
VicksInc #1

Mar 7th, 2012
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  1. (12:08:25 AM) ***Highshot goes through his morning routine of drinking tea
  2. (12:08:45 AM) Brotius: ( brutus' intro: )
  3. (12:08:49 AM) ***Cyrin_of_the_Brood sits in his room, casually reading through the Jadeic Times.
  4. (12:09:29 AM) ***Luka_Mah_Boi Counting money and enjoying a fine array of mixed cocktails
  5. (12:09:32 AM) ***Juri sits on her meditation pad, eyes closed, sitting completely still.
  6. (12:10:09 AM) Juri: (I am a rock...I am a stone...)
  7. (12:10:29 AM) ***Uvel_of_The_Claw reads a book by his fireplace titled "Claws, Swords, and YOU!" It's telling him the necessity of having a monocle in order to show how classy you are, dispite your outward he feels sad.
  8. (12:10:32 AM) Eztli: "Ugghhhh..." He groans, rolling out of his hammock.
  9. (12:11:21 AM) BroickRose: When out of nowhere you all hear "EVERYONE GET IN HERE!" and feel yourself being pulled through space and time and appear inside an office with everyone inside. The office to say the least is interesting. (It's basicly Phil Ken Sebben's office but with more statues of himself. Same desk window view etc.) You see with all 6 of you is Kaitlyn the Succubus, Bryce the Lamia, Derrick the Black
  10. (12:11:22 AM) BroickRose: Harpy, and Evan the Fairy.
  11. (12:12:05 AM) ***Cyrin_of_the_Brood looks around, slightly startled. He folds up the paper and sets it on his lap.
  12. (12:12:41 AM) ***Juri opens one eye. "That's never happened before."
  13. (12:14:09 AM) ***Uvel_of_The_Claw looks up and around. "Hmm, this must be the time for honor!" He puts away the book and goes out to!...To....fuck where is here?"
  14. (12:14:09 AM) BroickRose: Evan sort of spins around in the air. "Woahahaha! That was awesome! DO IT AGAIN!"
  15. (12:14:14 AM) ***Highshot looks around examining everyone there while drinking his tea
  16. (12:14:39 AM) ***Luka_Mah_Boi stays silent and pockets some copper pieces
  17. (12:15:17 AM) BroickRose: Bryce seems to have a large bottle of whiskey in his hands and sighs. "You know you can always you know? ASK US TO COME! No need to teleport us everytime."
  18. (12:15:50 AM) Eztli: Eztli looks over, rubbing his eyes "Oy.. this isn't my room..."
  19. (12:16:00 AM) BroickRose: Derrick just chuckles. "Calm down scaley buns you know he's always going to do this."
  20. (12:17:00 AM) Brotius left the room.
  21. (12:17:08 AM) Juri: ,quit
  22. (12:17:10 AM) Eztli left the room (quit: Client closed connection).
  23. (12:17:20 AM) Eztli [] entered the room.
  24. (12:17:39 AM) Eztli: (testan)
  25. (12:18:00 AM) BroickRose: Kaitlyn has her revolver in hand and is spinning it around lazily.
  26. (12:18:57 AM) BroickRose: Terry is sitting in his large red office chair with his back to you all. He waits a short amount of time before turning to face you all holding a statue of a cat with Terry's head on it. "HAHA WELCOME EVERYONE!"
  27. (12:19:26 AM) ***Cyrin_of_the_Brood nods to the enthusiastic man.
  28. (12:19:41 AM) ***Highshot finishes off his tea "Good morning"
  29. (12:20:00 AM) ***Uvel_of_The_Claw looks at the statue, then looks at the man, and gives him a thumb claw up. "Clearly, you are a true gentleman!"
  30. (12:20:12 AM) ***Eztli groans groggily, "Your cat's looking a little stiff there..."
  31. (12:20:41 AM) ***Luka_Mah_Boi sips his cocktail
  32. (12:21:08 AM) ***Juri opens her eyes and stands up. "What's your orders?"
