sky&5Wand" with lore "&k16" in hand:
  127. set line 1 of lore of player's tool to "&k17"
  128. message "&8&l✖ &6DarkPulse"
  129. play raw sound "" at player with pitch 1 volume 2
  130. drawDot count 5, particle "blockcrack", material portal, XYZ 0, 0, 0, center player's head, visibleRange 320, pulseDelay 0, keepFor 3 ticks
  131. stop
  132. if player has blaze rod named "&0Sky&5Wand" with lore "&k17" in hand:
  133. set line 1 of lore of player's tool to "&k18"
  134. message "&8&l✖ &6Heal"
  135. play raw sound "" at player with pitch 1 volume 2
  136. drawDot count 5, particle "blockcrack", material portal, XYZ 0, 0, 0, center player's head, visibleRange 320, pulseDelay 0, keepFor 3 ticks
  137. stop
  138. if player has blaze rod named "&0Sky&5Wand" with lore "&k18" in hand:
  139. set line 1 of lore of player's tool to "&k19"
  140. message "&8&l✖ &6FireShield"
  141. play raw sound "" at player with pitch 1 volume 2
  142. drawDot count 5, particle "blockcrack", material portal, XYZ 0, 0, 0, center player's head, visibleRange 320, pulseDelay 0, keepFor 3 ticks
  143. stop
  144. if player has blaze rod named "&0Sky&5Wand" with lore "&k19" in hand:
  145. set line 1 of lore of player's tool to "&k20"
  146. message "&8&l✖ &6FlameThrower"
  147. play raw sound "" at player with pitch 1 volume 2
  148. drawDot count 5, particle "blockcrack", material portal, XYZ 0, 0, 0, center player's head, visibleRange 320, pulseDelay 0, keepFor 3 ticks
  149. stop
  150. if player has blaze rod named "&0Sky&5Wand" with lore "&k20" in hand:
  151. set line 1 of lore of player's tool to "&k21"
  152. message "&8&l✖ &6Grab"
  153. play raw sound "" at player with pitch 1 volume 2
  154. drawDot count 5, particle "blockcrack", material portal, XYZ 0, 0, 0, center player's head, visibleRange 320, pulseDelay 0, keepFor 3 ticks
  155. stop
  156. if player has blaze rod named "&0Sky&5Wand" with lore "&k21" in hand:
  157. set line 1 of lore of player's tool to "&k22"
  158. message "&8&l✖ &6Explode"
  159. play raw sound "" at player with pitch 1 volume 2
  160. drawDot count 5, particle "blockcrack", material portal, XYZ 0, 0, 0, center player's head, visibleRange 320, pulseDelay 0, keepFor 3 ticks
  161. stop
  162. if player has blaze rod named "&0Sky&5Wand" with lore "&k22" in hand:
  163. set line 1 of lore of player's tool to "&k1"
  164. message "&8&l✖ &6Comet"
  165. play raw sound "" at player with pitch 1 volume 2
  166. drawDot count 5, particle "blockcrack", material portal, XYZ 0, 0, 0, center player's head, visibleRange 320, pulseDelay 0, keepFor 3 ticks
  167. stop
  168. else:
  169. if player has blaze rod named "&0Sky&5Wand" with lore "&k1" in hand:
  170. set line 1 of lore of player's tool to "&k22"
  171. message "&8&l✖ &6Explode"
  172. play raw sound "" at player with pitch 1 volume 2
  173. drawDot count 5, particle "blockcrack", material portal, XYZ 0, 0, 0, center player's head, visibleRange 320, pulseDelay 0, keepFor 3 ticks
  174. stop
  175. if player has blaze rod named "&0Sky&5Wand" with lore "&k2" in hand:
  176. set line 1 of lore of player's tool to "&k1"
  177. message "&8&l✖ &6Comet"
  178. play raw sound "" at player with pitch 1 volume 2
  179. drawDot count 5, particle "blockcrack", material portal, XYZ 0, 0, 0, center player's head, visibleRange 320, pulseDelay 0, keepFor 3 ticks
  180. stop
  181. if player has blaze rod named "&0Sky&5Wand" with lore "&k3" in hand:
  182. set line 1 of lore of player's tool to "&k2"
  183. message "&8&l✖ &6Launch"
  184. play raw sound "" at player with pitch 1 volume 2
  185. drawDot count 5, particle "blockcrack", material portal, XYZ 0, 0, 0, center player's head, visibleRange 320, pulseDelay 0, keepFor 3 ticks
  186. stop
  187. if player has blaze rod named "&0Sky&5Wand" with lore "&k4" in hand:
  188. set line 1 of lore of player's tool to "&k3"
  189. message "&8&l✖ &6Explosive"
  190. play raw sound "" at player with pitch 1 volume 2
  191. drawDot count 5, particle "blockcrack", material portal, XYZ 0, 0, 0, center player's head, visibleRange 320, pulseDelay 0, keepFor 3 ticks
  192. stop
  193. if player has blaze rod named "&0Sky&5Wand" with lore "&k5" in hand:
  194. set line 1 of lore of player's tool to "&k4"
