
sapphire blade 5

May 12th, 2020
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  1. [00:21] Elred pulled his blade out in a graceful motion and cast his crystal to cover the entire blade. The power of the Vale seemed to be impowering his very crystals which sought compassion.
  3. Elred felt this change taking a toll on his life, but would it hurt him in the end. He felt compassion for the lost soul that he help trained, he felt responsible for their deaths.
  5. They continued to linger in his mind, whispers growing louder and the sapphire blade flicked rapidly.
  7. "This is where many connections are made with out kin and this is where I feel most connected with the spirits. I could feel them tugging at me and telling me different things.
  9. Some pleasant and some not so pleasant, but I work though tis for you all.
  12. To continue seeing the new generation grow and protect themselves and follow our beloved faith.
  14. This is now your time to show me that you really want to dawn the Grey-Cloak. I want you to bend reality to your own will and makeme believe I'm fighting shadows.
  16. I want you to take your illusion art to the next level and I'll push you to that very point."
  18. Elred pointed his blade towards the girl.
  20. "I refused to let another person die weather they are prepared or not."
  21. (Elred Yindove)
  22. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  24. [00:42] She watched as Elred drew his power out, encasing his sword in crystal itself. It looked beautiful honestly, a sword covered in sapphire crystal. It looked so much better than the average clear crystal. Quite standard honestly.
  26. "I see, I hear voices too but, it's hard to make out what they are saying. Still, I can feel the Vale resonating my mana like a harmony." She said, as she forms two crystals to her sides. She felt her power slowly growing stronger or at least allowing her push her limits without any draw backs.
  28. Her crystals slowly float around her but, pushed to the front. As the girl starts using her distortion technique, the crystals slowly begins to fade out into a shadowy figure.
  30. It was hard to maintain it at first, mostly because she has never tried this before. Her focus was slightly lacking but, she was smart and clever about most things. She added more mana to the technique, as it somehow maintained the form for the time being.
  32. "This is slightly difficult, I won't lie."
  33. (Asteli)
  34. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  36. [00:53] Elred continued walking towards her with his blade out; he'd train her weather it tired him out or not, but he wanted to see progress from her no matter how little it was.
  38. "The road ahead will never be easy and those that take the easy way out will never get what they want in life. I want you to push pass the fears and listen to the voices.
  40. I want you to form the advance illusion magic from your body and produce the shadows you seek.
  42. I'll be here to help you, but deep down the path you'll have to travel alone."
  44. Elred seemed ready to train her, but was she prepared for what came next.
  46. "Come at me when you're ready."
  47. (Elred Yindove)
  48. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  50. [01:08] She nods and listens to him, as it was time to put her magic to the test. She wasn't sure how well this was going to work but, it wasn't the time to think of that stuff. Her magic started to flourish slowly, as the distorted crystals moved forward with her.
  52. "Alright then, I won't hold back, I'll give it everything I have. Use this magic to further myself and open a gate to greater heights." She said, as mana continued to flow through her circuits.
  54. More and more distorted crystals was forming around Elred as they were about to train and put it to the test. Her hair was slowly waving in the wind as if there was a breeze in here, however there wasn't.
  56. The girl took several of her distorted crystals and flung them at Elred. They were fading in and out, so it was up to him to determine if they were even real. Six of them were flung and only four were real, the rest was illusions of sorts.
  57. (Asteli)
  58. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  60. [01:11] Elred points the sapphire blade at the girl it seems her resolve was clear. He didn't want her to lose that fighting spirit, he wanted her to beat him in a fight at least once.
  62. "Then your goal is clearly and I want you to continue striving towards this goal. Now come show me what you have and show me the power you wish to achieve."
  64. Elred began charging towards the girl.
  65. (Elred Yindove)
  66. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  68. [01:18] Elred attacked gracefully with the blade each strike took fragments of her mana to heal his wounds. He didn't seek to hurt the girl, no he wanted to teach her, help her thing outside the body.
  70. "illusion could be considered a tricksters magic it's so powerful you can bend reality. I can compressed the air around you to slow your movements, but think about the shadows.