  33. (12:23:00 AM) BroickRose: "I'm sure your all here are wondering why I've had my various associates gather you all up and brought you to this esquiste tower. Well I'm certain many of you today delt with a rambunctious group of ruffians this fine day? If not then you'll be glad to hear theres a wonderful cult of crazy humans calling themselves 'Parricidium Generis' who threaten to well... kill everyone who they deem
  34. (12:23:00 AM) BroickRose: corrupt which is basicly anoyone who isnt human."
  35. (12:23:11 AM) BroickRose: (Continued)
  36. (12:25:47 AM) BroickRose: "I've gathered you all here becuase I need a team of strong fighters, sneaky rouges, silly paladins, and some good ol' ant might to take on this dastardly group and anything else that threatens our dear city Jadeic." During the last part of the conversation Terry jumps up to stand on his desk Saluting nothing in particular while the Jadeic City flag waves behind him.
  37. (12:26:54 AM) ***Uvel_of_The_Claw gets caught up at the moment and salutes with him, a single tear rolling down his eye.
  38. (12:27:59 AM) ***Luka_Mah_Boi says, "And I assume this is the team? Got a briefing?" as he downs the rest of his drink.
  39. (12:28:41 AM) ***Highshot stands there unaffected waiting for him to get to the point
  40. (12:28:43 AM) BroickRose: Terry seems to be back in his seat in an instant. "So today I want you all to head in to town and use some of the money I pooled together for you all and get some gear familarize yourself with New Jadeic a bit more and just get to know eachother."
  41. (12:28:45 AM) ***Cyrin_of_the_Brood stands and puts his hand on his chest. "Well, if Jadeic needs our help, I will gladly do my best to protect the city and its people."
  42. (12:29:22 AM) ***Eztli grins, "Every morning going to be this eventful, mayne?"
  43. (12:29:38 AM) BroickRose: "HAHA THIS IS NOTHING MY BOY!"
  44. (12:29:40 AM) Juri: "Is that it...? Surely that's not all"
  45. (12:32:10 AM) BroickRose: "Also if anyone has any questions feel free to direct them to one of our 3 senior members. They are Bryce the scaley one who smells like booze, Derrick the bird brain, and Kaitlyn our lovely resident Succubus! For me though..." Terry seems to disappear under his desk and reappear wearing a safari costume. "I got's me some info to hunt down!" With that Terry presses a button on his desk and
  46. (12:32:10 AM) BroickRose: falls through a trap door.
  47. (12:33:07 AM) ***Uvel_of_The_Claw looks over the trap floor. "Hmmm hmm, I have much to learn from him. For only a virtuous man could make such a grand exit." He said nodding to himself.
  48. (12:33:46 AM) BroickRose: "....Soo whose going to show them where we get our...gear from." Derrick looks over to where Kaitlyn and Bryce once were only to find it empty. "Great...."
  49. (12:33:53 AM) ***Cyrin_of_the_Brood gives the grizzly man a sidewards glance, but shrugs. "A little too showy for me."
  50. (12:34:05 AM) ***Eztli 's eyes shoot down to the floor, "Okay, I am NOT doing that."
  51. (12:34:10 AM) ***Juri looks over at Derrick and points at the now empty desk. "That's the boss...?"
  52. (12:35:03 AM) Highshot: "....I think I've been away for far too long"
  53. (12:35:27 AM) BroickRose is now known as Derrick|BirdBrain
  54. (12:36:16 AM) ***Derrick|BirdBrain chuckles. "Yeah thats the boss alright. You'll learn to laugh at his antics."
  55. (12:36:36 AM) Cyrin_of_the_Brood: "I think 'antics' is a good word for it."
  56. (12:37:02 AM) Luka_Mah_Boi: "I for one like his style. Makes briefings interesting."
  57. (12:37:07 AM) Highshot: "I think i'm going to need strong tea"
  58. (12:37:20 AM) Highshot: (stronger*)
  59. (12:39:40 AM) Derrick|BirdBrain: "Well if you guys will follow me into town we'll go ahead and get everyone geared up."
  60. (12:40:18 AM) Uvel_of_The_Claw: "...Do they sell uh..." He reads his book again. "...A top hat?"
  61. (12:40:24 AM) ***Cyrin_of_the_Brood moves to follow the man. "Sounds like a plan."
