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Jan 28th, 2020
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  1. Memitim was born in one of the ten towns of Icewind Dale, Bremen, to some of the first wanderers to settle down [His barbarian tribe doesn't refer to themselves as barbarians but 'wanderers']. As is the way, young Memitim needed a place to be in the tribe, or town as it is now. His father was a warrior during the wandering and fought valiantly but was wounded in the leg and so could never hope to challenge for the right to rule as he would surely be killed. His mother was an apprentice to the Shaman, but she lacked the talent necessary for her to join the druidic ranks. So, on his naming day, [14] nobody had any high aspirations for Memitim. He failed the trial of the Fox, the Raven, and the Owl. He passed the trial of the Bear but was denied entry into the caste because he could not hold his anger and focus it. Many thought that it was a sign that the Wanderers should not have abandoned their ways as now they have borne weak children into the world. However, many others noticed that these children had talents in other areas as artisans, scholars, and tradesmen. Memitim began an apprenticeship with a trapper who wandered deep into the Sea of Flowing Ice in order to find his quarry. He learned many useful things, but he always felt a calling that he should be somewhere else. Oftentimes, this feeling would manifest as an urge to go over the next ridge just to see what was in the next valley. Sometimes in his dreams he would be greeted by a great piebald stag that he would chase through the woods spurred on by the urge. Every time he had the dream, he would get closer and closer to his quarry, never really knowing what he would do if he caught the stag.
  3. For years, Memitim worked as a trapper, eventually his mentor a half-elf from Luskan decided to retire and head back to civilization, leaving Memitim alone to ply his trade, only coming back to the Ten Towns to sell his furs and socialize with his family. About two-and-a-half years ago, while making his normal rounds of checking his traps, he had a strange feeling of being watched and climbing to the top of a ridge, he saw the quarry that has eluded him in his dreams since he was a child, a great piebald stag. Without reason or thought, Memitim sprang after the stag knowing that this not being a dream, he would have no hope of catching a stag in the snow, but still he bounded forward. The stag took off like a streak of lightning and Memitim followed, but it was clear that he could not catch up to it. Once the stag was out of sight, he began to follow the tracks until again he came upon the stag and again it bolted. This dance continued for 4 days and the stag never seemed to lose a step, every time Memitim caught up with it the stag looked as pristine as it had in his dreams. After the fifth day, his provisions had run out and he had a choice to make; return to his camp and gather his pelts and head back south before the winter storms really hit hard, or continue to chase after his uncatchable quarry from his dreams. Memitim decided that this was his place, he didn't know what that meant yet, but he knew he must prevail. Twelve more days passed, Memitim had been able to catch snowshoe hares and consume winterberries along his journey, but he was still tired and hungry. He still did not know what he would do when he caught the stag, but he knew deep down that he would catch it. On the thirteenth day, the first storm hit covering the tracks of the piebald stag and locking Memitim into a makeshift camp for 2 days. The time in camp was not kind to Memitim's mind as this was the first time he really had to sit and think about his situation. He had lost track of where he was a tenday ago, had meager provisions, and without the ever-present goal in front of him he became wracked with doubt. When the storm lifted, he had no idea where to even start his pursuit. In the quiet of the snow-covered woods, he took a deep breath, closed his eyes and listened for the urge. He opened himself up to it and willed that he be shown the way to his goal, even though, he didn't even really know what that goal was. When Memitim opened his eyes, the piebald stag was calmly standing in front of him accompanied by a woman wearing ornate Plate Mail and a massive sword.
  5. Memitim had been led deep into the northland into an enclave of knights calling themselves the Wardens of the Green Way. As was explained to them, the great piebald stag had led all of them there, a Human merchant from Amn, a Dwarven blacksmith from Baldur's Gate, even an escaped half-drow slave from Menzoberranzan and many more. Memitim immediately understood that he belonged here, and he would do what it takes to earn his stag horn helmet that was entrusted to him. At the end of his squire ship, the circle of knights came together and shared a vision that they had all had about a disturbance in Baldur's Gate. Memitim was sent to Baldur's Gate to investigate this disturbance and hopefully complete whatever trials the piebald stag has in store for him.
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