
Lost in the Dark (Bat Pony Short)

Jul 15th, 2013
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  1. >You try to keep oriented as you tumble and sprawl down the steep, dark cave slope.
  2. >Dirt and dust kick up, and your head spirals around as your body continuously hits the ground, rolling deeper and deeper into the cave.
  3. >You grit your teeth and clench your eyes.
  4. >Not like you could see anyway.
  5. >You tumble and roll a few more times, occasionally gaining a little air and hitting the ground back down hard.
  6. >Finally, after what seems like an eternity, the ground levels off.
  7. >Your body takes one final hit as you slam into the ground and stop.
  8. >Dust settles around you.
  9. >You lay belly down, face pressed against the cold cave floor.
  10. "Ohhh..."
  11. >You groan.
  12. >Your entire body aches.
  13. >You decide to just lie there for a bit.
  14. >A moment later, a soft scraping noise follows you down the sloped hill.
  15. >You can feel it softly tap against the bottom of your shoe.
  16. >Your pickaxe...
  17. >It took the trip a bit later than you.
  18. >...Well, might as well get up.
  19. >You press your palms into the floor and push, raising your body high enough to catch it with your knees and prop yourself up.
  20. >Everything hurts...
  21. >You sit up and open your eyes.
  22. >Pitch black.
  23. >Of course.
  24. >You reach behind you and feel around for the mining equipment.
  25. >...There it is.
  26. >With your pickaxe in hand, you press it into the ground for support and stand up.
  27. >You are Anonymous.
  28. >And this is not looking good.
  29. >You take a step, reaching your hand out to try and feel a wall.
  30. "Rarity?"
  31. >You call out.
  32. >Your voice echoes throughout the cave,
  33. "Rarity! Hello? Can you hear me!?"
  34. >It reverberates once more.
  35. >...No answer.
  36. >Of course this would happen.
  37. >You try to be nice and help her mine for some gems, and you end up getting lost and falling down some pit in the cave.
  38. >This shit wouldn't happen helping Twilight organize books.
  39. >You sigh.
  40. >...Feeling around with your hand, you finally locate a wall.
  41. >Alright, some support.
  42. >You lean against it and keep moving forward, feeling the wall as you go.
  43. >Your pickaxe practically drags behind you.
  44. >Alright...
  45. >What's the plan...?
  46. >You put some thought into it as you move forward.
  47. >The air is still and cool, and the only sounds that break the piercing silence is your own footsteps and the occasional dragging of the pickaxe.
  48. >...Just keep walking, you guess.
  49. >There has to be a way out of here somewhere.
  50. >How deep do these caves even go?
  51. >You almost trip over a rock.
  52. >Jesus... blind as a bat.
  53. >Does anything even live out here?
  54. >...Is this Diamond Dog territory?
  55. >...No way, can't be.
  56. >They're further up.
  57. >...Right...?
  58. >You continue feeling the wall and moving at a steady pace.
  59. >It's so dark that you practically forget your eyes are open.
  60. >So it's quite a shock when a small, concealed, blue light graces your vision from some far corner of the cave.
  61. >Your eyes lock to it immediately.
  62. >What is that...?
  63. >You let your hand fall from the wall as you stray from it, heading toward this mysterious source of light.
  64. >Your pickaxe occasionally taps the ground, and you keep it low in case of needed support.
  65. >Quickly enough, and with surprisingly less stumbles than anticipated, you reach the mysterious glowing object.
  66. >You crouch down to observe it, placing your equipment down temporarily...
  67. >...It's a mushroom.
  68. >A pretty, small, luminescent mushroom, no bigger than a bottle of ketchup.
  69. >The head of it gives off this soft blue light.
  70. >You grip the base of it and pull, softly ripping the fungus from its roots and holding it up to your face.
  71. >...How does this even grow down here?
  72. >...Well, you think you found your light source.
  73. >You pass it over to your left hand and grab your pickaxe with your right, then stand back to your feet.
  74. >You hold the mushroom up like a torch, and the illuminated fungus opening up the darkness in front of you.
  75. >...Perfect.
  76. >With this visual aid, you see the dark path continue forward.
  77. >...Alright, not much elsewhere to go.
  78. >You begin walking, slightly more comfortable now that your eyes are working.
  79. >Your footsteps echo throughout the cavernous path, and you instinctively look around you.
  80. >Something almost feels... off.
  81. >You can't place it.
  82. >Your eyes trace the walls of the cave, and up to the top where only the very tips of stalactites breach the darkness.
  83. >What could be up there...?
  84. >You look back to the path.
  85. >These thoughts nearly leave you completely when an object on the ground sparkles red in reaction to your mushroom's light source.