  62. (12:40:46 AM) Luka_Mah_Boi: "Lead on"
  63. (12:40:49 AM) Juri: "Ready at your command."
  64. (12:42:11 AM) ***Highshot gives him a nod ,but stays silent
  65. (12:43:40 AM) ***Eztli sighs, "The less exploding buildings, the better..."
  66. (12:44:23 AM) Derrick|BirdBrain: "Alright then follow me!" Derrick walks you out of the office and into the streets. After about 5-10 minutes of walking you arrive to a building with the words 'Equipment Emporium' He walks inside an a creepily high pitched bell rings. How its creepy you dont know but it sends a slight shiver down your spine.
  67. (12:45:24 AM) ***Cyrin_of_the_Brood looks around with keen interest.
  68. (12:46:05 AM) ***Luka_Mah_Boi inspects the shop's layout quickly and proceeds to look at items.
  69. (12:48:11 AM) ***Cyrin_of_the_Brood begins to inspect the wares on sale, paying special attention to weapons and adventuring tools.
  70. (12:49:28 AM) ***Highshot has an idea of what he desires and looks around the shop
  71. (12:49:35 AM) Derrick|BirdBrain: The inside of the shop is clean. Really fucking clean and the items on the rack are made with staggering high quality. They are all proudly displayed around the shop on racks or dummys. From the back of the shop comes an Eladrin man with long white hair and matching white eyes. "Welcome everyone to the Equipment Emporium! My name is Ancal~"
  72. (12:50:00 AM) Derrick|BirdBrain: ( one letter away from anal)
  73. (12:50:02 AM) ***Juri starts looking around at the racks, looking at numerous assassin tools and armor she could wear
  74. (12:50:54 AM) ***Uvel_of_The_Claw looks around, the hair on his neck standing right the fuck up. Though he quickly does away the feelings when he looks at the swords. He then looks at the man and gives him a curtious bow, he moves his hand on top of his hand only to realize that..that..THAT! Shit, he doesn't have a top hat.
  75. (12:52:05 AM) ***Cyrin_of_the_Brood nods to the eladrin. "Afternoon. Your stock is quite impressive."
  76. (12:52:55 AM) Derrick|BirdBrain is now known as Ancal|LolAnal
  77. (12:52:59 AM) Ancal|LolAnal: "Why thank you~ The wares here all sing such lovely tunes it makes working here such a lovely time!"
  78. (12:54:02 AM) Ancal|LolAnal: For some reason the entire shop smells of a fresh lemon scent.
  79. (12:54:28 AM) Cyrin_of_the_Brood: (Goddamnit Broick.)
  80. (12:55:23 AM) ***Eztli looks over at the knives, twirling one of his own in his fingers, "Got anything like these?"
  81. (12:56:51 AM) Ancal|LolAnal: "Oh why yess I do!" He reaches under his counter and draws an oradinte wooden box with about 30 throwing knives. To say they were high quality would be an insult to the man. These are made by a master blacksmith.
  82. (12:57:29 AM) Cyrin_of_the_Brood: (...ornate?)
  83. (12:58:08 AM) ***Eztli glances over, his attention set on the box. "Oy..."
  84. (12:58:14 AM) Ancal|LolAnal: You know what i mean.
  85. (12:58:33 AM) ***Highshot runns his fingers across the different types of armor ,but stops when he reaches a Mithral Chain shir ".....Oh Desire...."
  86. (12:58:43 AM) Highshot: shirt*
  87. (12:59:42 AM) Ancal|LolAnal: "That's one of my finer crafts there my boy. Turly an eye for great ware you have."
  88. (1:00:11 AM) ***Juri walks over to Ancal and stands next to Eztli, closing her eyes as she waits patiently beside him.
  89. (1:00:24 AM) ***Cyrin_of_the_Brood finishes his once-over of the store, looking thoroughly impressed.
  90. (1:00:32 AM) Ancal|LolAnal: "How may I help you young lady?"
  91. (1:00:50 AM) Juri: "I need materials for assassination."
  92. (1:00:59 AM) ***Uvel_of_The_Claw grabs one of the longswords he sees and starts using it at the nearest practice dummy. "Engarde good sir! Today we shall duel at the crater of Doom Volcano!" He mutters to himself.
