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Annex's type me

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Oct 22nd, 2017
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  1. Annex's type me questionnaire - someofyoucanguess
  3. Spacey - 10/11/2017
  4. This is the typing channel for the anonymous someofyoucanguess. Any and all input welcome and appreciated.
  5. Q is here:
  6. Google Docs
  7. someofyoucanguess
  8. Your Enneagram Plus Questionnaire Results 10/03/2017 The following are the results from your Enneagram questionnaire. We will use the answers collected to create a type me channel for you on Discord. Our process is entirely anonymous at first to remove any biases people who know you ma...
  10. Spacey pinned a message to this channel. See all the pins.10/11/2017
  12. Evo - 10/11/2017
  13. first!
  14. ( i have nothing to say yet lol)
  15. pho - 10/11/2017
  16. there's a lot here
  17. gut reaction is 6 or 1
  18. I'll read more when I can
  19. Spacey - 10/11/2017
  20. I don't think about this because I think I naturally know when enough is enough. I usually know when to stop pushing myself. Though I need discipline to keep myself in shape and not get too sedentary because I can fall into sloth.
  22. I'll do my mom. I think she sees me as innocent, carefree, and lazy. By innocent I mean easily deceived and corruptible. Carefree because I am less structured than her. Lazy because... well I don't do anything. Also I think she sees me as sensitive and easily overwhelmed. I don't know if there's any specific way I /want/ her to see me. I don't care because she doesn't see me as bad or anything. So it's okay.
  23. Maybe some 1 and 9, but not too sure yet.(edited)
  24. Aaaand, I gotta finish later as well.
  25. Brainy Bear - 10/11/2017
  26. 1 and 2 are both very Sp 9
  27. Hmmm in 3 I see some 9 and 6 flow
  28. Spacey - 10/11/2017
  29. Seems like this person knows they're 9 in the way they're talking, haha.
  30. Brainy Bear - 10/11/2017
  31. Ether 96x of some sort or 9 going into 6
  32. Lol I could see that :smiley:
  33. Its very fitting the 9 profile
  34. Spacey - 10/11/2017
  35. Or think they're 9, whatever. :P
  36. Brainy Bear - 10/11/2017
  37. 4 seems again very 9w1 lol
  38. 5 again seems very 9
  39. Not sure if they really are that 9 or copy pasted 9 stuff
  40. I shall see :)
  41. Spacey - 10/11/2017
  42. Limbo is probably my greatest sin because I usually feel like I am stagnant in my life. Think of it like how physics defines inertia. Its state can only be changed by an external force. I would definitely be going in the same direction every day without an external push to change. Next I think would be gluttony because I think I can be gluttonous in my life, wanting to experience a lot of things. Not to an extreme of course, and only in my comfort zone (not good haha) but still not wanting to miss out (but I'm not that mad if I do).
  43. Yeh, all of this seems p 9.
  44. Brainy Bear - 10/11/2017
  45. Id agree its practically the Sp 9 profile in raw form
  46. Spacey - 10/11/2017
  47. Someone who cannot get any peace. Someone who is endlessly tormented by negative thoughts, paranoia, and outside danger. Someone who has to keep moving and never settle.
  48. V 9
  49. Brainy Bear - 10/11/2017
  50. 5 seems more So 9
  51. 6 hmmm maybe some w8 elements with a hope for wanting own agenda?
  52. Spacey - 10/11/2017
  53. Yeah, so sx so far
  54. Brainy Bear - 10/11/2017
  55. 7 shows some clear 6 and 3 connection
  56. Spacey - 10/11/2017
  57. I can definitely be assertive with close friends and family, but it's because they're okay with that. If I assert myself to strangers or more distant acquaintances I might push them away. I want things to go smoothly and for there to be no trouble.
  58. Probably not 4, still super 9.
  59. Brainy Bear - 10/11/2017
  60. Thats 9 as well
  61. I see a lot of Sp and So so far
  62. Spacey - 10/11/2017
  63. I have a lack of presence, and thus I am easily ignored, which I am sad about.
  64. Although :hyperkittythink:
  65. Brainy Bear - 10/11/2017
  66. Thats the wannabe 3 streak that 9s want to grow to I would guess
  67. Spacey - 10/11/2017
  68. Although it's lack of presence, not identity.
  69. Brainy Bear - 10/11/2017
  70. At least based on my own 9
  71. pho - 10/11/2017
  72. :regional_indicator_n: :regional_indicator_i: :regional_indicator_n: :regional_indicator_e:
  73. Brainy Bear - 10/11/2017
  74. Yep very 9
  75. pho - 10/11/2017
  76. lots of writing
  77. Brainy Bear - 10/11/2017
  78. Ahh I see a non 9 now as its about head
  79. pho - 10/11/2017
  80. let me give proper read
  81. Brainy Bear - 10/11/2017
  82. Hmm question 8 regarding expression of fear
  83. Spacey - 10/11/2017
  84. Though I will go with what other people want if I am scared of what they will otherwise do or if saying no will make me a bad person in their eyes. I chose "maintaining my autonomy" because I can be stubborn about not being bothered, and not being disturbed when I'm in the "zone". I want to be in good favour with everybody (or at least not hated) but I can't help that sometimes I wanna do things my way.
  85. sp/so 9, I think
  86. Brainy Bear - 10/11/2017
  87. Id say 6w7 based on surface read and with minor w1 elements sticking through
  88. So far this profile reminds me a lot of a Sp/So 9 I know overall
  89. Spacey - 10/11/2017
  90. I definitely also want other people to be in peace, but maybe it's because /I/ feel badly when they're not, haha.
  91. Same here, focus on self first then others.
  92. I chose the first because I think that wins out. I like to be safe and I try to make sure that everything is safe. If there is a potential for danger I am easily worried. I always put on my seatbelt, wash my toothbrush in hot water to kill bacteria, wash my hands often, etc. I think I have a mild form of contamination OCD too. Some people think I am too worried about some stuff.
  93. Yeah maybe sp 6, idk tho.
  94. The second is the most relatable. I can be very passive-aggressive. If I don't like someone I'll try to say as little to them as possible. I don't show anger openly because it can be really bad, and plus my anger is so built up it comes out more like rage. I feel that if I were to suddenly let out all the anger I feel inside I would just go into a monstrous rage. And to think I considered myself "not an angry person" lmao
  95. 9w1 mebe
  96. Thought this might be @Silver tbh until I read this I am an only child, and I have been diagnosed on the autism spectrum, so my social skills are not as developed as an average person my age.
  97. But I think I am annoyed by fakeness and people who seem overly effusive, like it seems kind of creepy and off. It doesn't mean much if it's not genuine, but I understand if they're trying if it's the right thing to do even though they don't feel anything
  98. Hm so probably not 3
  99. There was this girl in grade 8 who was new to our class, I don't know if I envied her or not because she seemed well-received. I didn't like her probably because she seemed fake.
  100. Well, idkkkkk. Heart is hard.
  101. Brainy Bear - 10/11/2017
  102. Question 10 hmm
  103. Hard to tell from that
  104. Maybe 3 or 4?
  105. Spacey - 10/11/2017
  106. Though I think I have some pride in myself, I realize after being sort of blind to it, for being "good" and "pure", always having good intentions, but I think most people believe they have good intentions. It's not too obvious and pretty subtle though. If someone I like needs my help I definitely try and help, and there have been times where I thought people were asking for help or advice but they weren't lol.
  107. This is telling of something but I can't fucking place what connection I'm trying to make lmao.
  108. Brainy Bear - 10/11/2017
  109. There seems a underlying fear of failure and of being an outsider
  110. Hmm looking at that above
  111. It seems positive outlook I can say
  112. Spacey - 10/11/2017
  113. Yeah, they do seem to focus on acceptance, but I can't tell if it's in a 3 or 4 way.
  114. Jacqueline 🚀 - 10/11/2017
  115. that last quote sounds 2
  116. Pride in self over being "good" is the heart of 2
  117. They're often blind to it
  118. Brainy Bear - 10/11/2017
  119. I have heard that about 2 that they have a kind of pride of self
  120. I was thinking between 9 or 2 since its positive outlook and not focusing on own needs like a 7
  121. pho - 10/11/2017
  122. If anything I'd argue a 2 fix
  123. Spacey - 10/11/2017
  124. Hm. I'll keep reading. I could see it going any way.
  126. pho - 10/11/2017
  127. But 9 sp makes most sense to me
  128. Spacey - 10/11/2017
  129. Actually I think some things from earlier put me off 4.
  130. . I do feel like I have to earn it or else I feel guilty. I feel guilty for taking a lot and not giving back for example. Though I think I also do without them because I usually don't have any clue what my needs are, haha.
