
Gwen Stacy Schoolgirl Carnage Fapfic by Deadanon

Nov 10th, 2014
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  1. A murder of crows sounded in the dull glow of the October evening. Gwen inhaled from the cigarette in her left hand and shivered. She leant back against the wall of the school building and passed the still lit object to Jean, who mimicked her actions. Gwen pushed back a few stray blonde hairs from her eyes and tilted her head up towards the sky; the seasonal colour of the evening was already beginning to fade. The voice of her friend brought her back to earth. “It’s Halloween soon” Jean stated. “Yeah” Gwen sighed, “Another Halloween wasted in this shit-hole.” She took the cigarette back from Jeans outstretched hand. “I thought you were going to a party this year back at your place?” Jean asked.
  3. Gwen started “Yeah I’m trying to get my mom to--“but was cut off by the sound of dozens of wings flapping in the distance. Gwen’s head spun to the left where the silhouettes of dozens of crows erupted from the trees surrounding the school grounds and flew into the two-toned sky. Gwen exhaled, “Weird” she said, “Wanna finish it?” Gwen asked as she turned to her friend. Jean shook her head “Nah I got places to be” Jean picked up her bag and slung the strap over her shoulder “Later” she said turning the corner. Gwen relaxed and began to inhale the last of the cigarette when Jean came running back around the corner, past Gwen and around towards the other side of the school. Gwen sprung up and leant in the direction her friend had fled and was about to shout after her when she felt a hand upon her shoulder. An all too familiar voice sounded behind her, “Good evening Miss Stacey”.
  5. Sister Beatrice led Gwen away, around the corner back in the direction of where Jean had fled. The world returned to silence in the flickering October night. From the darkness under the pine trees surrounding the school grounds something stirred. A snake of scarlet slipped through the rusting fence and slithered through the long grass towards the school building, its alien mind racing as it searched for a host. It needed someone with a spark, someone overflowing with emotion. It needed someone to become whole.
  6. Gwen’s stomach turned as she stood in Sister Beatrice’s dimly lit office. The smell of the dying flowers in the vase on the desk filling the room. The nuns’ voice was just as cold as her stare; Gwen had spent enough time in here to know that for sure. That ice-like tone broke the fragile silence “This is the 4th time you’ve been caught smoking Gwendolyn. That’s four times too many.” Gwen sighed and rolled her eyes back slightly, this display of apathy not even fazing Sister Beatrice. She continued “So as opposed to having you pray your sins away, I’ve decided on a more demanding method of reflection.” Gwen swallowed and replied “What would that be?” Sister Beatrice smiled the kind of smile a snake might make towards its prey.
  8. The dusty marble statue of Saint Michel loomed over Gwen. Sister Beatrice’s footsteps echoed as she left the empty church, closing the heavy wooden doors behind her. Gwen dropped the bucket Sister Beatrice had given her and took of her blazer, tossing it onto a nearby pew. Gwen placed her hands on her hips and proclaimed to the room “Well, thanks to that bitch it’s just you and me now Mike”. She dropped to her knees and began polishing the plaque at the base of the statue.
  10. Towards the back of the room the bloody substance oozed underneath the door. It slithered between the pews towards its target. Gwen polished away, oblivious to the entity closing in behind her. The creature approached Gwen and pooled in the floor behind her, waiting for its moment to strike. Gwen rose to her feet, took a step back and examined her handiwork. “There you go Mike” she proclaimed “The ol’ spit and shine never fails”. Gwen turned to deposit the rag in her hand into the bucket behind her and paused at the bright red puddle a few feet away, the sight rooting her to the spot.
  12. Gwen looked around the room, expecting a masked monster to jump out and scare her. Nothing. The deafening silence the only other occupant. Gingerly Gwen shuffled towards the crimson stain, her hand outstretched gliding through the air. In a flash the red shifted, sending several tendrils of itself upwards towards Gwen’s torso knocking her back onto her ass. Gwen sat stunned for a second before a burning sensation set in on her chest. Gwen looked down to see three lines of crimson forming from her midsection up to her bare chest.
