
Class write-ups

Mar 23rd, 2013
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  1. Aura Guardian
  2. Aura Guardians have the rare ability to perceive and manipulate Aura, or the spiritual essence of all living things. At the most basic level, Aura Guardians can know the intentions and emotions of others at a glance simply by viewing their Aura. Aura Guardians can also project their own thoughts to others and even teach Aura Reading Pokémon to do the same.
  4. These abilities alone make Aura Guardians a boon to any traveling party, whether for the sake of watching out for shady characters on their journey or even for pinpointing other living beings while traveling in the dark.
  6. However, with training, Aura Guardians can do even more, projecting and manipulating their Aura to take the form of devastating attacks. While similar to the abilities of psionics, the manipulation of Aura is fundamentally different in that it uses raw spiritual energy instead of being a product of honed mental focus.
  8. Medium
  9. Mediums make a difficult choice early on in their studies of dangerous occult magic - do they embrace the curses of forbidden lore, or do they learn the methods of combatting them? Life and death are just sides of the same coin, but you can only ever look at one side at a time. So it is for the Medium, who must choose either to develop blessings that aid their allies or foul hexes to plague their enemies. They cannot do both.
  11. However, even the righteous may find that Black Magic is a useful tool for their ends, and the corrupt still benefit from the ability to aid their allies. The choice between White Magic and Black Magic is often one of method and philosophy, not a simple choice between good and evil.
  13. Regardless of their choice, Mediums have a tendency to associate with Ghost Type Pokémon, either collecting them to aid in their study of dark magic, or using Cleanse Tags and their blessings to exorcise them and cleanse haunted locales.
  15. Cast's Note: For dramatic effect and character development reasons, a Medium may at some point in their career make a choice to swap their affiliation. Maybe a White Magic Medium has grown desperate in a fight, or they've lost sight of their ideals. Maybe a Black Magic Medium has taken a vow of pacifism or grown sick of causing suffering to others. Either way, if it is appropriate, a GM may allow a Medium to swap all of their White Magic Features for Black Magic or vice versa.
  17. Rune Master
  18. Rune Masters study the mysterious Unown and have gleaned an insight into their powers. They have an affinity for the odd creatures, able to call them forth from thin air. Whether they are summoning them from some far off location or alternate dimension, or whether they have somehow learned to create Unown by their own powers is unknown.
  20. While Rune Masters have the ability to augment Unown as Pokémon, combining them to allow them to battle to greater effect, they also learn a number of ways to use Unown more as occult tools. They can create spy glyphs, set off Hidden Power explosions at a distance, and even create remotely activated sentries.
  22. Despite the universal focus on Unown, whether or not a Rune Master heavily draws upon use of these Pokémon in battle is up to individual preference. Some may be more comfortable battling alongside their large swarms of Unown, linked together with their occult expertise. Others choose to treat them as a reservoir of glyphs, preferring to do battle with their other Pokémon instead.
  24. Ninja
  25. Practitioners of the ancient of art of ninjutsu, Ninjas are deadly and feared warriors that excel at using not only strong and powerful attacks, but also deadly poisons and clever subterfuge. Being a Ninja means first and foremost having a versatile set of options at hand, and thus Ninjas require a broad skillset - they must not only be practiced fighters but also masters of acrobatics and stealth.
  27. A skilled Ninja goes into battle with tools prepared that can be handed off to allies to produce hazards for their opponents or countermeasures to the toxins they study. A Ninja can choose to specialize in powerful poison-based attacks or a more deceptive approaches to combat such as creating clones of themselves.
  29. As might be expected, Ninjas tend toward using Poison Type Pokémon or those of a stealthy and subtle disposition, but this is not always the case. Sometimes a larger, flashy Pokémon can be the perfect distraction for a Ninja trying to sneak by and deliver a decisive blow elsewhere.
  31. Disciple
  32. For a Disciple, focus and balance are key in their study that melds psionic ability with Aura manipulation. With supreme discipline, they hone their bodies and minds to the pinnacle of human ability.