  195. message "&8&l✖ &6Teleport"
  196. play raw sound "" at player with pitch 1 volume 2
  197. drawDot count 5, particle "blockcrack", material portal, XYZ 0, 0, 0, center player's head, visibleRange 320, pulseDelay 0, keepFor 3 ticks
  198. stop
  199. if player has blaze rod named "&0Sky&5Wand" with lore "&k6" in hand:
  200. set line 1 of lore of player's tool to "&k5"
  201. message "&8&l✖ &6Lightning"
  202. play raw sound "" at player with pitch 1 volume 2
  203. drawDot count 5, particle "blockcrack", material portal, XYZ 0, 0, 0, center player's head, visibleRange 320, pulseDelay 0, keepFor 3 ticks
  204. stop
  205. if player has blaze rod named "&0Sky&5Wand" with lore "&k7" in hand:
  206. set line 1 of lore of player's tool to "&k6"
  207. message "&8&l✖ &6ExplosiveWave"
  208. play raw sound "" at player with pitch 1 volume 2
  209. drawDot count 5, particle "blockcrack", material portal, XYZ 0, 0, 0, center player's head, visibleRange 320, pulseDelay 0, keepFor 3 ticks
  210. stop
  211. if player has blaze rod named "&0Sky&5Wand" with lore "&k8" in hand:
  212. set line 1 of lore of player's tool to "&k7"
  213. message "&8&l✖ &6Lightning Spam"
  214. play raw sound "" at player with pitch 1 volume 2
  215. drawDot count 5, particle "blockcrack", material portal, XYZ 0, 0, 0, center player's head, visibleRange 320, pulseDelay 0, keepFor 3 ticks
  216. stop
  217. if player has blaze rod named "&0Sky&5Wand" with lore "&k9" in hand:
  218. set line 1 of lore of player's tool to "&k8"
  219. message "&8&l✖ &6DiscoSheep"
  220. play raw sound "" at player with pitch 1 volume 2
  221. drawDot count 5, particle "blockcrack", material portal, XYZ 0, 0, 0, center player's head, visibleRange 320, pulseDelay 0, keepFor 3 ticks
  222. stop
  223. if player has blaze rod named "&0Sky&5Wand" with lore "&k10" in hand:
  224. set line 1 of lore of player's tool to "&k9"
  225. message "&8&l✖ &6CrazyWolfs"
  226. play raw sound "" at player with pitch 1 volume 2
  227. drawDot count 5, particle "blockcrack", material portal, XYZ 0, 0, 0, center player's head, visibleRange 320, pulseDelay 0, keepFor 3 ticks
  228. stop
  229. if player has blaze rod named "&0Sky&5Wand" with lore "&k11" in hand:
  230. set line 1 of lore of player's tool to "&k10"
  231. message "&8&l✖ &6Spark"
  232. play raw sound "" at player with pitch 1 volume 2
  233. drawDot count 5, particle "blockcrack", material portal, XYZ 0, 0, 0, center player's head, visibleRange 320, pulseDelay 0, keepFor 3 ticks
  234. stop
  235. if player has blaze rod named "&0Sky&5Wand" with lore "&k12" in hand:
  236. set line 1 of lore of player's tool to "&k11"
  237. message "&8&l✖ &6RainBowBall"
  238. play raw sound "" at player with pitch 1 volume 2
  239. drawDot count 5, particle "blockcrack", material portal, XYZ 0, 0, 0, center player's head, visibleRange 320, pulseDelay 0, keepFor 3 ticks
  240. stop
  241. if player has blaze rod named "&0Sky&5Wand" with lore "&k13" in hand:
  242. set line 1 of lore of player's tool to "&k12"
  243. message "&8&l✖ &6Meteor"
  244. play raw sound "" at player with pitch 1 volume 2
  245. drawDot count 5, particle "blockcrack", material portal, XYZ 0, 0, 0, center player's head, visibleRange 320, pulseDelay 0, keepFor 3 ticks
  246. stop
  247. if player has blaze rod named "&0Sky&5Wand" with lore "&k14" in hand:
  248. set line 1 of lore of player's tool to "&k13"
  249. message "&8&l✖ &6KnockBackBall"
  250. play raw sound "" at player with pitch 1 volume 2
  251. drawDot count 5, particle "blockcrack", material portal, XYZ 0, 0, 0, center player's head, visibleRange 320, pulseDelay 0, keepFor 3 ticks
  252. stop
  253. if player has blaze rod named "&0Sky&5Wand" with lore "&k15" in hand:
  254. set line 1 of lore of player's tool to "&k14"
  255. message "&8&l✖ &6Confuse"
  256. play raw sound "" at player with pitch 1 volume 2
  257. drawDot count 5, particle "blockcrack", material portal, XYZ 0, 0, 0, center player's head, visibleRange 320, pulseDelay 0, keepFor 3 ticks
  258. stop
  259. if player has blaze rod named "&0Sky&5Wand" with lore "&k16" in hand:
  260. set line 1 of lore of player's tool to "&k15"
  261. message "&8&l✖ &6Leap"
  262. play raw sound "" at player with pitch 1 volume 2