  86. >Your eyebrow rises.
  87. "Hello..."
  88. >You start, approaching the crimson glimmer.
  89. "...What's this?"
  90. >You crouch down to it, placing your mushroom down so that it lights the area around this object.
  91. >It appears to be jutting from the ground.
  92. >You place your thumb on top of it and press.
  93. >It doesn't budge.
  94. >You scratch softly around its edges...
  95. >...Yeah, it's stuck in there.
  96. >What could it be...?
  97. >You smile.
  98. >You think you have an idea.
  99. >You stand back up to your feet and ready your pickaxe.
  100. >Alright...
  101. >One!
  102. >You heave it over your shoulder and throw it down with all your might.
  103. >The point pierces into the rock around the red object, cracking it slightly.
  104. >The strike of the pickaxe travels fiercely down the cave.
  105. >Two!
  106. >You do it once more, crashing it into the ground and reducing the area to rubble.
  107. >Three!
  108. >One more hit displaces the rubble, causing the object to sink a little bit, signifying its now-loose status.
  109. >You rest the pickaxe against the wall and crouch back down, grabbing the mushroom.
  110. >You hold it steady as you dig your fingers in and pry out the red object.
  111. >It gives a little more resistance than you think, so you give it one more mighty tug.
  112. >The dust and rubble falls quietly off of it as its finally revealed.
  113. >A giant, beautiful, red gem.
  114. >A ruby, perhaps.
  115. >You can see your eyes in its reflection.
  116. "Wow..."
  117. >It's huge...
  118. >Man... Rarity's going to flip when she sees this.
  119. >You smile.
  120. >Perhaps your awkward tumble was a benefit after all.
  121. >This is exactly the kind of thing she was looking for.
  122. >She'll be so happy.
  123. >You take a breath, then exhale happily.
  124. >You appreciate the silence for a moment, then polish the jewel on your shirt like a cartoon apple, stand back up to your feet, and stick it in your pocket.
  125. >It hardly fits, but it'll do the job.
  126. >You pat it once or twice, then grab your mushroom and pickaxe, prepared to continue down the cave.
  127. >You're just about to take a step, when...
  128. >"Kekekeke..."
  129. >You freeze.
  130. >A cold tingling runs up your spine.
  131. >You stand in silence for just a moment.
  132. >...What the hell was that?
  133. >You move the mushroom up over your head, as if it'll help illuminate higher up, and try to scope something out.
  134. >...
  135. >It sounded like a--
  136. >"Kekekeke!"
  137. "Hey!"
  138. >You call, turning around to watch your back.
  139. "Who's there?"
  140. >You hear a scurrying kind of sound from above you.
  141. >"That wasn't yours to take..." a voice says.
  142. >It sounds feminine.
  143. >You dart your head around.
  144. "Where are you?"
  145. >You hear the distinct laugh once more.
  146. >"I've never seen anything like you before..." she comments.
  147. >Your eyes scrape across every visible surface.
  148. "Yeah? Well I've never seen you in general,"
  149. >You say, voice shaking slightly.
  150. "let's change that. Where are you?"
  151. >"Kekekeke!"
  152. >It sends shivers up your spine once more.
  153. >"I'm up above!"
  154. >Your head darts upward.
  155. >Pitch black.
  156. "Yeah? Well, how about you come down?"
  157. >"Hmm..." the voice says, in a mock-thinking kind of way, "you sure about that? You aren't dangerous?"
  158. "Me? I'm more concerned about you..."
  159. >She laughs once more.
  160. >"Well alright!"
  161. >You hear a swooping kind of sound from behind you, and you dart around, mushroom in hand, and shine it at your adversary.
  162. >You hear the landing of hooves just a split second before your visuals can register.
  163. >She's a... p0ny.
  164. >Or... she looks just like one.
  165. >He has a dark grey coat, and a darker mane and tail.
  166. >She's a pegasus, but...
  167. >Her wings are different, like that of a bat.
  168. >Her pupils are but mere slits, and she has small tufts at the top of her ears.
  169. >Her eyes meet yours, and she smiles.
  170. >You wince and back up slightly when you notice the fangs hanging from her teeth.
  171. >You stare at her for a moment.
  172. "...What are you?"
  173. >She laughs once more.
  174. >"I could ask you the same thing! So... you first!"
  175. >You try to keep calm.
  176. >That's right...
  177. >You've been in Equestria for quite a bit of time now.
  178. >The p0nies of P0nyville and surrounding cities know of your existence, but...
  179. >Not everything will.
  180. "I'm a... human. The only one here in Equestria..."
  181. >She smiles softly, looking at you with eager eyes.
