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Jun 27th, 2017
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  1. xcodebuild clean test -destination "platform=iOS Simulator,OS=10.2,name=iPhone 7" -sdk "iphonesimulator10.2" -project PINRemoteImage.xcodeproj -scheme PINRemoteImage \
  4. ▸ Cleaning PINOperation/PINOperation [Debug]
  5. ▸ Check Dependencies
  6. ▸ Cleaning PINCache/PINCache [Debug]
  7. ▸ Check Dependencies
  8. ▸ Cleaning PINRemoteImage/PINRemoteImage [Debug]
  9. ▸ Check Dependencies
  10. ▸ Clean Succeeded
  11. 2017-06-27 15:27:14.889 xcodebuild[14847:4926751] IDETestOperationsObserverDebug: Writing diagnostic log for test session to:
  12. /Users/buildkite/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/PINRemoteImage-djeosotywqtcpdapnrzuyiqohuim/Logs/Test/C9416C6D-FAF4-45A2-B176-B957D2823737/Session-PINRemoteImageTests-2017-06-27_152714-TYJ2VG.log
  13. 2017-06-27 15:27:14.889 xcodebuild[14847:4926734] [MT] IDETestOperationsObserverDebug: (27448A8E-BF53-42E9-8ACA-492F2C30505C) Beginning test session PINRemoteImageTests-27448A8E-BF53-42E9-8ACA-492F2C30505C at 2017-06-27 15:27:14.890 with Xcode 8C1002 on target <DVTiPhoneSimulator: 0x7f906b0522f0> {
  14. SimDevice: SimDevice : iPhone 7 (B2A2393E-7201-4E96-9C7B-2CB9B96BB40D) : state={ Booted } deviceType={ SimDeviceType : } runtime={ SimRuntime : 10.2 (14C89) - }
  15. } (10.2 (14C89))
  16. ▸ Building PINOperation/PINOperation [Debug]
  17. ▸ Check Dependencies
  18. ▸ Processing Info.plist
  19. ▸ Compiling PINOperationQueue.m
  20. ▸ Compiling PINOperationGroup.m
  21. ▸ Compiling PINOperation_vers.c
  22. ▸ Compiling PINOperationGroup.m
  23. ▸ Compiling PINOperationQueue.m
  24. ▸ Compiling PINOperation_vers.c
  25. ▸ Linking PINOperation
  26. ▸ Linking PINOperation
  27. ▸ Copying PINOperationTypes.h
  28. ▸ Copying PINOperation.h
  29. ▸ Copying PINOperationGroup.h
  30. ▸ Copying PINOperationMacros.h
  31. ▸ Copying PINOperationQueue.h
  32. ▸ Touching PINOperation.framework
  33. ▸ Signing /Users/buildkite/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/PINRemoteImage-djeosotywqtcpdapnrzuyiqohuim/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/PINOperation.framework
  34. ▸ Building PINCache/PINCache [Debug]
  35. ▸ Check Dependencies
  36. ▸ Processing Info.plist
  37. ▸ Compiling PINMemoryCache.m
  38. ▸ Compiling PINCache.m
  39. ▸ Compiling PINDiskCache.m
  40. ▸ Compiling PINCache_vers.c
  41. ▸ Compiling PINCache.m
  42. ▸ Compiling PINMemoryCache.m
  43. ▸ Compiling PINDiskCache.m
  44. ▸ Compiling PINCache_vers.c
  45. ▸ Linking PINCache
  46. ▸ Linking PINCache
  47. ▸ Copying PINCaching.h
  48. ▸ Copying PINCache.h
  49. ▸ Copying PINCacheMacros.h
  50. ▸ Copying PINCacheObjectSubscripting.h
  51. ▸ Copying PINMemoryCache.h
  52. ▸ Copying PINDiskCache.h
  53. ▸ Touching PINCache.framework
  54. ▸ Signing /Users/buildkite/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/PINRemoteImage-djeosotywqtcpdapnrzuyiqohuim/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/PINCache.framework
  55. ▸ Building PINRemoteImage/PINRemoteImage [Debug]
  56. ▸ Check Dependencies
  57. ▸ Processing Info.plist
  58. ▸ Compiling alpha_processing_mips_dsp_r2.c