  263. drawDot count 5, particle "blockcrack", material portal, XYZ 0, 0, 0, center player's head, visibleRange 320, pulseDelay 0, keepFor 3 ticks
  264. stop
  265. if player has blaze rod named "&0Sky&5Wand" with lore "&k17" in hand:
  266. set line 1 of lore of player's tool to "&k16"
  267. message "&8&l✖ &6Capture"
  268. play raw sound "" at player with pitch 1 volume 2
  269. drawDot count 5, particle "blockcrack", material portal, XYZ 0, 0, 0, center player's head, visibleRange 320, pulseDelay 0, keepFor 3 ticks
  270. stop
  271. if player has blaze rod named "&0Sky&5Wand" with lore "&k18" in hand:
  272. set line 1 of lore of player's tool to "&k17"
  273. message "&8&l✖ &6DarkPulse"
  274. play raw sound "" at player with pitch 1 volume 2
  275. drawDot count 5, particle "blockcrack", material portal, XYZ 0, 0, 0, center player's head, visibleRange 320, pulseDelay 0, keepFor 3 ticks
  276. stop
  277. if player has blaze rod named "&0Sky&5Wand" with lore "&k19" in hand:
  278. set line 1 of lore of player's tool to "&k18"
  279. message "&8&l✖ &6Heal"
  280. play raw sound "" at player with pitch 1 volume 2
  281. drawDot count 5, particle "blockcrack", material portal, XYZ 0, 0, 0, center player's head, visibleRange 320, pulseDelay 0, keepFor 3 ticks
  282. stop
  283. if player has blaze rod named "&0Sky&5Wand" with lore "&k20" in hand:
  284. set line 1 of lore of player's tool to "&k19"
  285. message "&8&l✖ &6FireShield"
  286. play raw sound "" at player with pitch 1 volume 2
  287. drawDot count 5, particle "blockcrack", material portal, XYZ 0, 0, 0, center player's head, visibleRange 320, pulseDelay 0, keepFor 3 ticks
  288. stop
  289. if player has blaze rod named "&0Sky&5Wand" with lore "&k21" in hand:
  290. set line 1 of lore of player's tool to "&k20"
  291. message "&8&l✖ &6FlameThrower"
  292. play raw sound "" at player with pitch 1 volume 2
  293. drawDot count 5, particle "blockcrack", material portal, XYZ 0, 0, 0, center player's head, visibleRange 320, pulseDelay 0, keepFor 3 ticks
  294. stop
  295. if player has blaze rod named "&0Sky&5Wand" with lore "&k22" in hand:
  296. set line 1 of lore of player's tool to "&k21"
  297. message "&8&l✖ &6Grab"
  298. play raw sound "" at player with pitch 1 volume 2
  299. drawDot count 5, particle "blockcrack", material portal, XYZ 0, 0, 0, center player's head, visibleRange 320, pulseDelay 0, keepFor 3 ticks
  300. stop
  301. on explosion:
  302. if event-entity is a fireball:
  303. if metadata "Alive" of event-entity is set:
  304. clear metadata "Alive" of event-entity
  305. if metadata "CometSpell" of entity is true:
  306. cancel event
  307. stopeffect id "%entity id of event-entity%1"
  308. stopeffect id "%entity id of event-entity%2"
  309. stopeffect id "%entity id of event-entity%3"
  310. loop blocks in radius 3.5 around the entity:
  311. block above loop-block is air:
  312. loop-block isn't air or fire:
  313. set block above loop-block to fire
  314. stop
  315. if metadata "ExplosiveSpell" of entity is true:
  316. cancel event
  317. stopeffect id "%entity id of event-entity%1"
  318. stopeffect id "%entity id of event-entity%2"
  319. create a safe explosion of force 4 at event-entity
  320. stop
  321. if metadata "RainBowBall" of entity is true:
  322. cancel event
  323. create a safe explosion of force 4 at event-entity
  324. loop 5 times:
  325. launch firework at event-entity timed 1
  326. launch firework at event-entity timed 2
  327. launch firework at event-entity timed 3
  328. stop
  329. if metadata "Knockbackball" of entity is true:
  330. cancel event
  331. loop all living entities in radius 6 around the event-entity:
  332. set {_fo} to 0.6 * (6 - distance between event-location and loop-entity)
  333. push loop-entity direction from location 3 blocks under event-location to loop-entity with force {_fo}
  334. launch "BALL" firework at event-location timed 0 coloured "RED"
  335. loop firework rockets in radius 1 of event-location:
  336. add "{LifeTime:2}" to nbt of loop-entity-2
  337. stop
  338. on join:
  339. if player doesn't have permission "Skywand.owner":
  340. wait 1 second
  341. send "&8[&0Sky&5wand&8] &7Deze server maakt gebruik van de &0Sky&5wand &7plugin gemaakt door sandor_1234."
