Guest User


a guest
Jan 25th, 2016
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  1. <?php
  2. ob_start();
  3. @session_start();
  4. ini_set( 'display_errors', True );
  5. date_default_timezone_set( @date_default_timezone_get() );
  6. error_reporting( E_ALL );
  8. define( '_sep', str_replace( '\\', '\\\\', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR ) );
  9. define( '_root', str_replace( '\\', '\\\\', __DIR__ ) . _sep );
  10. require _root . '_class' . _sep . 'class.php';
  11. ?>
  12. <head>
  14. <title>Edit chat group</title>
  16. </head>
  20. <?php include('nav.php'); ?>
  23. <div align="center"> </a><span style="color:#001aff;text-shadow: 0px 0px 5px#000000;"><h2>Editar Seu perfil geral</h2></span>
  24. <body>
  25. <div class="block c4">
  29. <head>
  30. <meta charset="utf-8">
  31. <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge,chrome=1">
  32. <title>Edit your chat</title>
  33. <meta name="description" content="Edit your chat">
  34. <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width">
  35. <!--<meta name="msapplication-TileImage" content=""/> TODO: -->
  36. <meta name="msapplication-TileColor" content="#000033"/>
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  39. <meta name="xcb_l" content="oH7gcs">
  40. <script type="text/javascript">
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  54. <body>
  55. <!--[if lt IE 7]>
  56. <p class="chromeframe">You are using an <strong>outdated</strong> browser. Please <a href="">upgrade your browser</a> or <a href="">activate Google Chrome Frame</a> to improve your experience.</p>
  57. <![endif]-->
  58. <!--/head-->
  60. <!--header-->
  65. <?php
  66. If ( Isset( $_POST[ 'cmd' ] ) )
  67. {
  68. $messages = Array( );
  69. switch ( $_POST[ 'cmd' ] )
  70. {
  71. case 'login':
  72. If ( !$core->allset( $_POST, 'user', 'pass' ) )
  73. {
  74. break;
  75. } //!$core->allset( $_POST, 'user', 'pass' )
  76. If ( strlen( $_POST[ 'user' ] ) == 0 )
  77. {
  78. $messages[ ] = 'Por favor digite seu usuario.';
  79. } //strlen( $_POST[ 'user' ] ) == 0
  80. If ( strlen( $_POST[ 'pass' ] ) == 0 )
  81. {
  82. $messages[ ] = 'Por favor digite sua senha.';
  83. } //strlen( $_POST[ 'pass' ] ) == 0
  84. If ( !empty( $messages ) )
  85. break;
  87. $user = $mysql->fetch_Array( 'select * from `users` where `username`=:a;', Array(
  88. 'a' => $_POST[ 'user' ]
  89. ) );
  90. If ( empty( $user ) || !$mysql->validate( $_POST[ 'pass' ], $user[ 0 ][ 'password' ] ) )
  91. {
  92. $messages[ ] = 'Usuario/senha esta incorreto!';
  93. break;
  94. } //empty( $user ) || !$mysql->validate( $_POST[ 'pass' ], $user[ 0 ][ 'password' ] )
  96. $loginKey = md5( time() . json_encode( $_POST ) );
  97. $_COOKIE[ 'loginKey' ] = $loginKey;
  98. $expire = time() + 60 * 60 * 24 * 30;
  99. setcookie( "loginKey", $loginKey, $expire );
  100. $mysql->query( 'update `users` set `loginKey`=:a where `username`=:b;', Array(
  101. 'a' => $loginKey,
  102. 'b' => $user[ 0 ][ 'username' ]
  103. ) );
  104. $messages[ ] = 'Voce sera redirecionado automaticamente para a pagina inicial!' . $core->refreshLogin();
  105. $core->auth = True;
  106. break;
  107. case 'register':
  108. If ( !$core->allset( $_POST, 'user', 'pass', 'mail' ) )
  109. {
  110. break;
  111. } //!$core->allset( $_POST, 'user', 'pass', 'mail' )
  112. If ( strlen( $_POST[ 'user' ] ) < 5 || strlen( $_POST[ 'user' ] ) > 32 || !ctype_alnum( $_POST[ 'user' ] ) )