  93. (1:01:20 AM) ***Eztli looks over on the knives, "...think I might be able to retire these.."
  94. (1:02:14 AM) ***Luka_Mah_Boi approaches the counter, "I need swords and sword accessories my friend. Suggestions?"
  95. (1:02:34 AM) Ancal|LolAnal: "Ohoho~ Well your just in luck." He reaches onto a high shelf and pulls down a box. He opens it to you and inside are various tools an assassin would carry. Mainly rope theives tools and a disguise kit along with other tools.
  96. (1:04:20 AM) ***Ancal|LolAnal looks over Luka studing him. "Hmm..." He snaps his fingers. "I got it." He comes back with a set of Branded armor, a sword and a heavy crossbow. Then he pulls various items from shevles and stacks them infront of you. "Here this should be everything you need."
  97. (1:05:07 AM) ***Juri looks through the box and mumbles. "Just what I needed."
  98. (1:05:49 AM) ***Uvel_of_The_Claw approaches Ancal after "dueling" the dummy. There were new sword marks and...claw marks for some reason. "Hmm! This is a good sword, my good chum! I shall take it if it is within your merchandise."
  99. (1:06:00 AM) ***Luka_Mah_Boi inspects the armor and sword carefully. "This... this will do well."
  100. (1:06:53 AM) Ancal|LolAnal: "Very fine purchase good sir!" Ancal seems to have donned a monocle as well.
  101. (1:07:06 AM) Highshot: "Hmmm" He looks around the shop and finds himself a good looking Morningstar
  102. (1:07:56 AM) Uvel_of_The_Claw: "Hmm, say my good chum where exacly could I purchase such necessities like...a monocle and a top hat?"
  103. (1:08:34 AM) Ancal|LolAnal: "The tailor shop would have such fancy wares. Though I do warn you they do not come cheap."
  104. (1:09:37 AM) ***Highshot moves over to the counter with his Morningstar and Mithral armor "I think this is all I need for today"
  105. (1:10:35 AM) ***Cyrin_of_the_Brood gathers up some weapons and assorted other tools and carries them to the front desk.
  106. (1:10:49 AM) Uvel_of_The_Claw: "As such are the things for a true gentleman! Thank you my good sir, I shall make sure your sword strikes against many evils! ...Ah and would you perhaps have a shield?"
  107. (1:11:20 AM) Ancal|LolAnal: You all purchase your wares and gear either equipping them now or just storing them away. You leave the shop and are standing around the streets of the city wondering what to do next.
  108. (1:11:34 AM) Ancal|LolAnal: (Sec giving some choices)
  109. (1:11:50 AM) ***Luka_Mah_Boi moves to Uvel, "I'd recommend saving that money. You don't need a top hat that badly right my friend?"
  110. (1:12:14 AM) Ancal|LolAnal: (Theres the tailor shop, the local fortune teller, interacting with some NPCS at vicks or just go home and go to bed.)
  111. (1:13:04 AM) ***Uvel_of_The_Claw looks at Luka as if he just insulted his Chocolate Mama Bear. "A top hat is a clear sign of a gentleman! How else can I nod and tip my hat or bow and take off my hat curtiously?!"
  112. (1:14:53 AM) Luka_Mah_Boi: "I do like your style but just keep in mind your limited funds. I shall be the first to compliment you on such a fine purchase though should the day come."
  113. (1:15:41 AM) Ancal|LolAnal: (So what do you guys want to do?)
  114. (1:15:59 AM) Uvel_of_The_Claw: (Going to the tailor shop to see how much a top hat and a monocle cost)
  115. (1:16:25 AM) Luka_Mah_Boi: (Accompany Uvel to see the top hats)
  116. (1:16:43 AM) Eztli: (Tailor might be cool)
  117. (1:16:49 AM) Cyrin_of_the_Brood: (Top hat!)
  118. (1:16:52 AM) Highshot: (Go with him to see his he can buy a cape)
  119. (1:17:56 AM) Highshot: (to see if we can buy a cape*)
  120. (1:18:23 AM) Juri: (I'll tag along, why not)
  121. (1:20:05 AM) Ancal|LolAnal: Alright so you all depart to the local tailor shop.
