
The edgiest edge on the edge

Nov 27th, 2014
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  1. As some of you may know, or have heard, I am done. Presently, I have significantly worse things to worry about than an MMORPG.
  3. My living situation took a turn from bad to ridiculously shitty, and explaining why won't make sense until I share a dirty little sekrit of mine that I've been intentionally keeping, as it's central to everything that's happened.
  5. I'm actually a male-to-female transsexual. I rarely get the chance to do myself up like I am in this picture here. Nevertheless, I'm dedicated to my transition. However, it was becoming clear to me that I had to do something, because two things (hint: i have boobs) are getting more and more difficult to hide without putting myself in intense pain. That in turn set off something horrible....
  7. I'd decided yesterday was a good time to come out to my mother about my transexuality, and the transition I'd been going through right under her nose.
  9. She did not take the news well, and I was beaten hard for being a "little faggot", and for "LETTING THEM CRAZY PEOPLE ON THEM INTERNETS" exert their "DISGUSTING PERVERTED INFLUENCES" on me. After bloodying my face, giving me an appealing shiner, and dozens of other bruises on my body, to rub salt in the wound she calls up family & friends, completely disappointed in her "faggot son". Considering the background of my family, and the horrible people I know that they know (they are dedicated to Hitler's long-dead ideology)...I don't feel safe even leaving my room, let alone being seen outside. Many of them are very hateful people, and knowing that a transperson lives among them only heightens my fears that I could very well end up dead in my sleep.
  11. I could go to the police, but then I'd literally be even more fucked for sending my mother up the river. News spreads fast, and I'd only be signing the death warrant in blood for sending one of them up the river. Not to mention I'd have nowhere to go....
  13. On top of that, I login after waking today to discover that pretty much everything I'd accumulated is gone. I posted 3 report threads, did @request multiple times, and even tried contacting a GM directly only to get ignored every time. The threads never went through or (more likely) were deleted immediately, and the GM team is so fucking incompetent it isn't like I'd get anything back anyway.
  15. So yes. I am fucked in a very big way, in real life and in-game. I'm hurt, scared, and my already prevalent trust issues are shaken. My only chance of coming through this relies on giving up everything via suicide, or selling my possessions and getting the fuck outta here. (likely the latter because I am a raging pussy still afraid to die)
  17. It was a good run while it lasted, and I hope you all have better luck in-game and in-life than I do.
  18. update:
  19. ´Today is a good day. I have finally come home, but things are a little different.
  21. tl;dr -- I am home. I am safe. I have a PC again.
  23. Well, it's been quite the adventure, and the last few weeks have been really rough.
  25. But it was almost all worth it.
  27. I say "almost"...because...well, you'll see. So sit down, strap in, and shut up, because I have got a story to tell.
  29. You'll remember I was in a pretty fucked spot, life-wise. That's literally done a 360 and walked away, and things could mostly not be looking any better than they are now.
  31. The day I dropped it all and ran:
  32. I only took basic necessities; pocketwatch, soap, hand lotion, 3 changes of clothes, deodorant, $50, a handgun, and a couple sandwiches I made prior to leaving. I was well-prepared for cold weather, above and beyond even; a pair of arm warmers, gloves, scarf, stockings, coat. I left at 11 in the morning, and I tell you, the first half-hour out the door my heart was pounding harder than I ever thought possible. But once I got away from the general area I lived, I learned something that made me feel at ease once I got out into public proper, namely, I pass extremely well as a girl.
  34. So getting through town wasn't nearly as difficult as I thought it would be...aside from walking a solid 15 miles. Unfortunately, I couldn't have picked a worse time to make a run for it; the Midwest Blizzard™ hit almost full-force that day. I watched no less than 6 car accidents that day (from a safe distance, of course). 13 miles later I arrive at my destination...only to find that my friend happened to be not home at the time. It took two-and-a-half hours of sitting on the porch waiting for them to come home.
  36. The entire ordeal lasted six hours. I believe I'm officially allowed to state that I am badass for walking in/sitting in a blizzard for six hours straight. Once they came home, I told them what had happened. I was immediately rushed inside, fed, and given a drink.
  38. I owe my friend a huge debt for taking me in during a time of need like this.
  40. I didn't really ask reasons, but before, I mentioned said friend could only put me up for two weeks. It was a simple matter of not being able to afford supporting me, plus I didn't want to feel like a mooch.
  42. Turns out that was more than enough time to get some shit taken care of. There was another friend I'd talked with before getting away. I'd known this person since I was in kindergarten. They couldn't have me stay for a number of reasons, namely, he was packing up to move. There were others he wouldn't tell me as well. After he'd moved, he did say he'd be happy to let me move in while I worked out the problems I'd had.
  44. :(:
  45. A week after I'd ran away, I get some depressing news. My mom died.
  47. Right here, I am going to sound like a horrible, evil person. The bitch deserved it. Not only for her beating the tar out of me, but because she died via heroin overdose.
  49. I had no idea she was a drug addict. But I guess this explains where all of her money would disappear to.
  51. Her Will stated that my sister is to receive her car, and I am to receive the house. I am now a homeowner!
  52. :)
  54. Everything goes better than expected:
  55. At the recommendation of the roommate, I quickly dial-up my other friend (the one who was moving.) I tell him the news. This changes everything, and I get permission to stay with him instead. I get a ride over there, and the first thing that happened puzzled me. I walked into his apartment and he gave me a hug. Not one of those short "oh i haven't seen you in a while hugs", either. Here's how the exchange went.
  57. :$ = me
  58. B-) = him
  60. :$ = knocks "I'm here!"
  61. B-) = opens door, steps away
  62. :$ = "Hey, thanks for letting me stay for a whi-"
  63. B-) = hugs "You know this changes everything, right?"
  64. :$ = "I don't understand, what do you mean?"
  65. B-) = "Lily...I am going to take care of you...."
  67. And then everything was made clear to me. In that moment I about fainted, because of what he said next. I think you can guess. I'll leave it up to you to determine the thrilling conclusion! :wub:
  69. And it was great, because I'd felt that way about him for a loooooooooong time~
  71. Now, we live together. In my house. And we have irons in the fire. Pretty soon I'll also have the dox that legally identify me as female, thanks to his help.
  73. So let's see here. Running away and suffering about six hours of blizzard was literally the best possible thing I've ever done in my entire life!
  75. Happy ending!
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