  342. send "&8[&0Sky&5wand&8] &7Kom ook eens kijken op zijn server:"
  343. on left click holding a blaze rod:
  344. name of player's tool is "&0Sky&5Wand":
  345. player has permission "skywand.use":
  346. cancel event
  347. if lore of player's tool is "&k1":
  348. make player shoot a fireball at speed 2
  349. set metadata "CometSpell" of shot fireball to true
  350. drawDot count 10, particle "witchspell", XYZ 1, 1, 1, center shot fireball, id "%entity id of shot fireball%1", visibleRange 320, pulseDelay 0, keepFor 15 seconds
  351. drawDot count 10, particle "Spellinstant", XYZ 1, 1, 1, center shot fireball, id "%entity id of shot fireball%2", visibleRange 320, pulseDelay 0, keepFor 15 seconds
  352. drawDot count 10, particle "smoke", XYZ 1, 1, 1, center shot fireball, id "%entity id of shot fireball%3", visibleRange 320, pulseDelay 0, keepFor 15 seconds
  353. stop
  354. if lore of player's tool is "&k2":
  355. if target living entity is set:
  356. drawDot count 4, particle "Smokelarge", XYZ 1, 1, 1, center location of target living entity, visibleRange 320, pulseDelay 0, keepFor 10 ticks
  357. drawDot count 4, particle "witchspell", XYZ 1, 1, 1, center location of target living entity, visibleRange 320, pulseDelay 0, keepFor 10 ticks
  358. loop all living entities in radius 5 around target living entity:
  359. push loop-entity upwards at speed 2
  360. drawDot count 1, particle "Smokelarge", XYZ 1, 1, 1, center loop-entity, visibleRange 320, pulseDelay 0, keepFor 20 ticks
  361. push target living entity upwards at speed 2
  362. drawDot count 1, particle "Smokelarge", XYZ 1, 1, 1, center target living entity, visibleRange 320, pulseDelay 0, keepFor 20 ticks
  363. stop
  364. if target block is set:
  365. distance between player and target block is less than 100:
  366. drawDot count 4, particle "Smokelarge", XYZ 1, 1, 1, center location of target block, visibleRange 320, pulseDelay 0, keepFor 10 ticks
  367. drawDot count 4, particle "witchspell", XYZ 1, 1, 1, center location of target block, visibleRange 320, pulseDelay 0, keepFor 10 ticks
  368. loop all living entities in radius 5 around target block:
  369. push loop-entity upwards at speed 2
  370. drawDot count 1, particle "Smokelarge", XYZ 1, 1, 1, center loop-entity, visibleRange 320, pulseDelay 0, keepFor 20 ticks
  371. stop
  372. set {_ll} to location of block 30 in front of the player
  373. drawDot count 4, particle "Smokelarge", XYZ 1, 1, 1, center {_ll}, visibleRange 320, pulseDelay 0, keepFor 10 ticks
  374. drawDot count 4, particle "witchspell", XYZ 1, 1, 1, center {_ll}, visibleRange 320, pulseDelay 0, keepFor 10 ticks
  375. loop all living entities in radius 5 around {_ll}:
  376. push loop-entity upwards at speed 2
  377. drawDot count 1, particle "Smokelarge", XYZ 1, 1, 1, center loop-entity, visibleRange 320, pulseDelay 0, keepFor 20 ticks
  378. stop
  379. if lore of player's tool is "&k3":
  380. make player shoot a fireball at speed 2
  381. set metadata "ExplosiveSpell" of shot fireball to true
  382. drawDot count 5, particle "Smokelarge", XYZ 1, 1, 1, center shot fireball, id "%entity id of shot fireball%1", visibleRange 320, pulseDelay 0, keepFor 15 seconds
  383. drawDot count 5, particle "lava", XYZ 1, 1, 1, center shot fireball, id "%entity id of shot fireball%2", visibleRange 320, pulseDelay 0, keepFor 15 seconds
  384. stop
  385. if lore of player's tool is "&k4":
  386. if target block is set:
  387. set {_l} to location of targeted block
  388. distance between player and {_l} is less than 250:
  389. block above {_l} is air:
  390. block above block above {_l} is air:
  391. teleport player to block above {_l}
  392. play raw sound "mob.endermen.portal" at player with pitch 1 volume 100
  393. drawDot count 10, particle "portal", XYZ 1, 1, 1, center player, visibleRange 320, pulseDelay 0, keepFor 2 seconds
  394. else:
  395. set {_l} to block 30 in front of the player
  396. block above {_l} is air
  397. block above block above {_l} is air:
  398. teleport player to block above {_l}
  399. play raw sound "mob.endermen.portal" at player with pitch 1 volume 100