  14. Gwen screamed in a combination of fear and pain, she clutched at her gushing chest and squeezed hoping to stop the blood flow. In this time the substance had made its way from the floor to her shoes and was quickly traveling down her legs, bringing with it a cold that cut Gwen to the bone. Gwen backed up to the base of the statue, kicking and thrashing as if she were trying to shake of a wild animal. These actions did little to deter the creature from its mission. Gwen’s struggles grew weaker and weaker as she lost more and more blood, which had now drenched her once pristine white shirt. Gwen’s vision grew hazy as her head began to spin. The air turned cold and Gwen could barely lift her leg to shake of the advances of the blood creature now past her calves. Her breathing slowed, Gwen’s head fell back against the base of the statue. Tears rolled down Gwen’s cheeks as the monster disappeared under her skirt. She could still feel its cold surface passing over her hips and slipping in between her thighs. Through her tears Gwen let out a feeble cry of “No! Not like this” that fell upon deaf ears.
  16. Amidst the pain in her chest, Gwen felt herself blush involuntarily as the chilling sensation of the symbiote flowed over her pussy, then doubled back and burrowed inside her, firing off shots of pleasure after a moment of intense pain inside her. An intense cold spread from her pussy down her legs. Gwen cried out in pain and disgust at the realization of what had just happened, the knowledge of having her innocence taken by some sort of demon transfixing her with fear.
  18. Gwen felt the substance under her midsection shift and her skirt was cut from her body, exposing her now blood-red tone. The cold sensation in her legs faded and Gwen could see that the substance had masked itself to her skin, with morphing patches of black and maroon moving amidst the sea of red. The symbiote moved further up Gwen’s body, flowing under her blood-stained shirt and over her perky breasts. The symbiote thrust itself outwards like a scarlet explosion sending Gwen’s tattered shirt to the floor in a bloody heap. Gwen could feel her nipples growing hard as the red ice painted itself over them, she bit her lip and a faint moan of pleasure escape her lips. Her pain had subsided as had her crying.
  20. Fear spiked inside Gwen again as dozens of tiny strands of the substance flew across her face, trapping her visage like a fly in a spider’s web. The stands melted and merged together forming a latex-like mask of crimson over Gwen’s now featureless face. The world went dark. Gwen felt the mask tighten against her face; she doubled clawing at her mask with her talons trying to shred it from her face. The suit tightened again, around her chest, her legs, her arms and her throat. She couldn’t breathe; the suit too tight. Gwen threw her head back and bellowed a muffled scream as the suit pushed itself down her throat, the cold tasteless substance filling her insides. Gwen cried out in pain this time and felt the substance around her face give way, splitting along the line of her lips to form a crude imitation of a mouth, though it was more like a deep sea creature with a jagged red maw where Gwen’s mouth had been.
  22. The pain had stopped. All of it gone in a flash. The red form of what had once been Gwen Stacy got to its clawed feet, steadying itself against the bold marble figure behind it. The creature caught the sight if its new, blade like fingers and brought them closer to its face, inspecting the shifting tones of the new flesh. In a voice of voices it spoke to the empty church asking itself “What’s happened to me?”
  24. A voice lacking any tone spoke to Gwen seemingly from nowhere, “You’re not afraid anymore?” “No” Gwen replied softly “I’m not scared of anything now” the voice paused then replied “Together we fear nothing” Gwen felt her body pulse in arousal its new occupant wanting to reward its host. In a lustful tone Gwen replied “Yes!” Gwen’s felt every inch of her body convulse with pleasure “We fear nothing anymore! We are fear!” The voice in Gwen’s head spoke once more “Yes we are” Her body was on fire now. Gwen’s pussy grew wet within its new confines.
  26. Gwen felt her pussy pulse in response, clenching around the faux-phallus inside it. Gwen brought her hands to her chest and kneaded her now much more supple and full breasts. “You are the host we have been looking for. Do you accept us?” The voice in Gwen’s head asked. Gwen felt her orgasm rising within her, a heat building up for her loins, spilling upwards to her chest. She panted; her chest rising and sinking with each breath, her hand’s busily working her chest. “Yes” she panted “Yes! Yes! YES!” Gwen cried out as she felt herself cum inside the suit, her inner walls gripping the symbiote’s pseudo-cock, convulsing wildly. Gwen’s hips bucked with pleasure and she sank back against the statue, her legs giving way from her internal stimulant, the feeling of pleasure barely subsiding in wake of her first orgasm.
  28. The symbiote whispered into the corners of her mind as her head swam with alien pleasure. “We are one again.”
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