
ok ur mum l0l

Jul 1st, 2020
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  1. -- // Valiant ENV
  2. function valiantENV()
  3. getgenv().Valiant = {}
  4. Valiant.Services = {}
  5. Valiant.Exploit = "Could Not Find Exploit!"
  7. -- // Valiant ENV: Vars
  8. local Services = {
  9. "Workspace",
  10. "RunService",
  11. "GuiService",
  12. "Stats",
  13. "SoundService",
  14. "LogService",
  15. "ContentProvider",
  16. "Chat",
  17. "MarketplaceService",
  18. "Players",
  19. "PointsService",
  20. "ReplicatedFirst",
  21. "StudioData",
  22. "StarterPlayer",
  23. "StarterPack",
  24. "StarterGui",
  25. "CoreGui",
  26. "LocalizationService",
  27. "JointsService",
  28. "InsertService",
  29. "Debris",
  30. "Instance",
  31. "Selection",
  32. "Lighting",
  33. "CorePackages",
  34. "ABTestService",
  35. "NetworkClient",
  36. "HttpService",
  37. "Teams",
  38. "ReplicatedStorage",
  39. "TestService",
  40. "PolicyService",
  41. "RbxAnalyticsService",
  42. }
  44. local exploitlist = {
  45. syn = "Synapse",
  46. PROTOSMASHER_LOADED = "ProtoSmasher",
  47. SENTINEL_LOADED = "Sentinel",
  48. Sirhurt = "Sirhurt",
  49. }
  50. -- // Valiant ENV: Func Index
  51. Valiant.ID = function(path, method, ...)
  52. local args = {...}
  53. return path[method](path, unpack(args))
  54. end
  56. -- // Valiant ENV: Services
  58. for i,v in pairs(Services) do
  59. Valiant.Services[v] = Valiant.ID(game, "GetService", v)
  60. end
  61. for i,v in pairs(Valiant.Services) do
  62. local ServiceName = tostring(v):gsub(" ","")
  63. getgenv()[ServiceName] = v
  64. end
  66. -- // Valiant ENV: Exploit Check
  67. for i,v in pairs(exploitlist) do
  68. if getgenv()[i] then
  69. Valiant.Exploit = v
  70. end
  71. end
  73. --// Valiant ENV: Custom Exploit Funcs
  74. syn_websocket_send = syn_websocket_send or nil
  75. queueonteleport = queue_on_teleport or queueonteleport or nil; if syn then queueonteleport = syn.queue_on_teleport end
  76. firesignal = firesignal or nil
  77. makefolder = makefolder or nil
  78. is_protosmasher_caller = is_protosmasher_caller or nil
  79. clonefunction = clonefunction or nil
  80. setrawmetatable = setrawmetatable or nil
  81. getrawmetatable = getrawmetatable or nil
  82. getinstancefromstate = getinstancefromstate or nil
  83. setfflag = setfflag or nil
  84. getcallingscript = getcallingscript or get_calling_script or nil
  85. getrenv = getrenv or nil
  86. syn_crypt_b64_encode = syn_crypt_b64_encode or nil
  87. newcclosure = newcclosure or nil
  88. getspecialinfo = debug.getspecialinfo or getspecialinfo or nil
  89. shared = shared or nil
  90. decompile = decompile or nil
  91. loadstring = loadstring or nil
  92. getprotos = debug.getprotos or getprotos or nil
  93. hookfunction = hookfunction or hookfunc or nil
  94. isfile = isfile or nil
  95. getproto = debug.getproto or getproto or nil
  96. print = print or nil
  97. isrbxactive = isrbxactive or nil
  98. rconsoleinfo = rconsoleinfo or nil
  99. make_readonly = make_readonly or nil
  100. getstack = debug.getstack or getstack or nil
  101. rconsolename = rconsolename or nil
  102. unlockmodulescript = unlockmodulescript or nil
  103. getupvalue = debug.getupvalue or getupvalue or nil
  104. setproto = debug.setproto or setproto or nil
  105. mouse1click = mouse1click or nil
  106. setupvalue = debug.setupvalue or setupvalue or nil
  107. getscripts = getscripts or get_scripts or nil
  108. rconsoleerr = rconsoleerr or nil
  109. dumpstring = dumpstring or nil
  110. keypress = keypress or nil
  111. syn_crypt_derive = syn_crypt_derive or nil
  112. rconsoleclear = rconsoleclear or nil
  113. is_redirection_enabled = is_redirection_enabled or nil
