
MV BattleArena config.yml

Sep 10th, 2012
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  1. configVersion: 1.2
  2. ## What is the money on this server called
  3. moneyName: Gold
  5. ## default Options (these can be overridden by each match/event type)
  6. defaultOptions:
  7. ### Match Options
  8. secondsTillMatch: 3 ## Time between onPrestart and onStart
  9. secondsToLoot: 5 ## Time after winning to run around and collect loot
  10. matchTime: 120 ## How long do timed matches last, (in seconds)
  11. matchUpdateInterval: 30 ## For timed matched, how long between sending players match updates
  13. ### Event Options
  14. eventCountdownTime: 180 ## How long before announcing an automated event and its start
  15. eventCountdownInterval: 60 ## How often will it announce a reminder that its open and you can join
  17. ### Match/Event Announcements
  18. ## these only affect the broadcasts to the server or channel, not the messages the fighting players receive
  19. ## announce : announce these messages
  20. ## dontannounce : dont announce these messages
  21. ## server : use herochat with the channel specified
  22. ## herochat=<channel> : use herochat with the channel specified
  23. announcements:
  24. onPreStart: [ announce, server ] ## match going to happen soon, example 'P1[p1Elo] vs P2[p2elo]'
  25. onStart: [ dontannounce ] ## match starting
  26. onVictory: [ announce, server ] ## match has been won, exmaple 'P1[p1elo] has defeated P2[p2elo]'
  28. ### Default event Announcements
  29. eventAnnouncements:
  30. onOpen: [ announce, server ] ## event is now open
  31. onStart: [ announce, server ] ## event is starting
  32. onVictory: [ announce, server ] ## event has been won
  34. ### Prerequisites
  35. # prerequisites is what they need to have BEFORE joining, this will also be rechecked when the players teleport in
  36. # if there is money, this is taken from their account when they type the command to join
  37. # Prerequisite Options
  38. # needsArmor
  39. # needsItems: if specified you need an item list below
  40. # money=<amount of money>
  41. # maxElo=<maximum elo to join>
  42. # minElo=<minimum elo to join>
  44. ### Match Stages
  45. # onOpen: *only called for events, such as ffa/tourney, that have an open stage.
  46. # onPrestart: happens secondsTillMatch seconds before onStart
  47. # onStart: Start of match
  48. # onVictory : happens when match is won by a player
  49. # onComplete: What happens after the match, happens between the time period (onVictory + timeToLoot)
  50. # if onComplete contains clearInventory it will not allow a player to take inventory out of the arena
  51. # (except for prize items, or givenItems from onComplete)
  53. ### Match Transition Events
  54. # onSpawn: Happens on teleport or on player Respawn ( if respawn is set within onDeath)
  55. # onDeath: What happens when a player dies
  56. # onJoin: player joining a match
  57. # onEnter: Happens when the player first enters the arena. right after before they are teleported in.