  182. "I was brought here about half a year ago from my own world... I'm in these caves because I was helping a friend gather some gems... a p0ny."
  183. >"Is this 'Rarity'?" she asks.
  184. "Yeah, her and I were--"
  185. >You cut yourself off.
  186. "Wait... how do you know her name?"
  187. >She smiles.
  188. >"I heard you say it!"
  189. "But that was--"
  190. >You stop for a moment.
  191. "...How long have you been following me?"
  192. >She tilts her head, then smiles a big, toothy grin at you.
  193. >The fangs mentally get under your skin.
  194. >"Not thaaat long~"
  195. >You smile nervously, and chuckle once or twice.
  196. >"So! My turn! I guess you know p0nies already. Well, I'm a p0ny! Different than the ones you know, though."
  197. >Your eyes trail from her eyes, to her wings, to her...
  198. >...Fangs.
  199. "Yeah... the ones I know aren't so... bat-like..."
  200. >She looks to your eyes, then down to her mouth.
  201. >A switch seems to go off in her head, then she laughs.
  202. >"Oh, these?" she says, lifting a hoof and pointing to her mouth. "Don't you worry, I only like to eat mangos."
  203. >You're taken aback a bit at her ability to pinpoint your thought process.
  204. "S-So... you don't drink blood?"
  205. >"Oh, no, I do!"
  206. >Nervousness returning, full power.
  207. >"Only if I reeeeally like you, though. Like, enough to want to make that bond."
  208. >Your muscles begin to relax just slightly.
  209. >"So, maybe if you buy me dinner first! Kekekekeke!"
  210. "Heh heh heh, yeah..."
  211. >She smiles.
  212. >"I'm Echo, by the way! Who are you?"
  213. >You finally bring your arms down to your side.
  214. >Maybe she isn't dangerous after all...
  215. >But this nervousness just won't leave.
  216. "I'm... Anonymous. My friends call me Anon."
  217. >"Okay Anon!" she chirps, "I guess you want to get out of here, huh?"
  218. >You look around the cave once more.
  219. "Yeah... that'd be great."
  220. >"Okay! I can help you with that!"
  221. >You look to her, and your own mouth begins to curl up slightly.
  222. "Really?"
  223. >"Yup! But... for a price."
  224. >It falls back down.
  225. "Wh-What?"
  226. >She points to your pants.
  227. >"For that lovely red jewel you found."
  228. >Your hand instinctively slaps to your pocket.
  229. "N-No way! This is for my friend Rarity!"
  230. >Her cheeks puff up slightly with her growing smile, then she lets loose a loud laugh.
  231. >You look to each side of you in confusion.
  232. >"Wow Anon, I'm only kidding! This 'Rarity' girl must be really important to you, huh?"
  233. "W-Well--"
  234. >She spreads her bat wings and takes to the air.
  235. >"I'm teasing! If your jewel is that important, keep it."
  236. >She flies to you and nudges you with her elbow.
  237. >"Come on, I'll take you home!"
  238. >She flies forward a little bit.
  239. >You hold out your mushroom and follow.
  240. "Home? Where's that?"
  241. >"Up from here, where I live! Hollow Shades!"
  243. >After what seemed like an hour of stumbling through the caves, following this "Echo" p0ny, you finally begin to see the moonlight.
  244. >You stride up the sloped exit of the cave, Echo flying up and moving the various brush from the opening.
  245. >"Here we are!" she says with enthusiasm, fluttering up and out of the mouth.
  246. >You follow her, pushing extra brush out of your way, and look to your location.
  247. >Your jaw almost drops.
  248. >You gaze upon an absolutely beautiful, forest-like area.
  249. >Tall, massive trees make up the giant wooded area, with several fruits of all sizes, presumably mangos, hanging from their branches.
  250. >Other blue glowing mushrooms pepper the ground and walls, some even bigger than you, bathing the landscape in that enchanted blue light.
  251. >Makeshift huts and homes rest at the tops of the trees, other bat-like p0nies flying to and from them.
  252. >The moonlight bleeds through the leaves, giving the entire area a dark, mystical kind of atmosphere.
  253. >It's absolutely beautiful.
  254. >Echo catches on to your wonder, and smiles.
  255. >"Kekekekeke... I take it you like my home?"
  256. >You snap out of it and look to her.
  257. >You crack a smile, and nod.
  258. "It's fantastic..."
  259. >You say, yourself and Echo beginning walking further into the village.
  260. "How did you end up settling here?"
  261. >She shrugs as she flies next to you.
  262. >"We used to live deeper in the caves, but the Diamond Dogs got pretty territorial."
  263. >You nod as you listen.
  264. >You've heard of the Diamond Dogs from Rarity.
