
Gehenna David scene

Feb 27th, 2016
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  1. mrs_padri would you rather finish the scene here since david's already doing something in the ics?
  2. Complete_Zero Uhh... Sure.
  3. mrs_padri i mean, i dunt care. you just seemed more focused on the other scene. Rather wait till that's finished?
  4. Complete_Zero I'm focused on a lot of scenes atm
  5. Complete_Zero
  6. mrs_padri you're in a couple channels, yes. i can wait.
  7. mrs_padri or we can just decide not to go back to it, if that's what you'd prefer.
  8. Complete_Zero I want to, tho
  9. mrs_padri then we can~
  10. Complete_Zero Ok
  11. Complete_Zero I don't have logs
  12. mrs_padri i vaguely remember where we were. I can post an approximation of my last line.
  13. Complete_Zero Okay
  14. mrs_padri "I d-d-didn't lay a hhhand on her," she says, setting down her book. "So according to our c-contract" she swings her legs off the bed and stands, walking over to him "you c-c-can't ll-let me d-die."
  15. mrs_padri She stands right in front of him as he sits in her chair.
  16. Complete_Zero David frowns even more. "I know. Which is why I will not kill you." He says. "I'll simply put you through agonizing pain for the rest of your life."
  17. mrs_padri She narrows her eyes, looking down at him. "Wh-at do you think you c-c-can do that H-ell hasn't allllready d-one?" ~Pride.~
  18. Complete_Zero "Stay alive."
  19. mrs_padri She looks at him from an angle, not understanding what he's threatening.
  20. Complete_Zero It was actually a stab at the fact that her world ended.
  21. mrs_padri And he's going to stay alive to spite her? or keep her alive to suffer?
  22. Complete_Zero "I don't have to kill you at all. I can simply ruin you. Make you suffer. You see, the energy I possess was made to tear apart any sort of evil like a hot knife through flesh. So... If you'd like... You can be my training dummy. It's been a while since I've used it last."
  23. mrs_padri She looks you up and down. "A h-ot knife through f-flesh, hm? It's b-been a while s-ince I've seen th-that."
  24. Complete_Zero David shrugs. "I'm sure you haven't felt Infinity, though."
  25. mrs_padri (that's totally his pet name for something.)
  26. Complete_Zero (His spear)
  27. mrs_padri (oh. you mean his /spear/?)
  28. mrs_padri weak
  29. Complete_Zero
  30. mrs_padri "I've w-atched people see eternity." She's probably not quite understanding.
  31. Complete_Zero "Oh, right. I bet you're confused..."
  32. Complete_Zero "Infinity is the name of my spear, forged from blessed silver in order to make evil suffer for their sins."
  33. mrs_padri She narrows her eyes at him again, taking a tiny step forwards into his space. "S-ounds like h-ome," she hisses.
  34. Complete_Zero He summoned a spear that looks just like the one in his picture in his hand through a flash of blue light. It seemed to glow slightly.
  35. mrs_padri She eyes it for a fraction of a moment, then reaches out and grasps it firmly. Then she turns and looks him dead in the eyes. "Rend mme."
  36. Complete_Zero As soon as she says that, David uses the sharp edge to cut her stomach area first. If she were actually a demon, she would be having the worst time of her life....
  37. mrs_padri As it is, she's getting cut in the stomach. She pushes the spear away and grabs at her stomach. (I'm assuming he's just trying to hurt a demon by using a Good Weapon, not trying to kill a human, so i'm not having her react to a major wound.) She didn't expect him to actually take her order, and so she looks surprised.
  38. Complete_Zero "..." His gaze loosens. Something was off. Why wasn't she on the floor screaming?
  39. mrs_padri She looks down at her stomach and watches as the blood soaks into her torn clothes. Her stomach, now visible because her shirt is torn, is just as covered in scars as her feet and arms and face and neck. All the scars are equally severe burn scars.
  40. mrs_padri ~It's so strange to see your own blood flowing like that...~
  41. Complete_Zero "... You... Wait..." David looks confused. "Wait, you're not..." His eyes go a bit wide. "Oh, shit."
  42. mrs_padri She looks back up at him again, closing her arms over the wound. The imp has moved over to you and is climbing up the back of your chair. It grips your shoulder in its long thin bony hand.
  43. Complete_Zero He ain't having that shit. He Immediately stands up.
  44. mrs_padri It bares its teeth at you. It seems to be threatening you, but it doesn't seem to give a shit about its wounded mistress. She's staring at you. She's never treated a wound before. She knows how, but so soon after it happened, she can't remember.
  45. Complete_Zero David looks at the vile creature and rolls his eyes. "What, are you offended? She told me to do it." David sighs and looks at Genny. "Put pressure on the wound." He quickly goes to look for some shirts in his room she could use to stop the bleeding.
  46. mrs_padri She squeezes. It's easy to find shirts. They're in the dresser.
  47. Complete_Zero He returns with a bunch of shirts he probably won't need. "Lay on the bed and apply this to the room."
  48. Complete_Zero Wound*
  49. mrs_padri She reaches out to his shoulder for balance.
  50. Complete_Zero David doesn't resist and helps her.
  51. mrs_padri She ends up on the bed!
