
[Andrew Ryan's 5x5 + other useful information]

Jul 6th, 2016
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  1. [Andrew Ryan's 5x5 + other useful information]
  3. Note: This is pretty much exactly how I train, choose to do whichever sections you'd like. I believe they are all important, so I do all of them. Also, the only thing I actually wrote was the weight lifting routine, and I even stole the 5x5 template. So the real credit goes to Mehdi for that. The skill work section is just things I think are extremely beneficial to you as an athlete. Everything else is credited down below next to each actual section.
  5. Rules:
  6. 1. Go to the gym every other day
  7. 2. Alternate between "Workout A" and "Workout B"
  8. 3. Always do as many reps as possible (AMRAP) on the last set of any exercise.
  9. 4. Aim to add 5 lbs to your "Strength" lifts after successfully completing all of your sets at that weight, twice.
  10. 5. The exception is "Deadlift" in which you will instead add 10 lbs after successfully completing your set at that weight, twice.
  11. 6. Add weight to your "Hypertrophy" exercises whenever you feel comfortable.
  12. 7. On "Leg Press" you should usually do 4 x 10. only do 4 x 20 when you think you are ready to move up weight. If you complete it, go ahead and move up in weight.
  13. 8. If you feel weaker and you aren't making progress for a week or two, try deloading. For 1 week lift at 60% of the weight you were using the prior week. This will allow your body to recuperate its strength.
  15. >>Workout A 5 minute rests (Strength)
  16. -Squat 5 x 5
  17. -Bench Press 5 x 5
  18. -Pendlay Row 5 x 5
  19. = 3 minute rests (Hypertrophy)
  20. -Leg Press 4 x 10, or 20 (Also, do calf extensions in between sets.)
  21. -Romanian Deadlift or Hip Thrusts 3 x 10
  22. -Weighted Chin ups 3 x 10
  25. >>Workout B 5 minute rests (Strength)
  26. -Squat 5 x 5
  27. -Overhead Press 5 x 5
  28. -Deadlift(Hook Grip) 1 x 5
  29. = 3 minute rests (Hypertrophy)
  30. -Cable Row 5 x 10
  31. -Delt Raises(Side/Front) + Rear Delt Flyes 3 x 10 (Superset all 3 exercises like a circuit to save time.)
  32. -Weighted Dips 3 x 10
  33. -Dumbbell Shrugs 3 x 10
  36. >>Core (Can be performed at home as often as you'd like, personally I do them in between days I lift weights. hold each exercise for 1 minute.) (Credit goes to /r/Bodyweightfitness,
  37. 1. Plank
  38. 2. Side Plank (left & right)
  39. 3. Reverse Plank
  40. 4. Hollow Hold
  41. 5. Arch Hold
  44. >>Skill Work (Can be performed at home whenever you feel like it, I do these on days I'm not lifting weights as well. set a 7 minute timer and just try to hold each position as long a you can. Take breaks as needed and then get back to it, repeat until the timer runs out. Since you won't be able to perfectly perform likely any of these exercises your first try, google "progressions" for each one and find out how to work your way up.)
  45. 1. L-Sit
  46. 2. Handstand
  47. 3. Front Lever
  48. 4. Planche
  51. >>HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training)
  52. I do HIIT in between days I work out. Either Cycling or Rowing. I believe its good to work out your heart. cycling builds massive quads and rowing will thicken out your back. I recommend only going for 20-30 minutes. Start with a 1:2 ratio of exerting yourself(pedaling or rowing very hard) and then actively recovering(Active. Don't stop pedaling or rowing, just take it easy for a bit). Work your way up to a 1:1 ratio. Warm up with casual pedaling or rowing for 3 minutes at the beginning of the workout, and at the end warm down with casual pedaling or rowing for 3 more minutes.
  55. >>Flexibility (If anything needs to be elaborated, use google. Also I'm not the creator of these flexibility routines, I simply joined them all together in one place.)
  57. Rules:
  58. 1. Foam roller is always 15 passes
  59. 2. Lacrosse ball is 30 seconds
  60. 3. Static stretches for 15 seconds
  61. 4. Dynamic stretches for 10 reps
  63. Note: you can also use the Lax ball or foam roller to alleviate some soreness after a workout. I recommend it.
  65. THE LIMBER 11 (
  66. -Foam Roll IT Band
  67. -Foam Roll Adductors
  68. -SMR Glutes (lax ball)
  69. -Bent-knee Iron Cross
  70. -Roll-overs into V-sits
  71. -Rocking Frog Stretch
  72. -Fire Hydrant Circles
  73. -Mountain Climbers
  74. -Cossack Squats
  75. -Seated Piriformis Stretch
  76. -Rear-foot-elevated Hip Flexor Stretch
  78. /R/Bodyweightfitness recommended warm-up, minus a few things because "THE LIMBER 11" already covered them. (
  79. -shoulder rolls
  80. -scapular shrugs
  81. -cat-camels
  82. -straight arm overhead pull downs(band)
  83. -straight arm chest flyes(band)
  84. -dislocates(band)
  85. -Front leg swings
  86. -Side leg swings
  88. MOLDING MOBILITY- 10 minutes (
  89. -3 Plane Neck Movement
  90. -Finger Flexion/Extension
  91. -Maximally open the hand, then make a fist
  92. -Wrist Circles
  93. -Make a fist and "draw a circle" with your pointer finger knuckle
  94. -Wrist Tilts
  95. -Elbow Circles
  96. -Side Bends
  97. -Forward/Back Bends
  98. -Bend forward loosely, allowing the spine to round
  99. -Arch backward at the top of the movement
  100. -Pelvic Tilts
  101. -Hula-hoop Hip Circles
  102. -Leg Rotations
  103. -High Knee Raises
  104. -Done in place
  105. -Kick Backs / Butt Kicks
  106. -Done in place
  107. -Ankle Circles
  108. -Point the toes and "draw a circle" with the big toe
  109. -Ankle Tilts
  110. -Without twisting the foot, tilt the ankle to the left and right
  111. -Toe Flexion/Extension
  112. -Lift toes up then curl them down
  114. [Andrew Ryan's 5x5 + other useful information]
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