  265. >They don't seem like a friendly bunch.
  266. >"When they kept bothering us and trying to wage some kind of war, we ended up moving out here."
  267. >She shrugs again.
  268. >"It was all for the best."
  269. >She stretches her wings, and abruptly launches up into the air with speed rivaling Rainbow Dash.
  270. >You shield your eyes with your arm, then look up to your bat companion.
  271. >She zips up, skims by the top of a tree, snagging a giant mango, and careens back down toward you.
  272. >She lands with a thump, then smirks at you, barring her fangs and taking a large bite.
  273. >You watch her with some kind of fascination.
  274. >"It's closer to the food anyway!" she comments with a giggle.
  275. "Heh, yeah. Seems more convenient anyway."
  276. >Echo nods, and you two begin walking again as she snacks.
  277. >She holds out half of the mango to you.
  278. >"Want some?" she says with her mouth half full.
  279. >Her cheeks puff out, complimenting her cheerful smile.
  280. >A fang pokes out as well.
  281. >It's starting to bother you less.
  282. >You glance down at the mango, then laugh a little.
  283. "Sure, I'll give it a try."
  284. >She places the fruit in your hand, and you raise it to your mouth, taking a bite.
  285. >It's incredibly plump, the juices spraying around your mouth as you bite, some leaking down your chin.
  286. >The flavor is beyond any fruit you've ever had, on Earth or in Equestria.
  287. >Echo's eyes light up.
  288. >"Do you like it!?"
  289. >You wipe the juice from your chin, then nod at her enthusiastically.
  290. "This has to be the best fruit I've ever had!"
  291. >Her slit-like pupils sparkle, and she happily claps her hooves together.
  292. >"That's great! I've been tending to that batch personally! I'm glad they came out well!"
  293. >You take another bite.
  294. "I'll say! You have a real talent here, Echo!"
  295. >She closes her eyes and gives you a happy, full-toothed smile, not unlike Pinkie Pie.
  296. >You return it, then look up to the trees.
  297. >The other bat p0nies go about their daily... er, "nightly" lives.
  298. >Wonder how they've stayed hidden for--
  299. >"Echo!" you hear called from above.
  300. >Your p0ny companion's ears twitch, and she gazes up to the treetops.
  301. >You do as well.
  302. >From the top of one of the trees, a figure drops like a rock, then swoops down as it closes in, landing next to you two.
  303. >You look to her as she lands.
  304. >It's another bat p0ny, female.
  305. >Her mane is a lighter, bluer color than Echo's, and she's donned in what looks like royal armor.
  306. >The p0ny scans you.
  307. >"Echo, what are you doing bringing this creature into the village?"
  308. >You cringe at the word "creature."
  309. >It causes your brow to furl a bit.
  310. >Echo shakes her head.
  311. >"Oh, no Midnight, this isn't a creature! He's my friend! A human!"
  312. >This "Midnight" bat p0ny turns to you, raising her eyebrow.
  313. >"Human?" she clarifies.
  314. >You're not a fan of her attitude.
  315. >But you subconsciously keep on your guard as her fangs glisten in the moonlight.
  316. >"I take it you must be Anonymous."
  317. >Your heart almost jumps from your chest.
  318. "Wh-What? How do you know my name?"
  319. >She exhales an impatient breath.
  320. >"The Princesses talk about you quite a bit, you know," she says. "I just didn't know what you'd actually look like."
  321. "Princesses?"
  322. >How does she...?
  323. >"Oh, Midnight here's a Royal Guard over in Canterlot!" Echo beams. "She protects Princess Luna!"
  324. >Oh, really?
  325. >That explains the armor...
  326. >"Yeah, so please forgive me if I come across as cautious and suspicious to a species I've never seen before."
  327. >You squint your eyes at her.
  328. >"No matter how much the Princesses seem to like you."
  329. "I've lived in P0nyville among p0nies for six months just fine."
  330. >"We aren't normal p0nies."
  331. >Your fists ball a bit.
  332. >"Midnight..."
  333. >She glances to your pocket bulge.
  334. >Her eyebrows rise once again, and her eyes meet yours.
  335. >"What's in the pocket?"
  336. >Your place your hand over the gem.
  337. "None of your business."
  338. >"You're in my home town, so it's my business. What is it?"
  339. >You grit your teeth, then look to Echo.
  340. >She looks almost sad at this turn of events.
  341. >You sigh, then reach into your pocket and pull out the gem.
  342. >It sparkles in Midnight's eyes.
  343. >"A ruby, huh? Been doing some work for the Diamond Dogs?" she says with a glare.
  344. "It's for my friend back in P0nyville."
  345. >"His friend Rarity!"