  52. Complete_Zero David shakes his head. He just cut a non-demon. Good fucking job, man. Best Guardian ever.
  53. mrs_padri She continues to stare at him.
  54. Complete_Zero "So... You're not a demon, are you?"
  55. mrs_padri Her mouth moves as she plans to deny it, but then she shakes her head to answer no.
  56. Complete_Zero "... Mhm... Yep..." David sighs and sits down. "Well, now I am officially a failure."
  57. mrs_padri She smiles. "Th-en you ha...ave sinned." Yup, she's still Not Good. Same Gehenna. Of course, now that she realizes it hurts him that she isn't a demon, it's worth telling him the truth. "I'm ...human. And you wwwon't t-tell, as p-payment for th-is," she says, revealing stomach wound.
  58. Complete_Zero "Fine... Okay. I'm sorry for that." He says. "I didn't hurt you too badly, did I?"
  59. mrs_padri How upset does he look?
  60. Complete_Zero Pretty damn upset.
  61. mrs_padri hm.... to be cruel or to show mercy?
  62. mrs_padri "D-d-does it llook like the wworst I've b-been through?"
  63. Complete_Zero "No. That doesn't take away from the fact I drew mortal blood."
  64. mrs_padri She's still pleased that this upset him so much. She's got a bit of a smile on her face. She sits herself up and /carefully/ turns herself so her back is to him. "Th-en I will t-take a second p-payment llater." She seems to be... twiddling her fingers or something? You can't see, cause she's between you and her hands.
  65. Complete_Zero "Second payment?"
  66. mrs_padri Her shirt slides down, showing her back. You can probably guess what's on it. "Your s-ilence for my s-ilence. And..." She turns her head to glance at you "N-no, your sssin is en-ough." She turns back again and ties one of the shirts around her middle so she won't have to hold it.
  67. Complete_Zero "I don't care about my sin. Everyone sins, okay? I'm not a fucking Saint. So, maybe I could just go around telling people your secret. You have nothing against me."
  68. mrs_padri "N-o? I thought you wwere a f-f-failure."
  69. mrs_padri She picks up a second shirt and pulls it over her head.
  70. mrs_padri A clean one.
  71. Complete_Zero "Yeah? That's no goddamn secret."
  72. mrs_padri She smiles, pushing herself off the bed. She grabs the torn and bloody shirt and walks over to the door. "Then you won't mmmind..."
  73. Complete_Zero "No. I won't."
  74. Complete_Zero David stands up, making the spear he put by the chair disappear.
  75. mrs_padri She throws the door open and walks across the hall to David's door. She picks up a pin from the floor and pins her shirt to his door.
  76. Complete_Zero He watches her and raises an eyebrow. "... Okay? And?"
  77. mrs_padri Next, her hand goes up the front of her shirt. She grunts, then pulls out her hand. Her fingers are covered with blood. She uses them to paint an infinity sign under the shirt.
  78. mrs_padri "B-b-blood of the innocent."
  79. Complete_Zero "Great, now Cordelia's going to try to lick the shirt."
  80. mrs_padri "Wh-y wwwould she--" She narrows her eyes at him. "Lust."
  81. Complete_Zero "What? She's a vampire. She's going to lick the blood."
  82. mrs_padri "And kn-now it's nnot yours. Wh-y else would she lllick your door?"
  83. Complete_Zero "She wouldn't." He says.
  84. Complete_Zero "But she will now, apparently."
  85. mrs_padri "I'm t-t-t-t-tired of you."
  86. mrs_padri She's actually starting to become very upset.
  87. Complete_Zero "Oh, what's wrong? Can't pin anything against me? That's probably because I have nothing to hide, girlie."
  88. mrs_padri Nothing like a contract gone wrong to drive her crazy. And with that contract going wrong, her secret gets out? This is... well, let's not be punny. She throws herself towards him, pushing him away. The problem with doing this is that she has a great big gash across her stomach, and exerting that much force hurts it like... well.She falls to her knees.
  89. Complete_Zero "Goddammit, woman. Don't hurt yourself."
  90. mrs_padri She screams at you instead.
  91. Complete_Zero "Listen... I'm not going to tell anybody your secret. Okay?" David gets to her level. "Look, I don't care what you think of me. But please, do not attack me. I do not want to hurt you."
  92. mrs_padri She looks deeply wounded. Wat he said, the can't pin anything comment, hurt her more than his spear did. This is the look in her eyes that he expected then. She doesn't want to be human, and he knows, and she doesn't have a contract keeping him quiet. And now he pities her. And she's all alone. Right now, in Gehenna's world, nothing is right.
  93. Complete_Zero David stands. "Maybe sometime we could talk. Without challenging each other." He says, walking into his room.
  94. mrs_padri She remains on the floor while he leaves. Somehow, she makes it back to her room.
  95. mrs_padri You now have to let your next visitor know that that stuff is on his door.
  96. Complete_Zero Yep!
  97. mrs_padri also, this was an awesome scene
  98. mrs_padri loved it
  99. Complete_Zero
  100. mrs_padri i /knew/ him finding out she was human was gunna be one of the best scenes
  101. Complete_Zero Glad it was enjoyable!!!
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