  131. Yeah like this seems p 9w1 again
  132. pho - 10/11/2017
  133. demonstrates 9 fear of separation from others, movement towards union(edited)
  134. Brainy Bear - 10/11/2017
  135. Yep a quick overview gives me a very Sp/So impression
  136. pho - 10/11/2017
  137. agreed
  138. Brainy Bear - 10/11/2017
  139. I will do a more through analysis of each paragraph later when I have more time
  140. Jacqueline 🚀 - 10/11/2017
  141. This seems 9 and 6 with SP to me so far
  142. 962 SP/SO is my preliminary evaluation
  143. Brainy Bear - 10/11/2017
  144. Id agree with 96x Sp/So
  145. Will have to read deeper for heart fix
  146. Spacey - 10/11/2017
  147. Yeah, 96x sp/so here too.
  148. Not super far though.
  149. Jacqueline 🚀 - 10/11/2017
  150. @Spacey more 2
  151. Guilt for not repaying your debt to others
  152. 2s deal in exchange like that
  153. If they take they must give
  154. If somebody else takes, they must give
  155. 2 > 8 is when they get demanding about this :p
  156. Spacey - 10/11/2017
  157. Yeah, good point.
  158. Jacqueline 🚀 - 10/11/2017
  159. I have been called by one person "the most passive person [they've] ever met."
  160. 962 confirmed
  161. Spacey - 10/11/2017
  162. Lmao
  163. pho - 10/11/2017
  164. were y'all thinking 9w1 or 9w8
  165. Spacey - 10/11/2017
  166. 9w1, I think.
  167. Jacqueline 🚀 - 10/11/2017
  168. I'll keep looking
  169. Spacey - 10/11/2017
  170. 6w7 2w3?
  171. Still looking too
  172. Jacqueline 🚀 - 10/11/2017
  173. The focus on guilt seems w1 to me so far
  174. Spacey - 10/11/2017
  175. Yeh
  176. pho - 10/11/2017
  177. I see many mentions of corruption
  178. Jacqueline 🚀 - 10/11/2017
  179. 9w1s are 9s in part because they feel guilt for taking up space
  180. 9w8s just exist and it's meh at best
  181. pho - 10/11/2017
  182. yeah
  183. 9w1 sp
  184. Spacey - 10/11/2017
  185. Let's say my needs for intimacy are not being met in a romantic relationship. I would talk it out with my partner but if they don't change, I would become resentful, especially if I have done my part and they haven't.
  186. See some 1 and 2 here.
  187. Not being resiprocated especially for 2.
  188. Jacqueline 🚀 - 10/11/2017
  189. This is incredibly 9 the more I read
  190. Textbook
  191. Jack shit 4 also
  192. Spacey - 10/11/2017
  193. Yeh.
  194. Jacqueline 🚀 - 10/11/2017
  195. 6w7 fix
  196. Spacey - 10/11/2017
  197. First thing I said was this person probably knows they're a 9 lol
  199. Jacqueline 🚀 - 10/11/2017
  200. Yeah lmao
  201. Spacey - 10/11/2017
  202. Sometimes if the conflict is bad I think of worst-case scenarios, which scare me. I try to make sure I am prepared. I think I also do the second where I'm like "nah we're gonna be fiiine" but that's not all the time lol.
  203. sp 6w7 lol
  204. I don't know if I contribute gifts/skills/resources to aid a cause. Well if I am invested in the cause maybe. Though I don't know. I do give time to people and I consider that valuable lol.
  205. Could see the 2 here as well.
  206. Jacqueline 🚀 - 10/11/2017
  207. Oh boy, conflict is scary to me. I do react to conflict internally, and I try and avoid it somehow. In my house my parents argued and fought a lot, and I would have to distract myself somehow. I don't know if I detach from my emotions? I downplay them so does that count?
  209. The birth of a 9
  210. 😢1
  211. Spacey - 10/11/2017
  212. Birth of Fi polr too
  213. Different manifestation lmao
  214. Parents fighting, I mean.
  215. Jacqueline 🚀 - 10/11/2017
  216. So apparently if your parents fight and you stay out of the way you end up as a 9, and if your parents fight and you fight back you end up a 6 lmao
  217. Jfc discord
  218. I am emotionally sensitive and I can be easily offended when something criticizes something I like. Then I feel like I have to stop liking it haha.
  219. Attachmenttriad.jpg
  220. Spacey - 10/11/2017
  221. Lmao
  222. pho - 10/11/2017
  223. it feels like I have to stop liking it
  224. :hyperultramegathonk:
  225. tfw pure superego
  226. Spacey - 10/11/2017
  227. Things I can't relate to for $600
  228. pho - 10/11/2017
  229. tru
  230. Spacey - 10/11/2017
  231. My response is to like it even harder.
  232. faurawa_vialon - 10/11/2017
  233. I am emotionally sensitive and I can be easily offended when something criticizes something I like.
  235. kek, dat me -.-
  236. might read over when I feel like it
  237. pho - 10/11/2017
  238. tfw 9 boulder
  239. faurawa_vialon - 10/11/2017
  240. hm?
  241. pho - 10/11/2017
  242. 9s are rocks
  243. u r rock
  244. Spacey - 10/11/2017
  245. Oh yeah, so final diagnosis 9w1 6w7 2w3 sp/so
  246. I think
  247. Or maybe 2w1 idk
  248. pho - 10/11/2017
  249. keep it 2wX for now, we'll let them chime in eventually
  250. Spacey - 10/11/2017
  251. Get some exxxtra 1 in there
  252. Yeh
  253. pho - 10/11/2017
  254. I'll probably knock out this questionnaire sometime
  255. by that I mean fill out
  256. Spacey - 10/11/2017
  257. These last 2 were good. I'm glad people put the effort in.
  258. faurawa_vialon - 10/11/2017
  259. hmmmm
  260. Spacey - 10/11/2017
  261. When we did the test batch nobody elaborated and it worried me lmao
  262. faurawa_vialon - 10/11/2017
  263. rock :qtthonk:
  264. :dozing:
  265. pho - 10/11/2017
  266. bunch of scrubs
  267. I'll really let you all pick my brain
  268. :tipping:
  269. Spacey - 10/11/2017
  270. Since people other than me and Evo are reading these, I might do one too.
  271. faurawa_vialon - 10/11/2017
  272. I am lazy af, but we will see
  273. bbl
  274. October 12, 2017
  275. Annex - 10/12/2017
  276. Since I think there's a consensus I'm just gonna go ahead and say this was mine :D
  277. 964 sp/sx to 962 sp/so lol
  278. Jacqueline 🚀 - 10/12/2017
  279. gtfo 4
  280. Annex - 10/12/2017
  281. I thought I was 4 fix because I was emotional and I was sensitive to people criticizing my hobbies lol
  282. Jacqueline 🚀 - 10/12/2017
  283. :smh:
  284. Annex - 10/12/2017
  285. But now I know better >_>
  287. Jacqueline 🚀 - 10/12/2017
  288. I don't think I felt like I was different as a kid. Alone yes, but not some outsider. I see some people feel as if they were born on another planet, and I never understood it because I always felt Earth was my home. I also never really felt longing for anything and I don't really envy (the longest I felt envy was like 2 seconds lol).