  122. (1:20:30 AM) Ancal|LolAnal: (Its layout is the same as a mall clothing store basicly)
  123. (1:21:24 AM) Ancal|LolAnal: Behind the counter is a bored looking teenage Yuki-Onna girl reading a book. When you all walk in she ingores you mostly.
  124. (1:22:12 AM) Uvel_of_The_Claw: "Hello good fair merchant maiden of clothing!! I have come to you with a request of the most importance! I require a top hat and a possible monocle if it is within your power!
  125. (1:22:53 AM) Ancal|LolAnal: The girl looks up and eyes you strangely. "Dude are you high right now?"
  126. (1:22:56 AM) ***Luka_Mah_Boi walks to the side of Uvel looking at the items behind the counter on the wall
  127. (1:23:22 AM) Ancal|LolAnal: On her chest you can see a name tag stating her name to be Yukiko.
  128. (1:23:32 AM) Ancal|LolAnal: (Fuck originality)
  129. (1:23:36 AM) Ancal|LolAnal: (Snow nigga)
  130. (1:23:52 AM) Ancal|LolAnal is now known as Yukiko|BoredShopKeeper
  131. (1:24:51 AM) Uvel_of_The_Claw: "No madam, for you see I am just a humble grizzly trying to aquire the things that I most desire, nay, NEED! So, let me ask again Miss Merchant, do you perhaps have a top hat and a monocle for sale?"
  132. (1:25:00 AM) ***Eztli looks around at the belts, "Hmm... no slots..."
  133. (1:26:09 AM) ***Yukiko|BoredShopKeeper sighs and rubs her temple. She points to an area of the store where a sign that says 'Fancy Appeal' hangs overhead. In the area are various high end clothes such as dresses tuxedos top hats the works.
  134. (1:26:29 AM) Yukiko|BoredShopKeeper: "Over there."
  135. (1:27:39 AM) Uvel_of_The_Claw: "Ah! Most gracious miss! Now, how much would a top hat cost?"
  136. (1:28:04 AM) Yukiko|BoredShopKeeper: "Like 500 gold I think? I dont know I just work here while my mom is out."
  137. (1:28:29 AM) Uvel_of_The_Claw: "Ah! Most splendig, and a monocle?"
  138. (1:28:39 AM) Uvel_of_The_Claw: (splendid even)
  139. (1:29:00 AM) Yukiko|BoredShopKeeper: (A night at a basic in costs like 5 gold. 500 gold for a top hat is insane fyi...)
  140. (1:30:10 AM) Luka_Mah_Boi: "Uvel my friend. Consider the costs. One day you might be able to afford this but not this day."
  141. (1:30:34 AM) Yukiko|BoredShopKeeper: (It's actually 25 gold she's just lazy and doesnt listen)
  142. (1:30:38 AM) ***Eztli walks over to the counter, "Don't suppose you have anything like these, do you?", unlatching his knife belt.
  143. (1:31:10 AM) Yukiko|BoredShopKeeper: "We do but im sure your looking for something that holds more than that?"
  144. (1:31:22 AM) ***Eztli grins, "Of course."
  145. (1:31:53 AM) Uvel_of_The_Claw: "Hmmm, you are right Luka my boy. Very well, I shall come again once I have more coin..but first!" He reaches out to a top hat in display and put its on to which then he strikes a most gentelmanly pose. "This....this feels right."
  146. (1:32:37 AM) Yukiko|BoredShopKeeper: "Stuff like thats requires a custom order and payment in advance but your order is delivered right to your home when we are complete with it."
  147. (1:33:50 AM) Luka_Mah_Boi: "A truely fine hat. Hold the memory of it dearly for the day it may be yours forever." Luka says with a grin
  148. (1:34:21 AM) ***Uvel_of_The_Claw goes to the quiet mantis girl and puts the top hat on her. "Hmm hmm! I see that you too hold the soul of a gentleman! ..Gentlelady?" He says giving her a thumbs up.