  113. {
  114. $messages[ ] = 'O seu usuario precisa ter 5-15 alpha-numerico ou caracteres (a-z/0-9).';
  115. } //strlen( $_POST[ 'user' ] ) < 5 || strlen( $_POST[ 'user' ] ) > 32 || !ctype_alnum( $_POST[ 'user' ] )
  116. If ( strtolower( $_POST[ 'user' ] ) == 'unregistered' )
  117. {
  118. $messages[ ] = 'Este usuario e reservado!';
  119. } //strtolower( $_POST[ 'user' ] ) == 'unregistered'
  120. If ( strlen( $_POST[ 'pass' ] ) < 6 )
  121. {
  122. $messages[ ] = 'Sua senha precisa ter pelo menos 6 caracteres.';
  123. } //strlen( $_POST[ 'pass' ] ) < 6
  124. If ( !filter_var( $_POST[ 'mail' ], FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL ) )
  125. {
  126. $messages[ ] = 'Por favor digite um email valido.';
  127. } //!filter_var( $_POST[ 'mail' ], FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL )
  128. If ( !empty( $messages ) )
  129. break;
  131. $count = $mysql->fetch_Array( 'select count(*) as `count` from `users` where `username`=:a or `email`=:b or (`connectedlast`=:c and `username`!=:d);', Array(
  132. 'a' => $_POST[ 'user' ],
  133. 'b' => $_POST[ 'mail' ],
  134. 'c' => $_SERVER[ 'REMOTE_ADDR' ],
  135. 'd' => ''
  136. ) );
  137. If ( $count[ 0 ][ 'count' ] > 0 )
  138. {
  139. $messages[ ] = 'Este nome de usuario ja esta em uso, ou voce ja tem uma conta!';
  140. break;
  141. } //$count[ 0 ][ 'count' ] > 0
  143. $vals = Array(
  144. 'id' => 'NULL',
  145. 'username' => $_POST[ 'user' ],
  146. 'nickname' => $_POST[ 'user' ],
  147. 'password' => $mysql->hash( $_POST[ 'pass' ] ),
  148. 'avatar' => rand( 0, 1759 ),
  149. 'url' => '',
  150. 'k' => rand( -1000000000, 1000000000 ),
  151. 'k2' => rand( -1000000000, 1000000000 ),
  152. 'k3' => rand( -10000000000, 1000000000 ),
  153. 'xats' => $config->xats,
  154. 'reserve' => $config->xats,
  155. 'days' => time() + ( $config->days * 86400 ),
  156. 'email' => $_POST[ 'mail' ],
  157. 'powers' => '',
  158. 'enabled' => '1',
  159. 'transferblock' => '',
  160. 'connectedlast' => $_SERVER[ 'REMOTE_ADDR' ],
  161. 'rank' => 1
  162. );
  163. $result = $mysql->insert( 'users', $vals );
  165. $messages[ ] = "Voce foi registrado com sucesso, agora faca o login!";
  166. break;
  167. case 'update_bio':
  168. If ( $core->auth )
  169. {
  170. $mysql->query( 'update `users` set `css`=:css where `id`=' . $core->user[ 'id' ] . ';', Array(
  171. 'css' => $_POST[ 'bio' ]
  172. ) );
  173. } //$core->auth
  174. break;
  175. case 'update_passok':
  176. If ( $core->auth )
  177. {
  178. $mysql->query( 'update `users` set `passok`=:passok where `id`=' . $core->user[ 'id' ] . ';', Array(
  179. 'passok' => $_POST[ 'passok' ]
  180. ) );
  181. } //$core->auth
  182. break;
  183. case 'update_desc':
  184. If ( $core->auth )
  185. {
  186. $mysql->query( 'update `users` set `desc`=:desc where `id`=' . $core->user[ 'id' ] . ';', Array(
  187. 'desc' => $_POST[ 'desc' ]
  188. ) );
  189. } //$core->auth
  190. break;
  191. case 'update_embed':
  192. If ( $core->auth )
  193. {
  194. $mysql->query( 'update `users` set `embed`=:embed where `id`=' . $core->user[ 'id' ] . ';', Array(
  195. 'embed' => $_POST[ 'embed' ]
  196. ) );
  197. } //$core->auth
  198. break;
  199. case 'update_tickle':
  200. If ( $core->auth )
  201. {
  202. $mysql->query( 'update `users` set `tickle`=:tickle where `id`=' . $core->user[ 'id' ] . ';', Array(