  289. :thonkfish:
  290. Annex - 10/12/2017
  291. Would even a 4 fixer feel like they don't belong?
  292. Jacqueline 🚀 - 10/12/2017
  293. yeah we definitely can(edited)
  294. it's been a consistent issue for me
  295. Annex - 10/12/2017
  296. Oh ok
  297. Jacqueline 🚀 - 10/12/2017
  298. "I've always felt different from the other kids" isn't my thing
  299. Annex - 10/12/2017
  300. Also I was p introverted my whole life and 2s and 3s are usually depicted as extroverted and stuff so I couldn't relate
  301. Jacqueline 🚀 - 10/12/2017
  302. but constantly feeling inferior, left out of important experiences, missing some important part of life other people have
  303. yes
  304. Jan e - 10/12/2017
  305. hA
  306. Jacqueline 🚀 - 10/12/2017
  307. lol
  308. SP 3s tho :GWchadThink:
  309. the type to actually neglect friends and social life just to work harder
  310. Annex - 10/12/2017
  311. rippp
  312. Spacey - 10/12/2017
  313. You did 2? Lol. Dedication.
  314. How do you feel about the analysis?
  315. Annex - 10/12/2017
  316. I think it was great :D it was good that I could write a lot. I had fun with it
  317. Spacey - 10/12/2017
  318. This one was really good btw! I enjoyed reading it.
  319. Annex - 10/12/2017
  320. Ty
  321. And ty all those who helped :heartato:
  322. Spacey - 10/12/2017
  323. I gotta shower, but if you wanna add to anything that's been said or discuss anything further, I'll be available in a bit.
  324. Annex - 10/12/2017
  325. Ok
  326. Spacey - 10/12/2017
  327. Well seems like you're satisfied or do you want to discuss anything further?
  328. Annex - 10/12/2017
  329. Hm I think I have a few more questions if nobody minds
  330. faurawa_vialon - 10/12/2017
  331. ok
  332. Spacey - 10/12/2017
  333. Absolutely go for it!
  334. Annex - 10/12/2017
  335. Ok
  336. First one I think. This is kinda general but how does a sx blind handle attraction to somebody compared to a non-sx blind? I've read that sx blinds can cross other people's boundaries and even end up being stalkers (extreme but yea) bc they don't have the same understanding of sx? Like they will just copy sx behaviours they see in movies/books but take it too far because they don't have an innate understanding of sx?
  337. Spacey - 10/12/2017
  338. Hm, I don't think it's necessarily a handicap in that way, but more like it's not your main driver, you know? Like, for me blindspot is more that I ignore it being a thing. often So I think with sx blind it's not really that things like you're describing are things you can't do, but more that you don't care so much about the sx goals in general.
  339. But maybe someone who is actually sx blind has better info, heh.
  340. Annex - 10/12/2017
  341. Hm ok
  342. Because I read this
  343. Tumblr
  344. MBTI / Enneagram blog
  345. what can make finding your instincts more difficult is that instinct-blindness can turn into a perverted obsession with this very same blindspot and can make this variant seem stronger than it...
  347. And there are other posts on this person's blog about blindspots
  348. Looking at that I see why I typed sx
  349. Because I wanted to like be with a certain person so badly(edited)
  350. But that's not really sx
  351. Spacey - 10/12/2017
  352. yeah, but I don't think you would not want that because of sx blind, personally
  353. like for me, it's like I need to feed those goals all the time, haha
  354. immerse all day long
  356. Annex - 10/12/2017
  357. I can't imagine lol
  358. Yeah too much passion scares me tbh
  359. faurawa_vialon - 10/12/2017
  360. hmm I relate to all three to some degree
  361. that post
  362. Spacey - 10/12/2017
  363. slightly hyperbolic lol
  364. faurawa_vialon - 10/12/2017
  365. don't think that's a good rule of thumb even
  366. @Annex yeah too much strong feelings
  367. Spacey - 10/12/2017
  368. yeah, it's like the opposite for me, I can't get enough
  369. faurawa_vialon - 10/12/2017
  370. those overwhelm me for sure
  371. guess it's the same for you
  372. Annex - 10/12/2017
  373. Tru
  374. faurawa_vialon - 10/12/2017
  375. for me though, when it is unwanted from outside
  376. if it's from a song I love or anything like that
  377. not a problem
  378. Annex - 10/12/2017
  379. Yeah
  380. faurawa_vialon - 10/12/2017
  381. hmm
  382. any more questions?
  383. I am pretty shit on sx-stuff, so couldn't answer that one lel
  384. Annex - 10/12/2017
  385. Rip lol
  386. Hm I'm thinking of some
  387. Jacqueline 🚀 - 10/12/2017
  388. so-blinds coldly philosophizing about society and what measures should be taken to improve it
  390. ah yes
  391. now more SO 1s can feel justified in mistyping as SO blind 5
  392. delicious
  393. faurawa_vialon - 10/12/2017
  394. I don't think that's a good post tbh
  395. lol I can relate to all three to some degree
  396. too exaggerated too
  397. Jacqueline 🚀 - 10/12/2017
  398. istj-hedonist is hilariously bad
  399. Annex - 10/12/2017
  400. Lmao
  401. Tumblr typology community is a heck
  402. Jacqueline 🚀 - 10/12/2017
  403. the reason for why some combinations of enneatype/instincts/enneagram are basically impossible is because they would put themselves into situations where they just.. die .. and.. darwin award themselves out of existence before they even have the chance to get healthier.
  405. there was a discussion some months ago about sp-blind 8s. and the consensus was that they are rare, but they exist, -but- because of this combination they are bound to get into jail sooner or later so you just don’t find them on the internet.
  406. this is one of his posts
  407. :clap:
  409. Annex - 10/12/2017
  410. It's so ridiculous
  411. faurawa_vialon - 10/12/2017
  412. okkkkk
  413. ded
  414. ai dai
  415. Annex - 10/12/2017
  416. The drama is just
  417. faurawa_vialon - 10/12/2017
  418. do you think she is istj
  419. Annex - 10/12/2017
  420. And there's a lot of so blind circlejerking
  421. faurawa_vialon - 10/12/2017
  422. I can see not-so-great Ne though
  423. Annex - 10/12/2017
  424. Like they say so blind has like barely any downsides to it. But sx blinds are dead inside and sp blinds accidentally die of starvation
  425. Jacqueline 🚀 - 10/12/2017
  427. this is a fucking social media site
  428. faurawa_vialon - 10/12/2017
  429. hi
  430. I am ded inside
  431. :CuteThumbsUp:
  432. Annex - 10/12/2017
  433. Being introverted = so blind
  434. Jacqueline 🚀 - 10/12/2017
  435. yeah the only bad part about SO blindness is that you might be a bit too iconoclastic and nonconformist and end up with no friends
  436. faurawa_vialon - 10/12/2017
  437. yeah that's what I thought when I first got into Enneagram rofl
  438. Jacqueline 🚀 - 10/12/2017
  439. but you don't care because you're an SO blind 5
  440. so you win
  441. faurawa_vialon - 10/12/2017
  442. or do you?
  443. Jacqueline 🚀 - 10/12/2017
  444. not really
  445. you actually lose macro scale by not engaging life
  446. faurawa_vialon - 10/12/2017
  447. precisely
  448. Annex - 10/12/2017
  449. Yeah lol
  450. faurawa_vialon - 10/12/2017
  451. meant to be rhetorical anyway
  452. not that you didn't know Jac, necessarily
  453. Brad - 10/12/2017
  456. except they're not all meatheads
  457. Jacqueline 🚀 - 10/12/2017
  458. Social blind - Completely unaware that they are being socially weird. These are the people who are always dreaming of taking their family and their pet and loving in a mountain away from everyone else. Least likely to follow the crowd just because it is what everyone else is doing. Most likely to be confused about how other people can succumb to the bandwagon.
