
Goddess of the Crossroads

Sep 28th, 2012
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  1. Akura-Sabina
  2. Level 30 Solo Skirmisher (Leader)
  3. Medium Immortal Teifling (God) EXP: ---
  5. Initiative +16
  6. Senses: Perception +27; Low-Light
  8. Aura of Fey- Aura 5
  9. Any foe who starts their turn in Akura-Sabina’s Aura of Fey gains a -3 on saving throws. Any ally who starts their turn in the aura gains +3 on saving throws
  11. HP: 1285; Bloodied: 642
  12. AC 46; Fort 31; Ref 36; Will 38
  13. Immune attacks by creatures lower than 20th level
  14. Resist 20 Fire (40 while on her Mount); 19 Necro
  15. Saving throws +5 AP: 2
  17. Speed 6
  19. Eldritch Blast (At-will) Ranged 10; Standard
  20. ‘You fire a bolt of dark, cracking eldritch energy at your foe’
  21. +25* vs. Reflex; 2d10+9* damage
  23. Eyebite (At-will) Ranged 10; Standard
  24. ‘You glare at your enemy, and your eyes briefly gleam with brilliant colours. Your foe reels under your mental assault, and you vanish from his sight.’
  25. +25* vs. Will; 2d6 +9* Psychic damage and she is invisible until the start of her next turn.
  27. Will of the Feywild (At-will) Ranged 10; Standard
  28. ‘You bend your enemy’s will to your whim. In a blinding flash of golden light, the creature teleports to a location you designate and, in it’s madness, attacks one of it’s allies’
  29. +25* vs. Will; 2d8+ 9* Psychic damage. Teleports target 5 squares whereupon it makes a melee basic attack against an adjacent creature of your choice. They are also dazed until the end of its next turn.
  31. Witch fire (Encounter) Ranged 10; Standard
  32. ‘From the mystic energy of the Feywild, you draw a brilliant white flame and set it in your enemy’s mind and body. Rivulets of argent fire streams into the air from his eyes, mouth, and hands, agony disrupts his very thoughts.’
  33. +25* vs. Reflex; 2d6+9* fire damage, and the target takes -2 + [INT MOD HERE] penalty to attack rolls until the end of her next turn.
  35. Curse of the Fey King (Encounter) Ranged 10; Standard
  36. ‘You invoke the power of a mighty fey spirit. A shimmering emerald coil of eldritch power disrupts your foe and steals from him the luck of his next few moments. It’s yours if you want it.’
  37. +25* vs. Will; 3d10 + 9*. In addition she can steal the result of the first d20 roll the target makes, forcng them to reroll and her to use the stolen number as her own next time she rolls a d20 with a +[INT MOD HERE] bonus
  39. Mire of the Mind (Encounter) Ranged 10; Standard
  40. ‘You assail your foe’s mind with unreal images until he can see nothing else’
  41. +25* vs. Will; 1d10+9* Psychic damage, and her allies are invisible to the target until the end of her next turn.
  43. Whispers of the Fey (Daily) Close burst 5; Standard
  44. ‘The disquieting whispers of fey spirits surround you, filling the minds of nearby enemies with deranged thoughts and provoking them to turn on their allies’
  45. Each enemy in burst
  46. +24* vs. Will; The target must make a basic attack against its nearest ally (she choose whom if multiple targets). If it can’t make the attack, the target takes 2d8+9* psychic damage. After the attack the target is dazed (Save ends)
  48. [name of attack][Daily][ranged, burst, melee][standard, minor, free]
  49. [blurb]
  50. [attack and damage, effect]
  52. Discorporation (When bloodied)
  53. When Akura-Sabina becomes bloodied, she discorporates and is unable to assume physical form for a time.
  55. Alignment: Unaligned
  56. Languages: Common, Deep Speech, Promodial, Abyssal, Supernal, Draconic, Drow
  58. Str:
  59. Con:
  60. Dex:
  61. Int:
  62. Wis:
  63. Cha:
  65. Skils:
  66. ---
  68. -----------------------------------
  69. Tactics:
  70. -----
  73. ---------------------------------
  74. Lore:
  75. DC 15:
  77. DC 25:
  79. DC 35:
  82. -------------------------------
  84. When a deity is bloodied. the deity’s mind leaves its body and the deity is unable to assume physical form for some time. The discorporation usually lasts at least a few months, but It can sometimes take several years before the deity can resume its form. During this time, the deity’s power is weaker, but it is far from negligible. If characters wish to truly kill a deity, they must fulfill one or more conditions specific to that deity. This could require destroying the deity’s most prominent temple, or finding an artifact that can deliver the killing blow. If the specific conditions are satisfied, the deity cannot discorporate and instead becomes bloodied as normal. Here are some sample quests the characters could undertake or thwart.
  86. Wayward Soul
  87. -----
  90. Akura-Sabina
  91. Unaligned
  92. -------
  94. -
  95. -
  96. -
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