  203. 'tickle' => $_POST[ 'tickle' ]
  204. ) );
  205. } //$core->auth
  206. break;
  207. } //$_POST[ 'cmd' ]
  209. Foreach ( $messages as $message )
  210. {
  211. print '<div class="message"> ' . $message . ' </div>';
  212. } //$messages as $message
  213. } //Isset( $_POST[ 'cmd' ] )
  215. If ( !Isset( $_GET[ 'u' ] ) && Isset( $core->user[ 'username' ] ) )
  216. {
  217. $_GET[ 'u' ] = $core->user[ 'username' ];
  218. } //!Isset( $_GET[ 'u' ] ) && Isset( $core->user[ 'username' ] )
  220. If ( Isset( $_GET[ 'u' ] ) && ctype_alnum( $_GET[ 'u' ] ) )
  221. {
  222. $user = $mysql->fetch_Array( 'select * from `users` where `username`=:uname;', Array(
  223. 'uname' => $_GET[ 'u' ]
  224. ) );
  225. If ( count( $user ) == 1 )
  226. {
  227. $nickname = htmlspecialchars( substr( $user[ 0 ][ 'nickname' ], 0, strpos( $user[ 0 ][ 'nickname' ] . '##', '##' ) ) );
  228. $nickname = preg_replace( '/\([^)]*\)+/', '', $nickname );
  229. $pcount = $mysql->fetch_Array( 'select count(*) from `userpowers` where `userid`=:userid;', Array(
  230. 'userid' => $user[ 0 ][ 'id' ]
  231. ) );
  232. print '<div class="block c5">';
  233. print '<div class="heading">' . substr( $nickname, 0, 50 ) . '</div>';
  234. print '<table style="width: 99%">';
  236. If ( is_numeric( $user[ 0 ][ 'avatar' ] ) )
  237. {
  238. } //is_numeric( $user[ 0 ][ 'avatar' ] )
  239. print '</table>';
  240. If ( $core->auth && $core->user[ 'id' ] == $user[ 0 ][ 'id' ] )
  241. {
  244. print '';
  245. } //$core->auth && $core->user[ 'id' ] == $user[ 0 ][ 'id' ]
  247. print '</div>';
  249. print '<embed src="../web_gear/flash/profile.swf?a30" wmode="transparent" quality="high" width="425" height="600" name="profile" FlashVars="Info=' . $user[ 0 ][ 'id' ] . ';=' . $user[ 0 ][ 'username' ] . ';=' . $user[ 0 ][ 'nickname' ] . ';=' . $user[ 0 ][ 'avatar' ] . ';=http://BlockedDomain/;=" align="middle" allowScriptAccess="sameDomain" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" /></div>
  250. ';
  252. print '<p><center><div class="heading"> Editar DESCRIÇAO [<a href="usuario/' . htmlspecialchars( $_GET[ 'u' ] ) . '&preview">Visualizar</a>]</div></center></p>';
  253. }
  255. If ( $user[ 0 ][ 'desc' ] == '' && ( !$core->auth || $core->user[ 'id' ] != $user[ 0 ][ 'id' ] ) )
  256. {
  257. print '<div class="tc" style="width: 100%"> ' . $user[ 0 ][ 'username' ] . ' nao tem um perfil. </div>';
  258. } //$user[ 0 ][ 'desc' ] == '' && ( !$core->auth || $core->user[ 'id' ] != $user[ 0 ][ 'id' ] )
  259. ElseIf ( $core->auth && $core->user[ 'id' ] == $user[ 0 ][ 'id' ] && !Isset( $_GET[ 'preview' ] ) )
  260. {
  261. print '<form method="post">';
  262. print '<input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="update_desc" />';
  263. print '<textarea name="desc" style="width: 20%;resize: none" rows="10">' . htmlspecialchars( $user[ 0 ][ 'desc' ] ) . '</textarea>';
  264. print '<div style="width: 33%;text-align: center"> <input type="submit" value="Mudar Descriçao" /> </div>';
  265. print '</form>';
  267. print '<center><div class="heading"> Sua Senha <a href="usuario/' . htmlspecialchars( $_GET[ 'u' ] ) . '<p align="left"><font color="#FF0000"><p>(Por medidas de Segurança sua senha só será mostrada a voce)</p></font></a></div></center>';
  268. }
  270. If ( $user[ 0 ][ 'passok' ] == '' && ( !$core->auth || $core->user[ 'id' ] != $user[ 0 ][ 'id' ] ) )
  271. {