  459. Personal Motto: "No thanks, I really don’t need any help.”
  460. :GWchadThink:
  461. thanks tumblr
  462. faurawa_vialon - 10/12/2017
  463. being weird is good
  464. #speshulsnowflakey
  465. Annex - 10/12/2017
  466. omg i relate xd
  467. faurawa_vialon - 10/12/2017
  468. I don't need help, no!
  469. Jacqueline 🚀 - 10/12/2017
  470. im not a sheep
  471. i swear
  473. faurawa_vialon - 10/12/2017
  474. but to be serious, I don't like asking for help too much
  475. Jacqueline 🚀 - 10/12/2017
  476. Lastly, so-blinds are cruel to anyone and everyone that wishes to be their friend but doesn’t fall within their sx category. So-blinds aren’t quick to call someone a friend. Even knowing them for a year coupled with countless deep conversations may not be enough. It is not uncommon for so-doms/fixes to realize somewhere down the line they mean nothing to their so-blind friend, and no matter how much they can try, their efforts bring them farther from becoming a true friend of the so-blind.
  477. :GWchadThonkery:
  478. Annex - 10/12/2017
  479. Wtf
  480. faurawa_vialon - 10/12/2017
  481. is this from istj-hedonist
  482. Jacqueline 🚀 - 10/12/2017
  483. no
  484. faurawa_vialon - 10/12/2017
  485. or is this from tumblr
  486. Jacqueline 🚀 - 10/12/2017
  487. some other tumblr nerd
  488. faurawa_vialon - 10/12/2017
  489. oh
  490. lol k
  491. Spacey - 10/12/2017
  492. lol geez
  493. is this true, Jac?
  494. is that how you really feel?
  495. Jacqueline 🚀 - 10/12/2017
  496. r u doin a joke
  497. Spacey - 10/12/2017
  498. si
  499. faurawa_vialon - 10/12/2017
  500. .
  501. you and your joke @Spacey
  502. Spacey - 10/12/2017
  503. weren't the tumblr quotes jokes?(edited)
  504. D:
  505. Jacqueline 🚀 - 10/12/2017
  506. no
  507. these are things people posted in all honesty
  508. faurawa_vialon - 10/12/2017
  509. yeah they are actually all from tumblr
  510. :lurkie:
  511. Annex - 10/12/2017
  512. Hi
  513. Hmm another question
  514. faurawa_vialon - 10/12/2017
  515. ye?
  516. Annex - 10/12/2017
  517. Ok I'm thinking on how to word this
  518. It's just that I'm unsure of heart fix
  519. Still lol
  520. Dunno, is not liking fake looking people indicative of 4?
  521. Or like people who are too exaggerated or too ingratiating
  522. In some way
  523. Hmm maybe not?
  524. Idk
  525. Also the fear of being judged for your interests, is that exclusive to 4? Though it's because 4s/4 fixers would see it as an attack on who they are right? I take it personally yeah, but idk if I see it as attacking my identity.(edited)
  527. thoughtlost - 10/12/2017
  528. no
  529. that is not exclusive to 4.
  530. like, if a friend doesn't find what I find interesting I'll get depressed and think that the friend doesn't care for what makes me me.
  531. Annex - 10/12/2017
  532. Oh ok
  533. faurawa_vialon - 10/12/2017
  534. 4s are more prone to considering it an attack on their being.
  535. and if more entranced, would probably think they aren't being understood because they are different
  536. more prone to taking such thinking route methinks
  537. it's the behind-the-scenes thinking/motivation that matters after all
  538. Annex - 10/12/2017
  539. :tru:
  540. thoughtlost - 10/12/2017
  541. they can experience it as an attack
  542. but I think more so
  543. Annex - 10/12/2017
  544. I don't think I ever felt like I was too different to be understood
  545. Jacqueline 🚀 - 10/12/2017
  546. Also the fear of being judged for your interests, is that exclusive to 4?
  548. 3s can actually confuse their interests with other people's in their pursuit to get approval and not be judged
  549. so no
  550. Dunno, is not liking fake looking people indicative of 4?
  552. I think most 3s will say they dislike fake looking people
  553. Annex - 10/12/2017
  554. Ok
  555. Jacqueline 🚀 - 10/12/2017
  556. people in general dislike it
  557. thoughtlost - 10/12/2017
  558. 4s tell themselves that others wouldn't be interested in what they are interested
  559. Jacqueline 🚀 - 10/12/2017
  560. the thing that 4s do actually do is introject
  561. Annex - 10/12/2017
  562. Yeah i thought it was a people in general thing I just wanted to make aure
  563. Jacqueline 🚀 - 10/12/2017
  564. take things personally when they aren't personal
  565. Annex - 10/12/2017
  566. Sure
  567. What does that look like? Introjection
  568. faurawa_vialon - 10/12/2017
  569. 4s tell themselves that others wouldn't be interested in what they are interested
  571. yeah I somewhat relate. Silently smug even, I can be like that
  572. Annex - 10/12/2017
  573. I don't understand it well I think
  574. thoughtlost - 10/12/2017
  575. yeah, I think that 4s feel depressed the way a 9 would if others don't like what they like.
  576. they don't care that they are "different"
  577. Jacqueline 🚀 - 10/12/2017
  578. introjection is "sucking in" or "absorbing" criticism, judgments, and even harmless comments and amplifying them internally
  579. making them into true personal attacks
  580. faurawa_vialon - 10/12/2017
  581. :qtthonk:
  582. Jacqueline 🚀 - 10/12/2017
  583. taking people's opinions of you as truth
  584. thoughtlost - 10/12/2017
  585. they are quite smug about it, actually.
  586. faurawa_vialon - 10/12/2017
  587. yeah I know I have that smug side
  588. Jacqueline 🚀 - 10/12/2017
  589. 4s have a bad habit of taking shit personally when it's not personal, and getting offended over inoffensive things
  590. Annex - 10/12/2017
  591. Hm ok. I do take teasing personally and such. I'm sensitive like that. But I don't really amplify my feelings
  592. faurawa_vialon - 10/12/2017
  593. worse because my actual self-confidence level isn't high
  594. Jacqueline 🚀 - 10/12/2017
  595. their feelings take center stage for them and are seen as always relevant
  596. so they make stuff emotional when it's unnecessary
  597. faurawa_vialon - 10/12/2017
  598. hmm
  599. I don't have strong feelings going on inside me all the time
  600. Annex - 10/12/2017
  601. :thinking:
  602. faurawa_vialon - 10/12/2017
  603. but what Jac is saying, I can be prone to doing that :ionthonk:
  604. Jacqueline 🚀 - 10/12/2017
  605. there's also a stronger form of introjection where you absorb an entire person lmao
  606. and try to become them
  607. or make them a part of you
  608. "I can't live without you" and so on
  609. this is advanced 4 > 2 fuckery
  610. thoughtlost - 10/12/2017
  611. 4s are interesting because I think the outer drive (what we see)
  612. Annex - 10/12/2017
  613. That sounds really sx lol
  614. Jacqueline 🚀 - 10/12/2017
  615. SX 4 is like that
  616. thoughtlost - 10/12/2017
  617. yeah 9s do that too... sx 9s.
  618. Jacqueline 🚀 - 10/12/2017
  619. v romantic
  620. faurawa_vialon - 10/12/2017
  621. >sx-last
  622. >not romantic
  623. :ok_hand:
  624. Annex - 10/12/2017
  625. Yeah I typed sx dom at one point because I was crushing on someone hard(edited)
  626. Jacqueline 🚀 - 10/12/2017
  627. 4w3s often mirror people or absorb their traits to disguise their actual selves
  628. Annex - 10/12/2017
  629. That's weird lol
  630. I mirror people but unconsciously I think
  631. faurawa_vialon - 10/12/2017
  632. :ionthonk:
  633. do I even mirror people
  634. Jacqueline 🚀 - 10/12/2017
  635. @thoughtlost lol sx 9s
  636. they're kinda forgotten about as far as types go
  637. thoughtlost - 10/12/2017
  638. really?
  639. why?
  640. faurawa_vialon - 10/12/2017
  641. wut
  642. Jacqueline 🚀 - 10/12/2017
  643. they're rarely talked about
  644. thoughtlost - 10/12/2017
  645. sx 9???
  646. Jacqueline 🚀 - 10/12/2017
  647. 9 is usually discussed as being SP 9
  648. thoughtlost - 10/12/2017
  649. huh, I see.
  651. Annex - 10/12/2017
  652. Yea
  653. Jacqueline 🚀 - 10/12/2017
  654. SO 8 and SP 3 are similarly forgotten
  655. thoughtlost - 10/12/2017
  656. well, then I won't talk about sx 9s then haha. I don't know if anything I say is really true...
