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Oct 23rd, 2017
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  1. #// <>==<>==<> ItemJoin's Custom Items On Join, by RockinChaos <>==<>==<> //#
  2. #// See the Documentations page for a more in-depth tutorial; //#
  3. items-Version: 6
  4. items-Delay: 2
  5. items-Overwrite: false
  6. items-Spamming: false
  8. items:
  9. ultra-item:
  11. slot: 0
  12. name: '&bBlazefury'
  13. lore:
  14. - '&7A god sword..'
  15. - '&7This is generations old!'
  16. commands:
  17. multi-click:
  18. - 'message: &eYou can send yourself custom messages!'
  19. - 'console: say You can even execute more than one command!'
  20. - 'player: say This is item slot 1'
  21. - 'say Hello world!'
  23. commands-type: interact, inventory
  24. commands-sound: BLOCK_NOTE_PLING
  25. commands-cost: 25
  26. commands-cooldown: 5
  27. cooldown-message: '&7[&eItemJoin&7] &a[%item%&a] &cis on cooldown for &a%timeleft% &cseconds..'
  28. itemflags: inventory-modify, death-drops, unbreakable, hide-attributes, self-drops, CreativeBypass
  29. triggers: join, respawn, world-change, region-enter
  30. permission-node: 'itemjoin.ultra'
  31. enabled-regions: region1, region2
  32. enabled-worlds: world, world_nether, world_the_end
  33. map-item:
  34. id: MAP
  35. slot: 2
  36. name: '&eMystery Map'
  37. lore:
  38. - '&7Great for Server promotions!'
  39. map-id: 1
  40. custom-map-image: 'default.png'
  41. itemflags: inventory-modify, unbreakable, hide-attributes, death-drops, self-drops, CreativeBypass
  42. triggers: join, respawn, world-change
  43. permission-node: 'itemjoin.ultra'
  44. enabled-worlds: world, world_nether, world_the_end
  45. gamemode-item:
  46. id: PAPER
  47. slot: 4
  48. count: 6
  49. name: '&aGamemode Token'
  50. lore:
  51. - '&7Right-Click to use'
  52. - '&7Your free creative mode token!'
  53. - '&7'
  54. - '&7Left-Click to use'
  55. - '&7Your free spectator mode token!'
  56. commands:
  57. right-click:
  58. - 'console: gamemode 1 %player%'
  59. - 'message: &eYou have been set to creative mode.'
  60. left-click:
  61. - 'console: gamemode 3 %player%'
  62. - 'message: &eYou have been set to spectator mode.'
  63. commands-type: interact
  64. commands-sound: BLOCK_NOTE_PLING
  65. commands-cost: 25
  66. commands-cooldown: 5
  67. cooldown-message: '&7[&eItemJoin&7] &a[%item%&a] &cis on cooldown for &a%timeleft% &cseconds..'
  68. itemflags: death-drops, self-drops, disposable
  69. triggers: join, respawn, world-change
  70. permission-node: 'itemjoin.token'
  71. enabled-worlds: world, world_nether, world_the_end
  72. book-item:
  73. id: WRITTEN_BOOK
  74. slot: 6
  75. name: '&c&nCreating a Book'
  76. author: '&bItemJoin'
  77. lore:
  78. - '&7'
  79. - '&7This magical book is given on join!'
  80. pages:
  81. - 'newpage: &bYou can get this book on join!'
  82. - 'newline: &aThis book also supports &ccolor codes!'
  83. - 'newline: &0'
  84. - 'newline: &cHow do custom books work?'
  85. - 'newline: &0'
  86. - 'newline: &0You can set an &cauthor&0'
  87. - 'newline: &0as shown in the items.yml'
  88. - 'newline: &0I set it to &bItemJoin.'
  89. - 'newline: &0'
  90. - 'newpage: &cHow do you create a new page?'
  91. - 'newline: &0'
  92. - 'newline: &0As displayed to the left in the items.yml'
  93. - 'newline: &0Use &bnewpage&0 and &cnewline&0 to create your pages.'
  94. - 'newline: &cnewpage &0will start the next page.'
  95. - 'newline: &cnewline &0will create a new line for that page.'
  96. - 'newpage: &bItemJoin &0by RockinChaos!'
  97. - ':endthebook:'
  98. itemflags: inventory-modify, death-drops, self-drops
  99. triggers: join, respawn
  100. permission-node: ''
  101. enabled-worlds: world
  102. bungeecord-item:
  103. id: STAINED_GLASS
  104. slot: 8
  105. name: '&eBungeeCord Blox'
  106. data-value: 12
  107. count: 32
  108. lore:
  109. - '&7Right-Click to go to the survival server!'
  110. enchantment: FIRE_ASPECT:3
  111. commands:
  112. multi-click:
  113. - 'server: survival'
  114. - 'message: &eSending you to the survival server!'