  346. >Midnight hasn't taken her eyes off of you.
  347. >Her glare is making you uncomfortable.
  348. >Echo isn't dangerous, surely... but...
  349. >"Rarity, huh? The Element of Harmony?"
  350. >You don't say anything.
  351. >"You're more well connected than I though, Human."
  352. "Thanks,"
  353. >You say sarcastically,
  354. "but my friends don't like to be seen as celebrities, and I don't see them as such either."
  355. >Midnight nods.
  356. >"Regardless..." she starts, "I'd be far more comfortable if you took your leave, Mr. Anonymous."
  357. >You exhale an angry breath.
  358. >"But Midnight!" Echo begins, "You--"
  359. >"You know nothing of this creature, Echo. You've just met him. I'm not comfortable with him walking about our village."
  360. >"But the Princesses--"
  361. >"Have been wrong before."
  362. >Midnight looks to you once more.
  363. >"The Changeling invasion of Canterlot wouldn't have happened if the Princesses were a little more cautious."
  364. >You grip the ruby in your hand like a stress ball.
  365. >"So forgive me, Mr. Anonymous, but I'd be happy if you just left."
  366. >She looks up to the treetops.
  367. >Her fellow bat p0nies fly about.
  368. >"We're outcasts enough in this land as it is. We don't need any more trouble."
  369. >You look down to Echo.
  370. >She's looking toward Midnight in a pleading manner.
  371. >The, her eyes trail to you.
  372. >She seems so sad.
  373. >...
  374. >You look back to Midnight.
  375. >Her eyes are stern.
  376. >...And her fangs are sharp.
  377. >...
  378. "...Fine."
  379. >You jam the ruby back into your pocket.
  380. "I'll leave."
  381. >Midnight nods.
  382. >She turns, and points with her hoof toward a brush.
  383. >"See the bushes over there? There's a cave entrance there. Take it, and it'll lead you out toward your village."
  384. "Alright."
  385. >You turn toward Echo, and pat her on the head.
  386. "Sorry..."
  387. >She smiles, and shakes your head.
  388. >"It's not your fault..." she says softly. "For the record... *I* trust you..."
  389. >You smile and laugh a little through your nose.
  390. "Thanks, Echo. And thanks for everything. I had a lot of fun in this short time."
  391. >"I did too, Anon."
  392. >She looks to the brush you've been directed to.
  393. >"I was going to lead you there soon anyway... you want to get home, right?"
  394. >You stand back up.
  395. "Yeah... Yeah, I do."
  396. >"Then maybe it's for the best."
  397. >You nod, looking toward your exit.
  398. >"Mr. Anonymous..."
  399. "Yeah, yeah, I'm going."
  400. >You give each bat mare one more look, then you begin striding toward the bushes.
  401. >It takes only a minute to get there, and you turn and give the beautiful, concealed village one more look.
  402. >...
  403. >You turn back around and tear a mushroom from the wall, then press through the brush.
  404. >Sure enough, the mouth to a dark cave appears.
  405. >You sigh, and hold out your mushroom in front of you, pickaxe still in hand, and descend into the darkness.
  407. >You spend quite a bit of time walking through the cave.
  408. >Luckily, it's a fairly straight path, with the cave occasionally opening up a little bit more.
  409. >But with your glowing mushroom, it's easy to stay in one consistent direction.
  410. >Damn it... where is P0nyville supposed to be?
  411. >You should have had this Midnight p0ny be a little more specific.
  412. >But you've had enough of her.
  413. >Poor Echo though...
  414. >She was just being friendly and inviting, and she got scolded for it.
  415. >Maybe most bat p0nies are like Midnight rather than Echo...
  416. >...Are they creatures you want to be mingling with often?
  417. >They do make you pretty uneasy...
  418. >At least Echo was friendly...
  419. >Your footsteps press and scrape against the cave floor, offering the only sound in the area.
  420. >Until...
  421. >Your ears catch something, and you freeze in place.
  422. >What was that...?
  423. >...There it is again!
  424. >You crouch down and begin hugging the wall...
  425. >It sounded like the pitter-pattering of feet...
  426. >...Many feet.
  427. >Small feet...
  428. >You listen again...
  429. >...It's definitely coming.
  430. >Voices begin accompanying the footsteps.
  431. >Shit!
  432. >You throw the mushroom to the ground and stamp it out with your foot.
  433. >The blue glow ceases nearly instantly.
  434. >In the darkness, you stay close to the wall and keep still.
  435. >It grows louder and louder, until it's almost among you.
  436. >"...This way!" you hear.
  437. >The voice is high pitched and scratchy.
  438. >"Are you sure they live over here?" another voice asks.