  400. drawDot count 10, particle "portal", XYZ 1, 1, 1, center player, visibleRange 320, pulseDelay 0, keepFor 2 seconds
  401. stop
  402. if lore of player's tool is "&k5":
  403. if target living entities is set:
  404. strike fake fake lightning at target living entity
  405. damage target living entity by 2
  406. play raw sound "" at target living entity with pitch 1 volume 100
  407. stop
  408. if target block is set:
  409. strike fake fake lightning at target block of player
  410. play raw sound "" at target block with pitch 1 volume 100
  411. loop all living entities in radius 2 around target block:
  412. damage loop-entity by 2
  413. stop
  414. set {_lth} to block 30 in front of the player
  415. strike fake fake lightning at {_lth}
  416. loop all living entities in radius 2 around {_lth}:
  417. damage loop-entity by 2
  418. play raw sound "" at {_lth} with pitch 1 volume 100
  419. stop
  420. if lore of player's tool is "&k6":
  421. loop blocks from the block 5 in front of the player to the block 20 in front of the player:
  422. create explosion of force 2 at loop-block
  423. wait 1 tick
  424. stop
  425. if lore of player's tool is "&k7":
  426. if target living entity is set:
  427. play raw sound "" at target living entity with pitch 1 volume 100
  428. loop all blocks in radius 4 of target living entity:
  429. strike fake fake lightning at loop-block
  430. loop all entities in radius 4 of target living entity:
  431. damage loop-entity by 4
  432. stop
  433. loop all blocks in radius 4 of target block:
  434. strike fake fake lightning at loop-block
  435. loop all entities in radius 4 of target block:
  436. damage loop-entity by 4
  437. play raw sound "" at target block with pitch 1 volume 100
  438. stop
  439. if lore of player's tool is "&k8":
  440. loop all living entities in radius 15 around target block:
  441. if loop-entity isn't "%player%":
  442. if loop-entity is a player:
  443. set {_l.%player%} to loop-entity
  444. stop
  445. set {_l.%player%} to loop-entity
  446. set {_t} to 0
  447. spawn a sheep above target block
  448. set name of the spawned sheep to "jeb_"
  449. set {_sh.%player%} to spawned sheep
  450. drawSphere style 2, particle "redstone", center {_sh.%player%}, id "%player%", rainbowMode true, radius 1, density 100, visibleRange 50, pulseDelay 1
  451. while {_sh.%player%} is alive:
  452. make {_sh.%player%} pathfind to {_l.%player%} with speed 5
  453. wait 5 tick
  454. add 1 to {_t}
  455. if distance between {_sh.%player%} and {_l.%player%} is less than 4:
  456. create explosion of force 2 at {_sh.%player%}
  457. kill {_sh.%player%}
  458. stopEffect id "%player%"
  459. if {_t} = 10:
  460. create explosion of force 2 at {_sh.%player%}
  461. kill {_sh.%player%}
  462. stopEffect id "%player%"
  463. stop
  464. if lore of player's tool is "&k9":
  465. if target living entity is set:
  466. set {_t} to target living entity
  467. set {_n} to 0
  468. loop 4 times:
  469. spawn wolf above location of target block
  470. add 1 to {_n}
  471. set {_wolf%{_n}%.%player%} to spawned wolf
  472. DrawWarpRings style 1, particle "redstone", RGB 80, 255, 255, center location of {_wolf1.%player%}, id "%player%", rainbowMode true, scan true, height 2, radius 1, ringCount 40, ringDensity 20, visibleRange 32, pulseDelay 2
  473. wait 10 tick
  474. make {_t} damage {_wolf1.%player%} and {_wolf2.%player%} and {_wolf3.%player%} and {_wolf4.%player%} by 1
  475. wait 1 second
  476. stopeffect id "%player%"
  477. wait 5 seconds
  478. kill {_wolf1.%player%} and {_wolf2.%player%} and {_wolf3.%player%} and {_wolf4.%player%}
  479. stop
  480. if target block is set:
  481. loop all living entities in radius 6 around target block:
  482. set {_t} to loop-entity
  483. set {_n} to 0
  484. loop 4 times:
  485. spawn wolf above location of target block
  486. add 1 to {_n}
  487. set {_wolf%{_n}%.%player%} to spawned wolf
  488. DrawWarpRings style 1, particle "redstone", RGB 80, 255, 255, center location of {_wolf1.%player%}, id "%player%", rainbowMode true, scan true, height 2, radius 1, ringCount 40, ringDensity 20, visibleRange 32, pulseDelay 2