  149. (1:34:42 AM) ***Yukiko|BoredShopKeeper looks at Luka and Uvel oddly. She leans over to Eztli and whispers to him. "Seriously, are your friends high?"
  150. (1:35:20 AM) ***Eztli fixes his belt, "I think it's the in the air.."
  151. (1:35:50 AM) ***Juri blinks and looks at the Grizzly. "...Why..."
  152. (1:36:15 AM) Yukiko|BoredShopKeeper: "Just to let you know my mom doesnt allow me to place custom orders so you'll need to come back while shes working and do it."
  153. (1:36:58 AM) Eztli: "I'll keep that in mind. I'll be around a good amount of times."
  154. (1:37:06 AM) Luka_Mah_Boi: "You must not ask why Juri, but why not? Keep your options open though I have the feeling that is something you are well versed in."
  155. (1:37:07 AM) Highshot: "......I swear everyone went crazy while I was locked away..."
  156. (1:37:10 AM) Juri: "If I give you 500 gold, can I keep this?"
  157. (1:37:21 AM) ***Cyrin_of_the_Brood finishes scoping out the store, interested but not as enthusiastic as he was in the previous building.
  158. (1:37:41 AM) Uvel_of_The_Claw: "Because, you clearly have the soul for the fancy way!"
  159. (1:38:27 AM) ***Juri puts the top hat on the bear and suddenly clears her throat. "Sorry."
  160. (1:40:10 AM) Uvel_of_The_Claw: "Nothing to be sorry about, one day both you and I shall have top hats that clearly shows our way of life! The virtues way!" He says with a nod before putting the hat back.
  161. (1:40:23 AM) ***Highshot waits at the door watching them
  162. (1:40:29 AM) Yukiko|BoredShopKeeper: "So...are you guys going to buy anything or just bug the shit out of me?"
  163. (1:40:52 AM) ***Juri walks over to the dark elf and leans casually against the wall next to him.
  164. (1:42:02 AM) Uvel_of_The_Claw: "Most sorry to disturbe you miss merchant. Should the gods deem it so, perhaps we shall meet one day." He says giving a bow before heading out of the store.
  165. (1:42:54 AM) Luka_Mah_Boi: "It was a pleasure miss Yukiko. My friend here is quite interested in this top hat. On any other day we might be able to come to a deal but my companions are in a hurry. Good bye." Luka says with a smile as he walks towards the exit.
  166. (1:43:24 AM) ***Cyrin_of_the_Brood follows after the two men, smiling and nodding to the yuki-onna on his way out.
  167. (1:43:34 AM) ***Highshot look over to the mantis girl and then back to the others "This is going to be a long year"
  168. (1:44:06 AM) Yukiko|BoredShopKeeper: Derrick snorts. "Year? Dude your in this for life. And elves have long lives so enjoy the ride my friend."
  169. (1:45:02 AM) ***Juri looks over at the others and back to the elf. "...Yep."
  170. (1:46:43 AM) ***Eztli picks his teeth with one of his knives, "As long as the pay's good."
  171. (1:48:25 AM) Yukiko|BoredShopKeeper: (Anywhere else you guys like to go or just back to vicks and chill in employee lounge and chat?)
  172. (1:48:45 AM) Uvel_of_The_Claw: Is there anyway we can gather info about these cultists?
  173. (1:49:05 AM) Cyrin_of_the_Brood: (I could actually probably use Gather Information to see if anyone knows anything.)
  174. (1:49:06 AM) Uvel_of_The_Claw: I would call them troll terrorists except, you know, they're not trolls.
  175. (1:50:18 AM) Luka_Mah_Boi: (I am interested in business contacts. Finding friends)
  176. (1:50:24 AM) Yukiko|BoredShopKeeper: (Todays just a chill out day to get to know eachother your first assignment starts next session)
  177. (1:50:36 AM) Cyrin_of_the_Brood: (I'd say lounge is the best bet, then.)
