
Glorious Inferno Training

Dec 18th, 2019
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  1. [00:12] The girl smirks. "About two thousand coins a day now. I've really cornered the ore market. Might be expanding more into alchemical supplies, given I've got a new business partner."
  3. Rosalie flips her hair back. "Maybe it'd be more profitable for you just to work for me, rather than compete. I've been hiring folks to mine for me. I've seen the ore sitting in your stall."
  4. (Rosalie Ar-Marno)
  5. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  7. [00:12] Kieran whispers: Regardless of what happens, even if it results in my death, I'll be glad to know I at least fought for the right cause.
  8. [00:12] Solon Tofusin whispers: Aye.
  9. [00:13] He chuckled softly.
  11. "Oh? And what would you pay and for what kind of work?"
  12. (Cheemu Terrowin)
  13. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  15. [00:16] After a while Solon turns around after hearing Rosalie speak with... her rival? Uhh alright. She is quite passive about it. Kieran sees Solon as a rival apparently but its passive. So it might just be normal.
  17. A slight look of distain would cross his face. Though it seems that he isn't attempting to be super pissed at her. Especially after the most recent of events.
  19. He walks up to her. "If I remember you wanted something? Or at least you looked like it a while back..."
  20. (Solon Tofusin )
  21. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  23. [00:16] "Simply put, I buy the ore from you, and then resell it. That's my business overall." She'd shrug, "So if you got ahold of any ore, I'd buy it at a base rate. I don't have any paper on me to scribble down the prices, but they're all fair and profitable to my employees. Otherwise, they wouldn't want to work for me, right?"
  25. It did seem like simple and honest work. It was virtually what Cheemu had already been doing, just shifting supply to the venomous girl. One could see a sparkle of greed in her eyes. "The most profitable ore are mythril and orichalcum. I'll happily buy those in almost any number."
  26. (Rosalie Ar-Marno)
  27. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  29. [00:17] Rosalie Ar-Marno says, "I was looking to try my hand at a new technique, Solon, and I was hoping you'd supervise. So in short, training."
  30. [00:17] Cheemu Terrowin says, "Hmm...I'll give it some consideration."
  31. [00:18] His eyes narrow. "How would I know I can trust you to not use it against the Order?" He is unsure of her status with the Order and the Syndicate.
  32. (Solon Tofusin )
  33. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  35. [00:20] Aki watched the battles come and go folding her arms within the sleeves of her kimono. It was rather interesting to watch blood and holy clash against into each other but what caught her eye was that blade that lit up in her grip. She'd had never seen such a technique before.
  37. "Hm."
  38. (Aki Kurokaiyo)
  39. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  41. [00:22] "Because I'm pretty sure at least half the city knows I'm a terrorist now." She'd reply with a nonchalant wave of her hand. "That being said, I've made some plans with Exarch Elijah in regards to the Syndicate. I'm not completely privy to release the information, but I'm not planning on blowing up the city. Yet."
  43. The rebel was clearly being sarcastic there, but she hoped Solon would get the gist of it. Attempting to work with both the Syndicate and the Order was certainly keeping the girl busy of late, and on top of that she had her business to run.
  45. When did she sleep?
  46. (Rosalie Ar-Marno)
  47. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  49. [00:23] Cheemu Terrowin says, ". . ."
  50. [00:24] Rosalie Ar-Marno says, "Except apparently Cheemu, given his gawking."
  51. [00:28] Zachary tyr Drake whispers something.
  52. [00:28] Ser Soleis is putting a lot of faith in this young maiden. Is it that Solon is to stubborn to let things go? Or is it that he feels that she could still relay information to each party. Causing a lot of issues? Regardless he understood what she was getting at. He expected as much.
  54. He gives a slow nod. "Fine, I can train you. Just know that right now I'm quite pissed so if I happen to take it out on you during our training sessions. Don't take it to personally." His face stayed quite stoic. His emotion didn't really even show. It quite hard to read him base off anything other than his words.
  56. He looks over to Cheemu. "A friend of yours?" He starts small talk for now.
  57. (Solon Tofusin )
  58. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  60. [00:28] Cheemu Terrowin says, "More like a business rival."
  61. [00:28] Solon Tofusin says, "You seem quite passive for business rivals."
  62. [00:28] Rosalie Ar-Marno says, "Because he knows I've completely buried him."
  63. [00:28] Cheemu Terrowin says, "Not really."
  64. [00:28] Cheemu Terrowin says, "I've not put much effort into the stall. It makes enough for me to not be worried."
  65. [00:29] Rosalie Ar-Marno says, "Where is your passion for conquest, Cheemu? How boring."
  66. [00:29] Solon Tofusin asks, "You trying to make a monoply?"
  67. [00:30] Rosalie Ar-Marno says, "I basically have. If anyone buys ore from someone other than me, they're quite foolish."
  68. [00:30] Rosalie Ar-Marno says, "My prices are less than half my competitors."
  69. [00:30] Solon Tofusin says, "I see."
