
New Coin Route Notes

Aug 28th, 2018
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  1. 2-2
  2. ===============
  3. mini grind on Bomb Shelter Box
  4. Wasp + mini grind on Town Hall front
  5. (no VM at 50ft Mag Glass)
  6. (no VM at Monorail Station)
  7. ===============
  8. 2-4
  9. ===============
  10. (no VM at Krusty Burger to go for Jump Strat)
  11. ===============
  12. 2-6
  13. ===============
  14. (no wasp on roof)
  15. (no VM at Hospital)
  16. [need 1 extra wasp outside of Hospital]
  17. (no Gazebo Box)
  18. Box on Construction Site
  19. VM at Krusty Burger
  20. ===============
  21. 3-2
  22. ===============
  23. (no coin room)
  24. ===============
  25. 3-4
  26. ===============
  27. Kamp Krusty Wasp + Box
  28. ===============
  29. 3-7
  30. ===============
  31. (no beach coins)
  32. crane wasp
  33. ===============
  34. 4-1
  35. ===============
  36. mini grind on Gas Station VM
  37. wasp
  38. ===============
  39. 4-2
  40. ===============
  41. 2 power plant VMs
  42. mini grind on Gold House Box
  43. (no VM at Gas Station)
  44. mini grind on Kwik E Mart VM
  45. ===============
  46. 4-3
  47. ===============
  48. (no Box in Burns Manor)
  49. ===============
  50. 4-5
  51. ===============
  52. mini grind on Krusty Burger box
  53. grocery store VM
  54. gas station VM
  55. ===============
  56. 4-6
  57. ===============
  58. (no Flanders Coins)
  59. (no Wasp on Kwik E Mart roof)
  60. ===============
  61. 4-7
  62. ===============
  63. gas station VM
  64. krusty burger box
  65. burns manor box
  66. ===============
  67. Start of L5
  68. ===============
  69. only get Town Hall Front box and Construction Site box
  70. ===============
  71. 5-1
  72. ===============
  73. monorail station VM
  74. Stadium VMs
  75. Town Hall Back box
  76. ===============
  77. 5-2
  78. ===============
  79. court house box
  80. box in gazebo
  81. ===============
  82. 5-3
  83. ===============
  84. (no boxes at hospital)
  85. ===============
  86. 5-4
  87. ===============
  88. boxes (+ maybe wasp) at hospital
  89. freebee at Sit and Rotate
  90. mini grind on Sit and Rotate VM
  91. VM at Try and Save
  92. ===============
  93. 5-5
  94. ===============
  95. box + 2 wasps at Monorail station
  96. wasp on roof
  97. ===============
  98. 5-6
  99. ===============
  100. wasp(s) at Sit and Rotate
  101. ===============
  102. 5-7
  103. ===============
  104. VM at Krusty Burger (if not got in 5-1)
  105. ===============
  106. 6-2
  107. ===============
  108. box in Studio A
  109. ===============
  110. 6-4
  111. ===============
  112. VM at Motel
  113. 1 wasp in Duff
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