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Feb 16th, 2023
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  1. After creating this market I received some genuinely good criticisms (and some praise) about my history and actions on Manifold. I thought I’d centralize most of it here so it’s easier for me to go over everything. Here's a list of all the things written on that market about my trustworthiness.
  5. Criticisms
  7. Name:
  8. I’d say the most spoken about criticism against me receiving a trustworthy badge is that of my name. The fact that my name is “DesTiny” while having a pfp of Destiny (definitely not photoshopped) can be very confusing for people, especially those outside of the Destiny community. I think giving me a badge while also having that name could lead to a large number of people thinking, for good reason, that I am the real Destiny. This could be very problematic as someone could see my vote in a market and think I have some insight that in reality, I don’t. Or they might take my opinion with a lot more backing even if it is undeserved. I thought about ways to solve this problem, the most obvious being to just outright change my name. While this would definitely fix the problem I think it might cause others because everyone knows me as “DesTiny” and I think it would be weird if I were to randomly change my name. I have added a little tag stating that I’m not actually Destiny in my bio, though many don’t go to that length to even go into someone’s bio. If anyone has a good solution please let me know!
  10. Market Controversy:
  12. Another largely spoken about criticism is the fact that my history of market resolutions hasn’t been a clean sheet. I would like to list every single market that has had a decently large controversy centered around its resolution.
  14. 1) The first on this list is also the first controversy I was in which was related to this market. During this time the World Cup was going on so I decided to make some markets about not just the outcomes of games, but also things that might happen during those games. This specific market talked about whether or not Brazil would score 3 or more goals during their game against Croatia. To spice things up I decided to include shoot-out goals, and that is where it got controversial. Before this, I had made similar markets about goals scored during a game where I decided to not include shoot-out goals, but in this one I did. I knew this so when making the description I put “Shoot-out goals DO COUNT.” as a way to make the change more obvious, this however didn’t play out how I expected. The game ultimately led to a shoot-out where the market was decided. Afterward, there were many people upset saying things such as “You changed the description after the game went into overtime so you could make a profit.” While this statement was objectively false from my perspective I can understand why someone would make that assumption. As I had made shoot-out goals count in this market, but none of my previous ones, and I had put money into the market. I probably shouldn’t have invested, but to be fair in almost all of my markets, once the market has been decided by that event occurring (or not) I put like M$1k to boost it to 100%. I can see how this situation looks I just edited the description and stole like M$500, but in reality that isn’t what happened. I would like to apologize to those who did lose money as I probably should’ve made it more obvious, but idk. I feel like I wrote way too much about just one, but I’ll try to do the rest.
  16. 2) That market. About 2 months ago I created a market about whether or not I would have a profit of M$1.5k or more by the end of the year. This was probably the biggest controversy I’ve ever been in, in my life lol. So basically what happened was my profit was at like -9k, so there was almost no way I would be able to recoup the loss before the market closed. This was until Isaac messaged me asking if I’d like to manipulate a market with him, and in all honestly, I thought it sounded rather fun. We eventually played out that manipulation which can be well described here. Obviously, people were upset about this as it was a blatant manipulation of a market resolving in a large backlash of markets and the such. Personally, I find what we did was allowable, though morally questionable. (also no hate for Isaac, he’s cool).
  18. 3) Now for the 3rd and probably biggest mistake I’ve ever committed on Manifold, the 1% resolve. A few days ago I resolved this market to 1% while it should’ve resolved to NO. This led to FishyBoi losing out on an entire 1 whole mana. I profusely apologize to him as it is one of the worst things I’ve ever done.
  20. I think that covers the biggest controversies I’ve been in, I probably forgot one or two so you can message me any more you find!
  22. Praise:
  24. While the majority of responses I received were those about negatives, there were a few positive comments on that market. @Conflux stated that if it wasn’t for my name then I would deserve it due to my trustworthiness. @DuckMurderer, although having an interesting name, states that I’ve done a lot of good in the sense that I give out free mana to those who have lost mana to fraudulent markets, and to be honest sometimes just for fun. @MartinRandall also states that if it weren’t for my username there would be no other reason I wouldn’t deserve a trustworthy-ish badge.
  26. Conclusion
  28. After all that it seems like most people either think I’m untrustworthy because of my resolution history, that I shouldn't get it because of my name, or find no real problems with me getting it. In all honesty, it’s not that big of a deal as the badge doesn't really do anything, I mostly just thought it was fun. I apologize for my poor writing skills and thanks for the quality memes.
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