  70. [00:31] Solon Tofusin says, "Well thats good that you have a stable business at quite a young age..."
  71. [00:31] Aki yawns
  72. (Aki Kurokaiyo)
  73. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  75. [00:32] Cheemu Terrowin says, "My main goal in life is my job with the order. To be a knight."
  76. [00:32] Rosalie Ar-Marno asks, "Well then, business being put aside, shall we begin?"
  77. [00:33] Solon Tofusin says, "Sure we could. Would you prefer the one behind me or the one in the back? One has a lot less people to bother us."
  78. [00:33] Cheemu Terrowin says, "I should get back on patrol myself. Take care of yourself Rosalie."
  79. [00:33] Solon Tofusin says, "Take care."
  80. [00:33] Solon Tofusin says, "He left fast..."
  81. [00:43] "Time to show you the technique I've been working on." Rosalie announced, bringing her hands upward. Fireballs would appear in each of them, compressing themselves into explosive orbs.
  83. Her figure moved into a lunging position. "Now Solon, here I come!" She'd yell, flinging both arms behind her back, carrying the explosive spells with the motion. "Blast Rush!"
  85. Those were the last words Rosalie would say before she was completely engulfed in a burst of flames, her tiny body being flung clean up into the dojo's ceiling, before peeling off of it in a cartoon fashion, and starting to hurtle towards the floor.
  87. This probably hadn't been the intention of her amazing technique she'd been wanting to try.
  88. (Rosalie Ar-Marno)
  89. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  91. [00:44] Solon follows Rosalie into the ring. Drawing his blade with his right hand and cracking his neck with the other. Its quite hard to still if he is relaxed. If anything he seems really tired or exhausted. Large black spots are under his eyes.
  93. He lets out a yawn, before he makes a more serious face. Not to the same extent as some have seen when he has fought Syndicate. Ex-members or not. He doesn't have the murderous aura about him.
  95. Though his flames erupt around him with ease. A thick bright swirl of flame scorches the ground up to his head. After a while it would break allowing Solon to see his opponent. He has a sinister smile now.
  97. He seems to have the ever so slight twitch about him. You can barely hear him mutter, "I must... break my limit." He was already trying to break it. The gathering earlier caused him to reach his limit. So now he will attempt to progress him magically capabilities.
  99. "Aye." He crouches into a primal stanceof Ifrit.
  100. (Solon Tofusin )
  101. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  103. [00:51] The girl would break her fall, but in a most unexpected way - Wings suddenly formed from the girl's backside, horns caressed her pigtails and sprouted from her skull, and ash and fire fused into a tail.
  105. She landed on her feet, frowning. "Well, cat's out of the bag on this one. Guess all my secrets are out now." The emergent half-dragon would say, wings flaring. "No reason for me to hold back anymore either then. Let's go, Solon!"
  106. (Rosalie Ar-Marno)
  107. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  109. [00:58] After watching the interesting start from Rosalie, the battle started. Like any other battle. Although this time he wasn't just doing the same things as before. He was changing up his style. Attempting the throw her off. While it did work, just not enough for it to matter.
  111. The fight was quite basic. Well as basic as any mirror match could be. They rushed each other and both exploded around the same time.
  113. He used an explosion knock her it him and he slammed his blade against her throw her back. Basically playing a game of tennis with her. After he noticed their was a slight break he would speak.
  115. "Blast rush? I'm still attempting to get that myself." He say in a tired tone. As the black spots around his eyes get larger. He seems like he has no mana? Or he is just getting drained from a external source.
  117. The battle continues....
  118. (Solon Tofusin )
  119. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  121. [01:03] "I'll figure it out," Rosalie replied as she landed on all fours, recovering from his throw. Her wings and tail had definitely added a new threat to the child, and her explosions were definitely more fearsome than before. She was growing.
  123. An eyebrow raised though, as she picked herself up. It seemed to her like Solon was weakening a bit. Why? She shouldn't be able to exhaust him, she knew his level of ability.
  125. Whatever. The girl would flap her wings, and surge at him, "Maybe I'll just have to try and sort out what you know about it in the meanwhile!"
  126. (Rosalie Ar-Marno)
  127. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  129. [01:12] The ever slowing Solon would start to rush her basically flailing around. He has a smirk on his face like whatever he is doing it working but that could mean anything. Hell it might not really be him at the moment. Shrike knows that all to well.
  131. He stayed on the offensive keeping at her throat. No holds bars. Even with his lack of energy it seems like his body acts fine. Just his mentality isn't right. As the longer these fight progress the darker his style gets and the brighter his flames. He might be trading his sanity to gain more power? To unlock something?
  133. He ended the fight was a dash using he blunt side of his blade knock her to the side. Snapping his fingers throwing her right where she was before. She lays on the ground across from him.
  135. He continues to stay ready for combat. Not looking to give her a break.
  136. She will learn how to use this the hard way. He rushes her the second she stands. Acting like a beast hunting its prey.
