
Stats (ObbyFactrions) - ItzMojang

Oct 22nd, 2017
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  1. variables:
  2. kills.%player% = 0
  3. deaths.%player% = 0
  4. blocks.%player% = 0
  5. blocksplace.%player% = 0
  6. status.%player% = "&c&lOFFLINE"
  9. on death:
  10. attacker is a player
  11. victim is a player
  12. increase {kills.%attacker%} by 1
  13. increase {deaths.%victim%} by 1
  15. on break:
  16. increase {blocks.%player%} by 1
  18. on place:
  19. increase {blocksplace.%player%} by 1
  21. on first join:
  22. set {firstjoin::%player's uuid%} to now
  24. on join:
  25. if {firstjoin::%player's uuid%} is not set:
  26. set {firstjoin::%player's uuid%} to now
  27. set {status.%player%} to "&a&lONLINE"
  29. on quit:
  30. set {status.%player%} to "&c&lOFFLINE"
  32. on login:
  33. set {lastlogin::%player's uuid%} to now
  35. on logout:
  36. set {location::%player's uuid%} to player's location
  38. command /stat [<offlineplayer>]:
  39. aliases: /s
  40. trigger:
  41. if arg 1 is not set:
  42. if {lastlogin::%player's uuid%} is not set:
  43. set {lastlogin::%player's uuid%} to "&fNo known last location"
  44. set {_player} to "%player%" parsed as player
  45. open chest with 3 rows named "&eYour &7Stats" to player
  46. format slot 0 of player with blue glass named "&f" to be unstealable
  47. format slot 1 of player with red glass named "&f" to be unstealable
  48. format slot 2 of player with blue glass named "&f" to be unstealable
  49. format slot 3 of player with red glass named "&f" to be unstealable
  50. format slot 4 of player with blue glass named "&f" to be unstealable
  51. format slot 5 of player with red glass named "&f" to be unstealable
  52. format slot 6 of player with blue glass named "&f" to be unstealable
  53. format slot 7 of player with red glass named "&f" to be unstealable
  54. format slot 8 of player with blue glass named "&f" to be unstealable
  55. format slot 9 of player with red glass named "&f" to be unstealable
  56. format slot 10 of player with blue glass named "&f" to be unstealable
  57. format slot 11 of player with red glass named "&f" to be unstealable
  58. format slot 12 of player with blue glass named "&f" to be unstealable
  59. format slot 13 of player with skull of {_player} named "%player's displayname%" with lore "&eStatus: &7%{status.%player%}%||&eFirst join: &7%{firstjoin::%player's uuid%}%||&eLast Login: &7%{lastlogin::%player's uuid%}%||&eDeaths: &7%{deaths.%player%}%||&eKills: &7%{kills.%player%}%||&eBlocks Broken: &7%{blocks.%player%}%||&eBlocks Placed: &7%{blocksplace.%player%}%" to be unstealable
  60. format slot 14 of player with blue glass named "&f" to be unstealable
  61. format slot 15 of player with red glass named "&f" to be unstealable
  62. format slot 16 of player with blue glass named "&f" to be unstealable
  63. format slot 17 of player with red glass named "&f" to be unstealable
  64. format slot 18 of player with blue glass named "&f" to be unstealable
  65. format slot 19 of player with red glass named "&f" to be unstealable
  66. format slot 20 of player with blue glass named "&f" to be unstealable
  67. format slot 21 of player with red glass named "&f" to be unstealable
  68. format slot 22 of player with blue glass named "&f" to be unstealable
  69. format slot 23 of player with red glass named "&f" to be unstealable
  70. format slot 24 of player with blue glass named "&f" to be unstealable
  71. format slot 25 of player with red glass named "&f" to be unstealable
  72. format slot 26 of player with blue glass named "&f" to be unstealable
  73. if arg 1 is set:
  74. if {kills.%arg-1%} is not set:
  75. set {kills.%arg-1%} to 0
  76. if {deaths.%arg-1%} is not set:
  77. set {deaths.%arg-1%} to 0
  78. if {blocks.%arg-1%} is not set:
  79. set {blocks.%arg-1%} to 0
  80. if {blocksplace.%arg-1%} is not set:
  81. set {blocksplace.%arg-1%} to 0
  82. if {gapples.%arg-1%} is not set:
  83. set {gapples.%arg-1%} to 0
  84. if {status.%arg-1%} is not set:
  85. set {status.%arg-1%} to "&c&lOFFLINE"
  86. if {firstjoin::%arg-1's uuid%} is not set:
  87. set {firstjoin::%arg-1's uuid%} to "&cNever Joined"
  88. if {location::%arg-1's uuid%} is not set:
  89. set {location::%arg-1's uuid%} to "&cNever Joined"
  90. if {lastlogin::%arg-1's uuid%} is not set:
  91. set {lastlogin::%arg-1's uuid%} to "&cNever Joined"
  92. set {_arg1} to "%arg-1%" parsed as offlineplayer
  93. open chest with 3 rows named "&c&l%arg-1%'s &e&lStats" to player
  94. format slot 0 of player with blue glass named "&f" to be unstealable
  95. format slot 1 of player with red glass named "&f" to be unstealable
  96. format slot 2 of player with blue glass named "&f" to be unstealable
  97. format slot 3 of player with red glass named "&f" to be unstealable
  98. format slot 4 of player with blue glass named "&f" to be unstealable
  99. format slot 5 of player with red glass named "&f" to be unstealable
  100. format slot 6 of player with blue glass named "&f" to be unstealable
  101. format slot 7 of player with red glass named "&f" to be unstealable
  102. format slot 8 of player with blue glass named "&f" to be unstealable
  103. format slot 9 of player with red glass named "&f" to be unstealable
  104. format slot 10 of player with blue glass named "&f" to be unstealable
  105. format slot 11 of player with red glass named "&f" to be unstealable
  106. format slot 12 of player with blue glass named "&f" to be unstealable
  107. format slot 13 of player with skull of {_arg1} named "&e%arg-1%'s &7Stats" with lore "&eStatus: &7%{status.%arg-1%}%||&eFirst join: &7%{firstjoin::%arg-1's uuid%}%||&eLast Login: &7%{lastlogin::%arg-1's uuid%}%||&eDeaths: &7%{deaths.%arg-1%}%||&eKills: &7%{kills.%arg-1%}%||&eBlocks Broken: &7%{blocks.%arg-1%}%||&eBlocks Placed: &7%{blocksplace.%arg-1%}%" to be unstealable
  108. format slot 14 of player with blue glass named "&f" to be unstealable
  109. format slot 15 of player with red glass named "&f" to be unstealable
  110. format slot 16 of player with blue glass named "&f" to be unstealable
  111. format slot 17 of player with red glass named "&f" to be unstealable
  112. format slot 18 of player with blue glass named "&f" to be unstealable
  113. format slot 19 of player with red glass named "&f" to be unstealable
  114. format slot 20 of player with blue glass named "&f" to be unstealable
  115. format slot 21 of player with red glass named "&f" to be unstealable
  116. format slot 22 of player with blue glass named "&f" to be unstealable
  117. format slot 23 of player with red glass named "&f" to be unstealable
  118. format slot 24 of player with blue glass named "&f" to be unstealable
  119. format slot 25 of player with red glass named "&f" to be unstealable
  120. format slot 26 of player with blue glass named "&f" to be unstealable
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