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Short story - Always Raining Here

a guest
Jul 31st, 2018
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  1. But let just say that Adrian gets super striked by that line, like it hits him super bad that In the next page he gets close to crying again like he did with Carter not too long ago, so he tells Maria
  2. "get out Maria just get out!"
  3. And Maria tries to explain herself or even defend her position and add a short apology but Adrian is taking none of it. He kicks her out and he's left alone to cry to himself.
  4. He's full of pain, anger, regret.
  5. "Fuck everyone" he thinks "I don't want to deal this bullshit".
  7. In the coming days, his focus ultimately becomes just pleasing his parents again. He drops out of theater sooner than later and stops talking to Maria. He sees Carter in his classes but refuses to make contact, keeping his focus on his work and making sure he doesn't fuck up this time.
  9. Maria isn't dumb, as we can all see, she notices Adrian doing this and within a week she confronts him about why he is avoiding her but gives her a sentence or two and he goes on his way. Maria gets angry and says something mildy triggering again and Adrian loses it and says Something offensive and leaves, Maria is left a little angry and frustrated but still wholey concerned.
  11. Adrian from this point does everything he can he reach his parents approval again. He goes to volunteer events, he keeps his grades at the top of the line, and helps as much as possible at home. But with time, his actions begin to wear him out.
  13. Before the month ends, Maria has already talked to Carter about Adrian's actions and Carter has finally mustered up the courage to talk to him.
  14. He walks up to him, asking again "hey."
  15. Adrian with a cold "what do you want?"
  16. Carter continues "are you doing alright?"
  17. Adrian "I'm doing fucking great Carter, what do you want? Are you here to yell at me again about how I took advantage of you? Or that I'm a selfish prick?"
  18. Carter "look I'm sorry! Okay? I'm sorry about that. I didn't mean it take way but-"
  19. Adrian "I don't want hear this. Just go away."
  20. Carter "Adrian you know this conversation is overdue and we need to settle this right now"
  21. Adrian "I don't have anything to settle with you what are you my boyfriend? Haha! No? Too bad. Leave me alone"
  22. Adrian attempts to leave to scene again and Carter tries to make Adrian settle down and talk but Adrian isn't going to give in.
  24. In the end Adrian probably says something pretty hurtful again and Carter is a little more angry than hurt this time and maybe disses him off like "Fine!" Or something.
  26. Weeks pass. Carter feels guilty but his angry overrides guilt and doesn't talk to Adrian. Maria keeps trying with him, but after seeing that he isn't going to budge, she lets him be (Adrian). They leave him alone for a while.
  27. Adrian heads for something super like being a Doctor. His parents become excited for that and have felt a litter prouder with him these days, so he chases this pass hoping for the ultimate approval.
  29. A big skip here, he graduates, with honors and valedictorian. His parents are beyond estatic and he sees this as a sign to keep going.
  31. After high school, Carter and Maria try to reach him again before he goes off to some far off university, they try to reach him with a last hope desperation, but Adrian still sees them as betrayals of some sort so ignore them. They fail to let him come to his senses.
  33. He goes to college, does well, but as the years pass, his parents begin talking about how proud THEYRE at him becoming a doctor but you know grandkids .
  35. This hits Adrian in the wrong way.
  36. He begins to panic. Struggle a bit, becoming distracted because of this. His grades suffer just a bit, but in his attempts for parental approval, he tries to date a girl and show it off to them.
  38. No no and no it DOES NOT work out. Terrible. This is not Adrian. He breaks off with her.
  40. He becomes anxious at out to gain parental approval 100%.
  41. If not even all his accomplishments and becoming a doctor will make them content, what will??????
  43. He carries this feeling with him and it begins to overflow in him and he feels himself goin mad. In attempts to numb this feeling he begins to sleep around, with a bunch of guys, it doesn't matter who. Every other day. When they try to get closer than a one night stand he rejects them immediately, creates tactics to prevent them from knowing who he is, lying about his name or not even giving it to them.
  45. This goes on until he gets his bachelors, but after a couple of internships he begins to see this is not what he's interested in and he's beginning to see his mistake but continues to live in denial, tellin himself that once he has his parents approval he'll be happy.
  47. It gets bad. The impending worry of not being straight begins to get to him as he gets older and his family begins to make remarks about it. He feels offended, hurt, like all his work is beginning to go down the drain.
  49. He has a mid-life crisis. Wondering where he went wrong. Wondering if he should've changed something, thinking bad to high school, regretting his decisions, missing his friends, but too stubborn to call back to them.
  51. His grades begin to take a toll now. He goes out to bars, gets drunk off his ass, sleeps around, while his academic potential plummets. He regrets his desicions. He should've stayed in theater, he should've talked with his parents, he should've kept in touch with Carter and Maria, at least Maria. He should've followed his dreams.
  53. After a while, he receives a notice on his dorm door, academic probation, later an eviction notice.
  55. He doesn't tell his parents, he doesn't move his things out of the dorm. He doesn't leave the university.
  57. Instead he texts Carter four years later "sorry for being a jackass"
  58. Texts Maria "sorry for being a jack ass, thanks for trying with me"
  60. At the top of the dorm building, he throws himself off.
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