  657. faurawa_vialon - 10/12/2017
  658. hmm not even sure if I am 9 cuz introjection, though my landscape isn't tumultuous emotions or something
  659. sp 3
  660. vanity in no vanity
  661. is what I see a lot
  662. Spacey - 10/12/2017
  663. Nu, talk more about sx 9
  664. Jacqueline 🚀 - 10/12/2017
  665. sx 9 is just
  666. u l t i m a t e m e r g e
  667. Spacey - 10/12/2017
  668. Lol rip
  669. faurawa_vialon - 10/12/2017
  670. oh hey, Spacey's favourite word
  671. merge
  672. Spacey - 10/12/2017
  673. Is that why I would think my boyfriend is a 6?
  674. Ultimate clingbot
  675. Jacqueline 🚀 - 10/12/2017
  676. lol
  677. sx 9 is built to cling
  678. Spacey - 10/12/2017
  679. Rip
  680. faurawa_vialon - 10/12/2017
  681. I don't cling
  682. cuz too independent
  683. :3
  684. Spacey - 10/12/2017
  685. No sx
  686. Lol
  687. faurawa_vialon - 10/12/2017
  688. a u t o n o m y
  689. Annex - 10/12/2017
  690. I was p clingy with my crush
  691. thoughtlost - 10/12/2017
  692. xDDDDDDD
  693. Annex - 10/12/2017
  694. But idkkk
  695. I'm sx last
  696. I guess
  697. thoughtlost - 10/12/2017
  698. yeah sx 9 doesn't do too well with autonomy, especially in am emotional sense.(edited)
  699. Spacey - 10/12/2017
  700. :hyperkittythink:
  701. thoughtlost - 10/12/2017
  702. ....unless pretty healthy haha
  703. Jacqueline 🚀 - 10/12/2017
  704. 9s lose themselves in stuff, forget their own motives
  705. instincts are pretty simplistic
  706. Spacey - 10/12/2017
  707. So really like the people who are loyal to fault then
  708. Jacqueline 🚀 - 10/12/2017
  709. sp 9s lose themselves in daily activity and routine, comforts, consumption, etc
  710. Annex - 10/12/2017
  711. Me
  712. Lmao
  713. Jacqueline 🚀 - 10/12/2017
  714. so 9s lose themselves in social scenes, adopt roles and identities and leave their own agendas behind
  715. sx 9s lose themselves in individuals and make other people's lives their own :^)
  716. barnacles :^)
  718. Spacey - 10/12/2017
  719. Lol
  720. Annex - 10/12/2017
  721. :^)
  722. Spacey - 10/12/2017
  723. Yeah, I can stop questioning this haha
  724. That makes a lot of sense
  725. Dat w8 tho
  726. Jacqueline 🚀 - 10/12/2017
  727. @thoughtlost what breed of 9 are you?
  728. thoughtlost - 10/12/2017
  729. oh, I forgot that my role is 9 haha
  730. Spacey - 10/12/2017
  731. So much about 9 really does cater to sp 9w1
  732. I'm learning a lot about 9 this week
  733. thoughtlost - 10/12/2017
  734. 9w1
  735. Jacqueline 🚀 - 10/12/2017
  736. obama is an SO 9
  737. that's all you gotta know
  738. thoughtlost - 10/12/2017
  739. hahahahahaha
  740. Spacey - 10/12/2017
  741. Lol
  742. Jacqueline 🚀 - 10/12/2017
  743. @thoughtlost instincts?
  744. Spacey - 10/12/2017
  745. sx 92x lol
  746. faurawa_vialon - 10/12/2017
  747. Jacqueline 🚀 - 今ζ—₯ 23ζ™‚06εˆ†
  748. sp 9s lose themselves in daily activity and routine, comforts, consumption, etc
  750. yeeee, me(edited)
  751. well, at least 9 fix if anything(edited)
  752. Spacey - 10/12/2017
  753. The clingy intensity makes sense
  754. thoughtlost - 10/12/2017
  755. unfortunately sx 9.
  756. Jacqueline 🚀 - 10/12/2017
  757. @Spacey yeah descriptions tend to cater to a specific instinct
  758. RIP
  759. faurawa_vialon - 10/12/2017
  760. just like @Annex
  761. Jacqueline 🚀 - 10/12/2017
  762. 6 is SP/SO usually
  763. faurawa_vialon - 10/12/2017
  764. r o u t i n e
  765. Annex - 10/12/2017
  766. Yus
  767. thoughtlost - 10/12/2017
  768. yeah, the types usually cater to a specific instinct so it makes it hard for some to find their right type.
  769. Spacey - 10/12/2017
  770. Yeah, tbh, I kinda dismissed it because all the 9s here aren't sx 9w8 lol
  771. So didn't really think about this side to it(edited)
  772. Jacqueline 🚀 - 10/12/2017
  773. SP is kinda the "default" for non-image types in descriptions
  774. image types are biased to SO in descriptions I find
  775. faurawa_vialon - 10/12/2017
  776. :ionthonk:
  777. Annex - 10/12/2017
  778. Hm yea
  779. Spacey - 10/12/2017
  780. 7 is probably sp/so
  781. Annex - 10/12/2017
  782. I mean like image is only really relevant in relation to other people.
  783. Spacey - 10/12/2017
  784. Actually, no. sp/sx
  785. faurawa_vialon - 10/12/2017
  786. or sx/sp
  787. @Annex yeah, being valued via whatever image...
  788. thoughtlost - 10/12/2017
  789. I wish I knew sx 9w8s
  790. Annex - 10/12/2017
  791. Not like you can't think about identity alone, but image type issues involve other people a lot
  792. faurawa_vialon - 10/12/2017
  793. ye
  794. Spacey - 10/12/2017
  795. Well, apparently my bf is one, but he has 0 interest in typology and would not come here haha.
  796. Super rude
  797. Jacqueline 🚀 - 10/12/2017
  798. rip
  799. faurawa_vialon - 10/12/2017
  800. .
  801. Spacey - 10/12/2017
  802. He almost came for the GoT channel
  803. thoughtlost - 10/12/2017
  804. awh, well I'd like to be his friend.
  805. faurawa_vialon - 10/12/2017
  806. ripperoni
  807. Spacey - 10/12/2017
  808. Almost
  809. He's on my test server. We can just migrate this server over there and ambush him.
  810. Jacqueline 🚀 - 10/12/2017
  811. hmnn
  812. do I do the q or not
  813. :thinkfishdown:
  814. thoughtlost - 10/12/2017
  815. hahahaah
  816. Jacqueline 🚀 - 10/12/2017
  817. or sit in perpetual 6 ambivalence
  818. Spacey - 10/12/2017
  819. You know you're a 6
  820. Jacqueline 🚀 - 10/12/2017
  821. I want to see how badly
  822. Annex - 10/12/2017
  823. :GWchadMEGATHINK: :thinksung: :thinkupsidedown: :blobthonking: :conjoinedthink: :fonking:
  824. πŸ˜‹2
  825. thoughtlost - 10/12/2017
  826. awh hahaha
  827. Spacey - 10/12/2017
  828. But I think you could have decent feedback too
  829. On the q
  830. So for selfish reasons I want you to do it
  831. Jacqueline 🚀 - 10/12/2017
  832. lol
  833. is this 2?
  834. :thinksung:
  835. Spacey - 10/12/2017
  836. The honest 2
  837. faurawa_vialon - 10/12/2017
  838. @Jacqueline 🚀 I wonder about that myself too
  839. do I do it
  840. Spacey - 10/12/2017
  841. T R I P L E M A N I P U L A T I V E
  842. U so smart, Jac.
  843. We need you.
  844. faurawa_vialon - 10/12/2017
  845. or kinda sit in the 9
  846. idk
  847. but I don't feel like doing the q
  848. Annex - 10/12/2017
  849. You've got nothing to lose
  850. faurawa_vialon - 10/12/2017
  851. Β―\_(ツ)_/Β―
  852. Jacqueline 🚀 - 10/12/2017
  853. time.