  489. wait 10 tick
  490. make {_t} damage {_wolf1.%player%} and {_wolf2.%player%} and {_wolf3.%player%} and {_wolf4.%player%} by 1
  491. wait 1 second
  492. stopeffect id "%player%"
  493. wait 5 seconds
  494. kill {_wolf1.%player%} and {_wolf2.%player%} and {_wolf3.%player%} and {_wolf4.%player%}
  495. stop
  496. if lore of player's tool is "&k10":
  497. if target block is set:
  498. launch "BURST" firework at location above target block timed 0 coloured "black"
  499. drawDot count 4, particle "witchspell", XYZ 1, 1, 1, center location above target block, visibleRange 320, pulseDelay 0, keepFor 10 ticks
  500. loop firework rockets in radius 1 of location above target block:
  501. add "{LifeTime:2}" to nbt of loop-entity
  502. loop all living entities in radius 3 around location above target block:
  503. damage loop-entity by 3
  504. else:
  505. launch "BURST" firework at block 30 in front of the player timed 0 coloured "black"
  506. drawDot count 4, particle "witchspell", XYZ 1, 1, 1, center location of block 30 in front of the player, visibleRange 320, pulseDelay 0, keepFor 10 ticks
  507. loop firework rockets in radius 1 of block 30 in front of the player:
  508. add "{LifeTime:2}" to nbt of loop-entity
  509. loop all living entities in radius 3 around block 30 in front of the player:
  510. damage loop-entity by 4
  511. stop
  512. if lore of player's tool is "&k11":
  513. make player shoot a fireball at speed 1
  514. set {_s.%player%} to shot fireball
  515. set metadata "RainBowBall" of shot fireball to true
  516. set metadata "Alive" of shot fireball to "true"
  517. while metadata "Alive" of {_s.%player%} is set:
  518. launch "BALL" firework at {_s.%player%} timed 0
  519. loop firework rockets in radius 1 of {_s.%player%}:
  520. add "{LifeTime:2}" to nbt of loop-entity
  521. add 1 to {_t}
  522. if {_t} = 150:
  523. stop
  524. wait 3 tick
  525. stop
  526. if lore of player's tool is "&k12":
  527. set {_l} to location 100 blocks above target block
  528. spawn arrow at {_l}
  529. set {_a.%player%} to spawned arrow
  530. set metadata "MeteorSpell" of spawned arrow to true
  531. set metadata "Alive" of spawned arrow to "true"
  532. while metadata "Alive" of {_a.%player%} is "true":
  533. launch "BURST" firework at {_a.%player%} timed 0 coloured "red" and "orange"
  534. loop firework rockets in radius 1 of {_a.%player%}:
  535. add "{LifeTime:2}" to nbt of loop-entity
  536. wait 1 tick
  537. stop
  538. if lore of player's tool is "&k13":
  539. make player shoot a fireball at speed 1
  540. set {_kb.%player%} to shot fireball
  541. set metadata "Knockbackball" of shot fireball to true
  542. set metadata "Alive" of shot fireball to "true"
  543. while metadata "Alive" of {_kb.%player%} is set:
  544. launch "BURST" firework at {_kb.%player%} timed 0 coloured "Orange" and "White"
  545. loop firework rockets in radius 1 of {_kb.%player%}:
  546. add "{LifeTime:2}" to nbt of loop-entity
  547. add 1 to {_t}
  548. if {_t} = 60:
  549. stop
  550. wait 5 tick
  551. stop
  552. if lore of player's tool is "&k14":
  553. if target block is set:
  554. loop living entities in radius 4 around target block:
  555. if loop-entity is a player:
  556. apply Nausea 2 to the player for 10 seconds
  557. damage loop-entity by 2
  558. drawDot count 4, particle "fireworkspark", XYZ 1, 1, 1, center location of block above target block, visibleRange 320, pulseDelay 0, keepFor 10 ticks
  559. DrawDot count 4, particle "critmagic", XYZ 1, 1, 1, center location of block above target block, visibleRange 320, pulseDelay 0, keepFor 10 ticks
  560. DrawDot count 4, particle "witchspell", XYZ 1, 1, 1, center location of block above target block, visibleRange 320, pulseDelay 0, keepFor 10 ticks
  561. stop
  562. loop living entities in radius 4 around location of block 30 in front of the player:
  563. if loop-entity is a player:
  564. apply Nausea 2 to the player for 10 seconds
  565. damage loop-entity by 2
  566. drawDot count 4, particle "fireworkspark", XYZ 1, 1, 1, center location of block 30 in front of the player, visibleRange 320, pulseDelay 0, keepFor 10 ticks