  58. # onLeave: Happens when the player leaves the arena(aka if they win(after onComplete), or if they die(and dont respawn) )
  60. ### Prizes
  61. # winner: given to the winner after onComplete
  62. # losers: given to the losers after onCompletete
  63. # firstPlace: (for tourneys) given to winner after tournament complete
  64. # participants: (for tourneys) given to all participants(except winner) after tournament complete
  66. # valid options for everything but preReqs
  67. # clearInventory,
  68. # giveItems: needs a list under items
  69. # teleportIn
  70. # teleportOut
  71. # pvpon or pvpoff
  72. # health=<health amount>
  73. # hunger=<hunger amount>
  74. # money=<money to give>
  75. # experience=<exp to give>
  76. # teamPvpOn : if not specified defaults to off
  77. # respawn:
  78. # enchants: needs a list of enchants under enchants
  79. # deEnchant: get rid of all potion effects on player
  80. # disguiseAll=<name>: disguise all players with the given value
  81. # undisguise: undisguise players
  82. # storeExperience/restoreExperience: store/restore Experience
  83. # storeItems/restoreItems : store/restore items
  85. ## Defaults: these events(if not overwritten) get filled with the following values
  86. # onEnter:
  87. # options: [storeExperience, storeItems(if preReqs contains clearInventory)]
  88. # onLeave:
  89. # options: [restoreExperience, restoreItems(if preReqs contains clearInventory)]
  91. #### Events vs Matches
  92. ### Events
  93. ## Events can have "open" phases were people are joining but the event hasnt started
  94. ## They also can have multiple "matches" that occur as part of the event (like a tournament, where
  95. ## each match is part of the whole 'Tournament Event')
  96. ## Some Events like the FreeForAll only have 1 match, but still have the open phase that lasts until someone starts it
  97. ### Match
  98. ## a single battle between teams
  100. ### Arena
  101. arena:
  102. enabled: true
  103. type: versus
  104. database: arena
  105. rated: true
  106. prefix: "&6[Arena]&e"
  107. onJoin:
  108. options: [pvpOff]
  109. preReqs:
  110. options: [clearInventory]
  111. onStart:
  112. options: [teleportIN, pvpOn, blockBreakOff, woolTeams]
  113. onSpawn:
  114. options: [deEnchant, hunger=20, health=20]
  115. giveClass:
  116. default: gladiator
  117. onComplete:
  118. options: [teleportOut, deEnchant, clearInventory]
  119. winner:
  120. options: [health=20, hunger=20]
  122. ### Skirmish
  123. skirmish:
  124. enabled: true
  125. type: versus
  126. database: arena
  127. rated: false
  128. prefix: "&b[Skirmish]&e"
  129. onStart:
  130. options: [teleportIn, pvpOn, blockBreakOff]
  131. onComplete:
  132. options: [teleportOut]
  133. winner:
  134. options: [health=20, hunger=20]
  137. ### BattleGround
  138. battleground:
  139. enabled: true
  140. command: bg
  141. type: battleground
  142. database: bg
  143. prefix: "&c[Battleground]&e"
  144. victoryCondition: highestKills
  145. matchTime: 60
  146. minTeams: 2
  147. minTeamSize: 5
  148. maxTeamSize: 5
  149. preReqs:
  150. options: [clearInventory]
  151. onJoin:
  152. options: [pvpOff]
  153. onPrestart:
  154. options: [pvpOff, teleportIn, giveItems, deEnchant, disguiseAllAs=ArenaGuy]
  155. giveClass:
  156. default: gladiator
  157. team1: archer
  158. team2: monk
  159. team3: gladiator
  160. items: # ignored if options doesnt have "giveItems"
  161. - bread: 5
  162. onStart:
  163. options: [pvpOn]
  164. onComplete:
  165. options: [teleportOut, clearInventory, deEnchant, undisguise]
  166. onSpawn:
  167. options: [enchants, health=20, hunger=20, deEnchant, disguiseAllAs=ConfusedGuy,woolTeams]
  168. enchants:
  169. - speed:3
  170. onDeath:
  171. options: [respawn]
  172. winner:
  173. options: [enchants, money=1,experience=300, health=20, hunger=20]
  174. enchants:
  175. - speed:1:900
  176. - resistance:1:900
  178. ### Colliseum
  179. colliseum:
  180. enabled: true
  181. command: col
  182. type: colliseum
  183. database: col
  184. victoryCondition: highestKills
  185. matchTime: 60
  186. minTeams: 4