  854. thoughtlost - 10/12/2017
  855. SIT IN 9!!!!
  857. faurawa_vialon - 10/12/2017
  858. lol
  859. Annex - 10/12/2017
  860. o
  861. faurawa_vialon - 10/12/2017
  862. r o c k
  863. boulder
  864. don't moooove
  865. from the 9
  866. idk
  867. I am just shittalking because I am bored af
  868. Annex - 10/12/2017
  869. My life tbh
  870. faurawa_vialon - 10/12/2017
  871. but at the same time I don't want to do anything
  872. so
  873. s!ded
  874. ShuviBOT - 10/12/2017
  875. fey-fei-fii has decided to dig a hole and die in it.
  876. faurawa_vialon - 10/12/2017
  877. d e d
  878. Spacey - 10/12/2017
  879. Hopefully I'll have time to do the bot thing this weekend because logging this is gonna suck lmao.(edited)
  880. Annex - 10/12/2017
  881. Sorry :((
  882. faurawa_vialon - 10/12/2017
  883. what can we say
  884. she wrote good responses
  885. Spacey - 10/12/2017
  886. Nah, not your fault.
  887. faurawa_vialon - 10/12/2017
  888. and good convo is taking place
  889. Spacey - 10/12/2017
  890. It was good conversation so worth it.
  891. Annex - 10/12/2017
  892. Ya
  893. faurawa_vialon - 10/12/2017
  894. just @Annex being Annex
  895. :3
  896. Spacey - 10/12/2017
  897. #7sx
  898. Annex - 10/12/2017
  899. Still dunno if I'm 4 fix or 2 fix or even 3 fix
  900. When will this doubt end
  901. faurawa_vialon - 10/12/2017
  902. lol 3 fix
  904. Annex - 10/12/2017
  905. I mean I'm not always that helpful
  906. Spacey - 10/12/2017
  907. Ditch the 6
  908. End the doubt
  909. faurawa_vialon - 10/12/2017
  910. 3 fix probably the least likely
  911. lul spacey
  912. Spacey - 10/12/2017
  913. Well, 2 is innately super selfish.
  914. faurawa_vialon - 10/12/2017
  915. pride
  916. yes
  917. Spacey - 10/12/2017
  918. You help in self interest.
  919. faurawa_vialon - 10/12/2017
  920. I am selfish af
  921. Annex - 10/12/2017
  922. Hm but I don't know what I want
  923. thoughtlost - 10/12/2017
  924. 2s help so you notice the good/sacrifice they've made.
  925. faurawa_vialon - 10/12/2017
  926. self-forgetting
  927. Spacey - 10/12/2017
  928. I think especially as a 9 core and sp, you'd see less of a reason to do it.
  929. thoughtlost - 10/12/2017
  930. it's all an act.
  931. Spacey - 10/12/2017
  932. Yeah, like, on the base level for me, I do 2 shit because I would want someone to return the favor if I ever need it.
  933. Annex - 10/12/2017
  934. Oh so it's like being indirect about it
  935. Jacqueline 🚀 - 10/12/2017
  936. 2 isn't even always about helping
  937. sometimes it's just about attention whoring
  938. or showering people in affection in hopes they return it
  939. Annex - 10/12/2017
  940. I'm not an attention whore though idk
  941. thoughtlost - 10/12/2017
  942. yeah, 2s do that too...
  943. Spacey - 10/12/2017
  944. Well, I think that's a lot more seen in core 2s.
  945. Jacqueline 🚀 - 10/12/2017
  946. 2w1s fit the "helper" role more while 2w3s fit the "celebrity" role
  947. Spacey - 10/12/2017
  948. Again, especially as an sp 9 lol.
  949. Annex - 10/12/2017
  950. I did the showering in affection thing when I had a crush but that's like a typical thing to do
  951. Tried to figure out what he liked and def appealed to that too
  952. faurawa_vialon - 10/12/2017
  953. yeah
  954. Spacey - 10/12/2017
  955. Yeah, could be your fix is 2w1 also.
  956. If it's 2. Don't rule that out.
  957. Annex - 10/12/2017
  958. Oh yea
  959. Spacey - 10/12/2017
  960. I'd have to go back and see what made me think 2w3, but your heart fix wasn't super obvious.
  962. Jacqueline 🚀 - 10/12/2017
  963. 2w3s go the "blatantly looking for positive feedback" route way more
  964. 2w1s stay lowkey typically
  965. Annex - 10/12/2017
  966. Yeah maybe 2w1 fix
  967. Spacey - 10/12/2017
  968. But yeah, in the end regardless of what your image fix is, it's has to do with how you want to be perceived.(edited)
  969. faurawa_vialon - 10/12/2017
  970. yeah @Annex and I talked about her tritype before, and it became clearer that she relates the image-related problems the least
  971. Annex - 10/12/2017
  972. Hmmm
  973. thoughtlost - 10/12/2017
  974. for me, all image types are about the masks.
  975. faurawa_vialon - 10/12/2017
  976. 946 -> 964 -> 962
  977. thoughtlost - 10/12/2017
  978. and 2s and 3s need others to validate what they want to be.
  979. which is either loveable or valued
  980. Spacey - 10/12/2017
  981. And even if how you're perceived isn't your main focus (as a core), there's still some way you want to be seen.
  982. faurawa_vialon - 10/12/2017
  983. can i be validated, tqvm
  984. thoughtlost - 10/12/2017
  985. yes I can validate you
  986. faurawa_vialon - 10/12/2017
  987. lol I should stop chatting here because I am shittalking
  988. and going more lulzy
  989. thoughtlost - 10/12/2017
  990. showers validation
  991. Annex - 10/12/2017
  992. Yeah I think I wanna be perceived as a "good girl"
  993. faurawa_vialon - 10/12/2017
  994. THANKS
  995. strokes ego
  996. I am successful af
  997. thoughtlost - 10/12/2017
  998. hahaha
  999. faurawa_vialon - 10/12/2017
  1000. 3 core confirmed
  1001. Annex - 10/12/2017
  1002. :money_with_wings:
  1003. faurawa_vialon - 10/12/2017
  1004. shit I can't stop shittalking
  1005. thoughtlost - 10/12/2017
  1006. hahaha keep going
  1007. it's ok
  1008. Annex - 10/12/2017
  1009. And ty whoever changed my tag lol
  1010. faurawa_vialon - 10/12/2017
  1011. me @Annex
  1012. :3
  1013. Spacey - 10/12/2017
  1014. Yeah, maybe 2 then, annex, but I'm not sold completely.
  1015. faurawa_vialon - 10/12/2017
  1016. I was following the convo
  1017. and quietly switched
  1018. Annex - 10/12/2017
  1019. showers you in more validation
  1020. Spacey - 10/12/2017
  1021. It seemed to make the most sense though.
  1022. Annex - 10/12/2017
  1023. Ok yea
  1024. faurawa_vialon - 10/12/2017
  1025. yes
  1026. more attention
  1027. I can't get enough
  1028. Annex - 10/12/2017
  1029. Maybe I'm still 4 fix? I am sensitive and such
  1030. faurawa_vialon - 10/12/2017
  1031. Jakuri the attention whore
  1032. Annex - 10/12/2017
  1033. Haha
  1034. Spacey - 10/12/2017
  1035. Sensitive can be many things.
  1036. What are you sensitive about?
  1037. faurawa_vialon - 10/12/2017
  1038. Spacey is sensitive about her freedom being limited
  1039. Annex - 10/12/2017
  1040. Like being teased
  1041. faurawa_vialon - 10/12/2017
  1042. yeee
  1043. Spacey - 10/12/2017
  1044. But why?
  1045. Annex - 10/12/2017
  1046. Uhhhhh
  1047. :thinkupsidedown:
  1048. Maybe I should think before hitting enter haha
  1049. Jacqueline 🚀 - 10/12/2017
  1050. thonk yourself before you wronk yourself
  1051. ⭐1
  1052. Spacey - 10/12/2017
  1053. Lol.
  1054. Jacqueline 🚀 - 10/12/2017
  1055. :Think_Mayan_Sun:
  1056. Spacey - 10/12/2017
  1057. I just think with 4 it would be pretty specific to how those people see you.
  1058. faurawa_vialon - 10/12/2017
  1059. Annex - 今ζ—₯ 23ζ™‚32εˆ†
  1060. :thinkupsidedown:
  1061. Maybe I should think before hitting enter haha
  1063. has bitten me a few times lol
  1064. I say something
  1065. Annex - 10/12/2017
  1066. Hmmmm yea
  1067. faurawa_vialon - 10/12/2017
  1068. asked to explain further
  1069. and hten I go uh
  1070. Annex - 10/12/2017
  1071. Lol Jakuri
  1072. faurawa_vialon - 10/12/2017
  1073. garbled shit
  1074. Jacqueline 🚀 - 10/12/2017
  1075. y'all got envy?