  34. Their intense focus and discipline allow them to enter a deep state of trance while meditating, enabling their bodies to recover more quickly from injury or augmenting their abilities in battle. Disciples strike a balance between martial and mental training as they develop their combat techniques, blending traditional martial arts with mystical traditions and psionic abilities.
  36. Patient, disciplined Pokémon, such as Psychic and Fighting Types, make good companions to a Disciple and can keep them company as they go through their daily meditation routines.
  38. Clairvoyant
  39. Clairvoyants have trained their psionic abilities to a mastery over past and future. With a few minutes of concentration, a Clairvoyant can glean the recent events surrounding an area or object, and their intuitive nature often guides them to draw conclusions or find objects that ellude the grasp of others.
  41. This is not to say that Clairvoyants cannot also hold their own in a fight - it turns out that peering into the future is quite an advantage in battle. Clairvoyants can use their powers to more readily assure that their attacks strike true or to avoid the attacks of others. Illusions mean nothing to them, and they can draw upon their psionic abilities to scramble another's mind with odd perceptions of past and future or to simply launch raw psionic energy into the future for a delayed strike against a foe.
  43. Telekinetic
  44. Masters of one of the most classic supernatural powers, telekinesis, these skilled psionics can manipulate and move objects with nothing more than a simple thought. As their powers grow, they become able to lift themselves off the ground or even incapacitate a foe by levitating them.
  46. With a more honed technique, Telekinetics can wield their weapons at a great distance and even summon up pure kinetic energy to send their foes flying. Those who find themselves fighting a Telekinetic are often stymied by their defensive capabilities, as psionic barriers rise up to block their path and subtle distortions in the air divert their attacks.
  48. Teamed up with Psychic Type Pokémon, Telekinetics can easily keep enemies at bay with a continual application of telekinetic pushing or barriers, but their powers are just as well suited toward augmenting the fighting ability of any other type of Pokémon.
  50. Telepath
  51. It's hard to keep a secret from a Telepath. They are psionics with a mastery of the mind, both their own and others'. With a thought, they can hone their own minds to better focus in a fight, and they can learn to easily avoid being caught in friendly fire.
  53. However, their most iconic ability, and that which gives them their reputation, is the ability to read the surface thoughts of others. With training, they can even plant thoughts in others' heads, guiding them toward lines of thinking that better allow their mind reading to get at secrets that aren't often on someone's mind, or guiding them toward a particular action without them being aware at all of the manipulation.
  55. Telepaths who dedicate themselves to the combat arts find themselves with the advantage of being able to lock onto someone's movements through their thoughts, ensuring their attacks hit. They can also telepathically warn their allies of their next move, ensuring they never cause a casuality through friendly fire.
  57. Warper
  58. These psionics command only a subtle power over time and space, but that is more than enough to make them formidable opponents and useful allies in their own right. The subtlety of their effects can often make their presence go unknown, even as they apply little twists and nudges to reality to allow their allies to strike true or make difficult athletic maneuvers.
  60. Subtle probability control and cheating at cards are the least of the effects in a Warper's arsenal, however. They are masters of teleportation, often using their powers to narrowly avoid devastating attacks. With concentration, they can alter the laws of reality itself over a field of battle, sending Flying Types crashing to the ground or letting a Slowbro outspeed a Ninjask.
  62. Their ability to bend reality can even be used more directly in combat, sending blades of distorted reality at their foes or creating wards of weird space that diminish attacks aimed at themselves and their allies.
  64. Elementalist
  65. Elementalists are an odd bunch, humans who feel a calling from a particular Type of Pokémon. However, unlike Type Aces, they themselves feel this elemental boon and have an affinity for powers that mimic the Type of their choosing. This may range from simple elemental manipulations such as starting small fires or an increased ability to navigate slippery ice, to a repertoire of honed attacks of their chosen Type.
  67. The origin of an Elementalist may be varied or even unknown. Some say they are a development of a particular specialized branch of Aura manipulation or a narrow form of psionic ability. Others may have simply picked up their strange powers in some kind of supernatural osmosis after years spent with a certain Type of Pokémon. Whatever their origin, it's clear that Elementalists bring both a suite of powerful attacks to a fight and a rare set of abilities that can help a trainer deal with the difficulties of travel.
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