  272. print '<div class="tc" style="width: 100%"> ' . $user[ 0 ][ 'username' ] . ' nao tem um perfil. </div>';
  273. } //$user[ 0 ][ 'passok' ] == '' && ( !$core->auth || $core->user[ 'id' ] != $user[ 0 ][ 'id' ] )
  274. ElseIf ( $core->auth && $core->user[ 'id' ] == $user[ 0 ][ 'id' ] && !Isset( $_GET[ 'preview' ] ) )
  275. {
  276. print '<form method="post">';
  277. print '<input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="update_passok" />';
  278. print '<p><text name="passok" style="width: 33%;resize: none" rows="15"></p>' . htmlspecialchars( $user[ 0 ][ 'passok' ] ) . '</text>';
  279. print '</form>';
  282. print '<div class="block c4-5 fr">';
  283. If ( Isset( $core->user[ 'id' ] ) && $core->user[ 'id' ] == $user[ 0 ][ 'id' ] && !Isset( $_GET[ 'preview' ] ) )
  284. {
  285. print '<br />';
  286. print '<center><div class="heading"> Editar CSS [<a href="usuario/' . htmlspecialchars( $_GET[ 'u' ] ) . '&preview">Visualizar</a>]</div></center>';
  287. } //Isset( $core->user[ 'id' ] ) && $core->user[ 'id' ] == $user[ 0 ][ 'id' ] && !Isset( $_GET[ 'preview' ] )
  288. Else
  289. {
  290. print '<div class="heading"> Perfil </div>';
  291. }
  293. If ( $user[ 0 ][ 'css' ] == '' && ( !$core->auth || $core->user[ 'id' ] != $user[ 0 ][ 'id' ] ) )
  294. {
  295. print '<div class="tc" style="width: 100%"> ' . $user[ 0 ][ 'username' ] . ' nao tem um perfil. </div>';
  296. } //$user[ 0 ][ 'css' ] == '' && ( !$core->auth || $core->user[ 'id' ] != $user[ 0 ][ 'id' ] )
  297. ElseIf ( $core->auth && $core->user[ 'id' ] == $user[ 0 ][ 'id' ] && !Isset( $_GET[ 'preview' ] ) )
  298. {
  299. print '<form method="post">';
  300. print '<input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="update_bio" />';
  301. print '<textarea name="bio" style="width: 20%;resize: none" rows="10">' . htmlspecialchars( $user[ 0 ][ 'css' ] ) . '</textarea>';
  302. print '<div style="width: 33%;text-align: center"> <input type="submit" value="Mudar css" /> </div>';
  303. print '</form>';
  307. print '<center><div class="heading"> Editar HTML [<a href="usuario/' . htmlspecialchars( $_GET[ 'u' ] ) . '&preview">Visualizar</a>]</div></center>';
  308. }
  310. If ( $user[ 0 ][ 'embed' ] == '' && ( !$core->auth || $core->user[ 'id' ] != $user[ 0 ][ 'id' ] ) )
  311. {
  312. print '<div class="tc" style="width: 100%"> ' . $user[ 0 ][ 'username' ] . ' nao tem um perfil. </div>';
  313. } //$user[ 0 ][ 'embed' ] == '' && ( !$core->auth || $core->user[ 'id' ] != $user[ 0 ][ 'id' ] )
  314. ElseIf ( $core->auth && $core->user[ 'id' ] == $user[ 0 ][ 'id' ] && !Isset( $_GET[ 'preview' ] ) )
  315. {
  316. print '<form method="post">';
  317. print '<input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="update_embed" />';
  318. print '<textarea name="embed" style="width: 20%;resize: none" rows="10">' . htmlspecialchars( $user[ 0 ][ 'embed' ] ) . '</textarea>';
  319. print '<div style="width: 33%;text-align: center"> <input type="submit" value="Mudar Html" /> </div>';
  320. print '</form>';
  322. print '<center><div class="heading"> Editar Auto mensagem privada [<a href="usuario/' . htmlspecialchars( $_GET[ 'u' ] ) . '&preview">Visualizar</a>]</div></center>';
  323. }
  325. If ( $user[ 0 ][ 'tickle' ] == '' && ( !$core->auth || $core->user[ 'id' ] != $user[ 0 ][ 'id' ] ) )
  326. {
  327. print '<div class="tc" style="width: 100%"> ' . $user[ 0 ][ 'username' ] . ' nao tem um perfil. </div>';