  1076. emotional volatility?
  1077. Annex - 10/12/2017
  1078. Oh god I need to get teased again and see how I react because I'm not sure >_>
  1079. faurawa_vialon - 10/12/2017
  1080. and then I get annoyed with myself
  1081. Spacey - 10/12/2017
  1082. Annex
  1083. That purple
  1084. faurawa_vialon - 10/12/2017
  1085. u :qt:
  1086. Annex - 10/12/2017
  1087. Envy idk, emotional volatility ... I'm a 9 so that would be p muted anyway
  1088. Spacey - 10/12/2017
  1089. Is terrible
  1090. Annex - 10/12/2017
  1091. Nooooooo I'm gonna cry now :((
  1092. faurawa_vialon - 10/12/2017
  1093. lul
  1095. Spacey - 10/12/2017
  1096. HOW DO YOU FEEL?
  1097. Annex - 10/12/2017
  1098. Lol jk
  1099. faurawa_vialon - 10/12/2017
  1100. totally
  1101. I can seee tears from afar
  1102. Annex - 10/12/2017
  1103. I didnt pick the colour
  1104. faurawa_vialon - 10/12/2017
  1105. totally
  1106. totally
  1107. Spacey - 10/12/2017
  1108. Okay.
  1109. thoughtlost - 10/12/2017
  1110. I have a feeling that I have a E4 roommate
  1111. Spacey - 10/12/2017
  1112. That avatar is fugly.
  1113. thoughtlost - 10/12/2017
  1114. but I don't thnk
  1115. Annex - 10/12/2017
  1116. No it's not! Forests are beautiful :(
  1117. thoughtlost - 10/12/2017
  1118. he'd be interested in me asking him about enneagram stuff
  1119. Annex - 10/12/2017
  1120. Lol
  1121. Spacey - 10/12/2017
  1122. Forests are lame
  1123. Nobody likes them
  1124. Annex - 10/12/2017
  1125. That's not true
  1126. Spacey - 10/12/2017
  1127. Are you 4ing???
  1128. hautp - 10/12/2017
  1129. name one good thing forests do
  1130. Spacey - 10/12/2017
  1131. Tell me pls
  1132. Annex - 10/12/2017
  1133. Uh i dont think so
  1134. I'm not offended haha I know you mean it in good fun
  1135. faurawa_vialon - 10/12/2017
  1136. cute
  1137. Spacey - 10/12/2017
  1138. I know :rainbowblob:
  1139. Annex - 10/12/2017
  1140. Try teasing my character
  1142. faurawa_vialon - 10/12/2017
  1143. cute
  1144. Spacey - 10/12/2017
  1145. Noooooo.
  1146. I can't because I'll accidentally take it too far.
  1147. Someone better equipped needs to do it.
  1148. faurawa_vialon - 10/12/2017
  1149. .
  1150. Annex - 10/12/2017
  1151. I can handle it.
  1152. faurawa_vialon - 10/12/2017
  1153. ^ stronk
  1154. 9s can be pretty stronk
  1155. Annex - 10/12/2017
  1156. :muscle:
  1157. Spacey - 10/12/2017
  1158. Noooooo
  1159. Also I don't think you'll react like you normally would anyways when you know I'm not serious haha.
  1160. Annex - 10/12/2017
  1161. Eh I guess so lol
  1162. Is this 4: feeling awkward and sad because you feel ignored so you withdraw. Or is that more 9
  1163. thoughtlost - 10/12/2017
  1164. hard to say could be both....
  1165. we need like an 6 hour long video of Jonny Depp so I can study 4s a bit better lol
  1166. Annex - 10/12/2017
  1167. Lol haha
  1168. Ahhh fuck idek lol
  1169. thoughtlost - 10/12/2017
  1170. awh, have some 9 huggles. it's hard.
  1171. Spacey - 10/12/2017
  1172. Sounds more 9, I think, since 4 is reactive?
  1173. Like even Jak reacts when 4 flares up.
  1174. Annex - 10/12/2017
  1175. How so?
  1176. October 13, 2017
  1177. Spacey - 10/13/2017
  1178. How does he react?
  1179. Annex - 10/13/2017
  1180. Yea
  1181. Spacey - 10/13/2017
  1182. Like when he feels attacked, he pushes back first often and then retreats a little later sometimes.
  1183. Annex - 10/13/2017
  1184. :thinking:
  1185. Spacey - 10/13/2017
  1186. @faurawa_vialon probably can speak to it a little better
  1187. I'm also v tired lol
  1188. So probably not making the most sense.
  1190. Annex - 10/13/2017
  1191. Oh ok
  1192. Maybe you should rest lol
  1193. Spacey - 10/13/2017
  1194. Yeah, about to, just wrapping something up.
  1195. Annex - 10/13/2017
  1196. Okie
  1197. faurawa_vialon - 10/13/2017
  1198. 9 huggles
  1199. s!hug @Spacey
  1200. ShuviBOT - 10/13/2017
  1201. :hug: fey-fei-fii tightly hugging Spacey and doesn't wanna let go.
  1202. faurawa_vialon - 10/13/2017
  1203. there is also 9 nuzzle too
  1204. s!nuzzle @Annex
  1205. ShuviBOT - 10/13/2017
  1206. :nuzzle: Annex got trapped in fey-fei-fii's nuzzle.
  1207. Annex - 10/13/2017
  1208. :kawaiipotato:
  1209. faurawa_vialon - 10/13/2017
  1210. hug, snuggle, nuzzle, pat
  1211. best commands
  1212. thoughtlost - 10/13/2017
  1213. awh
  1214. Annex - 10/13/2017
  1215. s!nuzzle @faurawa_vialon
  1216. ShuviBOT - 10/13/2017
  1217. :nuzzle: Annex is cutely rubbing their head against fey-fei-fii.
  1218. faurawa_vialon - 10/13/2017
  1219. um, though silversbest is the best command
  1220. thoughtlost - 10/13/2017
  1221. such happy 9 commands
  1222. Annex - 10/13/2017
  1223. Indeed
  1224. faurawa_vialon - 10/13/2017
  1225. speaking of which
  1226. Jacqueline 🚀 - 10/13/2017
  1227. :tipping:
  1228. we need some good 6 commands
  1229. faurawa_vialon - 10/13/2017
  1230. done updating
  1231. yes happy commands
  1232. Libra - 10/13/2017
  1233. don't blame those on nines
  1234. pftt
  1235. thoughtlost - 10/13/2017
  1236. HAHAHA
  1237. faurawa_vialon - 10/13/2017
  1238. lol
  1239. Annex - 10/13/2017
  1240. Lmao
  1241. faurawa_vialon - 10/13/2017
  1242. it's definitely physical + emotional focus, so image/body
  1243. lol
  1244. thoughtlost - 10/13/2017
  1245. embrace the huggles @Libra
  1246. faurawa_vialon - 10/13/2017
  1247. yes
  1248. Libra - 10/13/2017
  1249. i like hugs, but sappy is gross
  1251. Spacey - 10/13/2017
  1252. Can we have a 6 command where you say something and they just repeat your statement back to you as a question in all caps?