  59. ▸ Compiling muxinternal.c
  60. ▸ Compiling PINAlternateRepresentationProvider.m
  61. ▸ Compiling FLAnimatedImageView+PINRemoteImage.m
  62. ▸ Compiling lossless.c
  63. ▸ Compiling argb_mips_dsp_r2.c
  64. ▸ Compiling lossless_enc.c
  65. ▸ Compiling argb_sse2.c
  66. ▸ Compiling dec_clip_tables.c
  67. ▸ Compiling cost_mips_dsp_r2.c
  68. ▸ Compiling yuv.c
  69. ▸ Compiling thread.c
  70. ▸ Compiling dec_sse41.c
  71. ▸ Compiling rescaler.c
  72. ▸ Compiling PINProgressiveImage.m
  73. ▸ Compiling webp.c
  74. ▸ Compiling filters_sse2.c
  75. ▸ Compiling PINRemoteImageCallbacks.m
  76. ▸ Compiling PINButton+PINRemoteImage.m
  77. ▸ Compiling quant_levels.c
  78. ▸ Compiling color_cache.c
  79. ▸ Compiling argb.c
  80. ▸ Compiling alpha.c
  81. ▸ Compiling lossless_enc_sse41.c
  82. ▸ Compiling PINRemoteLock.m
  83. ▸ Compiling near_lossless.c
  84. ▸ Compiling PINAnimatedImageManager.m
  85. ▸ Compiling iterator.c
  86. ▸ Compiling upsampling.c
  87. ▸ Compiling upsampling_neon.c
  88. ▸ Compiling PINRemoteImageManagerResult.m
  89. ▸ Compiling dec_neon.c
  90. ▸ Compiling enc_sse41.c
  91. ▸ Compiling enc_sse2.c
  92. ▸ Compiling rescaler_mips_dsp_r2.c
  93. ▸ Compiling alpha_processing_sse2.c
  94. ▸ Compiling PINRemoteImageTask.m
  95. ▸ Compiling huffman_encode.c
  96. ▸ Compiling filter.c
  97. ▸ Compiling muxread.c
  98. ▸ Compiling vp8l.c
  99. ▸ Compiling enc_avx2.c
  100. ▸ Compiling PINAnimatedImage.m
  101. ▸ Compiling PINRemoteImageDownloadQueue.m
  102. ▸ Compiling rescaler_sse2.c
  103. ▸ Compiling lossless_enc_mips_dsp_r2.c
  104. ▸ Compiling rescaler.c
  105. ▸ Compiling upsampling_mips_dsp_r2.c
  106. ▸ Compiling upsampling_sse2.c
  107. ▸ Compiling NSData+ImageDetectors.m
  108. ▸ Compiling yuv_mips_dsp_r2.c
  109. ▸ Compiling PINRemoteImageCategoryManager.m
  110. ▸ Compiling frame.c
  111. ▸ Compiling muxedit.c
  112. ▸ Compiling dec_mips32.c
  113. ▸ Compiling idec.c
  114. ▸ Compiling picture_csp.c
  115. ▸ Compiling demux.c
  116. ▸ Compiling picture_rescale.c
  117. ▸ Compiling utils.c
  118. ▸ Compiling huffman.c
  119. ▸ Compiling frame.c
  120. ▸ Compiling bit_reader.c
  121. ▸ Compiling PINImage+DecodedImage.m
  122. ▸ Compiling histogram.c
  123. ▸ Compiling config.c
  124. ▸ Compiling alpha.c
  125. ▸ Compiling filters_mips_dsp_r2.c
  126. ▸ Compiling lossless_mips_dsp_r2.c
  127. ▸ Compiling PINRemoteImageMemoryContainer.m
  128. ▸ Compiling anim_decode.c
  129. ▸ Compiling tree.c
  130. ▸ Compiling yuv_mips32.c
  131. ▸ Compiling PINRemoteImageDownloadTask.m
  132. ▸ Compiling alpha_processing_sse41.c
  133. ▸ Compiling lossless_neon.c
  134. ▸ Compiling filters.c
  135. ▸ Compiling lossless_sse2.c
  136. ▸ Compiling random.c
  137. ▸ Compiling lossless_enc_neon.c
  138. ▸ Compiling analysis.c
  139. ▸ Compiling dec.c
  140. ▸ Compiling cpu.c
  141. ▸ Compiling NSURLSessionTask+Timing.m
  142. ▸ Compiling yuv_sse2.c
  143. ▸ Compiling webpenc.c
  144. ▸ Compiling delta_palettization.c
  145. ▸ Compiling picture_psnr.c
  146. ▸ Compiling PINCache+PINRemoteImageCaching.m
  147. ▸ Compiling dec_msa.c
  148. ▸ Compiling vp8l.c
  149. ▸ Compiling vp8.c
  150. ▸ Compiling rescaler_neon.c
  151. ▸ Compiling bit_writer.c