  328. } //$user[ 0 ][ 'tickle' ] == '' && ( !$core->auth || $core->user[ 'id' ] != $user[ 0 ][ 'id' ] )
  329. ElseIf ( $core->auth && $core->user[ 'id' ] == $user[ 0 ][ 'id' ] && !Isset( $_GET[ 'preview' ] ) )
  330. {
  331. print '<form method="post">';
  332. print '<input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="update_tickle" />';
  333. print '<textarea name="tickle" style="width: 20%;resize: none" rows="10">' . htmlspecialchars( $user[ 0 ][ 'tickle' ] ) . '</textarea>';
  334. print '<div style="width: 33%;text-align: center"> <input type="submit" value="Mudar Html" /> </div>';
  335. print '</form>';
  340. } //$core->auth && $core->user[ 'id' ] == $user[ 0 ][ 'id' ] && !Isset( $_GET[ 'preview' ] )
  343. Else
  344. {
  345. $bb = Array(
  346. '[br]' => '<br />',
  347. "\n" => '<br />',
  348. '[center]' => '<span class="tc" style="width: 100%;display: inline-block;">',
  349. '[/center]' => '</span>',
  350. '[b]' => '<b>',
  351. '[/b]' => '</b>',
  352. '[h1]' => '<h1>',
  353. '[/h1]' => '</h1>',
  354. '[h2]' => '<h2>',
  355. '[/h2]' => '</h2>',
  356. '[h3]' => '<h3>',
  357. '[/h3]' => '</h3>',
  358. '[center]' => '<center>',
  359. '[/center]' => '</center>'
  360. );
  362. print str_replace( Array_keys( $bb ), $bb, htmlspecialchars( $user[ 0 ][ 'desc' ] ) );
  363. print str_replace( Array_keys( $bb ), $bb, htmlspecialchars( $user[ 0 ][ 'css' ] ) );
  364. print str_replace( Array_keys( $bb ), $bb, htmlspecialchars( $user[ 0 ][ 'embed' ] ) );
  366. }
  367. print '</div>';
  368. } //count( $user ) == 1
  369. Else
  370. {
  371. print '<div class="block c1 tc"> Usuario inexistente! </div>';
  372. }
  373. } //Isset( $_GET[ 'u' ] ) && ctype_alnum( $_GET[ 'u' ] )
  374. Else
  375. {
  376. print '
  378. ';
  379. }
  380. ?>
  382. <?php
  383. ini_set('display_errors', 'Off');
  384. if(!$core->auth)
  385. {
  386. return include $pages['profile'];
  387. }
  388. $ajustes = $mysql->fetch_array('SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = '.$_COOKIE['loginKey'].'');
  390. if(isset($_POST['npass']) && isset($_POST['npass2']) && isset($_POST['apass']))
  391. {
  392. if(!($_POST['npass'] === null) && !($_POST['npass2'] === null) && !($_POST['apass'] === null)){
  393. if($_POST['npass'] == $_POST['npass2']){
  394. if($mysql->validate($_POST['apass'], $core->user['password'])){
  395. $mysql->query("UPDATE USERS set PASSWORD = '".$mysql->hash($_POST['npass'])."' WHERE username = '".$core->user['username']."'");
  396. $mysql->query("UPDATE USERS set passok = '".($_POST['npass'])."' WHERE username = '".$core->user['username']."'");
  397. $mysql->query("UPDATE users SET loginKey = '' WHERE id='" . $core->user['id'] . "'");
  398. $alerta1 = '<div class="alert alert-success" align="center" role="alert">
  399. <strong>Bien hecho!</strong> Datos actualizados. Sera redireccionado en 2 segundos!</div>';
  400. echo'<meta http-equiv="Refresh" content="2;url=/login">';
  401. }
  402. else {
  403. $alerta1 = '<div class="alert alert-danger" align="center" role="alert">
  404. <strong>Disculpe!</strong> Su Antigua contraseña no es correcta.</div>';
  405. }
  406. }
  407. else {
  408. $alerta1 = '<div class="alert alert-danger" align="center" role="alert">
  409. <strong>Disculpe!</strong> Tus contraseñas nuevas no coinciden.</div>';
  410. }
  411. } else {
  412. $alerta1 = '<div class="alert alert-danger" align="center" role="alert">