  1253. faurawa_vialon - 10/13/2017
  1254. hmm
  1255. Annex - 10/13/2017
  1256. Commands for all types tho
  1257. faurawa_vialon - 10/13/2017
  1258. maybe something like
  1260. Jacqueline 🚀 - 10/13/2017
  1262. CAN WE???
  1263. Libra - 10/13/2017
  1264. okay, but hugs don't count as nine commands...
  1265. thoughtlost - 10/13/2017
  1266. SURE?????
  1267. faurawa_vialon - 10/13/2017
  1268. @Libra that has a 2 bent I guess
  1269. thoughtlost - 10/13/2017
  1270. no, I get it Libra
  1271. faurawa_vialon - 10/13/2017
  1272. or just general feeler bent
  1273. Libra - 10/13/2017
  1274. yes
  1275. blame the twos
  1276. Spacey - 10/13/2017
  1277. But my questions wasn't a statement.
  1278. Command broke
  1279. thoughtlost - 10/13/2017
  1280. 9 commands are more...
  1281. Spacey - 10/13/2017
  1282. Pls fix, Jakbot
  1283. faurawa_vialon - 10/13/2017
  1284. sleep
  1285. Jacqueline 🚀 - 10/13/2017
  1287. faurawa_vialon - 10/13/2017
  1288. relax
  1289. Jacqueline 🚀 - 10/13/2017
  1290. RELAX?
  1291. Spacey - 10/13/2017
  1292. Lmao perfect
  1293. Jacqueline 🚀 - 10/13/2017
  1294. this is the true 6 experience
  1295. Spacey - 10/13/2017
  1296. It is.
  1297. thoughtlost - 10/13/2017
  1298. personally, I just nod my head a lot....
  1299. that's my 9 command.
  1300. Spacey - 10/13/2017
  1301. I'm so fucking tired, I just laughed for a solid minute.
  1302. thoughtlost - 10/13/2017
  1303. awwwh spacey
  1304. faurawa_vialon - 10/13/2017
  1305. :loliThonk:
  1306. Libra - 10/13/2017
  1307. i dunno... for me nine is about constant filtration...(edited)
  1308. faurawa_vialon - 10/13/2017
  1309. do I push back though? guess I do kinda
  1310. but mostly I just get sulky and withdraw
  1311. Spacey - 10/13/2017
  1312. 7s obviously just ditch the convo.
  1313. Have the bot join in and then leave.
  1314. pho - 10/13/2017
  1315. :thinkguns:
  1316. thoughtlost - 10/13/2017
  1317. hahahaha
  1318. I love it.
  1319. Spacey - 10/13/2017
  1320. "lol that's so funny, tell me more"
  1321. faurawa_vialon - 10/13/2017
  1322. or like "your loss"
  1323. Spacey - 10/13/2017
  1324. Quits server
  1325. faurawa_vialon - 10/13/2017
  1326. and withdraw
  1327. and kinda go into self-pity
  1328. pho - 10/13/2017
  1329. >t y p i n g t h r e a d
  1330. srs bsns :thinkupsidedown:
  1331. faurawa_vialon - 10/13/2017
  1332. Spacey wanted me to talk about 4+9 stuff
  1333. thoughtlost - 10/13/2017
  1334. what typing thread??
  1335. Spacey - 10/13/2017
  1336. I feel like you're a beta, fa.(edited)
  1337. faurawa_vialon - 10/13/2017
  1338. but don't think I am doing a good job of this
  1339. Spacey - 10/13/2017
  1340. Always enforcing order.
  1341. Evo will be sad.
  1342. Jacqueline 🚀 - 10/13/2017
  1343. welcome to a server where most of the participants are 9s
  1344. pho - 10/13/2017
  1345. :thonkfish:
  1346. thoughtlost - 10/13/2017
  1347. oh no. no make evo sad!
  1348. Spacey - 10/13/2017
  1349. If I ever make our bot this is happening.
  1350. Enneatrollbot
  1351. faurawa_vialon - 10/13/2017
  1352. @Jacqueline 🚀 I could be mistyped you know :p
  1353. possibly one fewer 9 yo
  1354. Annex - 10/13/2017
  1355. :hyperkittythink:
  1356. faurawa_vialon - 10/13/2017
  1357. :hyperkittythink:
  1358. TIL @Annex is a qt kitty
  1359. k got it(edited)
  1360. Annex - 10/13/2017
  1361. Yep
  1362. You know me
  1363. Jacqueline 🚀 - 10/13/2017
  1364. @faurawa_vialon if you aren't 9 what even would you be
  1365. Annex - 10/13/2017
  1366. :smiley_cat:
  1367. Jacqueline 🚀 - 10/13/2017
  1368. 6w7? 3w4?
  1369. faurawa_vialon - 10/13/2017
  1370. yeah why not right
  1371. Jacqueline 🚀 - 10/13/2017
  1372. :tipping:
  1373. pho - 10/13/2017
  1374. are jacc and I the only ppl with the knows their shit tag
  1375. faurawa_vialon - 10/13/2017
  1376. because it's true yo
  1377. pho - 10/13/2017
  1378. :hyperkittythink:
  1379. Spacey - 10/13/2017
  1380. Red Shift does too
  1381. pho - 10/13/2017
  1382. whomstdve else joinst thy rank
  1383. faurawa_vialon - 10/13/2017
  1384. Jac, pho, red shift
  1385. I was initially given that role, but I declined because I don't know shit :P
  1386. Spacey - 10/13/2017
  1387. It's really just assigned at random
  1388. pho - 10/13/2017
  1389. :hypethonk:
  1390. faurawa_vialon - 10/13/2017
  1391. but @Jacqueline 🚀 knows her stuff though
  1392. fosho
  1393. pho - 10/13/2017
  1394. phosho*
  1395. Spacey - 10/13/2017
  1396. Fasho*
  1397. pho - 10/13/2017
  1398. same pronunciation
  1399. you activated my trap card
  1400. faurawa_vialon - 10/13/2017
  1401. .
  1402. Spacey - 10/13/2017
  1403. Hot
  1404. Annex - 10/13/2017
  1405. What does the dot mean
  1406. pho - 10/13/2017
  1407. :blobthonking: @Spacey
  1408. sprays water bottle
  1409. Spacey - 10/13/2017
  1410. :blobcookie:
  1411. :hidingboo:
  1412. Rude
  1413. pho - 10/13/2017
  1414. you're gonna be banished to nsfw
  1415. Spacey - 10/13/2017
  1416. See, beta order.
  1417. thoughtlost - 10/13/2017
  1418. haha
  1419. Jacqueline 🚀 - 10/13/2017
  1420. it's pronounced
  1421. :b:ho
  1422. Annex - 10/13/2017
  1423. :b:eta
  1424. Spacey - 10/13/2017
  1425. Oh shit
  1426. faurawa_vialon - 10/13/2017
  1427. @Annex . means .
  1428. :P
  1429. :b:eta hmm(edited)
  1430. pho - 10/13/2017
  1431. I'm tired
  1432. goodnight
  1433. faurawa_vialon - 10/13/2017
  1434. too Ne-Si myself
  1435. Annex - 10/13/2017
  1436. Gn ^^
  1437. Libra - 10/13/2017
  1438. what is the point of that tag?
  1439. the knows their shit tag
  1440. faurawa_vialon - 10/13/2017
  1441. literally the one who is knowledgeable
  1442. Libra - 10/13/2017
  1443. about what?
  1444. also, wtf i had a tag that poofed
  1445. and one that showed up by surprise...
  1446. and a replacement...
  1447. faurawa_vialon - 10/13/2017
  1448. Ennea
  1449. Libra - 10/13/2017
  1450. right on
  1451. faurawa_vialon - 10/13/2017
  1452. k
  1453. Spacey - 10/13/2017
  1454. Well, let us know whenever you're good to close this, Annex. This was definitely a quick one, so we can still leave it up a bit if you want to talk some more things out. (:
  1455. Annex - 10/13/2017
  1456. I think I'm done here
  1457. Thank you everyone who helped!! :D
  1458. Spacey - 10/13/2017
  1459. Okay! Will close whenever I'm on PC then.
  1460. Thanks again for a good q! You put a lot of effort in and it ended up being very useful, imo.
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