
The King of Diamonds (Warning: Gay Clop)

Nov 18th, 2012
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  1. This is my first fic. I wanted Sombra to get some loving so I took matters into my own hand. Good god don't judge my other fics by this one! Its my first fic! I get better I SWEAR!
  6. You are King Sombra of the Crystal Kingdom and you just got blasted into oblivion by the crystal heart, again. Back to shadowing around in the great white expanse of emptiness. Some sort of magic plane, you can‘t remember what it is but you do remember you have been here quite often. At least you remember yourself this time although you don’t know if that will last. As you are about to settle in for another eternity of dicking around you feel a pull. Time to go back already?
  8. You are anonymous and you cannot believe what Celestia is doing. “Celestia! You really shouldn’t be doing this! Your student and her friends just spent the better part of a day saving the crystal kingdom from him and you’re just going to bring him back?!” Celestia sitting in front of a book on a pedestal surrounded by runes and markings replies “The need is great anonymous. One must do what one must do no matter the cost”
  10. “My sister is right anonymous” Pipes up Luna from across the room sitting on pillows next a table covered in green felt.. “We cannot do this without him.”
  12. Sighing to yourself you decide to sit down next to her at the table and prepare.
  14. A sound like a thunder strike interrupts your preparations. The room while somewhat dark before has become pitch black. A haughty deep laugh riverbeets off the walls hauntingly. “Graaaaauggg” comes the haunting voice “ You and your ilk shall regret this day. Releasing me from my prison soon your world will”
  16. “Can it” Interrupts Celestia. ”We’re not fillies you overgrown cloud of smoke”
  17. “Celestia?! And your Sister too” Booms a surprised Sombra. His eyes popping out of the darkness.” Is this some new hell you have constructed for me?”
  18. “No” says Celestia. ”We need a 4th to round out poker night. Cadence couldn’t make it. Busy or some such nonsense. I just think she is tired of losing.”
  19. The room returns to its normal state as Sombra forms into his normal pony body. “Seriously?” He asks. “Where’s Star Swirl….. or Discord…. and who‘s Cadence?
  20. “Dead, stoned and a new Alicorn. You probably wouldn’t like her. No one does.” you say as you go back to shuffling cards.
  22. “Oh well ok then” Goes Sombra as he takes his seat of pillows next to the table opposite you. “What are we playing for? CrysTALLLLLLLLSsssssss?”
  24. “Always crystals with you” mumbles Celestia taking her seat next to you. “Yes we will be betting with crystals but there is a slight problem. You see you don’t seen to have any.”
  26. “My empire has been taken from me. What do you want me to do” Whined Sombra.
  27. Looking him over you can think of a few things he could do. Smiling to yourself you decide to say” Well Sombra I have a few extra crystals. I suppose I could let a few go…..provided…”
  29. Sighing Sombra replies ”Provided what hairless ape?”
  31. “Well you seem like a stallion who knows his way around a fun stick.” Pointing downwards suggestively. “One blowjob and you get hmmm I’ll say 20 crystals. Also the names Anon not ape.”
  33. Glaring at you Sombra turns his gaze to Celestia “What have you been telling ponies while I’ve been gone? Fine AnoN I will take that deal but if I have my way with the cards tonight it will be you on your knees singing my praises with a mouth full.”
  35. “Sure sure. We’ll settle up after the game. Get ready to work your mouth off. I ain’t easy.”
  37. “Bleh he’s not kidding. Its like a full time job with him” says Luna as she magics over some snacks..
  39. You deal the cards with a smirk on your face. “Lets get this game started.”
  40. Everyone looks over there cards while eyeing each other. Luna crunches down on a hoof full of snacks. Celestia keeps making eyes at Sombra and Sombra trys to ignore her, nervously reshuffling his hand.
  41. “Ante up” you say as you throw in two little sapphires. Not the best hand for you a single pair. Discarding the three useless cards into the pile of other rejected cards you deal everyone out new cards. Well that’s better, three fives. Luna smiles as she raises four more gems. Celestia matches her with a smile and looks over to Sombra. Glaring into his cards Sombra throws the gems into the pile. Pretending to put on a crestfallen face you add your gems to the growing pile.
  43. Luna can read a face as well as any blind comatose lobotomy patient. Beaming she slams down her cards. “Two of these jack fellows! Read them and weep suckers.” Celestia laughs as she brings out her two aces. “You’ll have to do better then that sister.” says as she starts grabbing the gem pile.
  45. “Not so fast Celestia” You lay down your hand eliciting an exasperated winy from Celestia. “That’s not fair Anon I wanted to win first round!” Smiling at the two out of luck sisters you look over to Sombra who looks like he is staring at a group of bratty children. He notices you looking and stares right into your eyes as his glour turns into a smile that would put pinkie to shame. Gently laying out his cards you see he has three tens.
  47. “Pffffft first rounds luck. Its not going to last.” You say as you reshuffle the deck and prepare to deal.