  413. <strong>Disculpe!</strong> Rellene todos los campos.</div>';
  414. }
  415. }
  416. ?>
  417. <meta charset="utf-8">
  418. <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/cache/cache.php?f=bootstrap.min.css">
  419. <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/cache/cache.php?f=bootstrap-responsive.min.css">
  420. <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/cache/cache.php?f=main.css">
  421. <title>Cambiar clave - <?php echo $config->info['ixatname']; ?></title>
  422. <?php include('nav.php'); ?>
  423. <div class="container">
  424. <br />
  425. <?php echo $alerta1; ?>
  426. <style type="text/css">
  427. .vbmenu_control A:link {text-decoration: none; color:#FFFFFF}
  428. .vbmenu_control A:visited {text-decoration: none; color:#FFFFFF}
  429. .vbmenu_control A:hover {text-decoration: underline; color:#FFFFFF}
  430. .vbmenu_control A:active {text-decoration: none; color:#FFFFFF}
  432. .vbmenu_control
  433. {
  434. background: #000000;
  435. color: #FFFFFF;
  436. font: bold 11px tahoma, verdana, geneva, lucida, 'lucida grande', arial, helvetica, sans-serif;
  437. padding: 3px 6px 3px 6px;
  438. white-space: nowrap;
  439. }
  440. </style>
  441. <h1><span style="display: inline;">Mudar a senha do seu perfil</span></h1>
  442. <p><span style="display: inline;">Troque sua senha</span></p>
  443. <form action="" method="post">
  444. <table border="0"><tbody><tr><td>
  445. <p><span style="display: inline;">Senha atual:</span></p></td><td>
  446. <input name="apass" type="password" size="32" maxlength="64" required></td></tr>
  447. <tr><td><p><span style="display: inline;">senha nova:</span></p></td><td>
  448. <input name="npass" type="password" size="32" maxlength="64" required></td></tr>
  449. <tr><td><p><span style="display: inline;">Verificar Nova senha:</span></p></td><td>
  450. <input name="npass2" type="password" size="32" maxlength="64" required></td></tr>
  451. </tbody></table>
  452. <button type="submit" name="ok" value="1" class="btn"><i class=" icon-wrench"></i>&nbsp;<span style="display: inline;">Submeter</span></button>
  453. </form>
  454. </div>
  456. <?php
  458. function bad($text){
  459. $badword = array_merge(array_map('chr', range( 0, 31)),array('<','>',':',';','\'','/','\\','|','?','*','"',')','('));
  460. $text = str_replace($badword, '', $text);
  461. return $text;
  462. }
  463. $message = array();
  464. if (isset($_POST['usuario'])) {
  465. $_POST = bad($_POST);
  466. $_GET = bad($_GET);
  467. $usuario = $_POST['usuario'];
  468. $usuario = bad($usuario);
  469. $verificarusuario = $mysql->fetch_array("SELECT * FROM users WHERE username='" . $usuario . "';");
  470. $vxat = $mysql->fetch_array("SELECT * FROM users WHERE id='" . $core->user['id'] . "';");
  471. foreach ($vxat as $row) {
  472. $xats = $row['xats'];
  473. }
  474. if (empty($usuario)) {
  475. $message[] = 'Shortname esta Vazio ';
  476. } else {
  477. if (strlen($usuario) > 4) {
  478. $message[] = 'Shortname tem que ser mais que 4 letras';
  479. }
  480. if (strlen($usuario) < 7) {
  481. $message[] = 'Minimo 4 Letras';
  482. }
  483. if (!empty($verificarusuario)) {
  484. $message[] = 'Ja possui um usuario com este nome, porfavor escolhe outro nome.';
  485. }
  486. }
  487. if (empty($message)) {
  488. if (strlen($usuario) == 4) {
  489. if ($xats < 10000) {
