

Jan 13th, 2020
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  2. #include <iostream>#include <cstring>#include <conio.h>#include <cstdlib>using namespace std;struct phone{ char name[50]; char address[20]; long number;} x[50];//All Rights Reserved I: Wael Adel Alselwi ©int a,b=0,c=1,q=0;void input(){ int s; do { b=b+1; c=c+1; for( a=b; a<c; a++) { q=q+a; cout<<"name ["<<a<<"]="; cin>>x[a].name; cout<<"address ["<<a<<"]="; cin>>x[a].address; cout<<"phone ["<<a<<"]="; cin>>x[a].number; cout<<"---------------------------------------------\n"; } cout<<"\nPlease press [1] to add another user\nPlease press [0] to return to the main menu \n"; cin>>s; } while(s==1);}//All Rights Reserved I: Wael Adel Alselwi ©void SearchName(){ int r; char ser[20]; cin>>ser; for(int j=0; j<q+1; j++) { r=strcmp(ser,x[j].name); //by:With regards to the programmer: Wael Adel Alselwi © if(r==0) { cout<<"ok\n"; cout<<"name address number\n"; cout<<x[j].name<<" "; cout<<x[j].address<<" "; cout<<x[j].number<<" \n"; } }}//All Rights Reserved I: Wael Adel Alselwi ©void SearchTitle(){ int g; char serr[20]; cin>>serr; for(int h=0; h<q+1; h++) { g=strcmp(serr,x[h].address); if(g==0) { cout<<"#######\n"; cout<<" ok \n"; cout<<"########\n\n"; cout<<"address name number\n"; cout<<x[h].address<<" "<<x[h].name<<" "<<x[h].number<<"\n\n"; } }}//All Rights Reserved I: Wael Adel Alselwi ©void DataShow(){ for(int a=0; a<q+1; a++) { cout<<x[a].name<<" "; cout<<x[a].address<<" "; cout<<x[a].number; cout<<"\n------------------------------------------"; cout<<"\n\n"; }}//All Rights Reserved I: Wael Adel Alselwi ©void MainMenu(){ cout<<" by:All Rights Reserved I: Wael Adel Alselwi ©\n"; cout<<" You are welcome to phone program \n"; cout<<" << Main Menu >> \n"; cout<<"********************************************\n"; cout<<"* 1-Add a new user *\n"; cout<<"* 2-To search for users *\n"; cout<<"* 3-Show all users *\n"; cout<<"* 4-Edit user data *\n"; cout<<"* 5-Delete user data *\n"; cout<<"********************************************\n"; cout<<"Please enter the number[1-or-2-or-3-or-4-or-5] ";}//All Rights Reserved I: Wael Adel Alselwi ©void edit(){ int u; cin>>u; for(a=u; a<u+1; a++) { cout<<"name old= (* "<<a<<" "<<x[a].name<<" *) new name = "; cin>>x[a].name; cout<<"address old= (* "<<a<<" "<<x[a].address<<" *) new address = "; cin>>x[a].address; cout<<"numbre phone old= (* "<<a<<" "<<x[a].number<<" \n*) new numbre phone = "; cin>>x[a].number; }}//All Rights Reserved I: Wael Adel Alselwi ©void MessageBack(){ cout<<"Back to the main menu press the number (0)\n";}//by:With regards to the programmer: Wael Adel Alselwi ©void ForDelete(){ cout<<"Select the User ID you want to delete \n"; int m; cin>>m; for(a=m; a<q; a++) { strcpy(x[a].name,x[a+1].name); strcpy(x[a].address,x[a+1].address); x[a].number=x[a+1].number; }}//All Rights Reserved I: Wael Adel Alselwi ©main(){ int p; do { int i,t,w; MainMenu(); int g; cin>>g; if(g!=1&&g!=2&&g!=3&&g!=4&&g!=5) { cout<<"error\nExiting The program"<<endl; exit(1); } switch(g) { case 1: system("clr"); cout<<"Please enter data\n"; input(); MessageBack(); cin>>p; if(p!=0) { cout<<"error\nExiting The program"<<endl; exit(1); } break; case 2: system("clr"); cout<<"search users \n"; cout<<"To Search by Name Press [1]\nTo search by address Press [2]\n"; cout<<"plese enter number [1-or-2]"; int o; cin>>o; if(o==1) { cout<<"Please enter the name you want that you're looking for \n"; SearchName(); MessageBack(); cin>>p; } else if(o==2) { cout<<"Please enter the address you want that you're looking for \n"; SearchTitle(); MessageBack(); cin>>p; } else if(o<0||o>2) { cout<<"not found\?"; MessageBack(); cin>>p; } break; case 3: system("clr"); cout<<"\n\n"; cout<<"name address number\n"; DataShow(); MessageBack(); cin>>p; break; case 4: system("clr"); cout<<"\n\n"; cout<<"name address number\n"; DataShow(); cout<<"Modify the data user to select User ID number and then press\n"; edit(); MessageBack(); cin>>p; break; case 5: cout<<"name address number\n"; DataShow(); ForDelete(); cout<<"\n"; cout<<"name address number\n"; DataShow(); MessageBack(); cin>>p; break; } system("clr"); } while(p==0);}//All Rights Reserved I: Wael Adel Alselwi ©
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