  567. DrawDot count 4, particle "critmagic", XYZ 1, 1, 1, center location of block 30 in front of the player, visibleRange 320, pulseDelay 0, keepFor 10 ticks
  568. DrawDot count 4, particle "witchspell", XYZ 1, 1, 1, center location of block 30 in front of the player, visibleRange 320, pulseDelay 0, keepFor 10 ticks
  569. stop
  570. if lore of player's tool is "&k15":
  571. push player upwards at speed 2
  572. push player in the direction of player with force 3
  573. play raw sound "mob.endermen.portal" at player with pitch 1 volume 100
  574. DrawDot count 5, particle "itemcrack", material eye of ender, XYZ 0, 0, 0, center player, visibleRange 320, pulseDelay 0, keepFor 2 seconds
  575. if lore of player's tool is "&k16":
  576. if passenger of the player is a living entity:
  577. stopEffect id "%entity id of passenger of the player%"
  578. set {_pa} to passenger of the player
  579. make {_pa} leave from the vehicle
  580. push {_pa} in the direction of the player at speed 2
  581. stop
  582. if target living entity is set:
  583. if distance between player and target living entity is less than 25:
  584. make target living entity ride player
  585. drawDot count 10, particle "portal", XYZ 1, 1, 1, center target living entity, id "%entity id of target living entity%", visibleRange 320, pulseDelay 0, keepFor 10 seconds
  586. play raw sound "mob.endermen.portal" at player with pitch 1 volume 100
  587. stop
  588. if lore of player's tool is "&k17":
  589. if target living entity is set:
  590. loop 10 times:
  591. drawLine particle smokelarge, XYZ 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, center player, target location of target living entity, id "%random number between 0 and 100000%", rainbowMode false, solid false, density 2, length 0, zigZag count 0, height 0, visibleRange 100, displacementXYZ 0, 0, 0, pulseDelay 1
  592. drawLine particle smoke, XYZ 2, 2, 2, center player, target location of target living entity, id "%random number between 0 and 100000%", rainbowMode false, solid false, density 2, length 0, zigZag count 0, height 0, visibleRange 100, displacementXYZ 0, 0, 0, pulseDelay 1
  593. set {_ta} to location of target living entity
  594. wait 1.3 second
  595. create a safe explosion of force 5 at {_ta}
  596. loop all living entities in radius 4 around {_ta}:
  597. damage loop-entity by 6
  598. stop
  599. if target block is set:
  600. loop 10 times:
  601. drawLine particle smokelarge, XYZ 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, center player, target location of target block, id "%random number between 0 and 100000%", rainbowMode false, solid false, density 2, length 0, zigZag count 0, height 0, visibleRange 100, displacementXYZ 0, 0, 0, pulseDelay 1
  602. drawLine particle smoke, XYZ 2, 2, 2, center player, target location of target block, id "%random number between 0 and 100000%", rainbowMode false, solid false, density 2, length 0, zigZag count 0, height 0, visibleRange 100, displacementXYZ 0, 0, 0, pulseDelay 1
  603. set {_ta} to location of target block
  604. wait 1.3 second
  605. create a safe explosion of force 5 at {_ta}
  606. loop all living entities in radius 4 around {_ta}:
  607. damage loop-entity by 6
  608. stop
  609. loop 10 times:
  610. drawLine particle smokelarge, XYZ 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, center player, id "%random number between 0 and 100000%", rainbowMode false, solid false, density 2, length 70, zigZag count 0, height 0, visibleRange 100, displacementXYZ 0, 0, 0, pulseDelay 1
  611. drawLine particle smoke, XYZ 2, 2, 2, center player, id "%random number between 0 and 100000%", rainbowMode false, solid false, density 2, length 70, zigZag count 0, height 0, visibleRange 100, displacementXYZ 0, 0, 0, pulseDelay 1
  612. if lore of player's tool is "&k18":
  613. apply regeneration 2 to the player for 10 seconds
  614. set absorption hearts of player to 14
  615. drawComplexCircle particle "heart", center player, id "%player%-heal1", randomRotation true, radius .8, density 20, start 0, visibleRange 100, xRotation 23, yRotation 120, zRotation 0