  115. commands-type: interact, inventory
  116. commands-sound: BLOCK_NOTE_PLING
  117. commands-cost: 25
  118. commands-cooldown: 5
  119. cooldown-message: '&7[&eItemJoin&7] &a[%item%&a] &cis on cooldown for &a%timeleft% &cseconds..'
  120. itemflags: inventory-modify, placement, hide-attributes, death-drops, self-drops
  121. triggers: join, respawn, world-change
  122. permission-node: 'itemjoin.bungeetp'
  123. enabled-worlds: world, world_nether, world_the_end
  124. filler-pane-item:
  125. id: 160
  126. slot: Arbitrary, Arbitrary, Arbitrary, Arbitrary
  127. name: '&f'
  128. data-value: 15
  129. itemflags: inventory-modify, placement, death-drops, self-drops
  130. triggers: join, world-change
  131. enabled-worlds: world, world_nether, world_the_end
  132. arrow-item:
  133. id: TIPPED_ARROW
  134. slot: 27
  135. name: '&fDeath Arrow'
  136. count: 16
  137. arrow:
  138. potion-effect: WITHER
  139. power: 1
  140. time: 20
  141. itemflags: death-drops, self-drops
  142. triggers: join, respawn, world-change
  143. enabled-worlds: world, world_nether, world_the_end
  144. firework-item:
  145. id: FIREWORK
  146. slot: 29
  147. name: '&dSparkles'
  148. lore:
  149. - '&7Right-Click me and watch me fly!'
  150. firework:
  151. type: CREEPER
  152. flicker: true
  153. trail: true
  154. power: 1
  155. colors:
  156. - 'GRAY'
  157. - 'WHITE'
  158. - 'PURPLE'
  159. - 'SILVER'
  160. - 'GREEN'
  161. itemflags: count-lock, death-drops, hide-attributes, self-drops
  162. triggers: join, respawn, world-change
  163. enabled-worlds: world, world_nether, world_the_end
  164. potion-item:
  165. id: POTION
  166. slot: 31
  167. name: '&4Draught of Madness'
  168. potioneffects: JUMP:2:120, INCREASE_DAMAGE:3:150, REGENERATION:1:160
  169. triggers: join, respawn, world-change
  170. enabled-worlds: world, world_nether, world_the_end
  171. golden-apple-item:
  172. id: GOLDEN_APPLE
  173. slot: 33
  174. name: '&eApple of the Goddess'
  175. lore:
  176. - '&7This is not any ordinary apple.'
  177. itemflags: death-drops, self-drops
  178. potioneffects: JUMP:2:120, NIGHT_VISION:2:400, GLOWING:1:410, REGENERATION:1:160
  179. triggers: join, respawn, world-change
  180. enabled-worlds: world, world_nether, world_the_end
  181. skull-item:
  182. id: SKULL_ITEM
  183. slot: 35
  184. name: '&b%player%'
  185. skull-owner: '%player%'
  186. data-value: 3
  187. lore:
  188. - '&7Great for setting a'
  189. - '&7players profile, like hypixel!'
  190. itemflags: inventory-modify, death-drops, self-drops
  191. triggers: join, respawn, world-change
  192. enabled-worlds: world, world_nether, world_the_end
  193. filler-pane-item-two:
  194. id: 160
  195. slot: 28, 30, 32, 34
  196. name: '&f'
  197. data-value: 4
  198. itemflags: inventory-modify, placement, death-drops, self-drops
  199. triggers: join, world-change
  200. enabled-worlds: world, world_nether, world_the_end
  201. helmet-item:
  203. slot: helmet
  204. name: '&5Helmet of Solitude'
  205. enchantment: PROTECTION_ENVIRONMENTAL:5
  206. itemflags: inventory-modify, death-drops, self-drops
  207. triggers: join
  208. enabled-worlds: world, world_nether, world_the_end
  209. chestplate-item:
  211. slot: chestplate
  212. name: '&5Chestplate of Reckoning'
  213. enchantment: PROTECTION_ENVIRONMENTAL:5
  214. itemflags: inventory-modify, death-drops, self-drops
  215. triggers: join
  216. enabled-worlds: world, world_nether, world_the_end
  217. leggings-item:
  219. slot: leggings
  220. name: '&5Leggings of Strength'
  221. enchantment: PROTECTION_ENVIRONMENTAL:3
  222. itemflags: inventory-modify, death-drops, self-drops
  223. triggers: join
  224. enabled-worlds: world, world_nether, world_the_end
  225. boots-item:
  226. id: DIAMOND_BOOTS
  227. slot: boots
  228. name: '&5Boots of Flight'
  230. itemflags: inventory-modify, death-drops, self-drops
  231. triggers: join
  232. enabled-worlds: world, world_nether, world_the_end
  233. offhand-item:
  234. id: SHIELD
  235. slot: offhand
  236. name: '&bShield of the Protector'
  237. itemflags: inventory-modify, death-drops, self-drops, unbreakable
  238. triggers: join
  239. enabled-worlds: world, world_nether, world_the_end
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