  187. preReqs:
  188. options: [clearInventory]
  189. onJoin:
  190. options: [pvpOff]
  191. onPrestart:
  192. options: [pvpOff, teleportIn, deEnchant]
  193. onStart:
  194. options: [pvpOn]
  195. onComplete:
  196. options: [teleportOut, clearInventory, deEnchant, undisguise]
  197. onSpawn:
  198. options: [enchants, health=20, hunger=20, deEnchant,giveItems, woolTeams]
  199. enchants:
  200. - speed:1
  201. items: # ignored if options doesnt have "giveItems"
  202. - diamond_sword: sharpness:1 1
  203. - bow: 1
  204. - arrow: 32
  205. - diamond_helm: 1
  206. - diamond_chest: 1
  207. - diamond_leggings: 1
  208. - diamond_boot: 1
  209. onDeath:
  210. options: [respawn, clearInventory]
  211. winner:
  212. options: [enchants, money=1,experience=300, health=20, hunger=20]
  213. enchants:
  214. - speed:1:900
  215. - resistance:1:900
  217. #### EVENTS ####
  218. ### FFA Event
  219. freeForAll:
  220. enabled: true
  221. command: ffa
  222. type: ffa
  223. database: ffa
  224. prefix: "&c[FFA]&e"
  225. announcements: ### Override the match victory announcement as the event has one too
  226. onVictory: [ dontannounce ]
  227. preReqs:
  228. options: [clearInventory]
  229. onJoin:
  230. options: [teleportIn, woolTeams]
  231. onOpen:
  232. options: [pvpOff]
  233. onPrestart:
  234. options: [pvpOff, giveItems, deEnchant]
  235. items: # ignored if options doesnt have "giveItems"
  236. - iron_sword: 1
  237. - bow: 1
  238. - tnt: 3
  239. - arrow: 32
  240. - leather_helm: 1
  241. - leather_chest: 1
  242. - leather_leggings: 1
  243. - leather_boot: 1
  244. - bread: 5
  245. onStart:
  246. options: [pvpOn]
  247. onComplete:
  248. options: [teleportOut, clearInventory, deEnchant, undisguise]
  249. onSpawn:
  250. options: [enchants, health=20, hunger=20, deEnchant]
  251. enchants:
  252. - speed:3
  253. winner:
  254. options: [enchants, money=1,experience=300, health=20, hunger=20]
  255. enchants:
  256. - speed:2:900
  257. - resistance:2:900
  259. ### Death Match Event
  260. deathMatch:
  261. enabled: true
  262. command: dm
  263. type: deathMatch
  264. victoryCondition: highestKills
  265. database: dm
  266. prefix: "&8[DeathMatch]&e"
  267. announcements: ### Override the match victory announcement as the event has one too
  268. onVictory: [ dontannounce ]
  269. preReqs:
  270. options: [clearInventory]
  271. onJoin:
  272. options: [teleportIn, woolTeams]
  273. onOpen:
  274. options: [pvpOff]
  275. onStart:
  276. options: [pvpOn]
  277. onComplete:
  278. options: [teleportOut, clearInventory, deEnchant, undisguise]
  279. onSpawn:
  280. options: [enchants, giveItems, health=20, hunger=20, deEnchant]
  281. items: # ignored if options doesnt have "giveItems"
  282. - iron_sword: 1
  283. - bow: 1
  284. - tnt: 3
  285. - arrow: 32
  286. - leather_helm: 1
  287. - leather_chest: 1
  288. - leather_leggings: 1
  289. - leather_boot: 1
  290. - bread: 5
  291. enchants:
  292. - speed:1
  293. onDeath:
  294. options: [respawn,clearInventory]
  295. winner:
  296. options: [enchants, money=1,experience=300, health=20, hunger=20]
  297. enchants:
  298. - speed:2:900
  299. - resistance:2:900
  302. ## Tournament Event
  303. tourney:
  304. name: Punch Drunk
  305. type: Versus
  306. database: tourney
  307. prefix: "&5[Tourney]&e"
  308. timeBetweenRounds: 3
  309. preReqs:
  310. options: [clearInventory]
  311. onStart:
  312. options: [teleportIn, pvpOn, woolTeams]
  313. onComplete:
  314. options: [teleportOut, clearInventory]
  315. onSpawn:
  316. options: [deEnchant, giveItems, hunger=20, health=20]
  317. items:
  318. - iron_sword: 1
  319. - bow: 1
  320. - arrow: 16
  321. - iron_helm: 1
  322. - iron_chest: 1
  323. - iron_leggings: 1
  324. - iron_boots: 1
  325. - 373;8197: 2
  326. - bread: 3
  327. winner:
  328. options: [clearInventory, experience=100, health=20, hunger=20]
  329. firstPlace:
  330. options: [enchants,experience=1000]
  331. enchants:
  332. - speed:2:900
  333. - resistance:2:900
  334. - haste:1:900
  335. - regen:1:900
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