  616. drawComplexCircle particle "heart", center player, id "%player%-heal2", randomRotation false, radius .8, density 20, start 0, visibleRange 100, xRotation 70, yRotation 10, zRotation 0
  617. drawComplexCircle particle "heart", center player, id "%player%-heal3", randomRotation false, radius .8, density 20, start 0, visibleRange 100, xRotation 0, yRotation 60, zRotation 0
  618. drawComplexCircle particle "heart", center player, id "%player%-heal4", randomRotation true, radius .8, density 20, start 0, visibleRange 100, xRotation 25, yRotation 54, zRotation 0
  619. wait 3 seconds
  620. stopeffect id "%player%-heal1"
  621. stopeffect id "%player%-heal2"
  622. stopeffect id "%player%-heal3"
  623. stopeffect id "%player%-heal4"
  624. if lore of player's tool is "&k19":
  625. if {FireShield.%player%} is true:
  626. set {FireShield.%player%} to false
  627. stopeffect id "sh.%player%"
  628. stopeffect id "sh1.%player%"
  629. stop
  630. set {FireShield.%player%} to true
  631. drawSphere style 1, particle "flame", center player, id "sh.%player%", rainbowMode true, radius 5, density 50, visibleRange 100, pulseDelay 1
  632. drawSphere style 1, particle "smokelarge", center player, id "sh1.%player%", rainbowMode true, radius 5, density 50, visibleRange 100, pulseDelay 1
  633. while {FireShield.%player%} is true:
  634. loop all living entities in radius 5 around player:
  635. if loop-entity isn't player:
  636. ignite loop-entity
  637. wait 10 tick
  638. if lore of player's tool is "&k20":
  639. if {FlameThrower.%player%} is true:
  640. set {FlameThrower.%player%} to false
  641. stop
  642. set {FlameThrower.%player%} to true
  643. while {FlameThrower.%player%} is true:
  644. spawn falling block of fire at block at player
  645. push last spawned entity in direction of player with speed 1
  646. wait 2 tick
  647. if lore of player's tool is "&k21":
  648. if target living entity is set:
  649. loop all living entities in radius 3 around target living entity:
  650. if loop-entity isn't player:
  651. DrawDot count 15, particle "happyvillager", XYZ 1, 1, 1, center loop-entity, visibleRange 320, pulseDelay 0, keepFor 2 seconds
  652. push the loop-entity upwards at speed 1
  653. push the loop-entity in the direction of the player at speed -3
  654. stop
  655. if target block is set:
  656. loop all living entities in radius 3 around target block:
  657. if loop-entity isn't player:
  658. DrawDot count 15, particle "happyvillager", XYZ 1, 1, 1, center loop-entity, visibleRange 320, pulseDelay 0, keepFor 2 seconds
  659. push the loop-entity upwards at speed 1
  660. push the loop-entity in the direction of the player at speed -3
  661. stop
  662. if lore of player's tool is "&k22":
  663. if target block is set:
  664. create a safe explosion of force 10 at target block
  665. loop blocks in radius 3 around target block:
  666. if loop-block isn't bedrock:
  667. spawn falling block of loop-block at loop-block
  668. set loop-block to air
  669. push last spawned entity upwards with force 2
  670. push last spawned entity direction from target block to last spawned entity with force 0.3
  671. on projectile hit:
  672. if projectile is an arrow:
  673. if metadata "Alive" of projectile is "true":
  674. set metadata "Alive" of projectile to "false"
  675. create a safe explosion of force 10 at event-entity
  676. launch "BALL_LARGE" firework at event-location timed 0 coloured "red" and "black"
  677. loop firework rockets in radius 1 of event-location:
  678. add "{LifeTime:2}" to nbt of loop-entity
  679. set {_a} to 0
  680. loop blocks in radius 3 around event-entity:
  681. if loop-block isn't bedrock:
  682. spawn falling block of loop-block at loop-block
  683. set loop-block to air
  684. push last spawned entity upwards with force 2
  685. push last spawned entity direction from event-location to last spawned entity with force 0.5
  686. delete projectile
  687. on damage:
  688. attacker has blaze rod in hand
  689. name of the attacker's tool is "&0Sky&5Wand":
  690. cancel event
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