  490. $message[] = 'Voce nao tem xats Suficiente';
  491. } else {
  492. $mysql->query("UPDATE users SET username='{$usuario}' WHERE id='{$core->user['id']}'");
  493. $mysql->query("UPDATE users SET xats = xats - {$valor4letra} WHERE id='{$core->user['id']}'");
  494. $message[] = 'Shortname ' . $usuario . ' Comprado com Sucesso';
  495. print $core->refreshLogin();
  496. }
  497. }
  498. if (strlen($usuario) == 5) {
  499. if ($xats < 7500) {
  500. $message[] = 'Voce nao tem xats Suficiente';
  501. } else {
  502. $mysql->query("UPDATE users SET username='{$usuario}' WHERE id='{$core->user['id']}'");
  503. $mysql->query("UPDATE users SET xats = xats - {$valor5letra} WHERE id='{$core->user['id']}'");
  504. $message[] = 'Shortname ' . $usuario . ' Comprado com Sucesso';
  505. print $core->refreshLogin();
  506. }
  507. }
  508. if (strlen($usuario) == 6) {
  509. if ($xats < 6000) {
  510. $message[] = 'Voce nao tem xats Suficiente';
  511. } else {
  512. $mysql->query("UPDATE users SET username='{$usuario}' WHERE id='{$core->user['id']}'");
  513. $mysql->query("UPDATE users SET xats = xats - {$valor6letra} WHERE id='{$core->user['id']}'");
  514. $message[] = 'Shortname ' . $usuario . ' Comprado com Sucesso';
  515. print $core->refreshLogin();
  516. }
  517. }
  518. if (strlen($usuario) == 7) {
  519. if ($xats < 2000) {
  520. $message[] = 'Voce nao tem xats Suficiente';
  521. } else {
  522. $mysql->query("UPDATE users SET username='{$usuario}' WHERE id='{$core->user['id']}'");
  523. $mysql->query("UPDATE users SET xats = xats - {$valor7letra} WHERE id='{$core->user['id']}'");
  524. $message[] = 'Shortname ' . $usuario . ' Comprado com Sucesso';
  525. print $core->refreshLogin();
  526. }
  527. }
  528. if (strlen($usuario) == 8) {
  529. if ($xats < 1000) {
  530. $message[] = 'Voce nao tem xats Suficiente';
  531. } else {
  532. $mysql->query("UPDATE users SET username='{$usuario}' WHERE id='{$core->user['id']}'");
  533. $mysql->query("UPDATE users SET xats = xats - {$valor8letra} WHERE id='{$core->user['id']}'");
  534. $message[] = 'Shortname ' . $usuario . ' Comprado com Sucesso';
  535. print $core->refreshLogin();
  536. }
  537. }
  538. }
  539. foreach ($message as $msg) {
  540. print '<br><div class="alert alert-dismissable alert-info">
  541. <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="alert"></button>
  542. <center>' . $msg . ' </center></div>';
  543. }
  544. }
  545. ?>
  546. <center>
  548. <h1><span style="display: inline;">Mudar shortname</span></h1>
  549. <form method="post">
  550. <br>
  551. <input type="text" name="usuario" placeholder="Shortname">
  552. <br>
  553. <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Comprar ShortName">
  554. </form>
  555. <h2 >Precos:</h2>
  556. <ul >
  557. <strong><li>8 letras, 1.000 xats,</li>
  558. <li>7 letras, 2.000 mil xats,</li>
  559. <li>6 letras, 6.000 mil xats,</li>
  560. <li>5 letras, 7.500 xats,</li>
  561. <li>4 letras, 10.000 xats,</li></strong>
  562. </ul>
  563. </center>
  567. <script src="/cache/cache.php?f=query.js"></script>
  568. <script src="/cache/cache.php?f=script.js"></script>
  570. <br><br><br><br>
  571. <?php include('foot.php');?>
  572. <script type="text/javascript">
  573. _uacct = "UA-1813155-1";
  574. if(!config.cookiedecline) urchinTracker();
  575. </script>
  576. </body>
  577. </html>
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