  152. ▸ Compiling lossless_enc_sse2.c
  153. ▸ Compiling anim_encode.c
  154. ▸ Compiling PINRemoteImageBasicCache.m
  155. ▸ Compiling alpha_processing.c
  156. ▸ Compiling PINURLSessionManager.m
  157. ▸ Compiling token.c
  158. ▸ Compiling filters.c
  159. ▸ Compiling io.c
  160. ▸ Compiling cost_mips32.c
  161. ▸ Compiling enc_mips_dsp_r2.c
  162. ▸ Compiling backward_references.c
  163. ▸ Compiling lossless_enc_mips32.c
  164. ▸ Compiling enc.c
  165. ▸ Compiling buffer.c
  166. ▸ Compiling PINRemoteImageProcessorTask.m
  167. ▸ Compiling cost_sse2.c
  168. ▸ Compiling quant_levels_dec.c
  169. ▸ Compiling quant.c
  170. ▸ Compiling cost.c
  171. ▸ Compiling rescaler_mips32.c
  172. ▸ Compiling PINImage+WebP.m
  173. ▸ Compiling PINImage+ScaledImage.m
  174. ▸ Compiling quant.c
  175. ▸ Compiling dec_mips_dsp_r2.c
  176. ▸ Compiling cost.c
  177. ▸ Compiling enc_mips32.c
  178. ▸ Compiling syntax.c
  179. ▸ Compiling enc_neon.c
  180. ▸ Compiling picture_tools.c
  181. ▸ Compiling dec_sse2.c
  182. ▸ Compiling PINImageView+PINRemoteImage.m
  183. ▸ Compiling PINResume.m
  184. ▸ Compiling tree.c
  185. ▸ Compiling PINRemoteImageManager.m
  187. ❌ /Users/Shared/buildkite/builds/ no visible @interface for 'PINCache' declares the selector 'initWithName:rootPath:serializer:deserializer:'
  189. return [[PINCache alloc] initWithName:kPINRemoteImageDiskCacheName rootPath:cacheURLRoot serializer:^NSData * _Nonnull(id<NSCoding> _Nonnull object, NSString * _Nonnull key) {
  190. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  193. ▸ Compiling picture.c
  194. ▸ Compiling PINRemoteImage_vers.c
  195. ▸ Compiling alpha_processing_mips_dsp_r2.c
  196. 2017-06-27 15:27:22.578 xcodebuild[14847:4926734] Error Domain=IDETestOperationsObserverErrorDomain Code=3 "Test operation was canceled. If you believe this error represents a bug, please attach the log file at /Users/buildkite/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/PINRemoteImage-djeosotywqtcpdapnrzuyiqohuim/Logs/Test/C9416C6D-FAF4-45A2-B176-B957D2823737/Session-PINRemoteImageTests-2017-06-27_152714-TYJ2VG.log" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Test operation was canceled. If you believe this error represents a bug, please attach the log file at /Users/buildkite/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/PINRemoteImage-djeosotywqtcpdapnrzuyiqohuim/Logs/Test/C9416C6D-FAF4-45A2-B176-B957D2823737/Session-PINRemoteImageTests-2017-06-27_152714-TYJ2VG.log}
  197. 2017-06-27 15:27:22.578 xcodebuild[14847:4926808] Connection peer refused channel request for "dtxproxy:XCTestManager_IDEInterface:XCTestManager_DaemonConnectionInterface"; channel canceled <DTXChannel: 0x7f906b1be030>
  199. Testing failed:
  200. No visible @interface for 'PINCache' declares the selector 'initWithName:rootPath:serializer:deserializer:'
  201. ** TEST FAILED **
  204. The following build commands failed:
  205. CompileC /Users/buildkite/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/PINRemoteImage-djeosotywqtcpdapnrzuyiqohuim/Build/Intermediates/ Source/Classes/PINRemoteImageManager.m normal i386 objective-c
  206. (1 failure)
  207. make: *** [test] Error 65
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