
other writefag-Unnamed

Dec 8th, 2013
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  1. >be anon living in equestria for a while now
  2. >have your own house complete with simple electrical features
  3. >come home from sugarcube corner work
  4. >come home to see that one moth pony that always hangs around your house
  5. >from the other resident's of ponyville, you find out her name's Grey Dust, you call her Grey for short
  6. >she has large tufts of greyish fuzz on her chest, wings and wings
  7. >she has strange antenna like things growing out of her head
  8. >and her eyes are glassy and bright
  9. >she always hang around your house staring at the lights
  10. >even when you're away, she's always there and sometimes snacks on your clothes
  11. >and as expected she leaves so much silvery dust around your house it looks like the home of a faggot vampire
  12. >she's been doing thing for 2 months now
  13. >it's quite the first few days, now she's the world's biggest nuisance
  14. >she doesn't even like you, she doesn't even budge around when you command her to leave
  15. >most of the time you have to push her out of the door while she generally just doesn't give a fuck
  16. >she reminds of those moths back at earth to the point where you can poke them and they don't even respond
  17. "Hey, Grey, get out..."
  18. "....No." she responds blankly
  19. >work today was particularly tiring due to Pinkie having a party scheduled and you have to help out
  20. >you were in no mood for some shenanigans
  21. "Look please, work was way too much today, I can't even be bothered to push you off the door today. My body aches all over."
  22. "...No."
  23. >what an ass.
  24. "If you don't get out I'll beat you up!"
  25. >you seriously would consider it
  26. "...No."
  27. >this fucking bitch
  28. >you swear one of these days you're going to end up strangling her
  29. >she just sits there in your living room with a blank unbudging expression that makes you want to smash a kitten against a wall
  30. >you know what fuck this
  31. >you unzip your <dick> and reveal your limp dick
  32. "See this? If you don't get out, I'll fucking rape you, you hear me?!"
  33. >no response
  34. >your blood boils
  35. >you walk up to her you rest your limp cock on her face
  36. "I'll swear I'll do it mate! I swear on me mum! Now get out!"
  37. "... No."
  38. >her warm breath hits your balls
  39. >oh god it feels so good
  40. >your dick stiffens up a bit
  41. >you grab her antennae and start rubbing your penis across her soft face
  42. >ohshiiiiiitttttttt it feels too gooooood
  43. "I-I swear I'm going to do this all the way! D-don't make me and just get out." you say faltering in your alpha act, breathing heavily
  44. "...No~" she says more softly this time with a trail off at the end and gentle panting
  45. >fucking shit
  46. >you open her mouth with your fingers
  47. >again she doesn't give a fuck
  48. >you stick your fingers inside and take her tongue and roll it out
  49. >fuck that's long
  50. "D-don't make me do this, Grey!"
  51. "...No..."
  52. "Sh-shit..."
  53. >fuck this
  54. >you take her long tongue and manually wrap it around your dick
  55. >OHFUCK.png
  56. >this is way better!
  57. >you stick your tongue wrapped cock in her mouth and begin thrusting slowly
  59. "F-fine th-then, d-don't say I didn't w-warn you..." you try to sound tough
  60. >you pick her up and with your dick still in her, you spin her to make her vag face you
  61. >you know have full view of the fuzziest and dustiest vag you have ever seen
  62. >you plunge your face in that thick bloom of fuzz and begin feeling around with your tongue
  63. >her panting is growing
  64. >you just lick around everywhere getting silvery powder all over your face
  65. >she's trembling
  66. >suddenly a blast of dust gushes from her pussy straight in your face
  67. >the coils of tongue wrapped around your dick also tightens harder, squeezing it
  68. >not good....
  69. "WAIT DON'T...!"
  70. >you blast your semen inside her wet roiling mouth
  71. >ooooh fuckkkkk
  72. >her tongue still undulates, squeezing every last drop from you
  73. >this is too much, you're going to die
  74. >you fall on the floor from having this intense an orgasm
  75. >she's lying there on top of you, breathing heavily
  76. "...Now... Please get... Out...." you say panting heavily, catching your breath
  77. ""
  78. >this asshole
  79. >you're already too tired from cumming but if you give up now, you won't ever get this fucker to leave you alone
  80. >you get up and lift her hind legs and thrust your still sloppy cock into her pussy
  81. >admnfhyeuiksm n yuwiwkmneufnhvyru hyueiw ahgwq
  82. >no words could describe your feeling right now
  83. >inside her like a million bristles of fuzz dancing around tickling every inch of your penis
  84. >it's also covered in powder so it adds a very velvet feel to it
  85. >it's like putting yoour dick around the softest and highest quality silk money can buy rolled as tight as possible
  86. >you try to make more threats to her but all your words end up being gibberish breathing and salivating
  87. >you're pretty sure you can also hear panting heavily
  88. >you grab her antennae and just begin thrusting
  89. >remember those bristles i said earlier
  90. >turns out they are infinitely better when they are in motion
  91. >every fibrous rubbing on your shaft you can feel it exquisitely
  92. >is this what heaven feels like?
  93. >the two of you are now just fucking each other senseless in the dark room without saying anything save for gasps and moans of pleasure
  94. >your mind blanks
  95. >the two of you quiver like crazy
  96. >your body shoots up and releases the most fantasitc orgasm you've ever experienced as you blow it in inside her
  97. >the two of you fall flat on the floor gasping for any little breath you may have left
  98. "See...I told... You I'd.... Do... It... I bet.... You're... Pretty disgusted right.... Now, huh? You... Should probably... Just leave now..."
  99. "....No."
  100. >this pony right here
  101. >you swear
  102. >you're to tired to get all fired up
  103. >you're just too tired to even bother anymore
  104. "Dammit, Grey... why do you do this?... Do you hate me?"
  105. "...No."
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