  48. Sombra just takes his winnings and gives everyone a grin. “We shall see Anon. We shall see.”
  50. Its been two hours and you are starting to think Sombra is better then you at poker. He’s just sitting there behind a giant pile of crystals with a cocky grin, wearing his new golden chest thingy and sandals. He would have Lunas too but she got into the liqour cabinet and is currently passed out on your couch.
  52. “Well Celly it seems you’re running out of crystals….You know you can bet your kingdom if you want. I’ll take good care of it.” He smirks as he looks over his hand.
  54. “Oh no I’m not falling for that again.” says Celestia as she reshuffles her hand. “I’m beginning to remember why we overthrew you in the first place.”
  56. “Well how about slave for a day? Like old times Celly.” He gives her a wink.
  58. Celestia tosses her cards away. “No I have work in the morning. Time to cut my losses”
  60. “Well how about you Anon. You’re out of gems too. A just a single day of hot sweaty degradation if you lose but if you win.. ”He motions to the giant bet. Half of his winning tonight.
  62. You inwardly sneer. You are about to walk away with everything and a little action on the side. You have three kings and two fives. “Just a day? I could do that in my sleep. A week and I get your horde and you for the rest of the night.”
  64. “Hmmm a week of fun with a weird lanky alien. Ok Anon I’ll take that bet. Ready your tongue you’ll be cleaning something that hasn’t been washed in a thousand years.” Sombra pushes the rest of his haul into the pile.
  66. Putting your cards down you scoff at the King of Crystals. “I’m going to enjoy wiping that smile off your face with my…”
  68. Sombra slams down his cards onto the table. A royal flush. All diamonds. I had every king….but the king of diamonds. Sombra starts laughing filling the whole apartment with his deep voice.
  70. After a minute Celestia joins him in laughter. “That’s what you get for beating me last week! Come sister the king and his new slave require some privacy. Oh and Sombra do try a keep a low profile this time.” Grabbing Luna she bursts through the door yelling. ”See you same time next week.”
  71. You just sit there. Staring dumbly at the cards and the giant pile of gems.
  73. “Well then slave. I believe its time to put that tongue of yours to work.”
  75. A evil looking aura surrounds the tables and flings it against the wall. Gems, cards, snacks and drinks fly through the air. You get up almost as if in a daze and walk over to Sombra.
  76. “You have yet to bow to your king, slave.”
  77. Getting down on your knees you start to bow, staring all the time at Sombras now hardening member and large incredibly blue sack.
  78. “That is far too slow slave.” Grabbing you with his magic you are shoved down until you are at eye level with Sombras little Sombra. The smell is almost overpowering. Apparently a thousand years has done little for his hygiene.
  79. “Must I tell you to do everything. Start at the bottom and work your way up or no food for you tonight.” Opening your mouth you take a long lick, grimacing at the strong taste. Well you lost the wager better get used to this. Taking long licks up and down his dick you start to enjoy the taste. The king moans as you start to massage his bluish balls. Licking your way to the top you take in a drop of precum. There are oceans that are less salty.
  80. “Yes get me nice and wet slave. You’re going to want it nice and slippery where I plan to put it next.” Taking him into your mouth you start lathering as much spit on it as possible. With a pop he pushes you off his dick and spins you around with magic. Expecting the worst you get ready to bite into a pillow but instead you gasp as you feel a wet warm lick across your backside. He’s tonguing you like an pro. Your flag has gone from half mast to full.
  81. “I do not intend to ruin my slave on the first round” He says before going back in.
  82. Biting the pillow to keep yourself from moaning you ride the waves of pleasure as the king stretches you out.
  83. Pulling out Sombra places his front hooves on your back. “Its time for the main event slave.” Grabbing your hair with his teeth he pulls your head back as he prods your backdoor. Sliding in you can’t help but moan. He’s not as long as big Mac but he is a little thicker. “Hmmmm not your first time is it. A pity at least I know I don’t have to hold back anymore.”
  84. Holding back?!
  85. Pulling your hair back again he roughly hilts you. You cry out although not all in pain. In and out he pounds you for everything hes worth. You feel so full then empty then full again as he roughly plods your prostate.
  86. “Holy shit” You cry out as his balls slap yours.
  87. “I did not say you could speak Slave” Yells Sombra between gasps and moans.” Your mouth is reserved for my royal jewels and nothing more.”
  88. His dick starts to throb. He doesn’t have much left in him. Sombra roars as he lets loose into your ass. He hilts trying to push it in as far as it will go. Warmth spreads fast inside you but you cant hold it all. There’s far too much and it starts spurting out soaking your balls and dick with cum. How can anyone have this much build up inside them.
  89. Sombra finally stops roaring and sits back into the pillows and cushions pulling out of you in one swift movement, painting your back the floor and the pillows with his pent up seed.
  90. Taking a moment to catch his breath Sombra lays back. “I needed that more then you know, you maybe begin cleaning me. Perhaps one more go before sleep. You do have a bed for me my slave?”
  91. “Yes master….” you grumble as you get up and move over to Sombra. Splashing seeds from your backside as you do.
  92. Sombra puts his front hooves behind his head and smiles as he lets you get back to cleaning him. “Get used to that taste slave. Its going to be a long week”
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