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Jan 2nd, 2022
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  1. /cmmg/ Steer Clear / Avoid List
  2. 1/2/22
  4. These companies are to be avoided for various reasons - usually it’s because of poor management or shady practices. As of 1/2/22 - Do NOT invest a single dollar into any of these companies unless something significant changes:
  6. Canadian Ticker / US or OTC Ticker
  8. Silver Spruce. SSE / SSEBF - 100% lifestyle company, management participates in PnDs, los(ing) two main assets under suspicious circumstances. Primary property will not be developed due to land disputes.
  10. Klondike Silver. KS / KLSVF - Got their FML revoked due to ignoring multiple requests to repair tailings storage. Management does not give a fuck. FML was reinstated but can be revoked any time. They cant afford to actually bring the Sandon Silver mines back into production.
  12. EnGold Mines. EGM / GWRRF - 100% lifestyle, drilling the same crap deposit for years.
  14. Nickel Creek Platinum. NCP / NCPCF - Large low grade nickel deposit, not economical. So management is just popping holes in the ground and taking nice salaries.
  16. Fission Uranium. FCU / FCUUF - Management is scumbags and their deposit is in the middle of a lake, so will cost a shit ton to make anything there. Unexplained dilutions.
  18. Aurcana Silver. AUN / AUNFF - Short version: History of poor / shady management dating back 10 years. Long version: Search “Mariusz Skonieczny Aurcana” on youtube and watch the video.
  20. Great Panther. GPR / GPL - Rick Rule advised bankruptcy possibility and it is looking that way. Infraction Notices from Brazilian gov’t for killing fish. Tucano mine setback. 2021 was a terrible year for them. Recent board changes and new CFO and COO.
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