  114. syn_context_set = syn_context_set or nil
  115. isreadonly = isreadonly or nil
  116. mouse2click = mouse2click or nil
  117. getinfo = debug.getinfo or getinfo or nil
  118. writefile = writefile or nil
  119. loadfile = loadfile or nil
  120. getconstant = debug.getconstant or getconstant or nil
  121. is_synapse_function = is_synapse_function or issynapsefunction or nil
  122. getconnections = getconnections or nil
  123. checkcaller = checkcaller or nil
  124. setreadonly = setreadonly or function(tbl, val) if val then make_readonly(tbl); else make_writeable(tbl); end; end or nil
  125. syn_crypt_encrypt = syn_crypt_encrypt or nil
  126. warn = warn or nil
  127. validfgwindow = validfgwindow or nil
  128. saveinstance = saveinstance or nil
  129. getinstances = getinstances or get_instances or nil
  130. getconstants = debug.getconstants or getconstants or nil
  131. getloadedmodules = getloadedmodules or get_loaded_modules or nil
  132. require = require or nil
  133. getnilinstances = getnilinstances or get_nil_instances or nil
  134. setclipboard = setclipboard or nil
  135. delfile = delfile or nil
  136. firetouchinterest = firetouchinterest or nil
  137. mouse1release = mouse1release or nil
  138. syn_websocket_close = syn_websocket_close or nil
  139. setnamecallmethod = setnamecallmethod or nil
  140. rconsoleprint = rconsoleprint or nil
  141. getsenv = getsenv or nil
  142. messagebox = messagebox or nil
  143. replaceclosure = replaceclosure or nil
  144. delfolder = delfolder or nil
  145. keyrelease = keyrelease or nil
  146. isfolder = isfolder or nil
  147. XPROTECT = XPROTECT or xprotect or nil
  148. getcallstack = getcallstack or nil
  149. appendfile = appendfile or nil
  150. syn_crypt_hash = syn_crypt_hash or nil
  151. syn_websocket_connect = syn_websocket_connect or nil
  152. is_protosmasher_closure = is_protosmasher_closure or isprotosmasherclosure or nil
  153. mousemoverel = mousemoverel or nil
  154. printconsole = printconsole
  155. listfiles = listfiles or list_files or nil
  156. islclosure = islclosure or is_lclosure or nil
  157. rconsolewarn = rconsolewarn or nil
  158. getstateenv = getstateenv or nil
  159. syn_crypt_decrypt = syn_crypt_decrypt or nil
  160. readfile = readfile or nil
  161. mousescroll = mousescroll or nil
  162. mousemoveabs = mousemoverel or nil
  163. setconstant = debug.setconstant or setconstant or nil
  164. getpropvalue = getpropvalue or nil
  165. syn_crypt_b64_decode = syn_crypt_b64_decode or nil
  166. mouse2release = mouse2release or nil
  167. mouse2press = mouse2press or nil
  168. getgc = getgc or nil
  169. getstates = getstates
  170. getpointerfromstate = getpointerfromstate or nil
  171. mouse1press = mouse1press or nil
  172. getnamecallmethod = getnamecallmethod or get_namecall_method or nil
  173. setpropvalue = setpropvalue or nil
  174. rconsoleinputasync = rconsoleinputasync or nil
  175. syn_crypt_random = syn_crypt_random or nil
  176. fireclickdetector = fireclickdetector or nil
  177. rconsoleinput = rconsoleinput or nil
  178. getmenv = getmenv or nil
  179. getreg = getreg or debug.getregistry or getregistry or nil
  180. getgenv = getgenv or nil
  181. messageboxasync = messageboxasync or nil
  182. getupvalues = getupvalues or debug.getupvalues or getupvalues or nil
  183. setstack = setstack or debug.setstack or setstack or nil
  184. syn_context_get = syn_context_get or nil
  185. syn_isactive = syn_isactive or nil
  186. getfenv = debug.getfenv or getfenv or nil
  187. setupvaluename = debug.setupvaluename or setupvaluename or nil
  188. end
  190. valiantENV()
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