  72. Think about the split second you have to been reality and while he won't be because U know you'll pull though
  74. Now, come"
  76. He'd prepared to dash with his sapphire blade clenched tightly between his hand. he sought to bring her down a second time to clam a fal
  77. (Elred Yindove)
  78. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  80. [01:23] "Alright then." She said.
  82. Taking several distorted crystals and slowly combining them into a bigger crystal. As she repeats this process, the Vale slowly empowers them enough so she can create several. It took a lot out of her, however it wasn't in vain.
  84. Her distorted crystals begin to spin at a high speed radius, slowly moving towards Elred as she hangs back. She was trying to use that same power but on herself this time. She wanted to cast a shadow of herself so that it appeared she was still standing there.
  86. It took some trial and error but, she used her illusion magic to bend her own shadow to her will. Forcing her shadow to rise up and become a physical form of herself but, darkened. Giving him the illusion that she was indeed, still standing there.
  87. (Asteli)
  89. 12:05] "If I can recall from the last battle you we're still trying to figure out how to draw out this shadow. This is still the perfect place in my opinion, but let's figure out another way to do so."
  91. Elred held his blade in his hand still covered in the beautiful sapphire he created.
  93. "The spell distort which allows you to shift a person body and make them feel weaker, yes? You should try using it on yourself not to hurt yourself, but make yourself as part of a false reality.
  95. While you're in that brief state; I want you to plan your next attack while using the dark areas of the vale as your cover, yes?"
  96. (Elred Yindove)
  97. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  99. [12:20] She nods as he tried to remember what training session they had last time. Though she wasn't sure if she finally figured it out or not. She wanted to think so since she managed to distort her crystals and use them as attacks.
  101. It was hard at first but, she managed to do it even if for a little bit. "I did try last time we did this, I managed to make my crystals become distorted. I don't know if you remember or not, I even managed to make myself distorted but, it took a lot of mana out of me." She said.
  103. As she prepares her stance once more, the young Teraphim was getting ready for another session, though she wondered. What would be the test this time?
  104. (Asteli)
  105. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  107. [12:27] Elred understood more than anyone when it came to struggle and trying to break their limits. He'd offer the girl a pat on the shoulder while training was a huge part of it there needed to be -compassion-.
  109. "I understand that you're putting your best foot forward and this won't be easy, but continue giving it everything you have. I promise you the fruits of your labor will show and we'll rejoice when you achieve your goal."
  111. Elred smiled as the girl seemed prepared to continue, his blade drawn and glaring with his beautiful sapphire. Prepared to whip her into a fine Grey-Cloak the man waited for her signal and he'd strike her again.
  113. "I'm ready."
  114. (Elred Yindove)
  115. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  117. [12:34] She nods as the mana in her body flowed gently through her, casting distorted crystals. She made sure that she created enough to catch him off guard. She wasn't sure if he was beginning to get used to her tricks or not now. Still, she was going to try whether or not.
  119. "Alright then Elred, try to dodge the best of your ability. I'm going to throw these at you and not hold back." She said.
  120. (Asteli)
  121. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  123. [12:40] Elred could see the passion in her attacks and how close she stays to him in a battle. He could respect that, but she needed a little more and he'd be able to help her soon.
  125. "Good, Good; I see you keep close to me and now you have the offensive part down part, but you need the defense part down. While the Shadows can be used to be highly offensive they can also help yo escape.
  127. Be sure to stay away when you think I'm going to attack you with my powerful attacks.
  129. You're doing good keep it up"
  131. Elred wiped her mana from his blade and prepared to strike here again.
  132. (Elred Yindove)
  133. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  135. [12:45] "Alright then I will try to be defensive."
  137. She begins to distort her body once more, this time she was going to use more mana to hold it. It was time to go on the defensive, as her clothes and body starts to fade out like a darkened shadow. She didn't look real at first, though there was a clone of herself.
  139. One figure looked normal and the other looked faded out. This is a trick of course, but little did he know that the perfect clone was fake even though it wasn't distorted.
  141. "Here we go."
  142. (Asteli)
  143. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  145. [12:49] {Won Restrained RPB against Asteli}
  146. [12:56] Elred slashed with his blade and pulled back and the girls mana was shown floating in the air. This was the excess mana Elred didn't need to recover his own, but he gathered it. He'd take one of his sapphire crystals filled with her mana, placing it in her hand with a smile.