  178. (1:50:56 AM) Highshot: (Breakfeast sounds nice)
  179. (1:51:02 AM) Luka_Mah_Boi: (Lounge and chill then)
  180. (1:51:10 AM) Eztli: (Chillan day)
  181. (1:51:15 AM) Yukiko|BoredShopKeeper: (The lounge is cool its basically a bar with a living room a kitchen and a pool table dart board etc)
  182. (1:51:24 AM) Luka_Mah_Boi: (you had me at bar)
  183. (1:51:39 AM) Yukiko|BoredShopKeeper: (Its more like late lunch early dinner time)
  184. (1:51:53 AM) Yukiko|BoredShopKeeper: (3-4 o'clock)
  185. (1:52:38 AM) Highshot: (you had me at kitchen)
  186. (1:52:41 AM) Yukiko|BoredShopKeeper is now known as Derrick|BirdBrain
  187. (1:52:54 AM) Derrick|BirdBrain: (You had me at hel- I mean bar..>.>)
  188. (1:55:33 AM) Derrick|BirdBrain: Alright you all arrive at the swagy employee lounde to chill and do whatever you please. The couch is comfy, the kitchen is stacked, and the bar has top shelf booze.
  189. (1:56:46 AM) ***Cyrin_of_the_Brood pulls out the newspaper he stored away , gets comfortable on the couch and begins to read again.
  190. (1:56:46 AM) ***Eztli looks around, "Eh... 's no Purple Oni, but it'll do."
  191. (1:57:11 AM) Luka_Mah_Boi: "Now this is a bar!" Luka says with a glint in his eye. "Come on guys. I'll make you a drink. Pick your poison. Metaphorically of course."
  192. (1:57:30 AM) ***Highshot moves to the kitchen cup in hand to make him some tea
  193. (1:58:20 AM) ***Uvel_of_The_Claw looks over the lounge and nods, then moves to the kitchen once he sees he's making some tea. "Ah good friend, I see you too have some good taste in beverage."
  194. (2:00:09 AM) ***Highshot looks over to the bear of a ma...well bear and sighs "....did you want some?"
  195. (2:01:10 AM) Luka_Mah_Boi: Luka walks to the bar, "More for me I guess. Now where is the vodka... Oi! Mantis girl! What is your name? Care for a drink?"
  196. (2:01:29 AM) ***Eztli walks by the dart board, "Heh... might not be so bad."
  197. (2:02:25 AM) Juri: (For reference, I'm not here at the moment.)
  198. (2:02:32 AM) Juri: (Sorry fornot saying something)
  199. (2:03:11 AM) ***Luka_Mah_Boi looks around. "I could've sworn she was here a second ago..."
  200. (2:05:27 AM) ***Cyrin_of_the_Brood finishes perusing the paper, folds it an leaves it on an endtable, before joining the other men at the bar.
  201. (2:06:35 AM) ***Highshot finishes making his tea and takes a seat at the bar with everyone, then pulls out his pipe and light it
  202. (2:07:38 AM) ***Uvel_of_The_Claw tries to make his own tea, but clearly put too much honey and sugar for normal consumption.
  203. (2:08:17 AM) ***Luka_Mah_Boi makes a drink and leans against the bar, "So you all seem new to this, just like me. What are your stories?"
  204. (2:09:51 AM) Cyrin_of_the_Brood: "Just looking to make a living. It's much different outside the Hive. It wasn't a good place, by any means, but I definitely had fewer worries."
  205. (2:10:20 AM) ***Eztli makes a light laugh from the dartboard, "Slums, story should write itself."
  206. (2:11:42 AM) Uvel_of_The_Claw: "I'm just a humble servant of Bearington, trying to right any wrongs that I see!"
  207. (2:12:42 AM) ***Luka_Mah_Boi downs half the drink at once, "Well one story deserves another. Raised in the mines far from here. Was lucky enough to get out alive and join the guard. Join the guard they said..."
  208. (2:12:59 AM) Derrick|BirdBrain: (Jesus Uvel your something else)
  209. (2:14:59 AM) Derrick|BirdBrain: (But I love it)
  210. (2:15:17 AM) Highshot: "I have been reading and drinking tea for the last five years"
  211. (2:16:46 AM) ***Eztli flings the last of a handful of darts, "So what did those 'cultists' try to blow up for you."