  439. >"Yes, there is more than one way to their village."
  440. >You try to hold your breath as they speak.
  441. >"Our brothers are using the other entrances, and we'll pin them in."
  442. >What...?
  443. >Are these... Diamond Dogs?
  444. >"We were wrong to leave them be out here, I knew they'd still be meddling in our business."
  445. >"How many were stolen?"
  446. >How many of what...?
  447. >"Just one, but it could have only been them. No other creature meddles so deeply in the caves."
  448. >Your heart sinks.
  449. >You feel the gem in your pocket.
  450. >"But enough chat!"
  451. >The pitter-patter of pawed feet begins once more, and their voices begin to fade in the direction you came.
  452. >"We'll be late for the attack!"
  453. >And their noises fade off into the distance...
  454. >...
  455. >You finally exhale.
  456. >That was too close...
  457. >Those Diamond Dogs though...
  458. >They're going to attack Hollow Shades?
  459. >You stand to your feet and dust off your pants.
  460. >...
  461. >Well... it's none of your concern.
  462. >They've been feuding for a long time, as far as you've heard.
  463. >This was bound to happen.
  464. >...
  465. >You feel the gem in your pocket.
  466. >But it was practically caused by you...
  467. >You think to Midnight.
  468. >Your eyebrows furl.
  469. >Well, they could have been talking about anything.
  470. >You feel the wall, and begin to walk the direction you were going.
  471. >It's none of your business.
  472. >You take a few more steps.
  473. >Echo flashes into your mind.
  474. >You stop.
  475. >...
  476. >And sigh.
  477. >You turn around, facing the direction you originally came, and begin briskly walking.
  478. >You use the wall for support, and with no glowing blue mushroom, you're going slower than before.
  479. >But you try your best to keep a quick pace.
  480. >Who knows how many Diamond Dogs are already there.
  481. >Shit... this is all your fault.
  483. >It takes a bit longer without the mushroom, but you've finally made it to the mouth of the cave.
  484. >You can hear quite a commotion outside.
  485. >Your heart sinks when your ears pick it up.
  486. >With the moonlight aiding you now, you quickly dart out from the bushes and gaze upon Hollow Shades.
  487. >My Lord...
  488. >You drop your pickaxe to the ground.
  489. >The bat p0nies that occupied the treetops before now soar and zip around near the ground, tackling Diamond Dogs left and right.
  490. >The Diamond Dogs in return swipe at the aerial p0nies with their claws.
  491. >Several of the canines scale the giant trees in an attempt to reach the homes, with the p0nies trying their best to defend.
  492. >Clashing, grunting, screaming, and all matter of shrill noise pierce the night.
  493. >It's like a full on battle.
  494. >It's horrible.
  495. >...You need to stop this!
  496. >You begin an all out sprint toward the middle of the battle.
  497. >Okay!
  498. >If you can find the leader of this battalion of mutts, you can--
  499. >"You!!" you hear screamed from above.
  500. >What the--!?
  501. >You’re tackled from behind by a strong force.
  502. >It throws you immediately to the ground, the impact almost knocking the wind out of you.
  503. >You're grabbed and flipped around on your back, then pinned down by the chest by a pair of hooves.
  504. >You grit your teeth and open your eyes.
  505. >Midnight stares daggers into you.
  506. >"Did you do this!?" she screams. "Did you sick the Diamond Dogs on us!?"
  507. "No, I--"
  508. >"Tell the truth, Human!" she barks.
  509. >Her mouth opens, showing off her sharp fangs that could tear out your throat in an instant.
  510. "I didn't do it! I came back to help!"
  511. >"Why should I believe you!?"
  512. >You try to squirm free.
  513. "Just give me a chance! I think I can stop this attack if you just let me--"
  514. >"Let you go? Think again!"
  515. >She turns her head and spits.
  516. >"I gave you your chance to go, now you're going to pay for your actions!"
  517. "Will you listen to me!?"
  518. >"Not a chance in Tartarus!"
  519. >"Midnight!!"
  520. >Both of your heads turn toward the source of the voice.
  521. >The familiar grey bat p0ny flies in toward you two.
  522. >"Echo! I told you to evacuate the--"
  523. >"I'm not leaving Hollow Shades!" she cries, landing down. "And what are you doing to Anon!?"
  524. >Midnight presses her hooves harder into your chest.
  525. >You wince.
  526. >"Don't you see? This human comes to visit Hollow Shades, and right when he leaves, we're attacked! Do you think this is mere coincidence?!"
  527. >"Yes!!"
  528. >Echo readies her legs, then barrels into Midnight, stumbling her completely off of you.
  529. >You scramble to your feet.