  148. "You're making wonderful progress and I'm proud of the work you've been doing. I refuse to have anyone unprepared again and I'll train everyone to ensure this."
  150. Elred finally released her from his grasp it seems the training had finally come to an end or so he thought.
  152. "Continue to strive towards your goal and I'm here to assist you with everything I can. No matter what time of day nor what I'm doing; I wish to see you grow."
  153. (Elred Yindove)
  154. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  156. [13:01] Even though she was able to keep up the illusion for a little while, it didn't seem to matter. He was quick and able to figure out her tricks quickly. As he quickly slashed right through her shadow, breaking the connection between her distorted figure and the shade that she made.
  158. "Crap.." She said.
  160. She didn't stop there though, she tried it again, pulling the trick one more. However, it wasn't effective, except or one moment when she managed to dodge an attack. "Yes! Finally, I tricked you!" she said, even though he beat her, she was able to distort not just her crystals but, herself as well.
  161. (Asteli)
  162. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  164. [13:06] Elred must have been too deep into the moment enough for her to trick him? He wasn't sure what was going on, but it sounds like she was away from him?
  166. Well, moment ruined, but it seems she gained mastery of her illusion magic or was this a hit of the Shadow magic? Elred couldn't be sure yet since he wasn't a mastery of the magic.
  168. "Huh? I'm not sure what you did, but you did take advantage of the moment didn't you? Well, congratulations it seems you managed to trick me."
  169. (Elred Yindove)
  170. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  172. [13:11] The girl lightly smirks as she seemed more confident now. Still, it felt great to finally being able to trick him now. Even though she didn't manage to beat him, she was moving a step forward.
  174. "Thank you Elred, I couldn't have done with without you." She said.
  175. (Asteli)
  176. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  178. [13:12]
  179. {LOAD GAME}
  181. [13:18] Elred accepted the praise and placed a hand on the girl or what he assumed to be her. It seems like she was playing tricks on him for whatever reason.
  183. "Well, you're welcome and I'm sure you'll do great and if you ever need me come find me."
  184. (Elred Yindove)
  185. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  187. [13:25] "Thanks Elred, though I hope I can, this magic is really hard to get used to honestly. Not sure how long it will take me to achieve it."
  189. Her mana seemed to be calming down as of late, as everything died down. Her gaze seemed to fall upon Elred and the vale itself, with many thoughts running through her mind. She couldn't wait to learn shadow magic, so that she could move onto the next step of her life.
  191. Which essentially was rune magic, hopefully.
  192. (Asteli)
  193. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  195. [13:35] "You're welcome; I'm more than happy to assist you, but that seems to be the end of our training, huh? Is there something else you need from me at the moment? Is there anything I can do to help you while I'm still here."
  197. Elred seemed to be thing about his day to day and what he might have to do later, but he was still here and offered the time he still had to the girl.
  199. "Please don't worry I don't mind."
  200. (Elred Yindove)
  201. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  203. [13:35] * You have been awarded 1 Roleplay Points! *
  204. [13:41] Her eyes kept on him for the time being as he spoke and thinks to himself. She wasn't sure what he was thinking about but, she didn't want to bother him. "I'm glad for the assistance honestly, and I don't know what I will do today. I might honestly look for Ora and see if I can tag along with him. I want to learn to be a medic as well, it will be useful." she thought.
  206. As they continued to talk, the girl let two crystals float around her again, it didn't bother her.
  207. (Asteli)
  208. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  210. [13:45] Elred listened to her request even if it wasn't fully a request he understood. She need to go out and learn as much as she could, but they'd meet up again another time.
  212. "I understand and I'll let you go then, but I'll say within the Vale and gather myself.
  214. I need to become one with these Sapphires and make them part of my life fully. I can't fail and I can't allow myself to accepted the way things are.
  216. If you return and I'm not in the city I'm still within the ale is you sought to find me."
  218. He'd pat her shoulder "I wish you luck."
  219. (Elred Yindove)
  220. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  222. [13:49] Asteli says, "Thank you Elred."
  223. [13:49] Asteli says, "I wish you luck as well."
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