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a guest
Jan 23rd, 2019
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  1. attacking, blocking
  2. The entire time there's a graphic of the phases to the right.
  3. Play cards (green)
  4. Attack (red)
  5. Block (blue)
  6. "Play cards"
  7. "Attack with your units by clicking on them."
  8. bring in sound effects from game, maybe improve them?
  9. don't attack with cards which were played this turn. (so, the board should already have a couple units, play a couple, then attack with the others.)
  10. show the units attacking face
  11. -- cut --
  12. "After attacking, you can block with units that didn't attack that turn."
  13. show the ui with the arrow and shit. block a couple, criss cross some of the blocks.
  14. show the cool animation where the ring falls apart.
  15. Onnabushi emotes when it blocks. try to use this
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