  530. >"Echo! How dare you--"
  531. >"How dare YOU!!" she interrupts.
  532. >Midnight is taken aback.
  533. >"Anon comes all the way back to help and you treat him like some kind of traitor!"
  534. >Echo turns to you and smiles.
  535. >"You may not trust him, but I do! And if he wants to help, then we should give him a chance!"
  536. >Midnight grits her teeth, then looks from Echo to you.
  537. >It's like she's having some sort of internal conflict.
  538. >You give her a stern look.
  539. >She furls her brow and growls.
  540. >"...What did you have in mind?"
  541. >You exhale, then turn to the battle taking place.
  542. >The fight is still fierce.
  543. "Which one is their leader?"
  544. >Midnight walks up next to you.
  545. >"...There," she says, pointing with a hoof. "That's him."
  546. >She signals to a small dog in a red vest attacking two bat p0nies at the same time.
  547. "Got it."
  548. >You begin walking toward him.
  549. >"Hey! What do you think you're doing?" Midnight calls to you.
  550. "You'll see!"
  551. >You try to steady your breathing as you approach the leader.
  552. >Bat p0nies and dogs scrap and battle on every side of you.
  553. >But you keep your eye on the prize.
  554. >You're within earshot.
  555. "Hey!"
  556. >You call.
  557. >The red vested Diamond Dog finishes a wound up backfist, then turns to you.
  558. >His eyebrows rise.
  559. >You take a few more steps, then stop.
  560. >He lowers himself to the ground, not taking his eyes off of you, and crawls toward you.
  561. >"What do you want... Creature...?" he says, approaching dangerously close.
  562. >You grow increasingly nervous, but you try your best to maintain a calm and serious demeanor on the outside.
  563. >The other Diamond Dogs slowly stop fighting, looking to their leader.
  564. >The bat p0nies follow suit soon enough once their adversaries cease.
  565. "You can stop this fight now."
  566. >The dog gets back up to his two hind feet.
  567. >He's not very tall at all, but commands a sort of weight behind his actions.
  568. >"And why is that, Creature? You know nothing of this fight."
  569. "I don't think you do either."
  570. >He exhales an angry breath, then takes a few steps back.
  571. >"You meddle in affairs that aren't yours. These bat p0nies have been a thorn in our side for too long."
  572. >"A thorn in YOUR side? You drove us out from our own home!" a male bat p0ny calls from afar.
  573. >The dog hisses and turns to the speaker.
  574. >Other dogs and p0nies begin verbally arguing too.
  575. >You look around yourself at these two bickering races.
  576. >Oh boy...
  577. >"Enough!!" a voice booms.
  578. >Every dog and p0ny around you hushes up instantly.
  579. >You turn around.
  580. >Midnight and Echo now stand behind you.
  581. >Midnight nods.
  582. >"Continue, Anonymous."
  583. >You nod back at her, then face the Diamond Dog leader.
  584. >"You best just leave, Creature. This battle has nothing to do with you. We can't coexist if these p0nies continue to meddle on our land."
  585. >You furl your brow.
  586. "I don't think these p0nies meddled anywhere."
  587. >"They've stolen our jewels!"
  588. "Did they?"
  589. >You reach into your pocket.
  590. >Here we go...
  591. >You hold your breath, then pull out the large red ruby.
  592. >The dogs all gasp, and the leader backs up in surprise.
  593. >"Y-You! It was you!"
  594. "It was."
  595. >You stole our jewel!"
  596. >He balls his paw in a fist.
  597. >Oh shit...
  598. >Keep it cool, Anonymous.
  599. "Was it ever yours to begin with?"
  600. >The dog cringes.
  601. "I found it in an open Equestrian cave, stuck in undisturbed rock."
  602. >"It was on our territory!"
  603. "Finders keepers."
  604. >You toss the jewel into the air and catch it.
  605. "Look... these bat p0nies have no desire for jewels. They won't be taking anything."
  606. >The dog glares at you.
  607. >Every p0ny and Diamond Dog around is listening to you intently.
  608. >The dog doesn't budge.
  609. "So tell you what... if you promise to leave here now, and never bother them again... I'll give you this here jewel."
  610. >You look at it from all angles, moving your hand and head around to see it all.
  611. "Sure is pretty, isn't it?"
  612. >"No, Anon!" you hear from behind you.
  613. >You turn to see Echo, eyes contorted in a pleading matter.
  614. >"That jewel is for your friend! Don't give it to them just for us!"
  615. >You poke the inside of your cheek with your tongue.
  616. >"We can take them! We'll fight them and they'll leave us alone forever! You just keep your jewel and leave it to us!"
  617. >You look to the dark maned bat p0ny.