  137. (Solon Tofusin )
  138. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  140. [01:19] She hadn't been surprised to find herself on the defensive, but something was changing about Solon - Every second of their clash, he became more and more aggressive, hounding her down at every turn. Her counterspells were powerful, but his blade technique was beginning to define the outcome of their clashes, allowing him to push her back further and further.
  142. That being said, such behavior was... Predictable, when it came down to it. As she came to her feet, and he charged at her once more, the air around her overheated - Burning and scalding, giving her at least a bit of breathing room between herself and the swordsman.
  144. He hadn't been joking about taking things out on her, had he? She needed something better than her current magic to take on this foe. Something... Hotter than an explosion. But just what? No time to think on it.
  146. She flapped her wings, creating an explosion between the two, using the force of the blast to accelerate herself away from him. Swinging her staff, she readied once again for his onslaught. Sweat dripped from every pore on her body, but she wasn't done yet!
  147. (Rosalie Ar-Marno)
  148. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  150. [01:21] Look at the two going at it im filled with amusement
  151. (Rawn)
  152. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  154. [01:29] Solon rushed her like every other time. Just continuing the assault, never letting up. Though he had gotten to a point where he completely stopped moving. He just stood there. Still, this was only have the snap of his fingers dropping her to the a knee again.
  156. It seems like his actions are starting to calm down quite a lot. Even if it looks more like he is going to pass out.
  158. He deep sigh leaves his chest. As you would see the flames behind him start to form wings. Wings of flame, mocking a draken's wings. He was human but its seems like they would only be there for a short time before fading. Right bade to his originally state of his aura.
  160. He goes at her again. Acting much like a zombie now rather than animal. Just his actions were more thought out. He acted more human for now...
  161. (Solon Tofusin )
  162. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  164. [01:31] Yu says, "Yu's the one you need to know if chicken sammiches is what your woe. I'm the Yu. I'm the Yu I'm the Yu I'm the Yu I'm the Yu I'm the Yu."
  165. [01:32] Yu exclaims, "Go Yu's friend! And go man Yu doesn't yet know! Actually... Yu doesn't know who Yu should cheer for. So Yu spreads cheers to both combatants. Go-Go-Go-Goooo!"
  166. [01:35] Yu reers back to look over at Rawn who seemed to be rather quiet.
  167. (Yu)
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  170. [01:36] Yu says, "You should cheer to, the more cheerers. The meeiers."
  171. [01:37] "I see." Rosalie would growl, as if suddenly gaining an understanding of the situation. "You're lucky you're not fighting an opponent on an even level as you. Investing that much into something like that would get you killed in a real fight."
  173. She had to choose to ignore Yu at the time, given any vulnerability against her opponent at this point would end up with her being sent hurtling across the floor. "Not sure what that technique is, but I'd almost say you're trying to copy me now."
  175. "Well whatever. Time to give this another shot!" She'd point her staff behind her, charging fire into it. "Blast... Rush!"
  177. An explosion roared behind her, as she surged forward with uncontrolled speed. Well, it was certainly better than last time, but the shockwave hadn't carried with her - She still needed to master the timing and precision of the technique.
  179. Good enough for right now.
  180. (Rosalie Ar-Marno)
  181. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  183. [01:38] Yu exclaims, "Yes-Yes, GOOOOOOOOOOOO!"
  184. [01:39] I stand looking at them fighting " this is really beautiful"
  185. (Rawn)
  186. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  188. [01:40] Yu says, "Yu doesn't know if "Beautiful" is the word Yu would use. But Yu is definitely impressed."
  189. [01:40] Yu Zips over to the western arena.
  190. (Yu)
  191. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  193. [01:42] Rawn says, "these fight effect are rly cool"
  194. [01:45] Solon fights with a lot more grace than before. It wasn't a mindless battle. He was thinking through his actions. Though he still was getting quite exhausted. His spells were becoming half-assed. Not as effective.
  196. Explosions kept ringing throughout the arena, almost in unison. Making the spectators ears ring longer than normal. They went back and forth until they finally stop both exhausted.
  198. Solon's eyes would dilate back to normal. As he lets his flames flow out. Fading with the wind. He leans on his blade. Staring at the lass.
  200. It seemed that he doesn't have anymore malice towards her. Much like Shrike a battle is all it takes to calm him down. His anger from earlier also has subsided.
  202. "Good spar. I... Hoped that helped you.... In someway... Perhaps another time." He smiles to her, with what little emotion he can muster.
  203. (Solon Tofusin )
  204. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  206. [01:52] "Oh thank goodness." Rosalie would sigh, shaking and grabbing her staff to support herself. That had taken almost literally everything out of her muscles. The girl's wings and other draconic features vanished into ash and fire, and she breathed heavily.
  208. "I don't know if I quite learned anything, but that was definitely a workout. I'm... Going to go soak in a bath for the evening."
  210. She would use her staff to continue to support her weight, as she made her way out of the dojo. Solon had definitely put a lot of pressure on her.
  211. (Rosalie Ar-Marno)
  212. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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