  212. (2:17:55 AM) Uvel_of_The_Claw: "My church. Oh it's finally done!" He says as he takes his own tea, which looks more like a cup filled with honey with a bit of tea in it and drinks it. "Aaaah, just like Choco Ma used to make it.
  213. (2:18:42 AM) Cyrin_of_the_Brood: "Nothing in my case, but just one of them killed a whole family before Terry and I could stop them.
  214. (2:19:47 AM) Highshot: "Oh nothing much, though if anything I am glad they showed up at the place I was staying"
  215. (2:20:04 AM) ***Luka_Mah_Boi downs the last of the drink, "I had a real piece of work to deal with. Guy killed some poor lizard girl. Didn't tell me much beyond his motives during interrogation though."
  216. (2:20:57 AM) ***Eztli 's earfins twitch at their comments, "...was it a family of people like me?"
  217. (2:22:20 AM) ***Cyrin_of_the_Brood frowns at the memory. "Yeah. If only I'd be a little faster, maybe I could have done something..."
  218. (2:22:20 AM) Luka_Mah_Boi: "Quite possibly. Never saw the body myself though. Just heard it from my former boss."
  219. (2:22:53 AM) ***Luka_Mah_Boi turns to Cyrin, "So you were tied to this as well huh? Small world."
  220. (2:23:22 AM) Highshot: "They bombed the tower I was staying at"
  221. (2:23:26 AM) Cyrin_of_the_Brood: "Sadly."
  222. (2:23:41 AM) ***Eztli makes a low groan, "Otta... damn it."
  223. (2:25:09 AM) Cyrin_of_the_Brood: "You knew him?"
  224. (2:26:43 AM) Uvel_of_The_Claw: "Hmm, murder, exploding towers. Gentlemen!" He says as he brings down his cup of tea, gently of course. "Clearly we're dealing with a most veil and evil group of knaves that any of us have ever encountered! We must put an end to them gentlemen, we must show them that the error of their ways, by our blades!"
  225. (2:27:40 AM) Eztli: "He hung around the bar back in the slums good enough, talked about his kid more than enough times-" His recount is cut short by a outright burst of laughter.
  226. (2:28:08 AM) Eztli: an*
  227. (2:28:19 AM) ***Cyrin_of_the_Brood looks at the grizzly man, making a face.
  228. (2:29:18 AM) ***Luka_Mah_Boi grins slightly "Now now Cyrin. Nothing wrong with finding the best in a situation that leaves you in despair. Have a drink!" Luka pours a cranberry and vodka mix with a lemon twist and slides it down
  229. (2:30:18 AM) ***Cyrin_of_the_Brood sighs, takes the drink, and sits back on the barstool. "I suppose..."
  230. (2:30:59 AM) ***Eztli sets the darts down, going to the rest of the bar, "Good to know the sons of skinks who did this though."
  231. (2:32:17 AM) ***Highshot finishes his tea and begins smoking his pipe
  232. (2:34:12 AM) Luka_Mah_Boi: "Business aside though. How about those rooms of ours? Any apartment with a personal bar and a statue in the center is a place I can admire."
  233. (2:35:39 AM) Cyrin_of_the_Brood: "That Terry surely has... interesting taste in decoration. From your voice, I can tell your room leaves nothing to be desired, much like my own."
  234. (2:35:40 AM) Eztli: "Heh, mine has a nice sauna I've always heard about.. nice and toasty."
  235. (2:38:20 AM) Highshot: "I have my book and my tea as well as others I can not complain"
  236. (2:47:38 AM) ***Eztli groans "Either way, we're going to be seeing more of those crazy bastards, that's for sure."
  237. (2:48:04 AM) Cyrin_of_the_Brood: "Indeed."
  238. (2:49:10 AM) Cyrin_of_the_Brood: "Anyway, I think we should be getting to our respective tasks. I imagine that we're going to be having busy days, starting tomorrow.
  239. (2:49:43 AM) ***Cyrin_of_the_Brood stands, nods to the rest of the group, and heads off back to his room.
  240. (2:49:47 AM) Eztli: "Sounds like a plan, mayne."
  241. (2:50:30 AM) ***Luka_Mah_Boi exits the bar area, "Until tomorrow then."
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