  618. >You inhale deeply, then exhale.
  619. "No, Echo. I'm sorry. No more fighting."
  620. >Her mouth opens, but nothing comes out.
  621. >You turn back to the leader of the Diamond Dogs.
  622. >You hold out the jewel to him.
  623. "So... do we have a deal?"
  624. >He glares at you, eyes full of anger.
  625. >Then he glances to the jewel you're presenting before him.
  626. >...
  627. >He snags it with his paw, then backs up a little bit.
  628. >Your eyes are still locked.
  629. >...
  630. >"Boys! Move out, we're done here!"
  631. >Immediately, all the dogs drop down on their legs and begin to sprint.
  632. >It's like a herd, and they all move toward two or three separate cave entrances.
  633. >The leader places the jewel inside his vest, then follows his men out.
  634. >The thunder-like rumbling of dozens of feet slamming the ground slowly comes to a stop as the dogs descend deeper and deeper into the caves.
  635. >...
  636. >Holy shit...
  637. >You heave an exhale of relief.
  638. "Alright... that was terrifying."
  639. >The bat p0nies roar in applause.
  640. >Two of them fly down and wrap their hooves around you in a brotherly manner, patting you on the back and rustling your hair.
  641. >"That was incredible!"
  642. >"You saved our hides!"
  643. >"Who are you, kid!?"
  644. >You smile and pat them back.
  645. >Other p0nies fly down and speed words of congratulations and thanks past you.
  646. >You smile and wave, not accustomed to this kind of treatment.
  647. >"Anon!!" you hear from behind you.
  648. >You turn around, just in time to see a grey blur slam into you.
  649. >The impact almost knocks you over.
  650. >She wraps her hooves around you tightly.
  651. >"You saved us, Anon! You gave up your prize just for us!"
  652. >Your body catches up to your mind, and you wrap your arms around Echo, giving her a hug back.
  653. "For them, and for you."
  654. >She pauses for a moment, then tightens her hug.
  655. >You enjoy the embrace for as long as it lasts.
  656. >Opening your eyes, you see Midnight.
  657. >She's stern at first...
  658. >But then she smiles, and nods at you.
  659. >You smile too.
  660. >...Good enough for you.
  661. >"Hey, Anon..." Echo says softly.
  662. "Yeah?"
  663. >You reply.
  664. >Anticipating a response, you instead get a piercing pain in your neck.
  665. >Your smile is instantly wiped from your face, and your mouth drops, emitting a scattered, rumbling kind of sound.
  666. >Your arms loosen, your eyes widen, and your pupils shrink to pinpricks.
  667. >Your vision grows hazy...
  668. >You can feel suction on your neck, and a warm liquid make its way up and around that area.
  669. >"Kekekekeke..."
  670. >You grow weak, and you drop to your knees.
  671. >The haze over your eyes intensifies, and you can feel yourself falling over.
  672. >Then, everything goes black.
  674. >"Is that him?"
  675. >"Oh Celestia, it is!"
  676. >You slowly come to consciousness.
  677. >Oh sweet God in heaven, what happened...?
  678. >Your eyes flare open, but instantly close when they're greeted with the intense sunlight you're no longer used to.
  679. >"Anon!"
  680. >You bring your arm over to shield the sunlight, then open your eyes once again.
  681. >You sit up from the ground, looking around your surroundings.
  682. >...Ah.
  683. >It's the cave you and Rarity originally went to.
  684. >Must have been... yesterday?
  685. >...Echo...
  686. >She brought you home...
  687. >"Anon!"
  688. >You turn your head to see Twilight galloping toward you.
  689. >The rest of the mane six follow her.
  690. >"There you are! Are you alright? What happened!?"
  691. >"Anonymous!" Rarity calls as she closes in as well, "I'm so sorry! When you made that dreadful fall, I didn't know what to do! We've been looking for you all night!"
  692. >A smile comes to your face, and you laugh a little as the other p0nies all gather 'round.
  693. >You subconsciously begin rubbing your neck.
  694. >Applejack takes notice.
  695. >"Anon... what happened to your neck?"
  696. >Oh.
  697. >Your eyes widen in slight surprise, and you take your hand off to allow them to see.
  698. >Two small, red marks pierce your skin.
  699. >"You've been bitten by something!' Twilight cries. "Were you attacked? Are you alright? What happened already!?"
  700. >You smile, and a moment later, audibly laugh.
  701. >The other p0nies look to each other in confusion.
  702. >You get back up to your feet and dust off your pants.
  703. "Alright..."
  704. >You say, beginning to walk.
  705. >The other p0nies glance to each other, then begin following you.
  706. "Let me tell you about last night..."
  708. The End
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